


Whether you are a fan of athletics or not, chances are ___1.__ you have heard of Usain Bolt--- the fastest man on the planet.

After the 29-year-old Jamaican had won victories in the 100- and 200-meter men’s dashes, Aug 29 saw him take home a third gold medal in a week at the 2015 World Athletics Championships in Beijing, ___2._ (lead) his national team to victory ___3.__ the men’s 4× 400 relay final.

___4._ Reuters put it, “When __5.___ comes to major championship sprinting(短跑),Bolt simply has no equal.”This partly explains why the sprinter always ___6.___ (wild) celebrates his wins. After each match, he does the trademark “Lightening Bolt” pose---putting one arm into the sky, as if he were about to throw a bolt of lightning at the stars. ___7.___ 2012 London Olympics also saw him look back across the track at his competitors , do a couple of push-ups (俯卧撑)once he had stopped.

Some have called him a “showman”, but“ these will just add to the charm of Bolt---one of the most __8.__ (joy), self-confident athletes you’ll ever see”, wrote the Business Insider.

Indeed, now with six Olympic gold medals and 11 World Championships titles under his belt, the Jamaican star ___9._ (prove) “his ability to get the __10.__ (good) out of his huge natural talent”, Reuters noted.



Of the many unpleasant emotions we can experience, fear may top the list. 1. . Fear can also keep us from pursuing the things in life that really matter -- like following our dreams, and developing important relationships. I have some ideas, though, of how to be free from fear.

Experience fear.

I used to be very afraid of speaking in front of people. I would get sweaty palms and my stomach would be so tied up that I wouldn't be able to eat. However, each time I spoke, I noticed afterwards that it wasn't that bad. Things I fear are never as bad in reality as I make them out in my mind. 2. .

Create space.

The first and most important step to being fearless is to create some space between ourselves and the emotion of fear. This isn't accomplished by ignoring the fear, or trying to talk ourselves out of it. 3. . In fact, a recent research shows that by simply admitting the emotion we actually begin to reverse the "fight or flight(逃避)" response in the body.

Control the breath and feel the fear.

Once we acknowledge the presence of fear, the second step is to control the breathing so that it becomes slower and gentler. We try to make the breath just a little bit longer, and feel how fear manifests(展现) in the body. 4. .

With practice, we can create enough space between us and the emotion of fear so that we're able to replace a fearful thought with a positive one. 5. . For instance, before I get up to speak in front of a group of people, I imagine that the audience is positively impressed by what I say and that I manage to complete the speech successfully.

A. Space is created only when we can honestly acknowledge that fear exists.

B. We can imagine a positive outcome for whatever we're about to do.

C. Fear, if left uncontrolled, can even destroy our life.

D. So one way to get rid of fear is to simply push ourselves to do things that we fear.

E. When we can see a positive outcome in our mind, fear no longer holds us back.

F. But fear is more than just physically unpleasant.

G. As we pay attention to the physical symptoms of fear, we can see fear objectively.

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Still in shock I wandered about the house trying to decide what to put into the suitcases._____ that evening I had received a call from my hometown in Missouri telling me that my brother and his wife had been killed in a car _____. “ Come as soon as you can,” ______ my mother.

While Larry, my husband, made plane ______ for the following morning, I aimlessly____ things and put them down. I couldn’t focus. Occasionally, someone phoned and said, “ _____ there’s anything I can do, let me know.” “Thank you very much, ” I’d_____. But I didn’t know what to ask for.

When the _____ rang, I _____ slowly and opened the door, seeing Emerson, our neighbor, standing on the porch(门廊). “ I’ve come to ______ your shoes,” he said. Confused, I asked him to repeat. “I just want to _____you. I remember when my father died, it _____me hours to get the children’s shoes cleaned and shined for the funeral. So that’s what I’ve come to do for you. Give me all your shoes-not just your good shoes ,but all your shoes.”

While Emerson_____ newspaper on the kitchen floor, I gathered Larry’s shoes, my heels and the children’s ______ shoes. While we cleared the supper dishes, he continued to work, saying nothing.

One by one , the jobs fell into ____. I went into the laundry room to put a load of wash into the dryer, returning to the kitchen to find that Emerson had left. In a line against one wall stood all our shoes, spotless. I could put the shoes _____ into the suitcase.

Now, whenever I _____an acquaintance who has lost a loved one, I no longer call with the vague(含糊的) offer, “ If there’s anything I can do…” Now I try to think of one_____ task that suits that person’s need –such washing the family car, house-sitting _____the funeral…And if the person says to me, “ How did you know I needed that done?” I reply, “It’s because a man ____cleaned my shoes. ”

1.A. LateB. LaterC. EarlierD. Former

2.A. accidentB. chanceC. showD. holiday

3.A. bentB. beggedC. beganD. bargained

4.A. observationB. reservationsC. preparationsD. services

5.A. picked upB. picked atC. picked outD. picked off

6.A. SinceB. IfC. UnlessD. Until

7.A. askB. tellC. replyD. talk

8.A. doorB. doorbellC. radioD. telephone

9.A. raisedB. roseC. jumpedD. ran

10.A. throwB. collectC. cleanD. polish

11.A. helpB. leaveC. saveD. call

12.A. spentB. leaveC. costD. took

13.A. spreadB. tookC. splitD. spit

14.A. freshB. dirtyC. newD. big

15.A. siteB. locationC. spotD. place

16.A. fortunatelyB. sadlyC. shortlyD. directly

17.A. rely onB. dream ofC. hear ofD. think back

18.A. specialB. toughC. sparklingD. specific

19.A. afterB. duringC. beforeD. through

20.A. onceB. agoC. alwaysD. often


Tips for summer reading

Summer holds many of my strongest and most powerful reading memories. I remember sitting under a tree in the backyard as a child, reading Anne of Green Gables as the shadows crossed the grass. I remember sitting in the back seat of the car on a long family road trip, sharing joke books with my brother and sister and laughing until we cried. 1. I want all kids to enjoy the fun of summer reading, because summer reading has secret power. 2.__ here are some ways to motivate kids for summer reading.

Make children the curators(管理人)of their reading lives.

Have students set summer reading goals for themselves. 3. Students can act as “chief curators” of the blog in turn so that over the course of the summer each of them takes on the responsibility of replying to posts and highlighting a popular title.


Taking “curiosity walks” is a fantastic way to bring informational text into a child’s reading list. These walks also provide opportunities for authentic writing. Have children take an inspiration notebook on a class walk outside and write down anything they see that they would like to learn more about.

Make reading more like summer camp.

Let’s combine reading with hands-on activities and make reading more like summer camp. We can take field trips to the library and search the shelves for books on a topic chosen out of a hat. 5. then they can bring that creation in to share on the first days of school.

A. It will set the stage for academic success.

B. Bring the outdoors back into summer reading.

C. Select some books and share them with your students.

D. Set up a summer blog so you can all share recommendations.

E. These memories became important stepping stones in my life.

F. It is important to build and shape a strong reading life during school months.

G. We can ask our students to create something in response to one of the books they’ve read.

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