
4._______ your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late.(  )
A.SetB.Having setC.SettingD.Being set

分析 把你的手表调早五分钟是避免迟到的有效方法.

解答 答案:C

点评 动名词和现在分词的构成方式相同,但用法完全不一样,不可混淆.动名词是名词的一种,没有时态和语态的变化;现在分词是非谓语动词,具有动词的特点,有时态和语态的变化.


Looking for volunteers


Fancy running a programme item or two?

We are looking for volunteers to run a number of programme items. If you meet one or more of the following requirements, we are very happy to hear about them at programme@dwcon.org.

Have guitar, will travel

We have two sing-along items planned (one of them aimed specifically at kids). Unfortunately, one organizer had to leave for some personal reasons, so we need one or two people. We are happy to discuss what we had in mind, but this can be run in any way you want.

Have questions, can point

We have two panels(专家咨询组)for this year: panel on writing and panel on story archetypes(原型).

We are looking for two volunteers to run these panels as chair. The main responsibility will be to point at people with questions, and have a few questions /remarks(评述)ready in case the audience has no ideas yet. Or if you always want to know something of course.

Play recorder

On Friday evening we will have a karaoke-like programme item, and we are looking for one or two volunteers to act as “DJ”. Music and equipment will be provided, so we mostly expect you to keep track of whose turn it is to sing

Have eyes for colour

Guess what, this is a paint-related item. We would like to make “rock puppets(木偶),and we need one or two volunteers to guide that. Paint and rocks will be provided.

1.The volunteers who will work on the two panels should __________

A. be experts on writing.

B. be skilled at telling stories.

C. be good at asking questions

D. be experienced in chairing competitions

2.What is the duty of a volunteer “DJ”?

A. To make sure the equipment works well.

B. To play records for the person who will sing.

C. To make plans for the karaoke-like programme.

D. To choose the right music for the person to sing.

3.What should the volunteers work as for the paint-related item?

A. Guides. B. Painters.

C. Organizers. D. Chairpersons.

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