
Scientists say they have discovered a promising treatment for sleeping sickness, a killer disease that infects(感染) about 60,000 people in Africa a year.
British and Canadian experts say drugs could attack the parasite(寄生虫) causing the illness.They say the drug could be ready for human medical test in about 18 months.
The disease, spread by the bite of a fly, is caused by a parasite attacking the central nervous system.It has similar symptoms(症状) to malaria(疟疾), making it difficult to diagnose.Left untreated, it moves to the brain, resulting in mental confusion and final death
The "breakthrough" came at the University of Dundee in Scotland, where scientists were offered money to research diseases ignored by major drugs companies.
Professor Paul Wyatt, director of the programme, said: "This is one of the most significant findings made in recent years in terms of drug discovery and development for ignored diseases."
He said the research, published in the journal Nature, represented "significant progress" in the development of a full blown drug against the disease.
The World Health Organization said there are between 50,000 and 70,000 cases of the disease a year, with a further 60 million people at risk of infection.
The research in Dundee was backed by partners at the University of York in England and the Structural Genomics Consortium in Toronto, Canada.The two drugs currently available to treat sleeping sickness both have problems.One is with side effects that kill one in 20 patients and the other is costly, only partially effective and requires long-time hospital treatment, the scientists said.
小题1:The word backedin the last paragraph probably means_____.
小题2:What the World Health Organization said suggested that______.
A.about 60000 people died of the disease each year
B.about 60000 people were cured of the disease each year
C.600 million people are likely to get infected
D.the disease is spreading fast in Africa
小题3:We can read this passage______.
A.in the journal Nature
B.in a newspaper of the University of Dundee
C.in a book about flies
D.in a newspaper about medicine
小题4:We can learn from the passage that______.
A.big drug companies play an important role in the research of the new drug
B.people who get infected with the disease are mentally disturbed
C.among 200 people infected with the disease, 5 may die because of the old drug
D.Professor Paul Wyatt may be a professor at the University of York


小题2:推理题:从倒数第二段的句子:The World Health Organization said there are between 50,000 and 70,000 cases of the disease a year, with a further 60 million people at risk of infection.可知世界健康组织认为疾病在非洲传播的很快。选D。
小题4:细节题:从第三段的句子:Left untreated, it moves to the brain, resulting in mental confusion and final death可知这种病会导致精神失常。选B。

第二节语法填空(共10题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
Money really can’t buy happiness. According to a new survey, lawyers and __31_____ well-paid white-collar workers are more likely to suffer depression. A national survey of more than 7500 professionals has found that almost one __32_____ ten reported moderate (中度) to severe depressive symptoms. The legal profession had the worst result, _33_______ almost 16 percent reporting symptoms of clinical depression (临床抑郁症). Next __34_____(be) accountants and insurance underwriters, both on 10 percent. People in IT services, architecture and engineering also had depression rates above the average.
The survey __35_____ (conduct) by Beyondblue, an organization devoted to fighting depression, also showed that __36_____ under 30 who had the __37_____ (high) rates of depression were the most likely to “self-medicate” with drugs and alcohol. Beyondblue deputy chief executive and _38_________ (psychology), Dr. Nicole Highet, said the survey was first to reveal the extent of the problem. “We often associate depression with the most socially disadvantaged and people under financial pressure, __39_____ here’s a whole different group.” Dr. Highet said, She said while it was difficult to know exactly __40________ made some groups more prone to depression, it was likely to be driven by work pressures.
Exercise is an important part of a healthy life. It reduces your risk of heart attack and is a good way to control body weight. It is also something you can do with other people, which can be great fun. So, it is important to find time to exercise and be healthier. As well as making time to exercises, another way is to build it into the natural rhythm (节奏) of your day.
· Go for a walk on your lunch break.
Try to find at least three different ways and change them throughout the week. It
might even be possible to find a place to walk inside, for those bad weather days.
· Talk to your employers about improving health at work.
Encourage your workers to cycle to and from work. You might also be able to
encourage them to set up a gymnasium. Sell the idea by pointing out that doing so
will improve productivity (生产率), and make workers happy.
· If you are a student.
Go for walks with friends to talk about your studies. Spend some time in the learning
resource centre reading about sport, exercise and health. The more you know, the
more choices you will have about how to be physically active. Most colleges have
sport and exercise programs that students can take part in. Find out which activities
are being held, and try those you think you might enjoy. 
