
If I have the honor to be chose to work for the 29th Olympic Games,I will at first improve my English so that I can talk easily about foreign visitors.Second,I will learn more about history of the Olympics as much as the 2008 Olympic Games.Third,since I was familiar with Beijing,I can help visitors find their ways in the city.Finally,I should be able to tell visitors about our history or culture and show them their great achievements.In short,I will do my best to help making the Games a success.

分析 本文主要讲述作者如被挑选参加29届奥运会工作,首先,提高英语以方便和外国人交流;其次,了解更多奥运会历史;其三,帮助旅游者找路;最后,向旅游者介绍中国的历史和伟大成就.

解答 If I have the honor to be chose to work for the 29th Olympic Games,I will at first improve my English so that I can talk easilyabout foreign visitors.Second,I will learn more about∧history of the Olympics as much as the 2008 Olympic Games.Third,since I was familiar with Beijing,I can help visitors find their ways in the city.Finally,I should be able to tell visitors about our history or culture and show them their great achievements.In short,I will do my best to help making the Games a success.
1.chose改为chosen 考查动词不定式.honor和choose之间是动宾关系,用动词不定式的一般被动式.
2.去掉at 考查词语用法.at first意为"最初; 首先",此处要表达"第一",去掉at.
3.about改为with/to  考查介词.talk with/to sb.意为"和某人交谈",是固定搭配.
4.加the 考查冠词.history加限定词修饰时,表示特指某历史,要用the修饰.    
5.much改为well 考查固定搭配.as well as意为"和,也",是固定搭配,相当于and.                   
6.was改为am 考查动词时态.主句是一般现在时,since从句也用一般现在时.
7.ways改为way 考查固定搭配.find one"s way意为"找到某人的路",是固定搭配,way只用单数形式.
8.or改为and 考查连词.history和culture是并列关系,都作介词about的宾语.
9.their改为our 考查代词.从上下文看应是"我"向游客介绍"我们"取得的巨大成就.用代词our.
10.making改为make 考查动词不定式.help do/to do意为"帮着做某事",help后接动词不定式时可省略to.

点评 高考短文改错题的形式有说明文,短文故事,书信等,具有很强的实用性.短文的内容和语言都符合高中学生的实际,从表面上看类似一篇学生习作.首先,通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行逐句改错.其次,要进行逐个句子的改错.这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇着重分析和特别注意.最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿.

3.I am afraid of heights but two summers ago I climbed to a high place.Most of our high school bad come along on a day trip to a beautiful beach village in Peru.After eating our lunches,many of us wanted to make the climb to an area around the village.
Do I turn back?"Yes!"Will I regret it later?I really want to get to the top,but…At last,I decided at least to have a try.
My friend Tom was in front of me.Then,suddenly,he slipped(滑倒)and was about 10feet back!My heart was beating faster until he stopped himself.Knowing that my friend Seth would be right behind me,I began the climb.I was soon past the first challenge safely,but not feeling much better about the rest of the climb.Looking down,I saw rocks everywhere.My breathing sped up,and my heart beat even faster,growing loud in my ears.
My friends kept climbing.But they did not forget me.Someone was always behind me to help hold my feet when necessary,and someone else was always in front to offer a hand up.With friends helping me by words and actions,I slowly gained ground.
Then we came to the worst part.The climb looked very close to vertical(垂直的).To me,the wise choice was to go back down.Melody encouraged me to go on and she made it safely first.I stopped,unsure of my fooling."You can do it,Jean!I'm right here,"Melody called.She waited patiently,not asking me to hurry.I took a few deep breaths and kept climbing.
With no more mistakes,we came to the top finally.I was dirty and tired.But it didn't matter.I was at the top!I had never felt so alive.

46.According to the passage,the climbC.
A.was done by all of the high school students
B.happened on a morning two summers ago
C.was near a beautiful beach village
D.lasted for about two days
47.When her friends decided to go climbing,JeanD.
A.felt excited about it
B.turned back to the village
C.regretted going out with them
D.wasn't sure whether to join them
48.After passing the first challenge,JeanB.
A.felt more confident about the climb
B.didn't feel any better about the climb
C.chose to go back down
D.couldn't breathe easily
49.The underlined part"gained ground"in paragraph 4probably meansB.
A.lost heart
B.moved forward
C.climbed to the top
D.accepted the friends
50.What do we know about the worst part of the climb?A
A.Melody gave Jean words of encouragement.
B.Jean waited patiently for Seth to catch up.
C.It was dirty and dangerous.
D.Jean had the first try.
16.Tricks to Learn from Super SleepersDo you want to sleep soundly each night and wake up energized the next day?
Exercise early.
Morning fitness class(健身班) or gym time before work?Go ahead,give it a try.(31)FWhile experts aren't exactly sure why,it could have something to do with morning exercise's ability to help regulate the secretion(分泌物) of certain hormones(荷尔蒙) involved in blood pressure management,which may lead to better sleep.
Eat light at night.
Desiring a midnight snack?If your stomach starts rumbling(发出咕噜声) before bed,try reaching for good-for-you foods that actually promote sleep,like walnuts,tart cherries,or Greek yogurt instead. (32)D Eating too much of anything within a few hours of going to bed could suppress(抑制) your body's ability to produce sleep-promoting melatonin.
Power down at night.
Smart phones,tablets,and laptops let you do everything from shopping to watching movies to working in bed.What they don't let you do?Fall asleep.(33)G.In addition to reducing your blue light exposure,you'll probably feel less stressed,which in itself can help you sleep better.
Keep their rooms cool
 (34)A But being too warm can make it harder to have quality sleep,say experts at the National Sleep Foundation.Instead,they recommend keeping your bedroom at around 20℃,which research suggests is the most suitable temperature for great sleep.
Consistency(一致性) is key to healthy sleep.Though for some it's usual to stay up late,then get up early for work and sleep late on the weekends,doing so can cause damage to your body's internal clock.Over time,that can make it harder to fall asleep,not to mention making it more unpleasant to wake up in the morning.

A.The idea of a comfortable bedroom and piles of soft,fuzzy(毛茸茸的)blankets is very appealing.
B.Find ways to deal with stress.
C.Go to bed at the same time every night.
D.However,try not to overeat even it is the healthy food.
E.You don't have to give up alcohol altogether in the name of better sleep.
F.Exercising in the morning could lead to better sleep than afternoon or evening sweat sessions.
G.Put your devices away at night-ideally,two to three hours before you plan to go to sleep.
9.How can you improve your English?
There are many things that you can do to improve your English.(36)GHere are some tips on how to improve your English.
l  Take a class
First,decide whether you want to join in an English class.(37)DNo matter where the class is offered,it is best if it is taught by a person whose first language is English.
l  Use learning tools
(38)FIf you cannot afford to purchase these,you might be able to borrow them from your local library or find free versions that you can download over the Internet.
l  Keep reading
As you become more comfortable reading English,be sure to read things other than instructional materials (教学材料).(39)EChoose topics which you are especially interested in.In that case,it will increase your motivation(动机) to read.
l  (40)AIf you want to improve your English vocabulary,it can be helpful to focus on learning a few new words at a time.For example,you could learn one new word every few days and look for opportunities to use it in conversation.
In a word,the more you practice the language,the more likely you are to improve your English.

A.One word at a time
B.Use English in public
C.This kind of class is usually expensive.
D.These classes are available in many parts of the world.
E.For example,reading books and news in English every day.
F.There are many products that you can use to improve your English.
G.One of the best things to do is to read,write and speak English as much as possible.

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