
17.Fast food and too much TV time should not take all the blame for the weight problems.A group of researchers say that a number of aspects of modern living from lack of sleep to environmental chemicals and to living with air conditioning-may be closely related to the weight problems of many people.
Lack of sleep is one of factors.Researches in animals and humans suggest that a lack of sleep over a long time can increase appetite.Studies also show that many adults and children are sleeping less than they used to.In recent decades,adults have gone from sleeping for all average of nine hours to about seven hours.
There is also evidence that industrial chemicals may increase body fat.These chemicals,which are used in products,change hormonal(荷尔蒙的) activity when they get into the body.Studies suggest that people have been getting more and more of these chemicals through the food chain in recent decades.
Another factor that may be making people overweight is air conditioning.The body burns calories when forced to eat less in hot and wet weather,but air conditioning makes it unnecessary for the body to make any adjustment.
Researchers also list other possible risk factors for overweight,including more older mothers,whose children may become overweight more easily; a number of medicines which can lead to weight gain; and fewer people who smoke,since people often gain weight when they stop smoking because nicotine can make people eat less.
No one is suggesting that people should stop working and sleep more,or keep smoking.When it comes to saying any person's weight,what really matters is how much they eat and how much of the food they use every day.That means diet and exercise are still the key.

81.Why does lack of sleep will result in weight problem?(No more than 5words)Because it can increase appetite.
82.How long do adults averagely sleep nowadays?(No more than 2words)Seven/7 hours.
83.How do the industrial chemicals affecting our weight come into our body?
(No more than 4words)Through the food chain.
84.What is the main idea of this passage?(No more than 18words)A number of aspects of modern living may be closely related to the weight problems of many people.

分析 本文是一篇说明文阅读,主要介绍了影响肥胖的主要因素有睡眠不足、体内积累的化学物质、空调、吸烟等,并得出了现代生活的许多方面都与很多人的体重问题密切相关的结论.

解答 81.Because it can increase appetite 细节理解题.根据第二段Lack of sleep is one of factors.Researches in animals and humans suggest that a lack of sleep over a long time can increase appetite.可知缺乏睡眠是影响体重的一个因素,长期睡眠不足会增加食欲.故该处填Because it can increase appetite.
82.Seven/7 hours  细节理解题.根据第二段In recent decades,adults have gone from sleeping for all average of nine hours to about seven hours.可知近几十年来,成人睡眠时间由过去平均九小时变成大约七小时.故该处填Seven/7 hours.
83.Through the food chain  细节理解题.根据第三段Studies suggest that people have been getting more and more of these chemicals through the food chain in recent decades.可知研究表明,通过近几十年的食物链人体积累了越来越多的化学物质.故该处填Through the food chain.
84.A number of aspects of modern living may be closely related to the weight problems of many people  主旨大意题.本文主要介绍了影响肥胖的主要因素,并得出现代生活的许多方面都与很多人的体重问题密切相关.故该处填A number of aspects of modern living may be closely related to the weight problems of many people.

点评 本文考察学生对上下文的推测理解能力,首先通读全文了解文章的整体大意,再针对性地找出有关语句进行分析,最后进行归纳总结,找出答案.

