

Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to 【1】 . Now she was Portia, a strong-willed 【2】 in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. The theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing 【3】 from her. 【4】 ,Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition(选拔试演). She 【5】 being in front of other people. She was very 【6】 at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to 【7】 much attention. She stayed mostly to herself, making 【8】 friends. She had excellent grades, 【9】 she always thought that something was missing.

Two weeks before the audition, Roberta's mother had heard about it and _ 【10】 her to join in.

“I can't think of anyone else better suited to 【11】 the part. Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?" Roberta looked down. “I’m not interested.” Her mother wouldn't let the 【12】 drop. " You're just a little scared(害怕). Everyone gets scared. You know you 【13】 do it. The trick is to look past the 【14】 to find the love of what you're doing. "

So Roberta had made an appointment(预约)with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herself excited by the 【15】 of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Portia's part, 【16】 the lines by repeating them over and over. It wasn't hard, she 【17】 every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words, she had a new 【18】 of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.

On the day of the audition, she 【19】 two of Portia's famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the 【20】 was hers.

A. singB. danceC. speak D. report

A. memberB. actressC. player D. character

A. weaklyB. rapidlyC. smoothlyD. slowly

A. At firstB. In factC. After allD. In all

A. hatedB. enjoyedC. appreciatedD. regretted

A. honestB. shyC. polite D. patient

A. avoidB. focusC. pay D. attract

A. fewB. a fewC. several D. many

A. orB. soC. for D. but

A. forcedB. requestedC. encouragedD. reminded

A. acceptB. playC. offer D. learn

A. roleB. matterC. interestD. grade

A. canB. mustC. may D. should

A. angerB. painC. sadness D. fear

A. purposeB. wayC. ideaD. importance

A. memorizingB. organizing C. checking D. improving

A. disliked B. loved C. expected D. bore

A.consideration B. Description C. selectionD. understanding

A. practicedB. plannedC. performedD. delivered

A. partB. playC. speech D. Position





















【解析】【1】据后文得知文章的主人公站在舞台上表演的是话剧《威尼斯商人》,话剧的台词需要开口 “说”,不是“唱”,不是“舞”,更不是“报告,报道”,故选C。另外,She was speaking with a power. . . 也能提示答案。

【2】文中交代,现在她是Portia, Portia是戏剧《威尼斯商人》中的一个“人物”。这里一定要注意介词短语" in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice " 在句中作所选名词的定语,所以不能选member (成员)。注意:Portia不是actress(女演员),更不是player(选手,表演者),故选D。

【3】 由 She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced. . . (她的话语之中带有一种她以前从未有过的力量……)可知她应是“流畅地,顺畅地”说出台词。故选C。

【4】上文已交代,她在舞台上表现出色,下文又说她在选拔试演之前从来没有演过戏,因此应选in fact (实际上)。at first意为“起先”;after all(毕竟)和in all(合计)皆不合题意,故选B。

【5】前句说她从来没有演过戏,后文说她认为自己不擅长做引人关注的事情,因此,她应该“讨厌” 在众人面前表现。其他三项都不符合题意。故选A。

【6】 根据上文" She hated being in front of other people " 可知,她在学校里是腼腆的,在这个情景下涉及不到“诚实,礼貌以及耐心”方面的内容,故选B。

【7】前文说,她不喜欢在众人面前表现,又腼腆,她认为自己不擅长能够“吸引”众人注意的事情,avoid(避开)和focus(聚集,集中)均与题意不符,当然这里也不用pay, 故选D。

【8】根据前半句She stayed mostly to herself(她多数时候总是独自一人待着)可知她“很少”交朋友,我们必须结合上下文来确定答案。few意为“很少的,几乎没有的”;a few表肯定,“几个”;several意为“几个,数个”,故选A。

【9】比较一下前后分句所表达的意思,便可得到正确的答案,前一个分句中" She had excellent grades " 意为“她成绩出色”后一个分句中" she always thought something was missing " 意为“她总以为丢失了某种东西”,前后句之间存在转折关系,故选D。



【12】 let the matter drop意为“放弃这件事”,在此文中妈妈鼓励她参加选拔,她表示没有兴趣,但她妈妈不想让此事就此结束。故选B。


【14】妈妈已经看出女儿不想参加选拔预演的原因是有“恐惧”心理,她教女儿的技巧Portia. 是等去寻找对所做事情的热爱。故选D。

【15】 此句中 found herself excited by the idea of speaking such rich words意为“想到要说如此丰富的台词,她便觉得兴奋”。故选C。


