

【1I saw many f_____________ cows rush up the street.

2You can’t j__________ a book by its cover.

3She is very g____________ because she always shares things with others.

4Before stepping onto the s_________ of The Voice of China, the young singer took a deep breath to keep her courage up.

5The people trapped in the fire in this building must be r________ as soon as possible.

6Whenever an earthquake happens, it may cause ___________ (损害)to the people and buildings in the area.

7Please give him my ________________(祝贺)when you see him.

8It is his great pleasure to be presented with the highest ___________(奖金)by the principle.

9The newspaper sent some ___________(记者)to cover the event immediately it happened.

【10How do you do to prevent people asking you for ___________(法律的)advice when you’re out of the office?














【1】frightening 形容词frightening令人害怕的;句意:我看见很多令人害怕的牛跑在大街上。

【2】judge 动词judge判断;本句是一个谚语。句意:你不能以貌取人。

【3generous 形容词generous慷慨的;句意:因为她总和其他人分享,所以她很慷慨大方。

【4】stage 名词stage舞台。句意:在走上“中国好声音”的舞台之前,这位年轻的歌手深呼吸鼓足勇气。

【5rescued 动词rescue挽救;句意:大楼里被大伙围困的人一定要尽快被救出来。根据句意可知使用被动语态,所以使用过去分词rescued。

【6】damage 动词短语cause damage to…给…带来伤害;句意:无论何时地震发生,它都会对这个地区的人和建筑带来损害。

【7congratulations 名词congratulation祝贺。该词经常以复数的形式使用。句意:当你见到他的时候,请代我祝贺他。

【8reward 名词reward奖励,酬劳;句意:由校长颁发最高奖金这是一件很令人高兴的事情。

【9reporters 名词reporter记者;句意:这一事件一发生,报社就派记者去采访这一事件。横线前面有some修饰,所以使用可数名词复数形式。

【10】legal 形容词legal法律的,合法的;句意:当你不在办公室的时候,你是如何阻止别人咨询你法律问题的?


【题目】An interesting study posted on Facebook recently shows how men and women develop new interests as they mature(成熟).

While women tend to take exercise seriously from the age of 34, men will wait until their 45th birthdays before working hard to get in shape.

The average woman spends more time talking about sports, politics, career and money as she gets older.

Women’s interest in books reaches its peak(顶峰) at the age of 22, while that of men does so when they are in their 50s.

Men start to change their focus from the workplace to other things after age 30, while women do not do so until eight years later. Both, however, care most about fashion at age 16.

The research used anonymous(匿名的) data donated by thousands of Facebook users, recording the statuses, ‘likes’ and ‘interests’ they had posted on their profiles.

It found the average woman talks about television most at 44, while men peak much younger, at age 31.

Men are also most likely to see a film in a cinema at age 31, while women go out to see films most when they are only 19.

Men are most interested in travel at 29, women at 27, while women talk most about food and drink at 35, and men at 38.

And if you are middle aged, a safe topic for anyone is the weather, which is a key interest for many as they reach 60.

Stephen Wolfram, the British scientist who carried out the research, says, “It’s almost shocking how much this tells us about the changes of people’s typical interests.

“People talk less about video games as they get older, and more about politics.”

1When do women love books best?

A. At the age of 22. B. At the age of 50.

C. At the age of 30. D. At the age of 15.

2Men tend to ______ once they are 45.

A. gain more and more weight

B. be less interested in their jobs

C. do more exercise

D. pay more attention to their appearance

3What are men and women both interested in when they are 16?

A. Getting in shape.

B. Going to the cinema.

C. Popular style of clothing.

D. Food and drink.

4What does Stephen Wolfram think about the result of the research?

A. People’s interests are different from each other.

B. People’s interests change greatly with age.

C. It is normal for people to change their interests.

D. It is not good for people to change their interests.

【题目】Section B (18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

A year ago, August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still working in the local school cafeteria, but it was for Dave to find work, and the price of everything was rising. The Fusses were at the risk of joining the millions of Americans who have their homes in recent years. Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely —$7,000, a legacy(遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch, who died in an accident. “It really made a difference when we were meeting difficulty.” says Dave.

But the Fusses weren’t the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to unexpected legacy from the Hatches. Dozens of other families were by what the Hatches had done. In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars; in , it was more than $100,000.

It nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money, more than $3 million—they were an elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.

Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of They preferred comparison shopping and would go from store to store, checking prices before making a new purchase.

Through the years, the Hatchespaid for local children to attend summer camps when their parents couldn’t it. “Ish and Arlene never asked if you anything,” says their friend Sandy Van Weelden, “They could see things they could do to make you happier, and they would do them.”

Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches their farmland. It was the Hatches’ wish that their legacy—a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents—should the whole community and last for generations to come.

Neighbors helping neighbors—that was Ish and Arlene Hatch’s story.

1A. happy B. hard C. easy D. nice

2A. lost B. bought C. left D. wanted

3A. gift B. money C. encouragement D. package

4A. accept B. defeat C. win D. receive

5A. amazed B. excited C. upset D. touched

6A. the other B. another C. other D. others

7A. surprised B. frightened C. pleased D. encouraged

8A. kind B. generous C. living D. saving

9A. afford B. buy C. offer D. keep

10A. suffered B. enjoyed C. needed D. did

11A. put away B. put up C. gave up D. gave away

12A. enrich B. bless C. brighten D. expand

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