8.Emergency rooms (ER) are supposed to cure people but Dr.John Stemgold wonders if working in an ER in Willits made him sick.The ER was downwind of the Remco chrome plant."I used to sit facing that window and kind of daydream out the window,looking at Remco,looking at the fog coming out of there.Then I would cough and cough."Stemgold said.
What Dr.Stemgold didn't know was that Remco was flowing out Chromium VI into the air---a chemical known to cause cancer and breathing problems in humans.A recent state health department study found that people who were in Willits when Remco was in operation from 1964to 1995are at higher risk for cancer because of Chromium VI exposure.
Today Dr.Stemgold has lots of time to play his guitar.It turns out he has a form of breathing difficulty.Hospital chemicals cause coughing so violently that he's broken bones and it's cost him his career.Others in this town believe the Chromium has made them sick,too,and their families.Actually,Chromium VI was classified as a carcinogen,a cancer-causing substance,thirty years ago,Twenty years ago,a group of state scientific specialists found no exposure level below which carcinogen effects would not have some probability of occurring.Still,Remco was allowed to flow out Chromium VI into the air.
In the battle to balance public health and a healthy economy,laws often favor business,Alan Ramo is a professor of law at Golden Gate University."There is a real drive to make money,to have employment.When there's a real job that's available and a theoretical risk of a chemical,jobs win out,business wins out."
And chemicals are allowed to flood the marketplace and the government requires strict testing before any drugs can be sold.But the vast majority of industrial chemicals are put into use little testing of any kind Chemicals that people like us,you and me might be exposed to.Marilyn Underwood is with California state health department."You need to have the convincing evidence that something is bad to then start regulating it."However,in most cases,chemicals are not tested until someone reports the abnormal,unnatural condition of the environment in general.
"I think that if people really knew what really goes on with environmental protection I think they would be shocked and they should be."Says Professor Ramo."It might be valuable for other people to know what has happened to me,not for me but for them."He said"because they might be in a similar situation because of where they work."
70.What happened to the people who lived in Willits from 1964-1995D?
A.most of them were forced to move away.
B.They earn a lot of fortune from the factory or the profit it brought about.
C.employees from local area all got sick and lost their jobs at the plant.
D.They have a greater chance of having severe disease.
71.What can we infer from the scientists'finding twenty years agoC?
A.Chromium VI surroundings help surgeons have more casual life.
B.More skillful and capable doctors were needed.
C.There is no safe level of Chromium VI exposure.
D.A group of scientists were trying proper ways to solve the problems.
72.When are new chemicals for industry testedB?
A.When they make smog-forming gases.
B.When some problem is noticed.
C.Ten years after they are first used.
D.When the plant faces collapse.
73.One of the important issues in the story isC.
A.The dangers of emergency rooms that create health problem downwind.
B.Doctors prescribing too many drugs.
C.The battle to balance public health and a healthy economy
D.Why scientists restricted chemical,like Chromium VI.
5.2014 saw that the Ebola virus reappeared in Guinea and soon spread into neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone,killing over 7,800people by the new year of 2015.It leads to viral hemorrhagic fever,which is characterized by high fever and internal bleeding etc.
Ebola is named after the Ebola River,where it was first discovered in 1976.There are five different types of the Ebola virus,each named after where they first happened:Sudan,Ivory Coast,Reston,Bundibugyo,and Zaire.The deadliest of the five,Zaire,was responsible for the 2012out-break,and is believed to be attacking Guinea.
Ebola is naturally found in fruit bats,which pass on the virus to other animals by biting or sucking on their blood.Humans who are suffering from the Ebola infection might have touched the bodily fluids of the infected animals.Once infected,a human becomes a carrier of the deadly virus.
Unfortunately,there are no disease-specific treatments for Ebola.Health-care workers only supply the infected people with physiological saline(生理盐水)to keep them in good condition.Ebola can kill 90% of those infected,especially in underdeveloped societies like those in Africa.Since there have been many cases of nurses catching the disease from patients,they are forced to wear strict protective clothes,and in some cases,not even allowed to get close to the infected.The fact that there is no cure for the Ebola virus is what makes the outbreak a challenging one to control.
What's worse,since we live in an interconnected world,where the situation in one country can affect us all,the influences of Ebola are huge:damaging trade relations,affecting foreign visitors,and weakening entire countries.It is feared that the disease may spread throughout west African countries.For every country,a strong health system can decrease the risk of health attack and lessen the impact of Ebola.

