
Traveling is a very enjoyable experience as it provides an opportunity to see new things. 1.The following article discusses the advantages of traveling.

Traveling gives you the opportunity to disconnect from your regular life. People all have crazy schedules, work and a family to take care of, and traveling alone or with some friends can give you distance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are to you.

2.Another great benefit is the relaxation you get. 3.When you come back you feel energetic and you are happy to be back to your daily routine.

4.They will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens to the friendship. You can create photo albums and when you feel nostalgic (怀旧的) you can experience the trips again by looking at your pictures.

It’s never been this cheap to travel. With increasing oil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end. 5.With the Internet and all the new technology, you can plan your trip exactly the way you want it. You can choose your budget, the duration of the trip and what you want to do.

A. It’s nice to enjoy a stress-free time.

B. As the saying goes, you never know what you have until you lose it.

C. When traveling with friends or family it creates memories of a lifetime.

D. Going on a trip means that you are most likely going to spend time outside.

E. Discovering different values and ways to get by in life is really interesting.

F. However, there are still many budget airlines fighting for your dollar right now.

G. There are many benefits other than enjoying yourself that can be realized when you travel.


With the summer holiday just around the corner,it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations.Here are some tips that can help you enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket.

Travel off-season

Go to your desired destination while the demand is low and take advantage of huge discounts.During the peak season,the hotel and flight prices increase quickly,and you’ll likely spend more of your vacation time standing in line due to the rush of tourists.1.

2.Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms.Look for places that do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding.Stay with the locals.If you and your family are going,to stay for a longer period,renting a small apartment is a good choice.

Eat like a local

Why eat at big chain restaurants when you can experience something new? Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.During your family trip,try new food where“the locals eat.3.  For smaller meals and snacks,avoid restaurants and try street food or other takeout.

Don’t hesitate to bargain

Tourist-heavy places are known for overcharging for just,about everything.Clothes,travel goodies,souvenirs,etc.are very expensive at these places.For this reason;you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for bargains.4.

Choose local transportation

As a tourist,avoid taking taxis.Whenever possible,since? They are expensive. 5.  If you are planning to stay for a while,you can consider renting a car.Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you are moving around a lot.

A.Save on hotels.

B.Surf the Internet while traveling.

C.Therefore,avoid buying anything there.

D.So it's best to find out when the off-season starts.

E.This will not only save money,but offer you a new and different experience.

F.Bargain hard to get the best price.

G.Instead,take buses,railways or subways,which are always cheaper.

Los Angeles:Love for Mom is a given,but buying flowers on her big day may not be. A slump in flower sales since late last year was likely to continue through Mother's Day,another example of Americans cutting back on spending due to recession fears,which is a period of reduced trade and business activity,and increasing food and gasoline prices.

“If you look at what has happened on Valentine’s Day and Christmas, the market for flowers has cooled,” said Eric Bender, an analyst at Bream Murray. “Growth has slowed in the past two quarters. Mother's Day will probably be a slow quarter,too.’’ US floral sales for Mother’s Day, celebrated yesterday, will fall thirteen percent this year to $2 billion,with consumers spending an average of $17.65.according to the National Retail Federation estimates.

Mother’s Day,which accounts for a one—quarter of annual holiday purchases,according to the Society of American Florists,is traditionally the day when floral bouquets are delivered to the doorsteps of many mothers.But this year,the shop-owners are concerned.

Gabriel Soto,who owns a flower shop beneath an office high-rise in the Los Angeles financial district, is expecting lower sales--and has ordered 30 percent fewer flowers than normal this Mother’s Day.

Last month, Solo, who also operates website downtown-flowers, net, closed another store in a nearby building that was headquarters to a mortgage company. After workers lost their jobs due to the housing crisis, orders decreased.

1.The underlined word “slump” in Para. 2 probably means__________________________.

A. sharp increase in price B. great fear for losing jobs

C. global worry of floral stores D. sudden fall by a large amount

2.According to the author, Mother's Day should be an occasion of_____________.

A. a large family get-together

B. a big annual holiday purchase

C. a great love showed to mothers

D. a celebration among Americans

3.This passage implies that Americans have___________.

A. met financial problems recently

B. no longer bought flowers for mothers

C. delivered flowers to every house for mothers

D. cut back on spending because of having lost jobs

4.Which would be the best title for this passage?

A. Hard time coming nearer

B. Mother’s Day and crisis

C. Sorry mom, love you but no flowers

D. Holiday purchases have a hard time

I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.

I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows (誓约)mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends. And they are good to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.

So here’s what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house.

Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure, it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an email. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.

It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours and our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.

I learned to love the journey, not the destination, I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned.

By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face, Learn to be happy, And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.

1.The best title of this passage probably is______ .

A. Love your friends B. Live a real life

C. Don’t waste time D. Be a good mother and wife

2.How did the author form her view of life?

A. Through social experience. B. By learning from her friends.

C. Through an unfortunate experience. D. From her children and husband.

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward work?

A. Do it well to serve others

B. Earn enough money to make life better

C. Try your best to get higher position and pay

D. Don’t let it affect your real life.

I have a Rewards Card for Showcase Cinema that allows me to earn rewards points with each purchase that I make at the theatre and periodically provides me with a free popcorn, soda or movie ticket coupon(优惠券). I had recently accumulated enough rewards points to obtain a coupon for a free popcorn.

Standing in the movie theatre ticket line on Saturday, I noticed just ahead of me, a father with his 2 small boys also waiting to buy their tickets for the Matinee Movie. Knowing that movies can be quite expensive for families nowadays, I tapped the Dad on the shoulder and asked, “I have a coupon for free popcorn and don’t plan to use it, would you like it for one of your boys?” He said, “Yeah, sure. That’s great! Thanks!” and took the coupon.

