
New research suggests that cutting daily sitting time to less than three hours might extend your life by two years.
“Humans were designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely encourage us to walk around,” says Peter Katzmarzyk, an expert at the University of Louisiana.
“Sitting is common in our lives today. We sit while we’re driving, eating and watching TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work.” Katzmarzyk said.
“We can’t throw away physical activity. It’s extremely important. We have 60 years of researchers showing us that.” Katzmarzyk said.
Katzmarzyk and other researchers are trying to discover how sitting all day affext our lifespans(寿命).
“This is a relatively new area of study…Studies that have assessed the relationship between sitting and death or television viewing and death have been very rare in the last four or five years,” said Katzmarzyk.
Katzmarzyk and his colleagues analyzed data from these studies, which involved almost 167,000 adults. Then they turned to a government-run survey of Americans to find out exactly how much time people spend sitting and watching.
Not only did the team find that U.S. citizens could live longer by sitting less, they found that cutting TV time to less than two hours a day could add an extra 1.4 years to their lives.
People who’ve spent half their waking lives sitting down might well ask, “Is it ever too late to make a change?”
“We would say ‘No. It’s never too late.’ Physical activity is good for you at every age.” Katzmarzyk said.
Katzmarzyk says studying this problem has inspired his team to make a few changes in their own lives. They recommend a few simple changes: frequently getting up from your desk, taking walks at lunch time, and instead of e-mailing colleagues, walking over to their offices and talking face-to-face——all activities that can be enjoyable as well as life-extending.
小题1:Peter Katzmarzyk seems to believe that _____.
A.we should not sit for a long time
B.most people like to sit most of the time
C.office jobs encourage us to walk a lot
D.modern lifestyles are good for our health
小题2:The underlined word “that” in paragraph 4 probably refers to _____.
A.taking physical exercise is important
B.many researches should be carried out
C.we should exercise during working hours
D.people should focus on their health at work
小题3:Why did Katzmarzyk and his colleagues turn to a government-run survey?
A.To collect information for the government
B.To know how long people sit and watch TV
C.To find what citizens do in their spare time’
D.To discover how sitting for long affects their lives
小题4:The best title of the text would be _____.
A.What Is the Healthiest Lifestyle?
B.Sitting for a Long Time Is Bad for Us
C.Study Suggests Sitting Less Can Extend Life
D.It Is Never Too Late to Change Our Way of Life


试题分析 本文是说明文,最新研究表明,每天减少坐着的时间三小时能延长寿命两年。
小题1:A 细节题。根据第二段Humans were designed to move人类天生就是运动的。故选 A项。
小题2:A细节题。根据第四段We can’t throw away physical activity. It’s extremely important,身体活动十分重要,故A项。
小题3:B细节题。根据第七段Then they turned to a government-run survey of Americans to find out exactly how much time people spend sitting and watching.他们向政府求助目的是人们坐着和看电视花费的确切时间,故选 B项。
小题4: C主旨大意。开篇提到New research suggests that cutting daily sitting time to less than three hours might extend your life by two years.一个研究结果,减少坐着能延长寿命,而下方是围绕着提出的问题进行展开的,最后 一段进行Katzmarzyk says studying this problem has inspired his team to make a few changes in their own lives点题,鼓励人们多运动。故选 C项
"Can I get a light?" This question is among the most common between smokers. What if this question was to come from an unusual source? In April 2014, the National Health Promotion Foundation uploaded an anti-smoking advertisement onto YouTube. The anti-smoking ad has quickly been known as the "most powerful anti-smoking ad."
The anti-smoking video, called the "Smoking Kid," features children walking up to adult smokers asking for a light. The children in the ad are actors but the adults smoking are unsuspecting participants in the project.
The video begins with the statement "adults know that smoking is harmful, but don’t remind themselves of this fact " Once a "smoking kid" approaches the adults, every adult asked is shocked that a child with a cigarette in hand is asking for a light. The first adult starts by saying, "I’m not giving it to you," and the video goes on to state "every adult filmed said no and reminded the children that smoking is bad."
Before going away, the kid hands each adult a booklet after being turned down for a light. The booklet says, "You worry about me, but why not about yourself?" Each adult looks around for the child as their faces are filled with confusion and discomfort.
The video shows that a few of the smokers quickly threw away their cigarettes or put their cigarettes away, showing that this experiment was affective at that moment.
