
8.____________by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its edge over other companies.(  )

分析 只有削减开支,Power Data公司才能保持对其它公司的优势.

解答 答案:B句中will位于主语Power Data前,是一个部分倒装句;only+状语位于句首,句子要部分倒装,其它副词没有这个用法.故选B.

点评 倒装句是常用的特殊句式之一.分为完全倒装和部分倒装.部分倒装又分为:否定副词位于句首,only加状语提前,句式倒装等.内容较多,学习时要注意掌握.

19.China is one of the countries with the richest history,culture and the most developed civilization,economy and political system on the planet.Their language has fascinated people a very long time and still does.These are only a few reasons for which today there are still a lot of students and tourists that are attracted by this country,its culture and economical growth.Numerous students decide to study abroad China every year as they want to experience the life there and learn its fascinat ing language.
There are over 500 dialects in China because of the big distance between villages and towns from the capital cities such as Beijing.In spite of great popularity that the English language has around the globe,Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the entire world because of the fact that China is the most populated country on Earth,having more than 1.3 billion citizens.This is the main reason for which most students want to study Chinese in China.
On the other hand,China has the fastest growing and expanding economies in the world and this might give you the chance to take part in future projects in different areas of China.These are well-trained specialists around the world that decide to study Mandarin in China where they can become leaders in their specific field of operation.People who study Chinese in Beijing will have a lot of opportunities after mastering the Chinese alphabet and a lot of doors will open for them,giving them a lot of chances to succeed in their career.
To sum up,if you decide to study Chinese in Beijing,the best place to start your research and gather information is the Internet.Here you have various opportunities to study in China at affordable prices.
44.We can know from the third paragraph thatB.
A.China has paid much attention to development        
B.More people will come to China to learn Chinese         
C.it is fairly easy to find a favorite job in China         
D.people can make more money in China in the future
45.What would be the best title for this passage?A
A.The reasons of learning Chinese in Beijing
B.Chinese is easy for the foreigners to learn
C.Most people speak Chinese in the world
D.Chinese can help to find a good job in Beijing.
13.Each year,more than 30,000 elephants are poached(偷猎)for their ivory.But recently,china-the world's largest market for ivory products-promised to end its sale of ivory.
"Ending legal sales of ivory in China is the greatest step to reduce elephant poaching in African,"says Peter Knights,CEO of the conservation group Wild-Aid."We praise China for its leadership."
   Chinese leaders say that the nation will gradually reduce its amount to zero.They are also encouraging other countries to follow China's lead by taking action against the illegal ivory trade.
   Africa once had as many as 3.5 million elephants.Today,only about 500,000 remain.Conservation experts say elephants could someday disappear entirely if the illegal ivory trade does not end.
   The international trade of ivory was banned in 1989.However,China has still allowed ivory to be sold.In addition,the US-the second-largest market for ivory-still allows the trade of ivory acquired before the ban.Europeans still support the ivory market by selling ivory from long ago.Many poachers are taking advantages of these rules.They are still illegally hunting elephants for ivory,but selling the ivory in legal markets.
  Last week,the US destroyed more than a ton of ivory in New York City's Time Square to show its commitment to ending the illegal ivory trade.China held a similar ivory-crushing event last month,and other countries have done the same in recent years.
  Some wildlife supporters say destroying ivory will reduce the supply of ivory,leading to more poaching.But organizers say the events will raise awareness of the illegal ivory trade and increase support for ending it.
"China,the US and the other major ivory-consuming countries hold the key to saving Africa's elephants,"says Ginette Hemley,senior vice president of Wildlife Conservation at the World Wildlife Fund.
32.What is Peter Knights'attitude to china's action to end the ivory trade?A
33.Para.4 mainly showsC.
A.The damage caused by legal sales of ivory.
B.The step of ending the illegal ivory trade.
C.The serious situation of elephants in Africa.
D.The importance of protecting the elephants in Africa..
34.What will be the result brought by the ivory-destroying events according to the organizers?D
A.New ivory markets will be opened in other countries      
B.The illegal ivory trade will come to an end soon       
C.More elephants will be killed         
D.More countries will take action against the illegal ivory trade.
35.What can be used as the best title for the passage?C
A.Africa's elephants are dying out            
B.China helps to save Africa's elephants
C.How to stop elephants from being poached     
D.Ivory trade will be banned in the world.

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