
How to Feel Worthy

1. It might be when spending time around others or when you’re by yourself but it’s often spurred on by feeling that others are more successful, privileged or more clever than you. The following tips may help you get out of the suffering situation.

2. Comparison weakens your self-reliance and causes you to feel less than, because instead of concentrating on what you have, you only see what you don’t have. Think of a bloom—it blooms amid many other blooms and does not compare itself to all those blooms; instead it does what it was made to do—bloom.

Learn how to appreciate other people’s achievements. 3. If you appreciate other people’s work, others will always appreciate you, which is a form of respect and satisfaction that adds to your sense of self-worth.

Make new friends. Surround yourself with like-minded people. In this way, you can create your own space, and you will feel worthy.

Stop criticizing yourself. Every person has certain limits—you are not a super human who can(or even should) do everything. 4.

Involve yourself in community services, you will feel confident. 5. You will feel worthy, when you see the love for yourself reflected in other people’s eyes.

A. Avoid comparing yourself with others.

B. Try to ignore others who are surrounding you.

C. There are times in life when you may not feel worthy.

D. Instead, enjoy your own individual qualities and abilities.

E. Criticizing others does little to help build your self-worth.

F. Therefore, think of yourself before others can help you relax.

G. Often helping others further shapes and builds up your character.


The day before Christmas I pulled into a store parking lot and counted my money again. It wasn’t much. I _________ being poor, not having enough to _________my small children a few simple toys. As I was _________I noticed the Salvation Army(救世军) bell ringer at the _________ . I felt bad again because I didn’t feel I could _________ anything to give him. I started walking towards the entrance _________ two cars entered empty parking spaces in front of me. The first was a __________, new Cadillac which became the _________ of me the moment I saw it. “How _________,”I thought, “would it be to have enough money to buy a car like that!” The second car, _________ , was an ancient car more shabby than the one I was driving.

A man got out of the Cadillac and hurried into the store _________ past the bell ringer without a second _________. Out of the old car came a young mother with three small children following_________behind her. Her clothes looked as _________as her car, yet she stopped at the entrance and _________ a bill. In that second a(n) _________ touched me, my envy and dislike __________ me, and all the love and joy filled me. I fished a bill out of my own purse, _________ it in the Salvation Army kettle, and wished the _________ a “Merry Christmas!”

Now I felt I was a poor man but rich on the _________ . After finding a few things for my kids, I drove home with my heart singing.

1.A. hated B. permitted C. escaped D. regretted

2.A. make B. buy C. award D. lend

3.A. pulling out B. settling in C. getting out D. cutting in

4.A. parking space B. counter C. parking lot D. entrance

5.A. spare B. split C. spend D. save

6.A. though B. since C. when D. if

7.A. sharp B. dull C. pure D. shiny

8.A. target B. envy C. item D. bargain

9.A. nice B. precious C. rare D. expensive

10.A. therefore B. however C. anyhow D. besides

11.A. merely B. right C. hopefully D. seldom

12.A. smile B. nod C. glance D. wave

13.A. firmly B. bravely C. casually D. closely

14.A. worn out B. cast down C. tired out D. broken down

15.A. paid B. passed C. donated D. rejected

16.A. equality B. sympathy C. approval D. warmth

17.A. left B. visited C. reached D. missed

18.A. took B. handed C. started D. dropped

19.A. salesman B. bell ringer C. woman D. man driver

20.A. wealth B. luck C. inside D. outside

Films provide more than just entertainment.For many people,watching English films is a way to develop language skills.While watching a film,you are immersed(沉浸在)in the language and can pick up new expressions that you might not find in a textbook.Some difficulties can arise when watching English films—for example,unfamiliar colloquial language or strong regional accents.With this in mind,here are my tips to help you make progress in English learning while enjoying the films.

Choose a film genre(类型) that you enjoy.

If you like action films,watch an action film—for example Indiana Jones.If you prefer comedies,watch a comedy—anything with Hugh Grant in always provides a laugh!It's simple enough,but if you choose something you enjoy watching in your native language,you're more likely to enjoy it in English.

Choose something that you are familiar with.

It's best to start off with something simple because in this way you have a higher chance of understanding the film.Disney films such as The Lion King,or the more recently released Tangled,are classic examples.Other cartoons such as Up and The Lego Movie are also worth a watch.

Ask friends for advice

Perhaps you have friends who have already seen English film? If so, they may be able to recommend one.

If you need to,use the English subtitles

Subtitles are very helpful for beginners.Using subtitles in your own language is the easiest choice,but for more advanced learners why not consider using English subtitles? This way,you can match the written subtitles to the words spoken on screen.It helps you to develop your language further.

1.What can we know from the first paragraph?

A. Some expressions from textbooks can be found in English films.

B. Unfamiliar spoken language can be neglected when we watch English films.

C. Foreign language films can help us improve our language skills.

D. Strong regional accents cannot influence the understanding of English films.

2.What kind of film will you probably watch if you like Hugh Grant?

A. Action films.B. Cartoon films.

C. Comedy films.D. Detective.

3.One way to get the most out of English films is watching films ________.

A. with a foreigner

B. about familiar topics

C. native speakers recommend

D. without words on the screen

4.What does the underlined word “subtitles”means in the text?

A. Translators.B. Chinese characters.

C. English dictionaries.D. Words on the screen.

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