The most influential element in the ad isn't the use of children or the responses from the smoking adults. It comes down to something much simpler than that. Why is it that we worry about other people, forgetting to worry about ourselves?
小题1: According to the text, the anti-smoking ad is ______.
A.unusualB.shockingC.influential D.encouraging
小题2:The underlined word "unsuspecting" (in Para. 2) probably means ______
A.uninformed B.unwillingC.unfortunate D.unacceptable
小题3: What are the adults,reactions to the children asking for a light?
A.They pay no attention to children's request.
B.They reject kids,request and educate them.
C.They look around for children's parents.
D.They quickly throw children's cigarettes away.
小题4:The best title of the text might be ______.
A.Give up smoking, for your own sake B.Keep away from smoking, adults
C.Tell your children not to smokeD.Reject a child asking for a light
Is crying good therapy? Experts say yes. Having a good weep at the weekend is becoming more popular among office workers in China.
“I need to cry to let my feeling out,” said 22-year-old Guo Meng, a smart-looking young woman. “I remember one day when I got home I felt so down but I had no one to talk to, so I just curled up(蜷缩) with my teddy bear and cried myself to sleep,” Guo said. The next day, she said, she felt much better and life seemed not so bad after all.
Because crying is taken as a sign of weakness, people make a great show of being strong and not displaying emotion. Psychologists and medical practitioners agree that crying is beneficial for mental health but people still regard it as a sign of failure and bottle up their feelings. A famous Chinese author once said to cry is normal, and even brave. Those who display their emotions can deal with their troubles bravely after the tears dry, while those who soldier on let problems fester(恶化).
In the Chaoyang district of Beijing, there is a special place for people to cry their sadness out. It is called “Cry Bar”. On the door of each of its “cry rooms” there is a saying encouraging people to let the tears flow freely.
“Crying is a kind of therapy, but it needs some direction,” said Milulu, a psychologist.
“People should realize the point of crying is to relieve pressure, but some of the young people who come to the Cry Bar simply sit and weep. The purpose of crying is to make it easier to improve your life after the tears dry, not to get lost in bad memories.”
Crying is only one way of relieving pressure, and we need to face problems squarely and solve them once the tears have dried, said Mululu.
小题1:Crying _____ made Guo Meng feel better.
A.with some friendB.all the night with a toy
C.during her sleepD.in bed before sleep
小题2:According to the third paragraph, people usually make great efforts to_____.
A.get rid of their sadnessB.bottle up their feelings
C.act on psychologists’ adviceD.face their troubles bravely
小题3:What should the customers do at the Cry Bar?
A.Think of every sad experience they’ve had and cry
B.Keep crying as loudly as long as possible.
C.Satisfy any desire to cry and weep until it is gone.
D.Hold back their tears until they can’t help but cry.
小题4:From the text, we can learn that crying ____.
A.is to relieve pressureB.must help to solve problems
C.means facing problems squarelyD.can’t weaken sad feelings.
You might think I'd have little in common with a camel, but we do share one useful skill: both of us can go for a very long time without water. Usually I start my day with a cup of tea, and then I might have a glass of water with my lunch and one with dinner, that's about a liter of liquid in 24 hours. It feels like plenty, but apparently it's not nearly enough.
After years of suffering headaches and poor digestion I spoke to a neurologist about my regular headaches and a nutritionist about my poor digestion, and both told me I should be drinking up to three liters of liquid a day for my body to function at its best. I decided to conduct an experiment. What would happen if I drank the recommended amount every day for a month?
The photograph of me taken the day I started this trial demonstrates(展示)perfectly and rather frighteningly what a lack of hydration does to a face. I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking. There are dark shadows under and around my eyes, which make me look exhausted, a profusion of wrinkles and strange reddish blotches, and my skin lacks any luster(光泽). It looks dead. Even my lips look shriveled(枯萎的). This is all classic evidence of poor hydration, apparently.
Every system and function in our body depends on water. It flushes toxins from the vital organs, carries nutrients to cells, provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues, and eliminates waste.
Not drinking enough means all these functions becomes damaged. So I decided to see how I would look and feel if I drank three liters of water every day for 28 days. The results were astonishing.
小题1:Which statement is Not True according to Paragraph 1?
A.The author drinks about a liter of liquid every day.
B.The author has something in common with a camel.
C.The author thinks she drinks enough water every day.
D.The author actually has plenty of water in her daily life.
小题2:Why did the author decide to drink the recommended amount of water?
