Several days ago, a Beijing - based IT company fired about 400 people overnight. No one had expected the job cuts, which broke with traditional ways of letting go of workers in China. Moreover, what was special about this case was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift - the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”.

The book - a bestseller in the US - is being used by men and women to deal with changes in their lives and work. Some large organizations, including Coca- Cola, Kodak and General Motors, ask their employees to read it in order to encourage them to be active towards changes.

Cheese is something related to everyone’s livelihood - our jobs, the industries we work in, relationships and love as well.

With China’s official entry into WTO, the whole nation will face up to more changes and challenges. So what should we do once this “cheese” on which we are so dependent is moved?

“Whatever challenges and changes we meet, we should face up to them bravely” Jiang Hengwei, a civil servant said after reading the book.

Professor Yang in Renmin University of China agrees. “We should change our way of thinking. The coming competitive foreign companies and products provide us with great chances to learn from them and improve our own products to meet international standards and be more competitive.”

“With hard work and wisdom, we will create a much larger and better piece of cheese. ”Zhang smiled confidently.

1.The whole passage is about________.

A. a bestseller in the US

B. what people think about China’s entry into the WTO

C. people’s attitude toward changes and challenges

D. how a book influences the Chinese workers

2.The company in Beijing gave each of the 400 fired workers a copy of “Who Moved My Cheese” in order to________.

A. be more competitive with foreign firms

B. find an excuse for their job cuts

C. let the workers make a living on their own

D. encourage the fired workers

3.The word “cheese”in the passage can refer to________.

A. something we depend on for a living

B. a most important kind of food

C. change or challenge

D. way of life

4.From what Hengwei and Professor Zhang Yang said, we can know that________.

A. they have different opinions on changes and challenges

B. people are not afraid of competition from foreign companies

C. the Chinese people are ready to face any changes and challenges

D. they are both greatly encouraged by the book


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

There was once a group of young people searching everywhere for happiness, but what they got was only annoyance, grief and misery.

So they Socrates for advice on where happiness . But giving any answers, Socrates asked them to help with building a first. The group of guys had to the task, laying aside their own business of seeking happiness. It took them a long time to cut down a tall tree, gouging out (挖空) the center. Through painstaking effort, they made a canoe out of the tree. They launched the canoe into a river, and then together in it, singing with .

Socrates asked, “My children, do you have happiness now?” They answered in chorus: “We be happier!” Socrates , “That’s it! you are too busy pursuing something to notice anything bitter, happiness will occur.”

From the story I got to know that happiness hides behind every tiny thing that you are involved in, and that you may only get pleasure through work and creativity.

We may have to pain in our daily life and in the process of happiness. Sometimes we tend to look for happiness in things, like a new car, clothes, etc. True long-term happiness, _____, comes from within our and spirit. So why not turn suffering into life, and turn tears into the light in your heart? Only in this way can we find true happiness.

So my dear friends, just remember happiness is a state of mind and a matter of , and I you all a life of happiness.

1.A. pointed to B. turned to C. referred to D. returned to

2.A. stood B. belonged C. lay D. laid

3.A. instead of B. apart from C. other than D. regardless of

4.A. house B. boat C. bridge D. school

5.A. set out B. set down C. set about D. set up

6.A. sat B. lay C. rowed D. got

7.A. hope B. sorrow C. curiosity D. joy

8.A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

9.A. added B. thought C. declared D. assumed

10.A. Unless B. However C. Until D. Whenever

11.A. always B. never C. ever D. seldom

12.A. cautious B. endless C. hard D. simple

13.A. experience B. avoid C. enjoy D. deny

14.A. searching B. looking C. seeking D. improving

15.A. spiritual B. material C. new D. nice

16.A. therefore B. however C. furthermore D. moreover

17.A. body B. part C. soul D. head

18.A. praising B. blaming C. ending D. cursing

19.A. time B. method C. fact D. choice

20.A. promise B. wish C. request D. Require

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