The night started out ordinarily enough. Jack and Tara,our 1 ,were in their respective beds surrounded by toy animals. My husband Pat and I went to sleep 2 .

 after midnight, Jack quietly touched me. "Mommy,I want to stay with you. I promise I won't take much room.”I shifted 4 to make room. My son soon fell asleep.

  An hour later, Tara cried and I carefully went downstairs. "Mommy,my 5 is all stuffed up(堵住).I can't really breathe very well. Will you please 6with me a little while?" Tara doesn't often get up at night, 7 I decided to be there for her. She soon fell asleep. I returned to my own bed. I was determined to sleep. But to my 8 ,I found Jack sleeping on my side of the bed. He looked so 9 that I couldn't remove him. Quietly and carefully,I lay down between 10 and Jack.

  I did manage to get some sleep 11 I heard Tara's voice again. I returned to 12 Tara. "Mom,please lie down with me a little bit. I had a bad dream,and I'm so  13  ”"Of course, honey. It was only a dream. Mommy's here and 14 is okay.”We fell asleep 15 each other's arms.

  Even in my sleepy state, I thought of 16 these nights of merry-go-round(—连串的繁忙活动)will be over. In their place, my twins will be grown. 17 before I,m ready, our children's rooms will be much too 18 and empty. So it is especially on days when I'm worn out after a night on this mom's merry-go-round that I remind 19 that these very days and nights are,in fact, "the good old days",ever so 20 .

(   ) 1. A. sons    B. twins      C. daughters    D. students

(   ) 2. A. downstairs    B. in     C. out    D. upstairs

(   ) 3. A. Sometimes    B. Every time     C. Sometime    D. Anytime
(   ) 4. A. gently    B. kindly       C. rudely    D. impatiently

(   ) 5. A. nose    B. mouth       C. heart    D. eye

(   ) 6. A. come      B. stay      C. talk    D. play

(   ) 7. A. even though    B. so   C. no matter when    D. however

(   ) 8. A. joy    B. anger      C. disappointment    D. surprise

(   ) 9. A. friendly  B. heavy        C. content    D. sad

(   ) 10. A. my father    B. Tara   C. Pat    D. my mother

(   ) 11. A. before    B. when      C. after    D. while

(   ) 12. A. show off    B. look after C. watch out    D. take care

(   ) 13. A. scared    B. exciting    C. excited    D. scaring

(   ) 14. A. something    B. anything  C. everything    D. nothing

(   ) 15. A. over    B. on          C. by    D. in

(   ) 16. A. how often    B. how soon    C. how long    D. how much

(   ) 17. A. No doubt    B. No wonder    C. No problem    D. No worry

(   ) 18. A. noisy       B. quiet       C. still    D. calm

(   ) 19. A. my children    B. my husband   C. my friend    D. myself

(   ) 20. A. potential    B. precise   C. precious    D. previous

  Computers are everywhere. Nearly everything we do in the modern world is helped, and even 1 by computers. Computers are being used more and more 2in the world today, for the simple 3 that they are far more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and can 4 huge amount of information. In fact,computers can do many of the things we do,but faster and better. They can pay wages,5 seats on planes,control ma?chines in factories, 6 tomorrow's weather, and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. 7   ,computers have got into every aspect of our life and work.

  In modern banking, we 8 wide use of computers. When people call in at the bank to find out the 9 of their account, the clerk 10 shows them a big book with handwritten entries. 11 he goes and gets a print-out from the computer which records all the details of cash or 12 paid into or drawn out of customers' accounts. If you have a 13 card from a bank,you can 14 money directly from a computer controlled by the bank computer with?out going to the bank.

  Computers are used a lot in 15 nowadays. They can make patients' appointments and keep patients' 16 . Just dial the computer and you can get information on a patient. Computers do not suffer from 17 of sleep, so they do not miss important points, and because they never 18 anything they've been told,they are often better at working out what is wrong with a patient. Some people even think we should all have 19 computer checks on
our health and then we would be able to cure most diseases in the early 20 .
(   ) 1. A. composed    B. controlled C. seized    D. provided

(   ) 2. A. magically    B. knowledgeably

        C. extensively    D. entertainingly

(   ) 3. A. way    B. reason    C. consequence    D. manner

(   ) 4. A. store    B. introduce    C. uncover    D. conceal

(   ) 5. A. take    B. occupy       C. preserve    D. reserve

(   ) 6. A. look out    B. hold out   C. make out    D. work out

(   ) 7. A. In case    B. In common     C. In short    D. In all

(   ) 8. A. make        B. put      C. do    D. bring

(   ) 9. A. balance    B. interest     C. debt    D. deposit

(   ) 10. A. no more    B. no better   C. no longer    D. no matter

(   ) 11. A. Rather    B. Instead     C. Meanwhile    D. Therefore

(   ) 12. A. items    B. books     C. coins    D. cheques

(   ) 13. A. typical    B. special   C. mysterious    D. rough

(   ) 14. A. pull         B. draw        C. drag    D. grasp

(   ) 15. A. arts    B. science     C. industry    D. medicine

(   ) 16. A. records    B. notes    C. promises    D. rules

(   ) 17. A. decline    B. starvation   C. drain    D. lack

(   ) 18. A. memorize    B. inform    C. convey    D. forget

(   ) 19. A. legal    B. stable     C. regular    D. considerate

(   ) 20. A. stages    B. levels     C. aspects    D. days

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