A.Because she was very fond of doing experiments.
B.Because she was informed of the importance of drinking enough water.
C.Because her doctors forced her to do it.
D.Because she wanted to be cured of her stomachache.
小题3:The author’s lack of hydration caused the following physical responses Except_______.
A.shriveled lips
B.enough luster of her skin
C.dark shadows around her eyes
D.wrinkles and blotches on her face
小题4:According to the passage, the author most probably tends to tell us_________.
A.the more water one drinks, the healthier he is
B.drinking water makes ladies look younger
C.drinking enough water is key to one’s health
D.it’s necessary to follow specialists instructions
小题5:What will be probably written in the next paragraph?
A.The author gave up the experiment.
B.The author had his health greatly improved.
C.The author suffered a lot from the experiment.
D.The author felt very disappointed at the result.
How often do you go on holiday? Going on holiday makes you feel good while you're there-you gain the health benefits for months, new research shows.
Jetting off to exotic destinations such as the Maldives cuts your blood pressure, helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress, it found. The benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases where it is claimed. Experts say workers should always take their full holiday entitlement each year-as many as one in three don't-to get the benefits.
The study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting Thailand, Peru or the Maldives, with people who stayed at home and continued working. The average blood pressure of those on holiday dropped by 6% while the workers saw their blood pressure rise by 2% over the same period. The sleep quality of holiday-makers improved by 17% while that of the non-holidaymakers deteriorated by 14%.
The study also found the ability of vacationers to recover from stress—known as the stress-resilience test-improved by 29%. There was a 71% fall in stress resilience scores among workers. Test showed a fall in blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes, trimmer waistlines and enhanced mood and energy levels, with the effects sustained for at least 2 weeks after returning home.
The Holiday Health Experiment was conducted by tour operator Kuoni and Nuffield Health, the UK's largest healthcare charity.
小题1: The author intends to tell us that _____.
A.it is best to go to foreign countries like Maldives.
B.we had better go on holiday for the benefits of health
C.we have to go on holiday as much as possible
D.you'll certainly get depressed if you don't go on holiday
小题2:According to the article, how many people go on holiday?
A.Two thirdsB.17%C.One thirdD.A quarter
小题3:The underlined word "deteriorated" in Paragraph 3 probably means "______".
小题4:Which of the following can we infer from the passage?
A.Holiday makers are more adaptable than non-holidaymakers.
B.The result of the study is mostly based on the description from the people involved.
C.The further you go, the better you benefit.
D.Most people like to stay at home during the holiday.
小题5:The best title of the passage is ______.
A.A Holiday Health ExperimentB.Key Health Markers in Holidaymakers
C.Health Benefits from HolidayD.Health Problems of Having Holiday
Walking is the exercise of choice for most dieters. You don't need a gym membership to do this effective exercise. Here's how to prepare:
The only equipment you really need is a decent pair of walking shoes. What matters most is comfort. When you're shopping for shoes:
●Wear the socks you plan to exercise in. That way you'll get the best fit.
●Try on both shoes. Most people's feet aren't exactly the same size. Choose a pair that fits your larger foot.
●Allow a little extra room. Feet swell when you walk, so buy a pair with about a thumb's width between your longest toe and the toe of the shoe.
Sure, walking comes naturally. But the following tips will help you stay comfortable and get the most out of your walk:
●Look ahead. Keep your neck straight and your head held high. If you have to look down to see where you're going, lower your eyes, not your head.
●Move both arms. Let your arms swing naturally at your sides, and you'll burn up to 15 percent more calories by keeping your arms moving.
●Don't carry unnecessary weight. Some people try to get in extra exercise by carrying a couple of light dumbbells(哑铃), but fitness-walking experts say that's risky: The weights can pull you off balance and tighten muscles in your back or legs.
Walking is one of the safest activities. Still, the following tips may be helpful:
●If you're walking at night, wear a piece of reflective clothing.
●If the path is dimly lit, bring a good flashlight.
●When the weather's hot, be sure to drink some water before you set out and better take a bottle of water with you if you plan to walk quite a long time.
●If your path is rough, protect your ankles. Consider wearing a comfortable bandage for support.
小题1:According to the text, which of the following is correct?
A.Wearing a piece of reflective clothing can make you look smart.
B.Moving both arms while walking can help you lose more weight.
C.You should buy shoes with a little extra space for your smaller foot.
D.Losing weight by walking is always easy and effective without any danger.
