
Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone.
But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.
With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.
Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, low-fat snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.
Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.
Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.
If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate.
Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.
小题1:Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may ______
A.bring weight problems
B.bring you much trouble in your life
C.make you worried about your foods
D.make you hate delicious foods
小题2:In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight, you'd better__
A.drink much water and have vegetables only
B.not eat the food in high fat
C.not accept invitations to feasts
D.turn away from delicious foods
小题3:According to the passage, ___ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.
A.VegetablesB.WaterC.calories of energyD.physical exercise
小题4:Many people can't help putting on weight after the holidays because they _______ .
A.can't control themselves
B.go to too many feasts
C.enjoy delicious foods
D.can't help turning away from the foods


小题1:细节题:根据But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.可知假期很快乐,但是他们可能会带来体重问题,故选A。
小题2:细节题:根据Better not have high-fat foods. 可知为了享受假期,却不增加体重,你最好不要吃高脂肪的食物,故选B。
小题3:细节题:根据Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.可知,体育运动对于阻止体重增长是非常必要的组成部分,故选D。
There was a sweet smell of incense (香) in the air as the well­muscled man moved his legs into a position well behind his head.It was something that the human body really should not be able to do.But what else would you expect at the First World Yoga Championships?
On September 25,the world’s leading yoga experts arrived in the US to find out who was the best.But the real prize was to turn yoga into a proper Olympic event.
“Yoga is a combination of bodybuilding,Miss World,Mr Universe and gymnastics,” said championship organizer Bikram Choudhury.“There are some 70 people from more than 20 countries competing in this event.Why not have yoga at the Olympics?”
The public cannot decide whether or not Choudhury’s dream will come true.But he is right about one thing:yoga has become popular with young and old people all over the world.In the US alone,15 million people practise yoga.Everyone is at it,including Madonna and Ricky Martin.
Yoga started in India more than 5,000 years ago.The name means “to join together”.That is to bring the body and mind together into one pleasing experience.The whole system of yoga is built on three things:exercise,breathing and meditation (沉思).
The yoga that we know today is mostly physical yoga.It’s seen as a type of exercise,but is different from sports like football or running.When we do yoga,we move our body into positions that stretch the muscles and joints,making them stronger.
One of the best things about yoga is the fact that everyone can do it.To women,it means a flat stomach,more shapely legs and a graceful body.To men,it is a way of becoming stronger and more athletic.
There are also specially­designed yoga classes for pregnant women or children suffering from mental disabilities,such as autism (孤独症).As for teenagers,meditation and simple breathing exercises can help them learn to calm down,relax and concentrate better.But teenagers under  16  are  not supposed to do the body exercises as it could have a bad effect on their natural growth.
小题1:What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Something sportsmen should not do in practising yoga.
B.Basic skills that are required in performing yoga.
C.The performance of the sportsmen at the First World Yoga Championships.
D.The unique setting where yoga is performed.
小题2:What is Choudhury’s dream in the passage?
A.Turning yoga into a proper Olympic event.
B.Making all Americans practise yoga.
C  Winning the First World Yoga Championships.
D.Getting the public support for promoting yoga.
小题3:Why does the author mention Madonna and Ricky Martin in the fourth paragraph?
A.To compare the differences between the young and the old.
B.To describe the extensive popularity of yoga in the US.
C.To emphasize the importance of practising yoga.
D.To explain the strong influence of public figures in the US.
小题4:Which statement is NOT true about yoga?
A.It is a type of exercise which benefits the body and mind.
B.It makes muscles and joints stronger by stretching.
C.It contains exercise,breathing and meditation.
D.It is similar to the sports like football or running.
小题5:According to the passage,who does not need to pay special attention in practising yoga?
A.Women to be mothers.  B.Teenagers under 16.
C.Adult men.  D.Children with autism.
CALCUTTA, India Mar 24, 2006 (AP) — One of the world’s oldest creatures, a giant tortoise believed to have been about 250 years old, has died in the Calcutta zoo where it spent more than half its long life.
Addwaita, which means “the one and only” in the local Bengali language, was one of four Aldabra tortoises brought to India by British sailors in the 18th century. Zoo officials say he was a gift for Lord Robert Clive of the East India Company, who was instrumental in establishing British colonial rule in India, before he returned to England in 1767. Long after the other three tortoises died, Addwaita continued to thrive, living in Clive’s garden before being moved to the zoo in 1875.
