
【题目】It was ________ of our boss to care so much about our feelings, as a result of which many of my co-workers decided to stay when our company was at risk.

A. modestB. particularC. strictD. considerate



试题分析:考查形容词。句意:在公司处于危机时我的大部分同事都留了下来,因为我们的老板非常的体贴人,对我们的感受非常关心。A. modest谦虚B. particular尤其C. strict严格D. considerate体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的故选D。



Culture means any human behavior that is learned in human society. All of the meaningful parts of a culture are passed on to different generations through tradition or social learning. 【1】 Culture exists in agricultural as well as industrialized societies.

Culture is necessary for the survival and existence of human beings as human beings. Practically everything humans know, think, value, feel, and do is learned through taking part in a sociocultural system. 2 Here is one of the cases of children growing up apart from human society. In the province of Midnapore in India, the director of a children’s home was told by local villagers that there were “ghost” in the forest. Upon looking into the case, the director found that two children, one about eight years old and the other about six years old, appeared to have been living with a pack of wolves in the forest. 3 In his diary, the director describes his first view of Kamala (as the older child was named) and Amala ( the name given to the younger child):

Kamala was a terrible-looking being, the head, a big ball of something covering the shoulders. 4 Their eyes were bright and sharp, unlike human eyes. They were very fond of raw meat and raw milk. Gradually, as they got stronger, they began going on all fours, and afterwards began to run on all fours, just like squirrels松鼠.Children learn human language in the same way they learn other kinds of human behavior——by taking part in a cultural community. 5

A. From this viewpoint, all human groups have a culture.

B. Close at its heels there came another terrible creature exactly like the first, but smaller in size.

C. Human beings can only develop human abilities by the local people.

D. This statement is well supported by some well-written cases.

E. These children were the ghosts described by the local people.

F. Culture refers only to the high art and classical music of a particular society.

G. They learn a certain human languages as well as certain kinds of human behavior

through their membership in a certain cultural community.

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Students being interviewed either by alumni representatives or an admissions office need to walk a very fine line between being prepared and being rehearsed.

Here are some basic interview suggestions for you:

Don't arrive late. Don't arrive too early either. 【1】

Don't dress inappropriately. There’s no need for a jacket and tie,2 . That means no sneakers, shorts, T-shirts or jeans. Choose your outfit two days before the interview.

3 . Make sure you do your homework on specific majors, programs and their study abroad opportunities.

Don't be boring. Make yourself stand out with what you choose to talk about, such as your summer experiences, your volunteer and community service involvement, your club activities and internships or work experience. 4

Don't sound like you've rehearsed. 5

Don't forget to come prepared with your own questions. These questions are often where a student has the best opportunity to set themselves apart from other applicants. Create a list of questions you can ask that will help you decide if this could be the right college for you.

A. Being robotic and sounding like you've been preparing for three months will only work against you.

B. You won't have anything to do except getting more, nervous.

C. Not being well-informed about the college comes across as being disrespectful.

D. but you have to pretend you're going out for a nice dinner

E. Your questions should demonstrate critical thinking.

F. Don't assume you already know enough about the college

G. Share your interests andspan> passions and let the interviewer feel like they know who you are when it's over.

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