小题2:What are possibly necessary if you walk through our town and then up a hill along a winding path on a hot evening?
a. good walking shoes      b. reflective clothing         c. light dumb-bells
d. a flashlight            e. a bandage                  f. a bottle of water
A.a, b, c, d, e, fB.a, c, d, e, fC.a, b, d, e, fD.a, d, e, f
小题3:What can be inferred about the author of the text?
A.He/She once got his/her legs injured while walking carrying light dumb-bells.
B.He/She might live in a small town with dimly lit streets.
C.He/She needs just a decent pair of walking shoes while walking.
D.He/She is quite experienced in the exercise of walking.
Good Housekeeping has discovered that even if a child wear a helmet when she bikes, or skates, it may not protect her from a serious head injury.
Every year, 390,000 children under age 15 go to hospital emergency rooms with bike-related injuries. Of that number, about one third children suffer head injuries and an estimated 200 die. By wearing a helmet, a child can reduce her risk of injury by as much as 85 percent. But remember —— a bicycle helmet must fit properly to be safe. Here are five steps to making sure your child's helmet fits properly.
1) If you haven't bought your child's helmet already, you might want to consider one with a rear stabilizer(稳定杆). A rear stabilizer holds the back of the head gently and helps the helmet stay correctly positioned.
2) The helmet should fit closely and shouldn't slide from side to side or front to back. If your child can put two fingers on both temples inside the helmet, it's too big. Try a smaller size. But if the next size down is too small, use the fit pads(护垫). Fit pads come in different sizes and attach to the helmet with Velcro.
3) Tell your child to open her mouth widely and ask if she can feel the helmet push down onto the top of her head. If she can't, you need to readjust her helmet.
4) To prevent strap slippage, wind a rubber band around the strap where it meets the fastener.
5) Recheck the fit regularly.
You should replace the bicycle helmet:
If she has been in an accident with it.
If the buckle(金属扣) breaks or if a piece breaks off.
If it doesn't have a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Society for Testing and Materials, or Snell Memorial Foundation sticker.
If it doesn't fit correctly. Even if the helmet fit perfectly two years ago, it might be too small now.
小题1:Who is this passage mainly written for?
A.Children.B.Teachers.C.Parents.D.helmet producers.
小题2:What does the author mainly want to stress in the second paragraph?
A.The bike-related injury is a serious threat to the children.
B.The bicycle helmets must fit properly while the children are biking.
C.It’s necessary for the children to wear helmets while biking.
D.Many students suffer bike-related injuries every year.
小题3:If a girl finds a helmet a little bit big for her head, what should she do?
A.She must buy a smaller size.
B.She can use some fit pads.
C.She can put fingers on both temples inside the helmet.
D.She must make helmet slide from side to side.
小题4:Phil White, a father, found the buckle of his girl’s helmet broken, he can_______
A.buy a new bicycle helmet for her
B.mend the bicycle helmet himself
C.continue to use the bicycle helmet
D.throw away the broken buckle
You may have heard about the many benefits of yoga, but a recent New York Times story, has stirred up more than a little controversy in the yoga community.
"How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body," by science writer William J. Broad, quotes a long-time yoga teacher who "...has come to believe that 'the vast majority of people' should give up yoga altogether. It's simply too likely to cause harm." He goes on to describe a number of cases where people have been injured doing yoga, including himself.
The research in the article isn't groundbreaking: doing any form of exercise you could potentially hurt yourself. If you look at the injury rates of other physical activities, the number of injuries sustained from yoga would pale in comparison.
Practicing yoga is just like anything in life: You have to push yourself in order to grow. But you also have to know your limits and when you're breaking them. If you stick to your comfort zone, you'll never be able to increase your flexibility. If you push to the point where you're not only uncomfortable, but in real pain, you'll likely injure yourself.
The reasons that yoga causes "serious injury”, according to the Times story, range from students' physical weaknesses to inexperienced teachers pushing too hard to the growing number of inflexible "urbanites who sit in chairs all day" trying hard to twist themselves into difficult postures.
Yoga is called a "practice" for a reason. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to tackle every pose. It doesn't matter if you can touch the floor with your palms during your first forward bend or your thousandth, or if you never get there.
We go to the mat to learn to better listen to what our bodies are telling us, and to better hear that quiet inner voice drowned out by the noise of our busy lives. It's a shame to discourage the majority of people from practicing yoga and missing out on all of the mind-body benefits that going to the mat has to offer.