28.What is the function of the first paragraph in the whole passage?A
A.To arouse the reader's concern.
B.To summarize the whole passage.
C.To give a detailed description of Ebola.
D.To introduce the theme of the whole passage.
29.What can we infer about the Ebola virus?C
A.It has caused a panic in many countries.
B.It is the most dangerous virus in the world.
C.A strong health system is important to fight against Ebola.
D.Anyone who was infected Ebola will die.
30.Paragraph 3mainly tells usB.
A.What the Ebola virus is              
B.How the Ebola virus spreads
C.How the Ebola virus is treated        
D.How the Ebola virus affects the life
31.Which of the following is true?A
A.There are no effective drugs to treat Ebola by far.
B.Ebola is now very common in Guinea.
C.Those with a fever must be infected by Ebola.
D.Females are easier to be infected by Ebola.
12.Besides containing attractive flowers,trees and other plants that beautify the community,ecofriendly rain gardens are healthy for the environment and the people living and working nearby.
A rain garden is not very different from a traditional garden.It is just a far more ecofriendly garden.Usually it is built lower than the ground.Rain gardens make smart use of rain and storm water by temporarily holding water from rain and storms and letting it soak(浸入)slowly into the ground before it runs into streams or enters the public drinking water supply.
Thus,a rain garden keeps the water,allowing it to be used as needed by plants in the rain garden,rather than flowing immediately into nearby streams and going unused.The water will soak slowly into the ground within a day or two.This creates an advantage that the rain garden does not allow mosquitoes to breed.This is a simple,attractive,and ecofriendly"green"way to treat storm water.
What's more,planting a rain garden helps reduce pollution and improve the environment.Without using expensive machinery and chemicals,rain gardens remove harmful chemicals in the rainwater and cut down on the amount of pollution reaching streams and rivers by up to 30%.
Native plants are recommended for rain gardens because they are more used to the local climate,soil,and water conditions.They may attract local wildlife such as native birds.Water your rain garden immediately after planting and once a week,unless you have had at least an inch of rain during the week.Once native plants establish the necessary root system,they will require little care.
Often,local governments and private businesses develop large rain gardens in their yards and in public parks as a way to improve the environment and solve flooding problems.However,you don't need to be a professionally environmental engineer to create a rain garden.As long as you're ecoconscious homeowners,you can help the environment by building smaller rain gardens in your yards.