“According to records in the zoo, the age of the giant tortoise, Addwaita, who died on Wednesday, would be about 250 years,” said zoo director Subir Chowdhury. That would have made him much older than the world’s oldest documented living animal: Harriet, a 176-year-old Galapagos tortoise who lives at the Australia Zoo north of Brisbane, according to the zoo’s Web site. She was taken from the island of Isla Santa Cruz by Charles Darwin in the 19th century.
Aldabra tortoises come from the Aldabra atollin the Seychelle islands in the Indian Ocean, and often live to more than 100 years of age. Males can weigh up to 550 pounds. Addwaita, the zoo’s biggest attraction, had been unwell for the last few days, said local Forest Minister Jogesh Burman.
“We were keeping a watch on him. When the zoo keepers went to his enclosure on Wednesday they found him dead,” Burman said.
①    colonial  adj. 殖民的
②    thrive  v. 茁壮成长
③    documented  adj. 备有证明文件的
④    atoll  n. 环礁
Choose the best answers according to the above:
小题1:According to the passage, Addwaita ________.
A.was sent to India as a gift by British government
B.was sent to India by British sailors in 1767
C.lived together with three other Aldabra tortoises in India
D.belonged to Lord Robert Clive for some time
小题2: By now, the oldest animal in the world is about at ________.
A.176 years oldB.100 years oldC.250 years oldD.200 years old
小题3: In the last few days before Addwaita died, he ________.
A.had been sent to hospital for treatment
B.had been playing with travelers
C.had been found not better than before
D.had stayed in his enclosure for days
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.An Old Aldabra Tortoise Died in India
B.A Remarkable Life: Tortoise Dies at 250
C.A Special Kind of Tortoise — Addwaita
D.The Oldest Animal Aldabra Tortoise Died

Every night for a year, Neil Simmons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl (猫头鹰)and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.
Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.
Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”
Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.”
45.After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .
A.stop observing owls            B.not stay up hooting again
C.not enter the back garden again   D.make no mistakes about wild owl cries
46.“Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”
A.I understood                     B.everybody knew about it
C.I heard the noise                  D.no money was paid
47.Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.
A.all his efforts seemed to be meaningless
B.his wife let out his secret by chance
C.garden owls hooted so differently
D.Fred had been doing the same
48.The text suggests that __________.
A.Nail seldom heard natural owl calls
B.the owl never hooted back to Neil
C.Fred was always good at pleasing owls
D.owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred

The Banquet has been described as a loose adaptation(节选)of "Hamlet", featuring royal conflicts(冲突) and revenge(复仇)which is set in 10th century China. The new Emperor (Ge You) has usurped(篡夺) the throne(帝位)by murdering the previous Emperor. He marries the Empress (Zhang Ziyi), wife of the previous Emperor and stepmother to the Crown Prince (Daniel Wu).
At first, the Empress seeks only to protect herself, but as the new Emperor grows suspicious(疑心) of all those around him, she realizes that only by helping the Crown Prince kill him can she hope to survive. Together with the Chief Minister (Ma Jingwu),she tries to carry out this plot, but when the Prince is destroyed by hesitation, she thinks out a new plan and seeks the throne for herself. As the plot move towards its climax(高潮), the Emperor calls for a plentiful royal banquet, where each will seek the end of their enemies.
The Banquet differs from Hamlet in that it does not focus on the prince, but examines the feelings of each character. According to director Feng Xiaogang: "If Hamlet is about a prince who must make a choice involving life and death, then The Banquet is about how each character must face a choice of life or death... All are motivated by desire, but as soon as they have begun their plans must grow more extreme, and they move step-by-step towards the abyss(深渊)... They do not intend evil, but turn to it out of self-preservation and ever-growing ambition(野心)."
1. As far as we can tell from the text, the Empress ________.
A. She is just the wife of the new Emperor.   
B. She is the later mother of the Crown Prince.
C. She helps her own son to kill the Emperor.  
D. She takes the place of the Emperor finally.
2. The author wants to tell us the following EXCEPT that _______.
A. The new Emperor feels doubt about the affairs around him.
B. The Empress does all she could to survive herself.
C. The Crown Prince shows uncertainty in action.
D. The new Emperor owns the authority all the way.
3. Feng Xiaogang’s words imply(暗示)that ___________.
A. The Banquet is about royal conflicts.    
B. The Banquet’s characters are full of desire.
C. The Banquet involves life and death.    
D. The Banquet is different from the Hamlet.
4. Which of the following is the best title for this text?
A. The Banquet differs from the Hamlet.   
B. The main characters in the play.
C. The plot(情节)of the Banquet.   
D. The ambition of each character.
Going on holiday not only makes you feel good while you’re there, you also gain the health benefits for months, new research shows.