A few minutes later, after they had purchased their tickets, one of his small sons who appeared to be about 9 or 10 years old, walked up to me and silently held out a shiny penny to show me. I took it and said, “Wow that’s cool! It’s really shiny!” He quietly replied, “It’s a 2011”.

As I handed it back to him. He pushed the penny towards me once again and quietly said, “You can keep it”. Showing my gratitude, I replied, “Wow that’s awesome, thank you very much” and asked, “Where did you get it!” and he said quite softly, “I found it in my Dad’s car”. I said, “Oh that’s cool, thanks!” He smiled, quietly turned and walked back to his Dad who returned my smile with a knowing smile of his own. It’s the small special moments like that that can make an ordinary day special.

1.What can the author get after accumulating enough rewards points recently?

A. A coupon for free popcorn.

B. Soda.

C. A movie ticket.

D. A movie ticket coupon.

2.What do we know about the author?

A. He didn’t like to eat popcorn.

B. He didn’t plan to buy a ticket.

C. He sold his coupon to that father.

D. He was considerate to that father.

3.Why did the boy give the author a penny?

A. To get his coupon.

B. To thank him for his kindness.

C. To send him as a toy.

D. To make a friend.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A Coupon for a Free Popcorn

B. Rewards Card for Showcase Cinema

C. The Small Moments That Can Light Up A Day

D. A Shiny Penny from a Boy

A cookie can give one person a sugar rush while barely affecting another person, a new study finds, indicating that a food’s glycemic index(血糖指数)is in the eater.

People’s blood sugar rises or falls differently even when they eat the exact same fruit, bread, deserts, pizza and many other foods, researchers report. That suggests that diets should be tailored to individuals’ personal characteristics.

The researchers made the discovery after fitting 800 people with blood glucose (血糖)monitors for a week. The people ate standard breakfasts supplied by the researchers. Although the volunteers all ate the same food, their blood glucose levels after eating those foods varied dramatically. Characteristics and behaviors such as body mass index, sleep, exercise, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the kinds of microbes(微生物) living in people’s intestines are associated with blood glucose responses to food, the researchers conclude.

Those findings indicate that blood sugar spikes (血糖尖峰)after eating depend not only on what you eat, but how your system processes that food.

A team led by a biologist created a computer algorithm(计算程序) that predicted how much a person’s blood sugar would rise or fall after eating a certain food. When testing on a new group of 100 people, the algorithm correctly predicted the response about 70 percent of the time.

A third group of 26 participants were then given personalized meals. The computer algorithm analyzed each person and then picked diets for 12 of them. A nutritionist chose a “good” and “bad” diet for the remaining participants. Good diets were ones that minimized blood sugar spikes after eating. Bad diets sent blood sugar skyrocketing. The diets contained the same amount of calories. It turned out that foods on the “good” diet for one person were sometimes on another participant’s “bad” list.

1.A food’s glycemic index depends on ______.

A. diets B. sleep

C. health D. eaters

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “tailored” in Paragraph 2?

A. limited B. adjusted

C. applied D. compared

3.The good diets chosen by a nutritionist were the ones that _______ after eating.

A. made blood sugar unchanged

B. sent blood sugar rising sharply

C. reduced blood sugar spikes to the lowest

D. provided body with lots of calories

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. People’s Blood Sugar Rises Or Falls

B. A Good Diet for You May be Bad for Me

C. Diets And Blood Sugar

D. Can a Cookie Give One Person a Sugar Rush?

It is good to get in touch with your inner child from time to time,and obviously some people are willing to pay big money for the chance to do so in a proper environment.A Brooklyn-based adult preschool is charging customers between $333 and $999 for the chance to act like a kid again.

At Preschool Mastermind in New York adults get to participate in show—and—tell,arts—and—crafts such as finger paint,games like musical chairs and even take naps.The month-long course also has class picture day where the adults are expected to have a field trip and a parent day.

30-year-old Michelle Joni Lapidos,the brain behind the adult preschool,studied childhood education and has always wanted to be a preschool teacher.She’s always on the lookout for new ways to get people in touch with the freedom of childhood.A friend encouraged her to start the mastermind course instead.

According to Candice,her blogger friend,Preschool Mastermind gives adults a chance to relearn and master the things that they failed to understand as children.“I realized all the significances of what we learn in preschool,”said founder Michelle Joni,“People come here and get in touch with their inner child.It’s magical.We are bringing ourselves back to another place,another time with ourselves when we are more believing in ourselves,more confident and ready to take on the world.”

“One person’s here because they want to learn not to be so serious.”Michelle said.“Another's here to learn to be more confident.” She explained that most of the classes were planned.However,Joni added that while the planned activities were fun,it was often the spontaneous(自发的)moments that attracted students.“It’s the things you don’t plan for,the sharing between friends and learning from each other.’’

1.What is the purpose of Preschool Mastermind?

A. To give adults a chance to return to childhood.

B. To help parents understand their children better.

C. To provide practical training courses for teachers.

D. To introduce some ways of playing with children.

2.What is mainly discussed about Preschool Mastermind in Paragraph 2 ?

A. Its customers. B. Its activities.

C. Its environment. D. Its schedule.

3.According to Candice,people come to this program to________.

A. enjoy freedom of thinking B. realize their childhood dreams

C. discover their inner abilities D. figure out childhood puzzles

4.What do we know about Michelle Joni?

A. She used to be a preschool teacher.

B. She likes to make plans in advance.

C. She founded Preschool Mastermind.

D. She gained confidence by sharing.

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