4.Which of the following is NOT true for the function of rain gardens?B
A.They are good for living conditions.
B.They increase pollution.
C.They can beautify the community.
D.They improve the environment.
5.Which of the following is the ecofriendly function of rain gardens discussed in Paragraph 4?A
A.They can help reduce the pollution problem.
B.They can keep the rain and storm water.
C.They can be healthy for the people around.
D.They can make the environment more beautiful.
6.One of the main reasons why native plants are recommended is thatD.
A.they cost less and are much easier to get
B.they may attract local wildlife to come
C.they require little care from the local gardener
D.they are more used to the local growing conditions
7.What do we know about rain gardens?C
A.They need little water after all the plants are planted.
B.They may attract local birds and change the local climate.
C.They usually need at least an inch of rainwater a week.
D.They may reduce the water pollution problem by 70%.
2.Escape from FoMO
Here's a test you might enjoy:rate these situations on a number scale,ranging from 1for mild discomfort to 7 for unbearable distress.
Situation 1:you're visiting New York City and realize there's no way you'll be able to get to all the exhibits,see all the recommended plays or take in even part of the"musts".How do you feel now?Something like 5?
Situation 2:you,re at dinner with friends,and you've all agreed to make it a strictly phone-free evening.But your smartphone won't stop beeping Twitter and text alerts.Something is obviously up in your social network,but you can't check.Even 7wouldn't match the stress you're feeling now.
Welcome to FoMO (Fear of Missing Out),the latest mental disorder caused by social media connections sharing updates that leaves individuals feeling that they are missing out on something more exciting,important,or interesting going on somewhere else.It is an outcome of technological advancement and booming social information.According to a recent study,56per cent of those who use social networks suffer this.
It is not uncommon that at night when you've sworn again to put the phone aside or turn off the computer,you cast one last glance at the screen on your way to bed in case you miss some titbit (趣闻)supplied by mere acquaintances or even strangers'requesting your"friendship".
We all know the studies showing that end-of-life regrets centre on what we didn't do,rather than on what we did.If so,constantly watching others doing things that we are not is rich ground for a future of looking back in sorrow.Attractive online images-so charming from afar-make FoMO more destructive.Technology has become the major construct through which we define intimacy (亲密).You may look on in wonder as someone taps out an endless text message instead of actually talking to the person they're with.Being connected to everyone,all the time,is a new human experience; we,re just not equipped to cope with it yet.
Researchers say our dependence on technology can be reduced if we manage to separate ourselves,even for short periods of time,from our gadgets.However,the problem can only be settled when we grasp that our brains and our humanity-not our technologies-enable this addiction.We cannot seek solutions without honestly asking ourselves why we are so afraid of missing out.Researchers find FoMO occurs mostly in people with unfulfilled psychological needs in fields such as love,respect and security.FoMO levels are highest in young people,in particular young men.
What,then,can we do about something so damaging to our quality of life?The best way to cope with FoMO is to recognize that,at our fast-paced life,we are sometimes bound to miss out.Instead of trying to maximize our benefits,we seek a merely"good enough"result.If you still doubt that"good enough"is the best cure for FoMO,the words of the American essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson might strike the right chord,"For everything you have missed,you have gained something else,and for everything you gain,you lose something else."
Escape from FoMO
Main PointsDetails
Concept of FoMOFoMO,constantly (71)disturbing our peace of mind,refers to the unease of feeling that we are not part of social connection.
Examples of FoMO•When having dinner with friends,we feel extremely depressed when
(72)forbidden to check our social network.
•Determined as we are to put aside phones,we can't shift our (73)attention/focus/concentrationfrom them until we go to bed.
(74)Reasons/Triggers/Causesbehind FoMO•Technology develops and social information explodes.
•Images of online friends (75)appeal more to us,compared to our real world friends.
•Some of us attempt to feel(76)psychologically A fulfilled on social network.
Bad effects of FoMO•We are constantly (77)regretful/sorryfor things that we didn't do.
•Communicating with friends in the virtual world gives(78)rise to the decline of important relationships with friends and family.
Suggestions on avoiding
•Get (798)separated/away/disconnected from the modern technology.
•Recognize that missing out is part of our life.
•Accept that (80)losses/losscan sometimes be"a blessing in disguise".
9.For pet owners,the hundreds of pet food recalls taking place each year has raised a lot of alarm."Most people are caring pet owners,and they want to do what helps protect their pet,"explains Will Post,founder and CEO,Hound & Gatos Pet Foods Corporation."Yet the problem is that most are not sure what that means and how to go about it.The more they learn about pet food,the better able they will be to make an informed decision that will keep their pet healthier and safer."
Here are several tips that consumers may want to keep in mind when it comes to choosing a pet food that will help reduce the risks.
Get to know the company.Most people may know a company name simply because they spend millions on advertising.But that doesn't mean they know much about the company or their morals.Research companies to find one that offers high standards,quality products,and great customer service.
Ask questions.Don't be afraid to get in touch with a pet food company and ask them where something was made,where ingredients(原料) came from,or any other questions.They should have no problem answering questions about their products,or with being able to provide proof of their quality standards.
Read reviews.Do some searches to read some reviews about various brands of pet food.Keep in mind that some reviews can be one-sided and even planted by the company itself,so look for fair third-party sources giving the review.
Investigate(调查) ingredients.The source of ingredients is of major concern when it comes to reducing the risks of pet food recalls and keeping pets healthy.Read the labels and ask questions to determine where the ingredients are coming from.
Understand pet foods.Cat and dog food should contain 100percent protein,which will supply them with the nutrients their bodies require.The problem with many commercial pet foods is that it is full of numerous fillers,such as cheap fillers and grains.

