
【题目】Balloon Volleyball

It’s a rainy, dark day and there’s nothing to do. You don’t feel like sitting quietly but you are not allowed to make a lot of noise. What can you do for fun? Try balloon volleyball.

Items needed for this game:

·a balloon (or two, in case the first one bursts)

·some ropes

·two chairs

·at least two people and a room

Set up the room. If you’re in the living room, or a family room, be sure to move all the furniture out of the way. Get two chairs and set them in the middle, outer edges(边缘)of the room. They should be at the same place where you put a volleyball net. Turn them so that the seat is facing the wall, not the “playing” space. Tie the rope onto the top of the chair, and run the rest of the rope to the other chair. Now tie it on this chair at the same place as the first chair. You can decide the “out-of-bounds”(出界) lines, if you want to have them, but they really are not necessary in this game.

Blow up the balloon. Choose sides. You will play this game on your knees (at least until they start hurting and you want to stand). Each side must get the balloon over the rope in three hits. If it does not get over, the other side gets the balloon and a point. This game becomes more difficult because you must play without talking.

You can also add other rules to make it more difficult; for example, you can only use your left hand or only your right hand to hit the balloon.

Continue playing until one side gets 10 points. You can make your game longer or shorter by changing the number of points it takes to win.

This is a fun way to get your energy out, have fun, and not make too much noise on a rainy, stay-in-the-house day.

1What do we know about the balloon volleyball?

A. One room is enough for it. B. It is played only indoors.

C. It must be played quietly. D. At least two balloons are needed.

2What is the function of the chairs in this game?

A. To make the playing area. B. To hold the rope up as the net.

C. For the players to rest during breaks. D. For people to sit and watch the game.

3Which of the following rules can make the game harder?

A. Play on knees.

B. Play with a lot of noise.

C. Use only your left hand to hit the balloon.

D. Get the balloon over the rope in three hits.






1细节理解题。由at least two people and a room可知气排球运动一个房间就足够了,选A。

2细节理解题。由Get two chairs and set them in the middle, outer edges(边缘)of the room. They should be at the same place where you put a volleyball net.可知这个运动中,椅子的作用是把绳子作为球网举起来,选B

3细节理解题。由You can also add other rules to make it more difficult; for example, you can only use your left hand or only your right hand to hit the balloon.可知选C


【题目】One evening after our son, Jimmy, had gone to bed, my husband and I were chatting. He said, “I heard you and Jimmy had a______day! I looked at him, completely______. It turned out that our 6-year-old son had told him this story of how we______pizza from his favorite pizza place for lunch and went to an amusement park where we really enjoy ourselves. It seemed to be an exciting day. But we did______of that on that particular day. What a little liar!”

The next day______I asked my son about the______story he had told his father, he responded, “It’s not a lie, Mom! It’s realistic fiction.” He______to me that recently in the library with his first grade class, they had learned about realistic fiction. So he considered himself a(n)______for telling his Dad such a story. It was so hard not to______as he tried to make all this clear to me with such an innocent______on his face!

While I was proud that he had tried to______something he learned at school, it was important for him to learn the______between creatively telling a story and just telling someone a lie. Stories are for entertainment, not trickery. You must take it______. If a writer describes something he has______as a fact, he will lose the trust of his readers and face terrible consequences. As a mother, it is important for me to teach my son the importance of being honest without stopping his______. Jimmy still loves reading and telling stories. But we haven’t heard anything like the day he told his father about since we had our conversation.

1A. secret B. tiring C. fun D. tough

2A. embarrassed B. puzzled C. worried D. disappointed

3A. required B. booked C. ordered D. earned

4A. none B. everything C. something D. anything

5A. after B. before C. where D. when

6A. amusing B. false C. moving D. satisfying

7A. apologized B. told C. announced D. explained

8A. teacher B. worker C. author D. librarian

9A. disturb B. laugh C. consider D. ignore

10A. appearance B. look C. mark D. sign

11A. carry on B. take up C. make sense of D. work out

12A. connection B. difference C. similarity D. relation

13A. personally B. bravely C. seriously D. happily

14A. liked B. experienced C. believed D. imagined

15A. interest B. creativity C. patience D. determination

【题目】Teens For Planet Earth

This is a social networking site for teenagers who want to get involved in protecting our planet. They can connect with other green-minded teens, choose a project or create their own. Teens For Planet Earth encourages young folks to get busy in their own communities. They offer guidance on local projects with categories such as habitats, animals, water and education. Awards are given to active members.


At Meez, teens can create their own avatars(头像), rooms and virtual pets. It is a social community of creative people that combines avatars, virtual worlds and games. Meez offers contests and chat as well as homework help, a fashion central and a writers’ corner. A chat area for younger teens is available. Other areas are music, geek(极客)central, art and sports.


Cyberteens is another cool site that celebrates the teen years. Here teenagers can find community, games, and news. There is a link called “creativity” where teens can share their poems, stories, photos and artwork. The “cool links” section offers a huge variety of options to the curious teens. This site also has surveys and helps with jobs and school work.


Student.com is a resource site for teens and high school students. Its social network has over 900,000 members. Members earn points to win prizes just by browsing and they offer several multi-player games. Points are used to buy items at auction(拍卖会). Student.com is filled with useful information and articles.

1What is Teens For Planet Earth aimed to?

A. Set up a project.

B. Give awards to teens.

C. Get young folks busy.

D. Give advice on local projects.

2Which website offers assistance in jobs?

A. Teens For Planet Earth. B. Meez. C. Cyberteens. D. Student.com.

3What makes Student.com special among these websites?

A. It has the most members.

B. Teens can read articles on it.

C. It offers help on school work.

D. Teens can make purchases on it.

4What can we infer about the websites mentioned in the text?

A. They provide game platforms.

B. They benefit teens in their social life.

C. They award outstanding teens.

D. They offer various study guidance.


The traditional American school year begins in late August or early September. It ends in May or June, followed by summer vacation. 1Because long ago, young people had to help their families harvest summer crops. At least this is what people today may think.

2 A recent report from an education policy center at Indiana University explored the historical roots of the traditional school calendar.

In the early days of the United States, children were not required to attend school. School calendars depended on local needs. 3They worked on family farms during the other months. City schools were often open much longer, some for eleven months of the year.

After the Civil War, more and more people saw the need for a system of required education. 4Many city schools wanted a shorter year and a longer summer break. The schools were often crowded. There was no modern air conditioning. Hot days would make it difficult to learn. Many rural educators, however, pushed for a longer school year. They thought it would keep children safe from industrial dangers when there were few child-labor laws.

So the traditional school calendar was a compromise(折中). The average school year used to be one hundred and seventy days. Times have not changed much. 5 But some experts think the traditional school calendar needs to change because the needs of the nation have changed. This thinking has led some schools to keep students in class longer.

A. Why such a long break?

B. Today the common average is one hundred and eighty days.

C. Americans think highly of their traditional school calendar.

D. Most schools had similar school calendars.

E. But the reason has more to it.

F. Students in rural areas went to school for no more than six months of the year.

G. But they had different ideas for the calendar.

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