


John was 20 years old. He was a handsome and gifted ________ . But he stopped talking as much as he usually did after he graduated from high school. This year, his________ reduced to nothing. His parents knew he was ________ , and continually told him that they loved him. Everyone was ________ about his well-being and wondered what they could say or do to help him, since saying “I love you” ________ wasn’t enough to improve his situation.

John finally made a(an) ________ . He locked himself in the cellar(地下室)and stayed there for three days without food. ________ he continued to acknowledge his parents’ love for him and his love for them, his depression ________ . His loved ones were ________ that he would even kill himself one day. Healthcare professionals were ________ ,

but the advice, care and kindness did not ________ . On the fourth day of John’s isolation(隔离), the local high school football ________ , who didn’t’ know John’s situation, happened to call him. John’s mother told him John was not ________ and took a message at the coach’s ________ . Then she went to the cellar door and called down the stairs, “John, Coach Ivers just phoned. He said that his players ________last night on who they wanted as their assistant coach. They said you were the greatest football athlete they had ever had and they though they could ________ the state championship if you helped to coach them. Coach Ivers said they need you! He said if you are interested, you should be at the football practice ________at 14:45 this afternoon.” Hearing the message, John eventually came out of the cellar. He accepted the coaching job. ________ the time he came home from his first ________ , he had walked out of his depression. He once again found the great feeling of being ________ , and he was back to his old self.

1.A. judge B. athlete C. captain D. professor

2.A. promise B. complaint C. motivation D. conversation

3.A. depressed B. awkward C. innocent D. unconscious

4.A. curious B. positive C. frightened D. concerned

5.A. directly B. properly C. obviously D. specially

6.A. move B. apology C. difference D. deal

7.A. Because B. Although C. Unless D. When

8.A. acquired B. recovered C. deepened D. withdrew

9.A. amazed B. confused C. bored D. convinced

10.A. taken in B. brought in C. turned in D. put in

11.A. solve B. produce C. work D. develop

12.A. assistant B. manager C. coach D. guider

13.A. occupied B. suitable C. flexible D. available

14.A. request B. recommendation C. invitation D. compromise

15.A. competed B. voted C. connected D. responded

16.A. obtain B. recognize C. approve D. admit

17.A. in person B. with delight C. by chance D. on purpose

18.A. During B. Before C. By D. After

19.A. appointment B. practice C. experience D. preparation

20.A. demanded B. respected C. protected D. needed


Facebook and Twitter have become a significant threat to marriage – with social media now a factor in an increasing number of divorce cases, say lawyers.

One in seven married individuals have considered divorce because of their spouse’s(配偶) postings of Facebook or other online sites, according to research. A similar percentage admit that they search online for evidence of their spouse’s disloyalty, while nearly one in five say they have daily quarrels because of the way their husband or wife uses social media. The research was assigned by law firm Gordon in response to an increase in the number of its clients who said that Facebook, Skype, Snapchat, Twitter or other social media sites had played a part in their divorce.

Andrew Newbury, of law firm Gordon, said: ‘Social media is the new marriage. Five years ago Facebook was rarely mentioned in the context of a marriage ending, but now it has become common.” Social media, specific pictures and posts on Facebook, are now being routinely raised in divorces.’ The survey by Censuswide among 2011 husbands and wives, found the most common reasons for checking their spouse’s social media accounts were to discover who they were talking to, who they were meeting and where they were going. A quarter of the married people said the resulting suspicions led to quarrels at least once a week, and 17 percent said such quarrels were daily events.

Arguments were caused by contact with former partners, by the sending of secret messages, and by the posting of ‘inappropriate’ pictures. Some 14 percent said they looked at their spouse’s social media with the specific intention of detecting evidence of adultery(出轨).

1.The underlined word “disloyalty” in Paragraph 2 probably means _______.

A. affection B. discomfort

C. dishonesty D. violence

2.What might checking spouse’s social media accounts result in?

A. The couple let out secrets quickly.

B. The couple lost trust between each other.

C. All the couples quarreled at least once a week.

D. The couple felt comfortable about their relationship.

3.By saying “Social media is the new marriage minefield”, Andrew means that _______.

A. a new marriage needs social media field

B. social media is a good thing to marriage

C. social media is a new field of communication

D. marriage ending will be caused by social media

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Facebook, a Multifunctional Tool

B. Social Media, a Threat to Marriage

C. Posting Pictures is Killing Marriage

D. Argument about Social Media Sites

One of the odd things about some business organizations is that they spend so much money attracting new customers but spend so little keeping them. It just doesn’t make sense. However, taking customers for granted is a routine in some business organizations.

Loyal customers are an organization's only protection against bankruptcy(破产), and losing them because of neglect or indifference is really wrong. Not only do satisfied customers continue to buy by themselves, but they often encourage others to buy. This is advertising that doesn't cost a penny. Although there are always problems in giving good service to customers, maintaining their business isn't all that difficult. It's a matter of attitude, of believing that everyone who buys from you is entitled to the best treatment you can deliver. Plus giving just a little more than you have to.

