1. ÿ´¦´íÎó¼°ÆäÐ޸ľù½öÏÞ1´Ê£»
2. Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕߣ¨´ÓµÚ11´¦Æ𣩲»¼Æ·Ö¡£
A charity sale was successfully held on our school playground. In order to organize successfully, we had made the full preparations. When the day finally came, the playground were crowded with people, interested in the things on sale. There were variously used books and magazines, ranged from classic literature works to popular science books, as well as second-hand goods in good condition. The notebook copy from excellent students were the most popular. Not only students but also teachers come to offer us support. Some helped selling goods, and others even sang songs to promote the sale! By the end of the activity, to everyone's surprise, we had raised 5000 yuan in total! All the money collected will go to the students on need to help with their studies. It's such a rewarding activity which students all look forward to the next charity sale.
¡¾´ð°¸¡¿1. organize ºóÃæ¼Óit
3. were ¡ú was
4. variously ¡ú various
5. ranged ¡ú ranging
6. copy ¡ú copies
7. come ¡ú came
8. selling ¡ú sell
9. on ¡ú in
10. which ¡ú that
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2. ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê¡£´Ë´¦¿¼²é¶ÌÓïmake full preparations¡°³ä·Ö×¼±¸¡°£¬¸Ã¶ÌÓïÖÐûÓйڴʣ¬¹Êɾ³ýmadeºóµÄthe¡£
3. ¿¼²éÖ÷νһÖ¡£¾ä×ÓÖ÷ÓïplaygroundÊǵÚÈýÈ˳Ƶ¥Êý£¬¹ÊνÓﶯ´ÊÒ²Ó¦¸ÃÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ£¬¹Ê½«were¸ÄΪwas¡£
4. ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£´Ë´¦Ó¦ÓÃÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÞÊÎÃû´Êbooks and magazines£¬¹Ê½«variously¸ÄΪvarious¡£
5. ¿¼²é·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê¡£·ÖÎö¾ä×ӽṹ¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÊÇ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷×´ÓrangeºÍÂß¼Ö÷Óïbooks and magazinesÖ®¼äÊÇÖ÷¶¯¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÓÃÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê×÷×´Ó¹Ê½«ranged¸ÄΪranging¡£
6. ¿¼²éÃû´ÊµÄÊý¡£¸ù¾ÝstudentsºÍwereÅжÏÖ÷ÓïÊǸ´ÊýÐÎʽ£¬¹Ê½«copy¸ÄΪcopies¡£
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8. ¿¼²é¶ÌÓï¡£´Ë´¦¿¼²é¶ÌÓïhelp (to) do sth.¡°°ïÖú×öijÊ¡±£¬¹Ê½«selling¸ÄΪsell¡£
9. ¿¼²é½é´Ê¡£´Ë´¦¿¼²é¶ÌÓïin need¡°ÓÐÐèÒªµÄ¡±£¬¸Ã¶ÌÓïÒ»°ã×÷ΪºóÖö¨Óthe students in need¡°ÓÐÐèÒªµÄѧÉú¡±£¬¹Ê½«on¸ÄΪin¡£
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