

【1】The teacher must have the __________(预先) teaching plan.

【2】I’d like to take this __________(机会) to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.

【3】I’m __________(谨慎) about what I say because careless remarks will hurt one’s feelings.

【4】The company made an __________(调整) to my salary.

【5】Have you __________(确定) decided to go to America?

【6】It was very __________(体贴) of you to let us know you were going to be late.

【7】I often __________(吵架) with my brother about little things.

【8】A soldier has to __________(面对) death and danger.

【9】The kind lady finally __________(原谅) him for what he had said to her.

【10】Her __________(志向) is to be a supermodel.














【1】advanced.考查形容词。句意:老师必须有预先教学计划。根据the和后面的名词teaching plan可知用形容词,故填advanced.







【8】confront.考查动词。句意:士兵必须面对生死。has to后用动词原形,故填confront





Growing older is unavoidable while growing up is optional. These words have been passed on in the loving of Rose.

On the first day of school our professor challenged us to get to know someone, so I to find a little old lady looking at me with a smile. She said, “Hi, handsome! My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a ?” I laughed and responded, then followed a giant squeeze. come that are you in college at such an innocent age?” I asked. “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of kids...” I was what it was that motivated her to be taking on this at her age. “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I it!” Later, we became friends.

Rose became a campus celebrity and she easily made friends she went. On one Rose was invited to speak at our football banquet. Her prepared cards dropped before she_ the speech. A little , she simply her throat and began, We do not stop playing we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are certain secrets to stay , being happy and achieving success. You’ve got to have a dream. When you your dreams, you die.”…

At the end of the year Rose finished her college education. One week after graduation Rose died in her sleep. Over two thousand college students her funeral in honr of the wonderful woman who taught by that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.

Anybody can grow older, which doesn’t any talent or ability. The key is to grow up by always finding opportunities in change.

【1】Acare Bmemory Cneed Dwant

2】Aturned up Bturned over Cturned around Dturned away

3】Ahug Bkiss Chand Dgift

4】Aannoyingly Bimpatiently Cabsently DEnthusiastically

5】AWho BHow CWhy DWhen

6】Acurious Bpositive Cobvious Dconvinced

7】Arisk Bopportunity Cchallenge Dinvitation

8】Alike Btake Chold Dmake

9】Ahowever Bwhenever Cwherever Dwhatever

【10】Astage Boccasion Ctime Devent

【11】Aremembered Bcontinued Cdelivered Dwrote

【12】Adelighted Bembarrassed Cfascinated Dfrightened

【13】Acleared Bchecked Ccleaned Dtreated

【14】Auntil Bbefore Cwhen Dbecause

【15A.energetic B.young C.alive D.healthy

【16】Alose Brealize Cpursue Dobtain

【17】Asecretly Bsadly Cpeacefully Dbitterly

【18】Ajoined Bignored Ccancelled Dattended

【19】Aexample Bdirections Cspeech Dpersonality

20】Again Bexplore Ctake Dappeal

【题目】The demands of the modern world are growing day by day and this is putting more pressure on scientists to do research. However, as stated by Griffiths, “There is no hope of doing perfect research”. Naturally, there have been a lot of criticisms (批评), as many scientists immediately announce that their research methods are very safe and that they have the perfect research theory (理论).

However, scientific history is filled with examples, in which a perfect scientific solution that was based on decades of scientific research has been overturned (推翻) with new theories. Naturally the first example that comes to mind is the fact that Newton’s Theories were thought to be very safe and they were used in all fields of science. For centuries, thousands of scientists around the world used Newton’s Theories to formulate (规划) other theories.

However, after nearly two centuries of use, Newton’s Theories were found to be not as perfect as they were thought. Through Einstein’s publication on the General Theory of Relativity, it was found that Newton’s laws were imperfect in explaining all motions (运动) that were taking place in our universe. It was found to be imperfect under some conditions, even though, Newton’s laws are still used today to predict motion at low speeds.

Thus, perfect research is only a myth (神话). Of course, this does not mean that a scientist should simply give up and accept imperfection in his or her research efforts. Improvements and changes in research techniques and methods are a natural part of evolution (进化) and it is each scientist’s responsibility to take it forward as much as possible.

While the final answer to the universe’s questions may never exist, a time will come when there will be fewer questions as new answers are found and more improved research is carried out by scientists around the world.

1Why have there been a lot of criticisms?

A. The modern world demands mor e and more.

B. Scientists have a negative attitude.

C. Many scientists arrive at their conclusions (结论) too fast.

D. Griffiths does not believe what scientists say.

2Through the publication of the General Theory of Relativity, Newton’s Theories turned out to be ______.

A. not so perfect B. completely wrong C. very safe D. very exact

3What will scientists do to deal with the “imperfectness” problem?

A. Accept the fact and give up.

B. Improve and change their methods and techniques.

C. Try their best to carry out the perfect study.

D. Ignore it and do as they please.

4We can learn from the last paragraph that ______.

A. the universe’s questions are sure to have a final answer

B. the number of questions is sure to increase with the passing of time

C. scientists are carrying out improved studies

D. there will be more scientists in the world in the future

【题目】By high school,T.J.Ware was the most famous troublemaker in his town.Teachers Were afraid to see his name posted on their classroom lists for the next term.He wasn’t Very talkative,didn’t answer questions and got into lots of fights.

In a weekend activity all the students at school had been invited to sign up sign up For ACE training,a program designed to have students become more active in their communities.T.J.was one of 405 students who signed up.

At the start of the activity,T.J.didn’t readily join the discussion groups and he didn’t seem to have much to say.But slowly,the interactive(互动)games drew him in.The next day,T.J.was very active in all the activities.By the and of the activity,he had joined the Homeless Project team.He knew something about poverty.hunger and hopelessness.The other students on the team were impressed with his concern and ideas.They elected T.J.cochairman of the team

A group of teachers were against the headmaster about T.J.Ware’s being elected cochairman.They reminded the principal.“The very first communitywide service project was to be a giant food Drive,organized by the Homeless Project team.He’ll probably steal half the food.” But Mr Coggs-All reminded them that the purpose of the ACE program was to uncover any positive passion(激情)that Students had.

Two weeks later.T.J.and his friends led a group of 70 students in a drive to collect food.They Collected a school record:2,854 cans of food in just two hours and the food took care of needy families In the area for 75 days.The local newspaper covered the event with a full-page article the next day for his doing something great and leading a food drive.

1Why were teachers afraid to see T.J.Ware’s name on their lists?

A. Because he didn’t seem to have much to say.

B. Because he didn’t answer ant questions in class.

C. Because he just liked the interactive games.

D. Because he often made troubles and fought with others.

2Which of the following has nothing to do with T.J.Ware’s change?

A. T.J.signed u0 for ACE training.

B. A group of teachers were against his being elected co-chairman.

C. T.J.had joined the Homeless Project team by the end of the activity.

D. The headmaster agreed to let him be the co-chairman of the team.

3A group of teachers told the headmaster “He will probably steal half the food” to_______.

A. persuade the headmaster not to make T.J.leader of the team

B. let the headmaster know everything about T.J.Ware

C. show T.J.Ware’s hobby to the headmaster

D. uncover T.J.Ware’s positive passion in him

4What does the word “them” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?

A. Students. B. Homeless people. C. The group of teachers. D. T.J.Ware and his friends.

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