【17】love/enjoy every minute (of sth.)意为“每分钟都过得愉快”,如:1 have enjoyed every minute of my stay here. 在此逗留的每一分钟我都感到很愉快。It was a sunny day and I enjoyed every minute of the run. 在这阳光明媚的日子里,我尽情享受着慢跑的每一分钟。

【18】 根据后半句 as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels. (好像莎翁在很多不同层次上描写了 Portia这个人物。)我们可以看出,她每读一遍台词,都会有新的“理解”(understanding),而不是“考虑”(consideration)或者“描写”(description),更不是“挑选”(selection),故选 D。




【题目】Now 23,Ye Dong got his diploma in June 2010. But he has barely left the campus. He still eats in the canteens and studies in the classrooms. Living close is convenient and familiar, he said.

Around almost every college and university in China are cheap apartments and bungalows for rent, where lots of graduates like Ye live. They live and look like enrolled students, but they aren't. Such kind of graduates is called “school-drifters “. It became a popular search keyword and triggered wide media coverage and further academic research.

“The number is increasing over the years. A simple reason is that each year the number of graduates rises, while the employment rate remains basically the same. A large portion of the unemployed become school-drifters. Some previously employed also come back after a short, unsatisfying work experience.according to Hu Jiewang, a sociology professor at Jiaying University in Guangdong province.

Ye landed a job as a production assistant in a local jewelry company in March last year but quit two months later. " The 2,400-yuan($360) a month salary was high among my classmates, but the job was too tiring. I had only one day off every week and the working hours were too irregular, “he said.” Entering society made me feel hollow. "

Hu said most of the school-drifters aim to enter grad school. Some hope to find a better job ; some want to stay in big cities ; and some are simply fearful of the intensely competitive job market.

" Living on school resources " ,Hu said, " is a way of cutting living costs. But they do have some resource conflict with currently enrolled students”.

Why don't drifters return home? " From ancient times the Chinese have had the notion that going out and going to colleges' were good. Anybody coming back home without achievements is a loser, “Hu said.

After graduation and entering society, many graduates felt lost. As a result, the number who stayed in school——for further education, for better opportunities, or for the comfort——increased.

【1】 " School-drifters” are a group of university students who _________.

A. have dropped out but wouldn't leave the campus

B. have finished school but wouldn't leave the campus

C. have finished school but haven't got their diplomas

D. haven't passed their Graduation Exams

【2】 Why did Ye abandon his job in a local jewelry company?

A. He was too lazy.

B. He wasn't pleased with the job.

C. The salary was low.

D. The jewelry company was very good.

【3】 As " school-drifters " ,they can _________.

A. reduce their expenses B. make more friends

C. decrease pressures D. make more money

【4】 The passage is mainly about _________.

A. a new social phenomenon

B. an event taking place in the campus

C. how to deal with “school-drifters”

D. “school-drifters “are hated by people

【题目】They tell us when to get up or when we’re running late for work and whether we are in danger of missing our favourite TV programme. But while our daily routines rely on clocks that tell us the time, science is discovering that our well-being is influenced by a very different kind of timepiece. Circadian rhythms---the human body’s own internal clock---have a powerful influence on our health and behaviour. They are programmed from birth and control functions ranging from temperature and blood pressure to sleep patterns.

In recent years researchers have also discovered that this built-in mechanism can influence everything from the way we react to medicines to how well we learn music.

The latest example, from experts at Harvard University in the US, shows that the human body clock can even dictate whether or not we are likely to tell the truth. Researchers found it was easier for people to fib(撒小谎) in the afternoon because, as they were tired, the self control that would normally prevent them from lying started to break down. Tiredness made it harder to resist the temptation to tell lies---especially if it meant they got a financial reward at the end.

The body clock has a great effect on us all,” says Professor Jim Horne from the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University. “Most people tend to feel good around late morning and then decline in the early afternoon. But the time most of us will feel our sharpest is between 6pm and 8pm. That’s because sleepiness tends to build up throughout the day. By early evening our body clock kicks in to wake us up. One reason may be to ensure we get home safely. When our ancestors were coming home after hunting all day their internal clocks kicked in to get them home in one piece.”

So what effects do circadian rhythms have and what’s the best time of day to take advantage of them?

The underlined word They in the first paragraph refers to .

A. our clocksB. scientists and experts

C. our daily routinesD. circadian rhythms

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