Dear editor£¬
I'm sorry to occupy your precious time£¬but
Yours Sincerely£¬
Li Hua£®
·ÖÎö ¿¼²é¿ª·ÅÐÔ×÷ÎÄд×÷£¬¿ª·ÅÐÔ×÷Îĸø³öÁËÒ»¸ö»°Ì⣬²¢Óв¿·ÖµÄÎÄ×ÖÌáʾ£®¸ø¿¼Éú×ÔÓÉ·¢»ÓµÄÓàµØ½Ï´ó£®¶ÔÓÚ¿¼ÉúµÄ×ÛºÏÄÜÁ¦ÒªÇó½Ï¸ß£¬ÒªÇó¿¼ÉúÓкÜÇ¿µÄıƪ²¼¾ÖµÄÄÜÁ¦ºÍ×éÖ¯ÒªµãµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚÍê³É¿ª·ÅÐÔ×÷ÎÄʱ£¬Ê×ÏÈҪѡÔñ×Ô¼ºÊìϤµÄ¶ÌÓï»òÕß¾äÐÍ£¬ÔÚÄãµÄÄÜÁ¦·¶Î§Ö®ÄÚ£¬Ñ¡Ôñ¾äʽʱҪ¸³Óè±ä»¯£¬ÒòΪÕâÑùÄã²Å¿ÉÒÔ¸üºÃµÄ¼ÝÔ¦£®
¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿·¶ÎÄÖÐÔËÓÃһЩ³£¼ûµÄ¶ÌÓïFirst of allÊ×ÏÈ£»What's more¶øÇÒ£»take sth into consideration ÈÏÕ濼ÂÇijÊ£»First of all£¬as it is known to people£¬pets make much noise that troubles residents a lotÕâ¸ö¾ä×ÓÔËÓõ½·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£»What's more£¬it is widely accepted that animal waste pollutes the environment£¬which makes people quite uncomfortable£®Õâ¸ö¾ä×ÓÖÐit×öÐÎʽÖ÷ÓÕæÕýµÄÖ÷ÓïÊǺóÃæµÄthat´Ó¾ä£»The most important is that pets can spread some diseases and this has attracted much attention£®Õâ¸ö¾ä×ÓÔËÓõ½thatÒýµ¼µÄ±íÓï´Ó¾ä£»
½â´ð Dear editor£¬
I'm sorry to occupy your precious time£¬but I really want to tell you something about the problem of some people keeping too many pets nowadays£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©I take the problem more and more seriously for the following reasons£®
First of all£¬as it is known to people£¬pets make much noise that troubles residents a lot£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©What's more£¬it is widely accepted that animal waste pollutes the environment£¬which makes people quite uncomfortable£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Many owners like taking their pets to public places where they may frighten children or even bite people£®The most important is that pets can spread some diseases and this has attracted much attention£®Taking all these factors into consideration£¬I sincerely hope that I can get help from you and expect the media to do something for this£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
Yours Sincerely£¬
Li Hua
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The £¨54£©B for Mozart therapy turned out to be weak£¬perhaps nonexistent£¬although the £¨55£©C study never claimed anything more than a temporary and limited effect£®In recent years£¬£¨56£©A£¬scientists have examined the benefits of a continuous effort to study and practice music£¬in contrast to playing a Mozart CD or a computer-based"brain fitness"game £¨57£©B in a while£®
Advanced monitoring £¨58£©B have enabled scientists to see what happens inside your head when you listen to your mother and actually practice the violin for an hour every afternoon£®And they have found that music£¨59£©D can produce profound and lasting changes that £¨60£©A the general ability to learn£®These results should £¨61£©B public officials that music classes are not a mere decoration£¬ready for being given up in the budget crises that constantly troubles public schools£®
Studies have shown that £¨62£©C instrument training from an early age can help the brain to £¨63£©B sounds better£¬making it £¨64£©A to stay focused when absorbing other subjects£¬from literature to mathematics£®The musically experienced are better able to £¨65£©B a biology lesson despite the noise in the classroom or£¬a few years later£¬to finish a call with a client when a colleague in the next office starts screaming a subordinate£¨ÏÂÊô£©£®They can be engaged in several things at once£¬which is an essential skill in this era of multitasking£®
51£®A£®notice | B£®note | C£®idea | D£®impression |
52£®A£®that | B£®until | C£®since | D£®before |
53£®A£®proposed | B£®pushed | C£®submitted | D£®subjected |
54£®A£®witness | B£®evidence | C£®symptom | D£®context |
55£®A£®recent | B£®advanced | C£®original | D£®latest |
56£®A£®however | B£®moreover | C£®then | D£®therefore |
57£®A£®quite | B£®once | C£®often | D£®much |
58£®A£®management | B£®techniques | C£®information | D£®mechanics |
59£®A£®subjects | B models | C£®causes | D£®lessons |
60£®A£®enhance | B£®introduce | C£®ensure | D£®instruct |
61£®A£®convey | B£®convince | C£®communication | D£®conclude |
62£®A£®urgent | B£®casual | C£®diligent | D£®occasional |
63£®A£®proceed | B£®process | C£®prefer | D£®predict |
64£®A£®easier | B£®harder | C£®tougher | D£®faster |
65£®A£®count on | B£®concentrate on | C£®insist on | D£®depend on£® |