Workers are advised to cycle to and from work to ________.
A.make themselves realize the importance of health
B.work better and bring pleasure to themselves
C.make themselves become much stronger
D.reduce the time spent in walking to work
When a student wants to do exercise at school, he or she had better ________.
A.take part in all the exercise programs
B.have sports with friends or classmates
C.choose the one that he or she likes
D.choose the same one all the time
We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.walk is most suitable for those who work indoors
B.one who knows more about health will be healthier
C.exercising with others will be better for one’s health
D.combining exercise with daily work can save time to keep healthy
Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families. The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.
Fox Point is operated by Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners (ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.
ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally (环境方面) clever and affordable homes which are called, the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials. Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.
Michael. Bloomberg, New York's mayor plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for 500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD) , whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.
Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.
小题1:What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?
A. To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people.
B. To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.
C. To show how the environment-friendly building works.
D. To compare old and new boiler rooms.
小题2:What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards?
A. Lower running costs.
B. Costing less in construction.
C. Less air to be lost in hot days.
D. Better prices for homeless people.
小题3: It can be learned from the text that, ____________________.
A. New York City is seriously polluted
B. people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City
C. a great number of people in New York City don't have houses to live in
D. some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City
小题4:What is the main purpose of this text?
A. To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.
B. To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.
C. To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.
D. To introduce healthy, environmentally clever-and affordable housing.
Think about what you had for lunch: Was it a hamburger? A chicken sandwich? Barbecue? What about vegetables? Would it surprise you to learn that what you eat can affect the whole planet?
It can—in a big way. New studies show how food and its production affect the globe and its warming climate. You’ve probably heard of global warming : The temperature is on the rise because humankind has been releasing (排放) amounts of gases into the atmosphere. One of these greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide(二氧化碳).
What does this have to do with food ? A big part of the carbon dioxide that we put in the atmosphere every year comes from the process of making and eating food. The production of meat contributes a lot of that carbon diode. And much of meat’s contribution comes from beef , which is responsible for releasing even more warming gases into the atmosphere.
The process of making a hamburger ,for example, requires a lot of energy. A cow has to be fed and raised on farmland, and cow waste is a major source of methane (沼气) — an especially powerful greenhouse gas. The cow has to be killed. The meat has to be processed (加工) and shipped to a shop, which takes fuel . Most of the cow won’t even be used for meat that people eat. By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate, it has made a heavy effect on the environment.
We can reduce the production of global-warming gases by eating less beef .Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less harm to the environment—at least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released. 
All kinds of meat are harder on the planet than vegetables. To grow and eat a pound of potatoes, for example, sends less than one-quarter pound of carbon dioxide into the air. So changing our diet to less meat and more vegetables, as it turns out, may do the world some good.
小题1:The questions asked in the first paragraph are used to _____.
A.show the author’s concern about food safety
B.express the author’s puzzlement at what to eat
C.remind readers of something delicious to eat
D.introduce the topic to be discussed in the passage
小题2:What is the bad news for meat-eaters?
A.Meat producing can cause global warming
B.Most cows are raised not for people to eat
C.There is a lot of carbon dioxide in meat
D.Animals begin to die off because of global warming
小题3:Which is the most environment-friendly food according to the passage?
小题4:The author wrote the passage in order to _____.
A.explain the importance of eating meatB.advise people to keep a balanced diet
C.encourage people to choose a greener dietD.introduce some healthy foods to people
Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made.In my early 20s, I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I would almost always get up late the next morning.
But after a while I couldn’t ignore the high relationship between success and rising early.On those rare occasions where I did get up early, I noticed that my productivity was almost always higher.So I set out to become a habitual early riser.But whenever my alarm went off, my first thought was always to stop that noise and go back to sleep.Eventually some sleep research showed me that I was using the wrong strategy.
The most common wrong strategy is this: You assume that if you’re going to get up earlier, you’d better go to bed earlier.It sounds very reasonable, but will usually fail.
There are two main schools(流派) of thought on sleep patterns.One is that you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day.The second school says you should go to bed when you’re tired and get up when you naturally wake up.However, I have found both of them are wrong if you care about productivity.If you sleep at set hours, you’ll sometimes go to bed when you aren’t sleepy enough.You’re wasting time lying in bed awake and not being asleep.
If your sleep is based on what your body tells you, you’ll probably be sleeping more than you need.Also, your mornings may be less predictable if you’re getting up at different times.
