

Millions 【1】 words have been said about young people in the United States. There are reasons for this great interest in their ideas, 【2】_ _(feel) and actions. Today there are about eight million Americans in the colleges and universities. The young under twenty-five make __【3】 nearly half of the American population, many of 【4】 will be in power in the U.S. 【5】 (nature), their ideas are important to everyone in the country, and 【6】 is necessary for the older people to understand 【7】 they think and how they feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and 【8】 . They are deeply interested in making a 【9】 (good) life for all the people, especially for those who have never 【10】 (give) a fair chance before.











【10】been given



【1】of.考查固定短语。此处是Millions of的用法,译为数百万的,几百万是个概数,故填of.


【3】up.考查固定短语。句意:25岁以下的年轻人组成了美国人口的一半。make up组成,故填up.

【4】whom.考查定语从句。 句中包含定语从句,先行词是The young,many of will be in power in the U.S.是定语从句,此处是介词+ whom结构,故填whom.


【6】it. 考查代词。此处it是形式主语,不定式to understand是真正主语,故填it.

【7】what. 考查宾语从句。此处是understand的宾语从句,句意:对于年长的人明白年轻人所想和他们的感受是非常有必要的。根据句意用what.



【10】been given.考查时态和语态。句意:尤其是以前没被给公平机会的那些人。主语who和动词give是被动关系,句中有助动词have用完成时的被动,故填been given.



【1】The hot climate here d (不适合)with me.

2The girl b (分手)up with her boy friend two days ago.

3If you do want to buy it, we will give you a 10% d (折扣).

4The boy was b up(抚养) by his grandparents.

5I c (感染上) a cold and had to lie in bed.

6D (给…穿衣) in red, she looks more beautiful.

7The two sides have reached a partial agreement, but there still e (存在)several differences between them.

8The plane crashed, killing all 200 people a (在飞机上).

9It was too late to see a film, and b (另外),I was tired.

【10They e (装备)themselves with two guns and set off for the forest.

【11So many new ideas! It’s difficult for me to a (吸收) all at once.

【12He takes regular exercise and is in good c (状况).

【13The enemy a (攻击)us at night.

【14Several trees were b down(刮倒)in the storm.

【15His illness c (导致)him to miss the game yesterday.

【16Mary’s courage is an e (榜样)to us all.

【17He was elected c (主席)of the education committee.

【18The children were not to b (责备)for the accident.

【19Let’s c (结合)my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.

20He is e (渴望的)for success.

21】I’m afraid this isn’t a very c (方便的) moment to see you.

22Stones were flying in all d (方向).

23We’ve begun to increase our production, but it’s e (容易的)said than done.

24The soldiers took three days to c (越过)the desert.

25You’re just trying to e (逃跑)from reality by taking all these drugs.

26What’s the d (距离)between London and Glasgow?

27We have decided to a (任命)a new teacher.

28All hopes of a peaceful settlement were d (破坏)by his speech.

29My mother is a really good c (厨师).

30She treats all her children a (相同的).

【题目】Many people feel that their parents were harder on them than on their brother or sister. And many are quick to blame(责备) negative results in adulthood on it. But results from a Temple University study published this month suggest that it is not necessarily true.

Researchers have found that among siblings(兄弟姐妹)in the same family,recalled negative early experiences such as conflicts(冲突) with parents seem to have little influence over psychological(心理的)wellbeing(幸福) in midlife.

“Existing research suggests the importance of early childhood parental treatment on later wellbeing,but respondents in this study who thought they were treated less favorably than their siblings have been found to be just as satisfied in their lives,”said Adam Davey,a psychologist in the College of Health Professions.

Davey's study looked at data collected from 1,369 siblings between the ages of 26—74 from 498 different families to determine the extent(程度)to which different childhood treatment reached into adulthood. Each sibling answered a series of questions about their memories of parental affection(喜爱),conflicts with their parents when they were young and current wellbeing. Davey and his team found that those who remembered having more conflicts with their parents than their siblings still tended to have generally high levels of wellbeing in adulthood. Not surprisingly,they also found that happier memories,such as memories of affection and warmth,can have positive effects.

Older respondents who were married and had children of their own tended to have a more positive recollection of their childhood. Davey says these findings could suggest that life experience acts as a filter(过滤)for remembering childhood memories. He adds that personality also plays a role:those who were more outgoing tended to have a better recollection of their childhood.

“Even people who grow up in the same environment can have different ways of recalling the past. And it's not necessarily what happens in the past,but the way we remember it that makes a difference to our wellbeing,”said Davey.

【1】What's the purpose of the passage?

A. To show how to improve wellbeing in midlife.

B. To teach parents how to give their children a happier childhood.

C. To blame some parents for being harder on one of their children.

D. To show the link between negative childhood experiences and wellbeing in adulthood.

【2】Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor(因素) on how people recollect childhood in Paragraph 5?

A. Having children or not. B. Being healthy or not.

C. Life experience. D. Personality.

【3】According to Davey,what influences our wellbeing in adulthood?

A. What happened in the past. B. How we remember the past.

C. The role we play in society. D. How much we have.

【题目】 Hugging is an extremely positive form of communication. It expresses the values of love, approval, gratitude and forgiveness. Research shows that hugs have more positive effects on children and adults than just some encouraging words and a smiling face. Giving our child a hug on various occasions can make a world of difference in our young learner's lives.

On the first day of school, giving a hug coupled with a few calming breaths just might help your little learner overcome "The First Day Fears." By the way’ giving hugs for the first full week wouldn't hurt either. Hugs are relatively inexpensive and apparently very healthy.

It's the day of the class play and your kid is not so confident about saying a few words as a wild turkey in front of an audience. Giving a hug coupled with a few encouraging words just might help them feel more confident.

Usually, bedtime is the most frightening time of the day for most kids,who feel very stressed and may stay up. Giving a tight hug coupled with reading their favorite story or singing their favorite song may help them have a good sleep.

Besides, according to Intelligence Quotient Development in Children on eHow.com, "A caring yet inspiring environment is always helpful in promoting a child's language skills. Make sure your child gets plenty of hugs and kisses and hears positive and encouraging words from you."

Sometimes we get caught up in teaching, parenting, providing, and protecting our children that we forget to hug them. If there's one thing your child or student may need from you to help adapt their behavior or improve their IQ, it may just be something as simple as a hug.

A positive hug could change the course of the day for you both when you least expect it. So remember to hug your children often and put emotion behind it and really mean it!


The Positive Effect of Hugs


Hugging 【1】 positive messages, and it can make the children's world different.


Helping children 2fears

Giving a hug and whispering to 3_ them down

Building 4

Hugging with a few words of55._

Relieving 5

Hugging 6 and reading bedtime stories or singing their favorite songs

Improving children's language skills and IQ positively

Creating a caring and inspiring 7_with plenty of hugs, kisses and encouraging words 8 to give children a hug out of a tight schedule


A positive hug to children can be of great benefit to both the giver and the60.

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