There are always problems in giving good service to customers. The reason, of course, is that no organization is perfect, and there's many a slip: unreasonable delays in filling orders, shipping the wrong goods, failing to answer letters promptly, and so on. Sometimes these errors or failures can't be helped. For example, if you can't get parts because of material shortages or a transportation strike, customers may be denied the goods they've ordered.

No matter who is at fault, customers whom you value highly should generally be given the benefit of the doubt. The old saying that all customers should be treated alike is a myth. Customers who repeatedly place large orders and pay for them will naturally, get more attention than those who buy infrequently and have to be badgered to pay what they owe. However, you have to make the assumption that all customers are good unless proved otherwise.

1.From the second paragraph, we can know that ____________.

A. satisfied customers should always be well serviced

B. devoted customers are lifelines of business organizations

C. companies can employ customers to advertise their products

D. it is hard for organizations to offer good services to their customers

2.Which of the following statements might the author agree with?

A. Only regular customers deserve good treatments

B. New customers are treated well in large organizations

C. Some errors and failures in business are unavoidable

D. Both an organization and their customers are responsible for certain errors

3. What does the author imply by saying “all customers should be treated alike is a myth”?

A. It’s not true that all customers are treated equally

B. It is an old story that customers receive equal treatment

C. It is possible that customers should enjoy the same treatment

D. It’s a rule that customers should share equal and fair rights

4. The main idea of the passage is best summarized as “_________”.

A. new customers are kings for business organizations

B. taking customers for granted is regulation in business organizations

C. maintaining customers is the most important thing to business organizations

D. business organizations need spend so much money attracting new customers

Who is your role model? Normally the answer to this question would be anyone around you who you find truly inspiring. It could also be someone like J. K. Rowling or Martin Luther King. Jr. , who have proven to be strong and intelligent people.

However, in today’s world, stars are regarded as role models along with the heroes listed above, despite their intentions or actions. Teens attempt to imitate their actions for two major reasons. Firstly, to be fashionable and accepted by popular culture, and secondly because stars’ actions are so well documented by the media that it seems to grab our attention and turns it to following stars’ lives. Much of the reports about stars is shocking and exhibits bad morals or lifestyles that aren’t right for teenagers. In addition, almost everything stars do is described beyond truth to make a shocking story by taking it to the next level.

However, teens must take responsibility for their actions. We can’t always blame stars for influencing us. Only you have control over yourself and only you choose to do something. Our bodies and actions are in the hands of no one else.

Now, whoever said stars are role models? Whether they choose to be or not, stars set examples as soon as they step into the spotlight. With reporters following and recording every move they make, it is impossible not to be watched and then be imitated. These people influence teens whether or not they want to. Why should someone who doesn’t want to be setting an example set one? So,should we look up to them or to people who are true and good role models? It’s our responsibility as teens to know right from wrong, and it’s time for us to take responsibility for our actions. In doing so,we will lean toward those inspiring people that want to be setting an example, and follow in their steps to be like them.

1. According to the first paragraph, _______ can usually be role models.

A. political leaders

B. wealthy writers

C. people inspiring others

D. people with great intelligence

2.What are the major reasons for the teens to imitate stars?

A. Interest in stars’ life and expectation of getting rich.

B. Motivation for being fashionable and inspiration from popular examples.

C. Intentions to gain acceptance and encouragement from stars’ lifestyle.

D. Desires to be stylish and great influence from the mass media.

3. The author writes the passage mainly to advise the teenagers to _______.

A. have a control over their own bodies and actions

B. be responsible for their own choices and behaviors

C. follow fashionable stars’ steps to be more popular

D. choose right role models according to different reports

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. stars have the responsibility for teenagers’ actions

B. not all famous stars choose to influence teenagers

C. teenagers choose those inspiring people as their role models

D. stars set examples immediately they stepped into the spotlight


Most students have had a love-hate experience with procrastination(拖延). Here are some tips to help you reduce this age-old practice.

◆Set goals.

In order to achieve a particular result, you should constantly set and update goals. It can be beneficial to mark all deadlines in a planner. And then you think about how much time you need to meet them all._ 1.___.


Sometimes you may consider some work or a class pointless and not useful to your further studies. However, when these thoughts arise and you think that getting a pint of beer is a better idea than getting a good grade, remind yourself what the ultimate goal of your schooling is. Remind yourself why you wanted to go to school and take this program in the first place.

◆Turn off the Internet.

The most common things that take your attention away are those found on the Interne-social media sites, and videos. If you do not need the Internet to do your work, turn it off so that you are not receiving notices while completing your work. 3. You can take a break from being connected to the cyber world in order to do your school work. If you feel the need to check messages and websites often, set times when you will allow yourself to do so rather than constantly staying connected.


Being productive for all hours of every, day does not work-you do need breaks, and as a student you have the right to have a lot of fun. 5. Ideally, social and relaxation plans should be made for after a significant portion of work is complete. This way, while you are working, you can keep in mind that once you have finished your work you can go out and not worry about your assignments.

A. The same goes for your cell phone.

B. Have something to look forward to.

C. Do not worry about your assignments.

D. Remind yourself of what you are doing.

E. It can be difficult to mark all deadlines in advance.

F. So plan time to go out with friends or do something relaxing.

G. Additionally, make a daily schedule in order to reach necessary goals before going to bed.

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