The solution for me has been to combine both methods.I go to bed when I’m sleepy and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed time.So I always get up at the same time (in my case 5 am), but I go to bed at different times every night — sometimes at 9:30pm, and other times at midnight.Most of the time I go to bed between 10-11 pm.
However, going to bed only when I’m sleepy, and getting up at a fixed time every morning is my way.If you want to become an early riser, you can try your own.
小题1:According to the passage, the underlined phrase refers to ____.
A.people who stay up until the next morning.
B.people who get up early in the morning.
C.people who feel sleepy in the morning.
D.people whose productivity is the highest in the morning.
小题2:Why did the author want to become a habitual early riser?
A.Because he / she wanted to form the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.
B.Because he / she had found that his / her productivity was higher when he / she got up early.
C.Because he / she wanted to see which of the two main schools of thought on sleep patterns was right.
D.Because he / she was told the high relationship between success and rising early.
小题3:The author experienced all the following EXCEPT ____.
A.going to bed after midnight.
B.getting up early occasionally.
C.pressing off the alarm to go on sleeping.
D.asking scholars for advice on sleeping habits.
小题4:The passage is mainly about ____。
A.how to become an early riser.
B.how to have good sleep.
C.wrong strategies for getting up early.
D.main schools of thought on sleep patterns.
In terms of history, Australian cuisine(烹饪)was on the basis of traditional British cooking brought to the country by the first settlers.Modern Australian cuisine,however.has been heavily influenced by Australia’ s Asian and Southeast Asian neighbors.The trend,encouraged by long-term government health programs,is towards low-fat healthy cookery including low-fat meat and lightly cooked,colorful,steamed or fried vegetables.Besides,1ike many English families,in many Australian homes,a widespread tradition of having roast turkey,chicken,and ham for Christmas 1unch or dinner still remains.
Generally breakfast is light in most parts of Australia.but in the colder regions porridge or meals similar to the full English breakfast may be consumed.In recent years,however,most Australian people prefer light breakfast in order to control their weight.The 1ight breakfast commonly consists of cereals(谷类),toast and fruit.A heavier breakfast will frequently include fried bacon,eggs,mushrooms,etc.Drinks taken at breakfast include tea,coffee,milk or juice.
The evening meal is the main meal of the day for most Australians,and when consumed at home,it is often eaten with members of the immediate family.The dishes served will vary widely according to the tastes and background of the family.A typical Australian restaurant might offer sandwiches,chicken or other meat-based dishes and cakes.
In recent years,take—away food is becoming popular in Australia.American-style chain restaurants are common including Subway,KFC,and Mcdonald’s.They a11 come from America.Most of these restaurants sell high quality food at reasonable prices.
With the high 1evels of immigration(移民)from the Middle East.South and Southeast Asia.Korea.China and other countries from a11 over the world to Australia.many authentic(正宗的)and high-quality restaurants are run by first-and second-generation immigrants from these areas.
小题1:According to the first paragraph,what does the Australian government encourage its people to do?
A.To try to eat 10w—fat healthy foods.
B.To have roast turkey for Christmas dinner.
C.To use traditional British cooking methods.
D.To 1earn from Asian neighbors to cook foods.
小题2:The main idea of the second paragraph is         
A.what breakfast is 1ike in Australia
B.w hat Australian people drink at breakfast
C.that Australians often have a heavy breakfast
D.that most Australian people don’ t have breakfast to lose weight
小题3:The underlined part the immediate family in Paragraph 3 probably mean people who      .
A.have the same family names
B.do some cooking together at times
C.live next to one another in the same area
D.are very directly – related members of a family
小题4:From the passage, we learn that        .
A.fewer and fewer immigrants enter Australia every year
B.Subway is a chain restaurant and it is from the USA
C.home cooking is becoming more and more popular in Australia
D.a typical restaurant mainly offers porridge and noodles for supper

Recently the World Health Organization announced that the disease of
smallpox(天花)had almost been wiped out in most parts of the world, thanks to widespread vaccination(种牛痘). Most people are vaccinated at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one country to another they must be able to prove that they have had a recent vaccination. In this way the disease has been prevented from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all.