36.How can people provide a safer and healthier environment for their pet?B
A.By giving more food to their pet.
B.By getting a better understanding about pet food.
C.By accompanying their pet more.
D.By knowing more about their pet.
37.How many pieces of advice on choosing a pet food are given by the author?C
A.Three.  B.Four.  C.Five.  D.Six.
38.As for reducing the risks of pet food recalls,what should be mainly taken into consideration?A
A.Where the ingredients come from.
B.Whether the company has good reputation.
C.Whether the food supply enough nutrients.
D.Whether most people choose the food.
39.The passage is mainly aboutB.
A.the increasingly serious problem about food safety
B.the ways to choose a safer pet food
C.the opinion about food safety
D.the advice on caring pets
40.Who are the intended readers of the passage?D
A.People in general.
B.Food companies.
C.Pet shop owners.
D.Pet owners.
6.Nowadays,the food we eat seems to have great effects on our health.Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat,it has,at the same time,made many foods unfit to eat.Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well,especially cancer of the colon.Different cultures are more likely to cause certain different illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures.
That food is reated to illness is not a new discovery.In 1945,government researchers realized that nitrates,commonly used to preserve color in meats,and other food additives,caused cancer.Yet,these carcinogenic additives remain in our food,and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful.The additives which we eat are not all so direct.Farmers often give penicillin to beef and living animals,and because of this,penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cow.Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes,but for financial reasons.The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market.Although the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has tried repeatedly to control these procedures,the practices continue.
46.Which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.Some additives are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals.
B.Researchers have known about the potential dangers of food additives for about sixty-eight years.
C.Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons.
D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.
47.How has science done harm to mankind?D
A.Because of science,diseases caused by polluted food have been virtually eliminated.
B.It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.
C.The scientists have preserved the color of meats,but not of vegetables.
D.Because of the application of science,some potentially harmful substances have been added to food.
48.What are nitrates used for?A
A.They preserve the color of meats.
B.They preserve flavor in packaged foods.
C.They are the objects of research.
D.They cause the animals to become fatter.
49.The word"carcinogenic"most nearly means"C".
A.trouble-making           B.color-retaining
C.cancer-causing           D.money-making
50.Which might be the best title of the passage?B
A.Drug and Food            B.Food and Health
C.Cancer and Health        D.Health and Drug.
7.An accident in a bicycle race in the United States eight years ago alerted James Chang to the importance of sports medicine.One of his riding companions(25)was injured(injure) severely in the accident.
From then on,Chang,45,a Chinese-American who was born in Anhui province,began to launch business relating to physical safety and medical assistance,particularly in sport.So(26)whenhe took up marathon running two years ago he was shocked to see frequent injuries,many of them avoidable.
"I always heard people talking about people in marathons in China dying suddenly,"he says,adding that one reason why many of these deaths happen is(27)thatthere is a lot of ignorance in China about what marathon running involves.
Many amateur runners in China who are highly competitive get carried away and run at a pace that is far in excess of(28)whatthey can expect their body to take,and even ignore clear signals such as pain,Chang says.
As Chinese have placed more emphasis on leading healthy life-styles in recent years,marathon and other long-distance running(29)have become(become) a highly popular sport across the country quickly.
More than 50 China Athletic Association-sanctioned urban marathons were held in the country last year,and 39 races involving more than 750,000 runners were held the year before.However,long-distance running is a serious business that can exact a heavy physical toll on runners.
"Marathon carries(30)higher(high) risks of injury than other forms of sport,"Hou says,adding that the key to avoiding injury is to strengthen the body through regular exercise and to be aware of one's own physical condition.
Although some chronic injuries are hard(31)to avoid(avoid),even for highly experienced runners,cramp,fainting and shock can easily be prevent(32)ifrunners better understand the sport,he says.

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