Jetting off to destinations such as the Maldives cuts your blood pressure, helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress, it found.The benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases where it is claimed.Experts say workers should always take their full holiday entitlement(权利)each year, but as many as one in three don’t.
The study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting Thailand, Peru or the Maldives, with people who stayed at home and continued working.The average blood pressure of those on holiday dropped by six percent while the workers saw their blood pressure rise by two percent over the same period.The sleep quality of holidaymakers improved by 17 percent while that of the non-holidaymakers deteriorated by 14 percent.
The study also found the ability of vacationers to recover from stress, known as the stress-resilience test improved by 29 percent.There was a 71 percent fall in stress resilience scores among workers.Tests showed a fall in blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes (糖尿病), trimmer waistlines and improved mood and energy levels, with the effects sustained for at least two weeks after returning home.
The Holiday Health Experiment was conducted by tour operator Kuoni and Nuffield Health, the UK’s largest healthcare charity.
小题1:According to the passage, how many people go on holiday?
A.Two thirds.B.One third.
C.17 percent.D.A quarter.
小题2:Which of the following can we infer from the passage?
A.The further you go, the better you get the benefits.
B.Most people like to stay at home during the holiday.
C.The result of the study is mostly based on the description from the people involved.
D.Holiday makers are more adaptable than non-holidaymakers.
小题3:The author intends to tell us that ________.
A.we have to go on holiday as much as possible
B.you’ll certainly get depressed if you don’t go on holiday
C.we had better go on holiday for the benefits of health
D.it is best to go to foreign countries like Maldives
小题4:The best title of the passage is ________.
A.A Holiday Health Experiment
B.Health Benefits from Holiday
C.Health Problems of Having Holiday
D.Key Health Markers in Holidaymakers
Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers.Most of the crashes result from distracted driving not paying attention to the road.
Ryan Didone was a fifteen-year-old passenger in a car that hit a tree.He was one of the nation's more than thirty thousand victims of traffic crashes in 2008.Nearly four thousand deaths, about twelve percent, involved drivers aged fifteen to twenty.Ryan's father, Thomas Didone, is a police captain in Montgomery County, Maryland.He said, "It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible(不可战胜的), driving at night with a carload of kids.He was distracted, he was going too fast, and it ended up causing one death and some upsetting experiences and tragedy for the rest of the community."
Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company said "The number one cause of distracted-driving accidents is the mobile phone.Talking on the phone or reaching for it is like drinking four beers and driving.If you're texting while driving, you are twenty-three times more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn't.
Reaching for a cell phone when it's going off, you're nine times more likely to get into an accident than normally driving," The insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers.
At first, nineteen-year-old Kevin Schumann easily avoided large, inflatable dolls thrown in front of the car to represent children.He also avoided orange cones representing the edge of the road.Then, as part of the test, he started texting. He hit several cones and at least one doll.
Debbie Pickford from the Allstate Insurance Company said, "Teens are especially at risk from distracted driving—and not just because they lack experience on the roads.What we know from research on teen brain development, is that teens don't really have fully developed brains until they are twenty-five years old. You put those two things together and you get a much, much higher risk.”
小题1:According to the passage, _____is the most likely to lead to a traffic accident while you are driving.
A.texting on the mobile phoneB.reaching for a cell phone.
C.talking on the mobile phoneD.bringing along a cell phone
小题2:A safety event held by insurance industry was meant to _   _.
A.attract more teenagers to take part in it
B.draw enough attention to teenagers' distracted driving
C.make more teenagers practice avoiding large barriers
D.encourage more teenagers to pay for insurance protection
小题3:The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about ____.
A.much higher riskB.teen brain developmen
C.experience on the roadsD.measures to be taken t
小题4:Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?
A.Car Crashes —the Top Killer.
B.Distracted Driving —Let's Avoid!
C.Drunken Driving — Dangerous Enough!
