





One day, in my way to school, I noticed two anxious foreigners was surrounded by a group of people. I stopped and found that they were tourist from Canada who carelessly left a very importantly wallet in a taxi. So I take them to the nearest police station. With help of the policemen, we got in touch the taxi company. We were telling that the wallet had just been found. And two passports, flight tickets, or some money were still inside it. Finally the two Canadians got our wallet back. They thanked for me and left.


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10.¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¡£¾äÒ⣺ËûÃǸÐлÁËÎÒ£¬È»ºóÀ뿪ÁË¡£thank sb¸ÐлijÈË£¬¹Êɾȥfor¡£



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The pillage (ÂÓ¶á) and destruction of ancient shipwrecks and sunken archaeological sites by treasure hunters seeking gold and other valuables may be illegal under the terms of an international treaty under discussion by UNESCO¡¯s 188 Member States.

"Protecting our underwater heritage is extremely important and increasingly urgent as no site or shipwreck is now out of bounds for treasure hunters. New technologies have made deep-water wrecks easily accessible and these technologies are getting cheaper," warns Lyndel Prott.

According to estimates by commercial salvors (Ñ°±¦Õß), there are some three million undiscovered shipwrecks scattered across the world¡¯s oceans. Even the figures for the known wrecks are impressive. The Northern Shipwrecks Database for example contains 65,000 ship loss records for North America alone from 1500 AD to the present. The Dictionary of Disasters at Sea by Charles Hocking (1969) lists 12,542 sailing ships and war vessels lost between 1824 and 1962.

Then there are sunken cities such as the trading town and pirate stronghold(º£µÁ±¤ÀÝ) of Port Royal in Jamaica, which disappeared beneath the waves after an earthquake in 1692. Or the remnants of ancient civilisations, such as the Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt, and the Neolithic villages being discovered under the Black Sea, which some believe could help explain Noah¡¯s great flood.

These treasures of cultural heritage are under serious threat. Technology now allows extraordinary access to the ocean depths for deermined and well-financed treasure hunters. And the potential rewards are huge. In 1985, American salvor Mel Fisher discovered the wreck of the Seora de Atocha, a Spanish ship that sank off the Florida Keys in 1622 with her cargo of gold, silver and jewellery worth an estimated US $400 million.

An archaeologist can spend ten years or more studying a ship, conserving its objects and publishing its findings. We gain an enormous amount of information and knowledge from this work. With treasure hunters, all of this is lost. This is tragic, for humanity as a whole.

¡¾1¡¿Why is it important and urgent to protect our underwater heritage?

A. Underwater heritage is easily accessible to treasure hunters.

B. Underwater heritage is out of reach of archaeologists.

C. New technology makes protection of underwater heritage easier.

D. There is no law to protect underwater heritage.

¡¾2¡¿What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. Shipwrecks discovered by commercial salvors.

B. The main cause of shipwrecks.

C. The history of sunken ships.

D. The figures of shipwrecks around the world.

¡¾3¡¿What happened to Port Royal in 1692?

A. It was washed away by flood.

B. It was beneath the waves after an earthquake.

C. It was discovered under the Black Sea.

D. It was rebuilt by Noah.

¡¾4¡¿Why is Mel Fisher mentioned in the fifth paragraph?

A. He risked his life in treasure hunting.

B. He was one of the most successful commercial salvors.

C. He made a great discovery of shipwrecks.

D. He had no trouble in finding a shipwreck.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Want to improve your math skills without working hard? Simply zap (»÷´ò) the brain with a weak current of electricity and then, all your problems will be solved! At least that's the claim being made by a team of British scientists from London's Oxford University.

The main aim of the experiment, conducted on a group of student volunteers from Oxford University and University College London, was to test if parts of the brain could be shocked into getting it to work better with numbers.

To test this, 15 students, divided into three groups, were asked to solve the same two mathematical problems every day for a week. The problems, which involved identifying the larger of two numbers and plotting one on a number line, were made a little more challenging by replacing the numbers 19 with symbols.

However, before starting the test, two of the groups were subjected to a 20minute session of a light electric current to the parietal lobe, which the scientists believe is the brain's number cruncher (ÄÜѸËÙÔËËãÕß). For the first group the current flow was passed right to left, while for the second it was transmitted left to right. The third group received no help at all.

The group that got zapped right to left seemed to show an amazing improvement in their math skills. However, the ones that got zapped left to right were reduced to the level of almost sixyear olds! The results for the people who got no help were somewhere in between.

While scientists are not sure why the direction of the current would make such a difference, they believe that zapping it from the right side, seemed to turn up the activity of the brain cells to math, while going the other way turned or closed them down. Luckily, the impact is expected to last for only six months!

While this is great news, do not fire your math tutor yet. That's because the research, no matter how successful, is not being done to aid lazy students, but to help people who suffer from dyscalculia (¼ÆËãÕÏ°­), a disease which makes people unable to cope with simple daytoday numerical issues, like counting change or figuring out their expenses.

¡¾1¡¿In which time order was the experiment carried out?

a£®Divide the students into groups.

b£®Test the students with problems.

c£®Give some students some electric zapping.

A. a£¬b£¬c B. a£¬c£¬b

C. b£¬a£¬c D. c£¬a£¬b

¡¾2¡¿From the passage, we can infer that ________£®

A. the direction of zapping the brain is very important

B. the impact of zapping the brain will last forever

C. scientists don't know how to zap the brain correctly

D. people with dyscalculia can't recognize numbers

¡¾3¡¿What is the aim of the experiment?

A. To help students to improve their math grades.

B. To test which part of the brain controls calculation.

C. To help people who suffer from a certain disability.

D. To study whether a light electric current will damage students' brain.

¡¾4¡¿What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Dyscalculia is no longer a problem

B. A good way to improve your math skills

C. Benefit from zapping the brain

D. Improve math skills by zapping the brain

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