


1.If convenience, we’ll come tomorrow.

2.Although these cities are not as large as that in China, they have world-famous

football teams.

3.Though lack money, his parents managed to send him to school.

4.When you copy the letter, pay attention to not leaving alone any words.

5.They live in the farmhouse, in front of which stands two bread trees.

6.Having been told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

7.Karan rented a furnished flat and had it paint pink for the coming Christmas.

8.He keeps him informed of what is happening outside through the Internet.

9.If you make promises lightly, you’ll find yourself in the dilemma.

10.The girl who seems to be easy to get along is easy to get angry actually.


It was a cloudy day on November 11, 2015. We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn’t even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down. While I watched, mouth open in surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop (拖把). She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up, Mum nodded and said, “Very dirty floors.”

“Yes, I’m glad they’ve finally decided to clean them,” the nurse answered. She looked at Mum strangely and said, “But aren’t you working late?”

Mum just pushed harder, each swipe of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book.

After a long time Mum came back. Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my hand. As we turned to go out of the door, Mum nodded politely to the nurse and said, “Thank you.”

Outside, Mum told me, “Dagma is fine. No fever. ”

“You see her, Mum?”

“Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. It’s a fine hospital. But the floors! A mop is no good. You need a brush. ”

1.When the nurse talked to Mum, she thought Mum was a ________.

A. nurse B. cleaner C. patient D. visitor

2.What can we infer about the hospital?

A. It was a children’s hospital.

B. The nurses and doctors there don’t work hard.

C. It has strict rules about visiting hours.

D. A lot of patients come to this hospital every day.

3.Mum went to see Dagma in the hospital to _____.

A. give her some messages about Dad

B. make sure her room was clean

C. check that she was still there

D. find out how she was

4. Which of the following words can best describe Mum?

A. Hard –working B. Clever

C. Warmly –hearted D. Strange

Hypothermia can be mild, moderate or severe. Mild hypothermia is something that most people in cold climates have experienced at one time or another. You feel so cold that your body starts to shake -- not very much, but uncontrollably.

The treatment for mild hypothermia starts with getting out of the cold and, if necessary, changing into dry clothes. Drinking warm, non-alcoholic liquids and eating something sugary can stop the shivering.

Taking a warm bath or sitting by a fire or doing some exercise can also help the body warm up. These are all common-sense treatments.

But treatment needs to change when people enter the moderate or severe stages of hypothermia. In that situation, their body temperature drops below thirty-five degrees Celsius. They lose the ability to think clearly. Their muscles become stiff. They might bump into things or fall over objects.

Members of search-and-rescue teams will first try to prevent additional heat loss. They will place extra covering around the chest, head and neck of hypothermia victims to keep them warm.

Hypothermia victims need medical help as soon as possible. Working quickly to get people out of the cold is important. However, hypothermia victims must be moved slowly and gently.

Any rough or sudden movement can force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body. This sudden flow of cold blood can create shock, a serious condition. It can also cause an abnormal heartbeat. Members of search-and-rescue teams have a saying that hypothermia victims are not dead until they are warm and dead. The process of "rewarming" a person needs to be done slowly, in a hospital setting.

An extremely low body temperature can cause the heart to beat so slowly that a pulse may be difficult to find. In other words, a person who is suffering from the effects of severe cold may seem dead, but still be alive.

1.According to the text, when a person experience mild hypothermia, _____.

A. He feels cold so he shakes deliberately.

B. He can drink some wine to stop the shaking.

C. Some common treatments can help him recover.

D. He should be sent to the hospital immediately.

2.Which of the following expression can take the place of the underlined words?

A. break into B. knock into

C. break down D. sweep up

3.When people enter the moderate or severe stages of hypothermia, which of the following statement is WRONG? _________

A. Their body temperature drops below 35℃.

B. The rescue workers should first help them warm slowly and gently in a proper situation.

C. Hypothermia victims seem alive but dead.

D. If hypothermia isn’t treated correctly, the victim’s heart may not beat normally.

4.What’s the best title for the text? _____.

A. Different kinds of hypothermia

B. Medical help is important in treating hypothermia

C. Emergency treatment for different types of hypothermia.

D. How to avoid cold-weather injuries.

A recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children. Although rather shocking, it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy parlors(客厅) where loved pets rest. Are Americans unique in treating their little friends in this way? No, the English, too, pay more attention to their pets.

This can clearly be seen when we look at pet foods, which often contain more vitamins than human food. They certainly cost much. Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet food alone, to say nothing of veterinary bills or animal furniture. It is difficult not to feel angry about this when considering what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty, so it is not unusual for me to get hot under collar when I read an old man left all his money to his dog instead of his children.

There are a variety of reasons why I find pets-raising alarming. They cause physical problems. An example of this is New York where they have great difficulty getting rid of the mess that dogs leave on the streets. Many people find this funny, but in a number of large cities it is a major problem. Animals can cause disease, too. It is the threat of rabies — a disease with no known cure.

Another problem is the carelessness of pet owners. Most little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually push their mothers and fathers until they get one. It is only when the "sweet little thing" has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on "Rover" or "Bonzo". Then they just abandon it. As a result, they are allowed to run free. English farmers lose hundreds of sheep a year, killed by someone's pet and you must have read of children being hurt by some pets of their own.

Lastly, I would only suggest that we have got our priorities wrong and that something should be done about it. In my view, it's time we stopped being sentimental about pets. I can see no reason why we should get upset when animals are cut up for medical experiments. This will lead us to discovering cures for serious human diseases, then I say, “keep cutting!”

1.The doggy parlors are mentioned in the 1st paragraph to show ________.

A. where Americans keep their pets

B. what costly lives the pets are living

C. why children love their pets so much

D. how much pets depend on their masters

2.In the second paragraph "to get hot under the collar" probably means ________.

A. getting quite hot B. feeling overwhelmingly angry

C. becoming excited D. receiving a fashionable shirt

3.According to the author, in which field can animals be most useful?

A. Pet. B. Food. C. Medicine. D. Sports.

4.What is author’s attitude towards pets-raising?

A. Pitiful. B. Neutral. C. Opposed. D. Supportive.

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