小题1:The underlined word is best replaced by __.
小题2:What does author mainly want to tell us in the 3rd paragraph?
A.All physical activities are equally harmful.
B.Yoga causes much less injuries than other physical activities.
C.Similar researches have been done before.
D.Yoga, like any other form of exercise, can hurt people.
小题3:Which is not mentioned among the reasons for yoga being likely to cause injury?
A.Teachers lack the knowledge of students’ limits.
B.Modern lifestyle decreases our flexibility.
C.The body doesn’t tell when you are in real pain.
D.Students themselves might not be in good physical condition.
小题4:What is the author’s attitude towards practicing yoga?
A.It’s a shame not to practice yoga.
B.One should push the limits in order to be perfect.
C.The majority should give up yoga for it may cause harm.
D.One should enjoy the physical and mental benefit that yoga brings.
Below is a selection from a popular science book.
If blood is red, why are veins(静脉) blue?
Actually, veins are not blue at all. They are more of a clear, yellowish color. Although blood looks red when it’s outside the body, when it’s sitting in the vein near the surface of the skin, it’s more of a dark reddish purple color. At the right depth, these blood-filled veins reflect less red light than the surrounding skin, making them look blue by comparison.
Which works harder, you heart or your brain?
That kind of depends on whether you’re busy thinking or busy exercising. Your heart works up to three times harder during exercise, and shifts enough blood over a lifetime to fill a supertanker. But in the long run, your brain probably tips it, because even when you’re sitting still your brain is using twice as much energy as your heart, and it takes four to five times as much blood to feed it.
Why do teeth fall out, and why don’t they grow back in grown-ups?
Baby (or “milk”) teeth do not last long; they fall out to make bigger room for bigger, stronger adult teeth later on. Adult teeth fall our when they become damaged, decayed and infected by bacteria. Once this second set of teeth has grown in, you’re done. When they’re gone, they are gone. This is because nature figures you’re set for life, and what controls regrowth of your teeth switches off.
Do old people shrink as they age?
Yes and no. Many people do get shorter as they age. But, when they do, it isn’t because they’re shrinking all over. They lose height as their spine(脊柱) becomes shorter and more curved due to disuse and the effect of gravity(重力). Many (but not all) men and women do lose height as they get older. Men lose and average of 3-4 cm in height as they age, while women may lose 5 cm or more. If you live to be 200 years old, would you keep shrinking till you were, like 60 cm tall, like a little boy again? No, because old people don’t really shrink! It is not that they are growing backwards ----- their legs, arms and backbones getting shorter. When they do get shorter, it’s because the spine has shortened a little. Or, more often, become more bent and curved.
Why does spinning make you dizzy(眩晕的)?
Because your brain gets confused between what you’re seeing and what you’re feeling. The brain senses that you’re spinning using special gravity-and-motion-sensing organs in your inner ear, which work together with your eyes to keep your vision balance stable. But when you suddenly stop spinning the system goes out of control, and your brain thinks you’removing while you’re not.
Where do feelings and emotions come from?
Mostly from an ancient part of the brain called the limbic system. All mammals have this brain area ----- from mice to dogs, cats, and humans. So all mammals feel basic emotions like fear, pain and pleasure. But since human feelings also involve other, newer bits of the brain, we feel more complex emotions than any other animal on this planet.
If exercise wears you out, how can it be good for you?
Because our bodies adapt to everything we do to them. And as far as your body is concerned, it’s “use it, or lose it”! It’s not that exercise makes you healthy, it’s more that a lack of exercise leaves your body weak and easily affected by disease
小题1:What is the color of blood in a vein near the surface of the skin?
A.BlueB.Light yellow
C.RedD.Dark reddish purple
小题2:Why do some old people look a little shrunken as they age?
A.Because their spine is in active use.
B.Because they are more easily affected by gravity.
C.Because they keep growing backwards.
D.Because their spine becomes more bent.
小题3:Which of the following statements about our brain is true?
A.In the long run, our brain probably works harder than our heart.
B.When our brain senses the spinning, we will feel dizzy.
C.The brains of the other mammals are as complex as those of humans.
D.Our feelings and emotions come from the most developed area in our brain.
小题4:What is the main purpose of the selection?
A.To give advice on how to stay healthy.
B.To provide information about our body.
C.To challenge new findings in medical research.
D.To report the latest discoveries in medical science.

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