
I was fairly new to this particular school since my parents only moved to the area. There was a boy, who, as it turned out, was an orphan and was living and working for a small farming family. He didn’t appear at first glance to ever be fully engaged(专注) in the school learning process;he would sit quietly, never seem to get any attention from the teacher, and would spend a lot of time staring out of the window just behind him.

Over the next few weeks, I got to know this boy while playing outside in the schoolyard playing baseball, or soccer. He was very athletic and very good at anything we played. I started to wonder why he didn’t seem to do well in school and why the teacher ignored him.

He told me he had been in several foster (收养) homes since he was a little boy and that most of his time in the last few years had always been on farms. He said he was made to work before he went to school and as soon as he got home until it was time for bed. He was never given a chance to go out and play, nor was he allowed to have any friends although he told me he really didn’t have any friends anyway, because he was an orphan and they did not want anything to do with him.

I had never before been acquainted with prejudice of any kind. Here was one characteristic of a human being who through no fault of his own carried a label that prevented him from even having friends as a child. His potential was also being ignored by the teacher. It wasn’t that he couldn’t learn, or didn’t want to — it was because he wasn’t encouraged or in some cases, allowed to.

We may all meet people through the years that we tend to apply labels (标签) to without really taking the time to get to know them, to discover their real potential because our vision is clouded by how we always put people into pigeon holes that we are used to or comfortable with.

1. What was the first impression that the boy gave the author?

A. He was a troublemaker in class.

B. He was not drawn into learning.

C. He often played outside in the schoolyard.

D. He tried to get his teacher’s attention.

2.The main idea of the third paragraph is .

A. how the boy became homeless

B. that the boy’s family was very poor

C. why the boy didn’t have any friends

D. who made the boy work day and night

3.The boy’s potential was ignored because .

A. He worked hard. B. He liked playing baseball..

C. He was athletic. D. He was an orphan.

4.What does “pigeon holes” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. specific categories B. a group of friends

C. special schools D. animals’ homes




It takes plenty of time for some adults to try to stop children playing. They are usually people who think of play as being the _________of work and therefore a waste of time. For humans, work is a way of getting food to eat, and like humans, _________ must spend time doing the _________ things. Regardless of this, children _________ playing, and so do other young animals. It is quite _________ to keep both a small child and a young cat _________ for hours with a piece of paper.

Hunting may be the most obvious skill _________ in play, but it is far from being the only one. Lambs and goat kids play _________ , although as adults they will never _________ anything other than some grass. But for these young animals too, _________ is an important part of learning. Sheep and goats are _________ hill and mountain animals. Running and skipping exercise young legs and develop a strong sense of _________ that will keep them safe on the steepest rocks.

_________ animals’ play, children’s play is not so different. _________ trees and catching flies are not the most obvious training for the adult world, but the flexibility _________ in these activities is similar to that required of a bus driver or businessman.

What we know about animals shows us that playing is a very good way of _________ , so maybe one of the best ways for _________ to learn is also by playing. Children find playing is fun, but ___________ notice that they are also learning at the same time. Most people continue to play games long after they have become _________ , and perhaps that is because we rely so much on our _________ to learn.

1.A. reward B. basis C. natureD. opposite

2.A. children B. animals C. parents D. cats

3.A. dull B. ordinary C. same D. chief

4.A. enjoy B. regret C. delay D. ignore

5.A. necessaryB. possible C. reasonable D. difficult

6.A. annoyed B. alarmed C. amused D. amazed

7.A. practiced B. kept C. tested D. required

8.A. clumsily B. endlesslyC. crazily D. aggressively

9.A. catch B. plant C. learn D. hunt

10.A. play B. work C. jump D. walk

11.A. naturallyB. initially C. strangely D. equally

12.A. direction B. balance C. distance D. space

13.A. Based on B. Inspired byC. Compared withD. Developed form

14.A. Cutting B. Growing C. Watering D. Climbing

15.A. reduced B. needed C. damaged D. allowed

16.A. growing B. exercising C. improving D. learning

17.A. humans B. creatures C. adults D. students

18.A. generally B. possibilityC. hardly D. truly

19.A. strong B. wise C. athletic D. mature

20.A. flexibilityB. liberty C. curiosity D. Responsibility


Professional courses, such as Masters in International Business or MIB, have been taken by many students in the last two decades. They are choosing new-age non-conventional courses that guarantee a better future. MIB is a specialized course that teaches the international business. There are valid reasons for so much popularity of MIB course.

The course content and teaching methods of MIB are quite different from a normal MBA or Master of Business Administration. It has been designed with the sole objective of developing professionals with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the international trade. The course offers various advantages over the conventional MBA degree course.

The massive increase in the international business and foreign trade gives excellent job prospects(前景) to the new generation. Acquiring a degree of MIB offers outstanding growth of job opportunities. Those who want to pursue in the field of marketing also have a good future after completing the degree from a reputed MIB college. Big multinational organizations look for talented people who can handle the job profile of International Marketing Manage, and people with MIB degrees are preferred. The profile needs an in-depth understanding of the overseas markets, because it is the strategic post from the perspective of company’s international business growth.

Since business finance and economics are covered at length in the curriculum of MIB, students have great job offers in the field of finance as well. Typically, organizations offer the profile of international finance controllers to those who complete MIB with the specialization of finance. The specialization covers aspects of international taxes, accounts, budgeting and so on. People in this field are well-paid, and growth prospects are unlimited. After completing degree course from a reputed MIB college, there is a good scope in the banking and finance sector as well. International banks appoint people who have an excellent grasp over the international banking policies, currency exchange, and international policies. Thus, MIB is the golden key to success with brilliant job opportunities in national and multinational sectors.

1.The second paragraph is mainly developed by _______.

A. analyzing causes B. listing figures

C. making comparisons D. proving definition

2.More and more people intend to acquire a degree of MIB because _______.

A. it is a compulsory course in the colleges

B. it offers them conventional economic knowledge

C. it offers them opportunities to do small businesses

D. it helps them get good jobs in some organizations

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The international finance controller is a high-quality job.

B. People get higher salary in business field than in finance field.

C. MIB holders are more promising in all careers than others.

D. International banks only accept employees from MIB colleges.

4.What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this article?

A. To make an advertisement for the MIB course.

B. To analyze the disadvantages of the MIB course.

C. To explain why the MIB course is getting popular.

D. To predict the development trend of the MIB course.

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