In the summer vacation of 2014£¬1went to Dali with two American£®I became their guide First£¬we went to the Erhai Lake£®They wanted to look around the lake by the boat After buy the tickets£¬we got into a boat We went around seeing the beautiful sight£®After that£¬we went shopping The sellers couldn't spoke English Though it was very harder I tried my best listen to their words carefully and translate the sentences They bought some little things with their help£®Next£¬we went to a small zoo but took some pictures£®When we felt hunger£¬we went out and had lunch£®After lunch£¬we visited some old house and learned more about Chinese history£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄ×÷ÕßÖ÷Òª½²ÊöÁËÔÚ2014ÄêµÄÊî¼Ù£¬×Ô¼º¸øÁ½Î»ÃÀ¹úÈË×öµ¼Óε½´óÀíÂÃÓεÄÇé¿ö£¬ÆäÖнéÉÜÁËËûÃǵÄÂÃÐÐÏß·£¬Ò»Ð©Ëù¼ûËùÎÅÒÔ¼°ËûÃǵÄÊÕ»ñ£®
½â´ð In the summer vacation of 2014£¬1went to Dali with two American£®
I became their guide£®First£¬we went to the Erhai Lake£®They wanted
to look around the lake by the boat£®After buy the tickets£¬we got into
a boat£®We went around seeing the beautiful sight£®After that£¬we went
shopping£®The sellers couldn't spoke English£®Though it was very harder£¬
I tried my best¡Älisten to their words carefully and translate the sentences£®
They bought some little things with their help£®Next£¬we went to a small
zoo but took some pictures£®When we felt hunger£¬we went out and had
lunch£®After lunch£¬we visited some old house and learned more about
Chinese history£®
1£®American¸ÄΪAmericans ¿¼²éÃû´ÊµÄµ¥¸´Êý ´Ë´¦Ö¸µÄÊÇ£ºÁ½¸öÃÀ¹úÈË£»¹ÊÓø´ÊýÃû´ÊAmericans£®
2£®È¥µôbyÖ®ºóµÄthe ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓï by boat ÒâΪ£º³Ë´¬£»¹ÊÈ¥µôthe£®
3£®buy¸ÄΪbuying ¿¼²é¶¯Ãû´Ê ´Ë´¦ÔÚ½é´ÊAfterÖ®ºó×÷±öÓӦʹÓö¯Ãû´Ê£»¹ÊÓÃbuying£®
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Growing up in a military family£¬I moved a lot£®I mostly went to £¨36£©B with other kids whose parents were also in the military£®But when my dad £¨37£©D from the Marines after twenty years of service£¬I found myself £¨38£©B a civilian school with twelve-year-olds who shared no similar life experience with me£®
I was a stranger in a strange land£®Everyone in my class had grown up together£¬and they had no room to£¨39£©D for a newcomer£®I wore different clothes£¬had different thoughts£¬and spoke with an accent£®I£¨40£©A for the first few weeks of school£®I had no friends£¬no activities£¬and no £¨41£©C of a bright future£®To deal with it all£¬I began£¨42£©C in my diary every day---stories of adventure£¬of old friends£¬of feelings that I could not speak£®I wrote as if my life depended on it£¬as if the very next
breath I took could not happen £¨43£©A I wrote down words£®
One day£¬my teacher£¬Mrs£®Bush£¬came to me and asked why I always sat there writing instead
of playing with others£®I told her I enjoyed writing and £¨44£©D writing to playing£®She smiled at me and walked away£®About three weeks later£¬Mrs£®Bush gave us a writing assignment£®I was£¨45£©C that I could now participate in something I knew I excelled in£®
That night I worked and worked on the essay£®I wrote with great£¨46£©D£®It was my one chance to feel important and £¨47£©B by the class£®
A few days after we handed in our assignments£¬Mrs£®Bush called me up to the£¨48£©A of the classroom£®I stood before thirty pairs of eyes looking at me£¬and I got £¨49£©C£®Was I in trouble£¿Did I do something wrong£¿
Then Mrs£®Bush told the class how much she £¨50£©A all the work that went into the essay and everyone had done a great job£®But£¬she said£¬one student stood £¨51£©A as an excellent writer£¬one with imagination£¬creativity£¬and word mastery£®That student was me!