This is mainly because of the great discovery made by a village doctor, Edward
Jenner, in about 1798 when he published his report of his new experiment called vaccination (from the word ‘vacca’ meaning a cow). Jenner discovered that people who worked with cattle often suffered from a harmless disease which they caught from the cattle, but these people never seemed to get smallpox. So he experimented by putting the disease into a small opening on the arms of healthy people, and though their arms became painful for a day or two, they soon recovered and none of these people ever got smallpox.
So the news of the wonderful discovery spread to other countries and people
rushed to their doctors to be vaccinated. In many countries the simple way to deal with the arm was done on thousands of people, and the terrible smallpox began to disappear.
71.Vaccination against smallpox has been so successful that _________ .
A.the discoverer made a large amount of money
B.Dr Jenner was given a prize by the World Health Organization
C.smallpox has almost disappeared in most countries
D.smallpox was no longer in existence on earth
72 .Smallpox has been prevented from spreading through the following measures EXCEPT that ________.
A.most people were vaccinated against the disease at least once
B.people going abroad should promise not to spread the disease
C.people travelling from one country to another must prove they are vaccinated
D.people must be vaccinated shortly before going to foreign countries
73 .What led Dr Jenner to experiment with vaccination was that ________ . 
A.he wanted to make a great discovery and publish it
B.vaccination could make people's arms safe
C.he tried to cure the farmers of some disease caught from the cattle
D.those who worked with cattle seemed free from getting smallpox
74.The doctor's new discovery was called ‘vaccination’ for the reason that ________ .
A.he discovered smallpox near a farm
B.he experimented with a disease from the cattle
C.he was working with cattle in the countryside
D.people got the disease of smallpox from the cattle
75.The news of the discovery ________.
A.caught people's attention from all corners of the world
B.spread far and near in the western countries
C.made people rush to Dr Jenner for vaccination
D.helped to get rid of the terrible disease of smallpox

Chocolate might lower your chances of having a heart problem. According to a new study, a new study, a small amount of chocolate every day could decrease the risk of having a heart attack, by nearly 40 percent, German researchers followed nearly 20,000 people over eight years, sending them several questionnaires about their diet and exercise habits. They found people who had an an average of six grams of chocolate a day—or about one square of a chocolate bar—had a 39 percent lower risk of a heart attack.
Previous studies have suggested dark chocolate in small amounts could be good for you, but this is the first study to track its effects over such a long period. Experts think the flavonols(黄酮醇)contained in chocolate are responsible. Flavonols, also found in vegetables and red wine, help the muscles in blood vessels(血管)widen, which leads to a drop in blood pressure. “It’s a bit too early to come up with recommendations that people should eat more chocolate, but if people replace sugar or high-fat snacks with a little piece of dark chocolate, that might help,” said Brian Buijsse, a doctor at the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Nuthetal, Germany, the study’s lead author.
The people tracked by Buijsse and colleagues had no history of heart problems, had similar habits for risk factors like smoking and exercise, and did not vary widely in their Body Mass Index(身体质量指数).
Since the study only observed people and did not give them chocolate directly to test what its effects were, experts said more research was needed to determine the candy’s exact impact on the body. Doctors also warned that eating large amounts of chocolate could lead to weight gain. “This is not a prescription(指示)to eat more chocolate,” said Robert Eckel, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado who is not linked to the study. “If we all had (a small amount of)chocolate every day for the rest of our lives, we would all gain a few pounds.” Eckel said it was amazing to find such a small amount of chocolate could have such a protective effect, but that more studies were needed to confirm its conclusions.
1.What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To suggest people eat as much dark chocolate as possible.
B.To warn people not to eat too much chocolate.
C.To tell people how to avoid a heart attack.
D.To report on a study about the benefits of chocolate.
2.Both Buijsse and Eckel believe that        .
A.dark chocolate in enough amounts could be good for our health
B.eating large amounts of chocolate could lead to weight gain
C.we can cure our heart problems with dark chocolate
D.we’d better not advise people to eat more chocolate at present
3.Which of the following statements about the study is FALSE?
A.It’s the first time that the effects of dark chocolate has been examined.
B.The researchers followed nearly 20,000 people for over eight years.
C.The researchers didn’t give any diet instructions to the people followed by the study.
D.The study found that eating about six grams of chocolate a day was beneficial.
4.We can infer from the text that         .
A.eating a small amount of dark chocolate will lower your blood pressure
B.scientists are now certain of the effects of dark chocolate
C.eating a little chocolate over a long period will not lead to weight gain
D.Flavonols can only be found in dark chocolate and red wine

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