D.Tips on Driving While Calling
Bad teeth can be painful and even be deadly. Infections of the gums(牙龈) and teeth can release bacteria into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke and worsen the effects of other diseases. And adults are not the only ones at risk. For example, a 12­year­old boy died when a tooth infection spread to his brain in 2007 in Washington. Experts said it might have been prevented had he received the dental care he needed.
Experts say good dental care starts at birth. Breast milk, they say, is the best food for the healthy development of teeth. Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth. But dentists say a baby's gums and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding by using a cloth with a little warm water. Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, give only water.
When baby teeth begin to appear, you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies and to use them very gently. The use of fluoride(氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world. For example, it is often added to drinking water supplies. The fluoride mixes with enamel(釉质), the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes from forming.
But young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems. So young children should be carefully watched when they brush their teeth. And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, the size of a pea, should be used.
Parents often wonder what effect finger sucking might have on their baby's teeth. Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life. Most children stop sucking their fingers by the age of four. If it continues, experts advise parents to talk to their children's dentists or doctors. Because it could interfere_with the correct development of permanent teeth.
Dentists say children should have their first dental visit at least by the time they are one year old. They say babies should be examined when their first teeth appear—usually at around six months.
小题1:According to the passage,what is the function of fluoride?
A.Making the surface on teeth much cleaner.
B.Protecting gums from being infected.
C.Keeping holes on teeth from forming.
D.Slowing down bacterial growth and acid production.
小题2:The underlined phrase “interfere with” in Para.5 probably means “________”.
A.do harm toB.account for
C.contribute toD.stand for
小题3:What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?
A.To warn us of the deadly infections of gums and teeth.
B.To introduce the advantages of fluoridated toothpaste.
C.To draw our attention to the dental care of young children.
D.To present the research results about dental care.
The research tracked the health of 101,000 US nurses over three decades.
Light-to-moderate smokers were twice as likely to die of sudden heart problems as those who had never smoked.
But those who quit smoking saw their risk begin to go back down within years, a journal of the American Heart Association reports.
During the study, there were 315 sudden cardiac deaths(心脏性猝死)——where the heart unexpectedly stops working.
In people aged 35 or younger, this usually because of a heart condition that runs in the family.
But in people who are older than this—as most of the nurses in the study were —it can be the first sign of coronary heart disease, where the heart’s arteries become blocked by fatty deposits.
Of the 315 sudden deaths in the study, 75 were among current smokers, 148 were among recent or past smokers and 128 occurred in people who had never smoked.
Reason to quit
After taking into account other heart risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and family history of heart disease, Dr Roopinder Sandhu and his colleagues found the women who smoked were twice as likely as likely to die suddenly even if they smoked “light-to-moderate” amounts —between one and 14 cigarettes a day.
For every five years of continued smoking, the risk went up by 8%.
But women who quit saw their risk fall to that of someone who had never smoked, after 20 years of cessation.
Dr Sandhu, of the University of Alberta, Canad, said: “What this study really tells women is how important it is to stop smoking. The benefits in terms of sudden cardiac death reduction are there for all women, not just those with established heart disease.”
“It can be difficult to quit. It needs to be a long-term goal. It’s not always easily achievable and it may take more than one attempt.”
Ellen Mason, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This study shows that smoking just a couple of cigarettes a day could still seriously affect your future health.”
“As we approach the new year, many of us will be making resolutions and giving up smoking will be the top of the list for lots of people.”
“If you’re thinking of quitting and need a nudge, this research adds to the wealth of evidence that stopping smoking is the single best thing you can do for your heart health.”
A recent study in The Lancet of 1.2million Women found those who gave up smoking by the age of 30 would almost completely avoid the risk of dying early from tobacco-related diseases.
Latest figures suggest a fifth of women in England smoke.
小题1:According to the research, light smokers____________.
A.are not likely to suffer from heart problems
B.are more likely to suffer from heart problems than moderate ones
C.can go on smoking only if they don’t smoke much
D.have a high possibility of dying of heart disease
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Nonsmokers wouldn’t die of sudden cardiac death
B.Most of the nurses concerned in the research were middle aged.
C.All age groups of people were involved in the research.
D.If the smokers had quit smoking, they wouldn’t have died of heart disease.
小题3:Which of the following is best suitable for the blank in the passage?
A.Raised riskB.Ways of quitting smoking
C.Diseases related to smokingD.Signs of heart disease
小题4:The underlined word “nudge” in the passage probably means “____________”

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