The class clapped politely and Mrs£®Bush handed me my paper£¬with the following£¨52£©B on it£º"Malinda£¬you are an excellent writer£®You fill your paper with the breathings of your heart£®Please keep on writing and share your £¨53£©C of writing with the world£®I am proud of you and glad you are in my class£®"
Mrs£®Bush helped me feel a sense of £¨54£©B£¬a place of purpose£¬and a way to survive a transition in life£®She helped me gain£¨55£©D in myself that stayed with me beyond sixth grade£®
36£®A£®church | B£®school | C£®war | D£®work |
37£®A£®separated | B£®withdrew | C£®quit | D£®retired |
38£®A£®visiting | B£®attending | C£®running | D£®leaving |
39£®A£®build | B£®preserve | C£®take | D£®spare |
40£®A£®struggled | B£®played | C£®fought | D£®exercised |
41£®A£®memory | B£®control | C£®promise | D£®need |
42£®A£®reading | B£®drawing | C£®writing | D£®copying |
43£®A£®unless | B£®once | C£®while | D£®after |
44£®A£®compared | B£®applied | C£®turned | D£®preferred |
45£®A£®astonished | B£®satisfied | C£®excited | D£®embarrassed |
46£®A£®anxiety | B£®curiosity | C£®wonder | D£®passion |
47£®A£®impressed | B£®accepted | C£®challenged | D£®envied |
48£®A£®front | B£®corner | C£®door | D£®outside |
49£®A£®annoyed | B£®disappointed | C£®worried | D£®surprised |
50£®A£®appreciated | B£®expected | C£®recognized | D£®enjoyed |
51£®A£®out | B£®up | C£®by | D£®off |
52£®A£®descriptions | B£®remarks | C£®suggestions | D£®accounts |
53£®A£®advantage | B£®purpose | C£®gift | D£®idea |
54£®A£®responsibility | B£®belonging | C£®devotion | D£®relief |
55£®A£®interest | B£®imagination | C£®creativity | D£®confidence |
A£® | who | B£® | whom | C£® | whose | D£® | his |
A£® | why£» because | B£® | for£» because | C£® | why£» that | D£® | for£» that |
We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier£® Using your NatWest Service Card As a Switch card£¬it lets you pay for all sorts of goods and services£¬whenever you see the Switch logo£®The money comes straight out of your account£¬so you can spend as much as you like as long as you have enough money £¨or an agreed overdraft £¨Í¸Ö§£© to cover it£©£®It is also a cheque guarantee card for up to the amount shown on the card£®And it gives you free access to your money from over 31£¬000cash machines across the UK£® Using your NatWest Cash Card You can use your Cash Card as a Solo card to pay for goods and services wherever you see the Solo logo£®It can also give you access to your account and your cash from over 31£¬000cash machines nationwide£®You can spend or withdraw what you have in your account£¬or as much as your agreed overdraft limit£® Using your cards abroad You can also use your Service Card and Cash Card when you're abroad£®You can withdraw cash at cash machines and pay for goods and services wherever you see the Cirrus or Maestro logo displayed£® We take a commission charge £¨ÊÖÐø·Ñ£© of 2.25% of each cash withdrawal you make £¨up to¡ê4£©and a commission charge of 75pence every time you use Maestro to pay for goods or services£®We also apply a foreign-exchange transaction fee of 2.65%£® Using your NatWest Credit Card With your credit card you can do the following£º *Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56days'interest-free credit£® *Pay in over 24million shops worldwide that display the MasterCard or Visa logos£® *Collect one AIR MILE for every¡ê20of spending that appears on your statement £¨½áËãµ¥£©£®£¨This does not include foreign currency or traveler's cheques bought£¬interest and other charges£®£© |
A£®you can use it to guarantee things as you wish
B£®you can draw your money from cash machines conveniently
C£®you can spend as much money as you like without a limit
D£®you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK
67£®If you withdraw¡ê200from a cash machine abroad£¬you will be chargedA£®
A£®¡ê4B£®¡ê4.5 C£®¡ê5.25 D£®¡ê5.3
68£®Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card£¿C
A£®You have to pay back with interest within 56days£®
B£®You can use the card in any shop across the world£®
C£®You will be charged some interest beyond two months£®
D£®You will gain one air mile if you spend¡ê20on traveller's cheques£®
69£®The purpose of the passage is to show you how toD£®
A£®pay for goods with your cards
B£®use your cards abroad
C£®draw cash with your cards
D£®play your cards right£®