
【题目】Which of the four sweaters will you choose?

__________. They look nearly the same, and I just need one.

A. None

B. All

C. Either

D. Any

【答案】 D

【解析】答句句意:随便一件。它们看起来都差不多,而我只要一件就可以了。考查不定代词。根据They look nearly the same,and l just need one. 可知应选any,此处指任何一件。


【题目】【原创】NOWADAYS, most animated (动画) films rely heavily on computer technology. But his magical world where witches (魔法师) cast spells and castles float in the sky is brought to life by hand. Nevertheless, Hayao Miyazaki is referred to as Japan’s Walt Disney and considered by many to be the world’s greatest living animator.

This month, the 72-year-old Miyazaki announced his retirement. The Japanese animator has directed 11 animated full-length films over the past four decades, including the Oscar-winning Spirited Away (《千与千寻》) and his latest release, The Wind Rises (《起风了》), which tells the life story of a man who designed Japanese World War II fighter planes.

Just as The Wind Rises shows, Miyazaki is well-known for his obsession with flight, especially human flight. Other striking aspects of Miyazaki’s films include his themes of environmental protection and the horrors of war.

Miyazaki’s work is also famous for its lack of clearly defined good and evil characters. He sees the 21st century as a complex time when old norms need to be re-examined.

As a storyteller, he is an inventor of fairy tales full of mystery. In the Miyazakian universe, wizards (巫师) turn into birds of prey; young girls are transformed overnight into 90-year-old women; greedy parents are changed into pigs; and shooting stars become fire demons (恶魔).

As a visual (视觉的) artist, most of Miyazaki’s grace comes from his vivid (鲜明的) colors and lovingly drawn landscapes a rolling meadow (草地) covered with flowers and shadowed by clouds, or a range of rocky hills rising toward snow-capped mountain peaks

People attribute Miyazaki’s success to his long pursuit of his hand-drawn technique, although in an interview with CNN he called himself an “extinct species” in the age of digital animation.

A recent television documentary on the making of The Wind Rises showed a disappointed Miyazaki throwing a pile (堆) of drawings into the trash. He is said to have redrawn thousands of frames of the much-praised Princess Mononoke (《幽灵公主》) when they did not meet his standards.

But his huge attention to detail has earned him the respect of the entire animated film world. Even John Lasseter head of Pixar, the famous US computer animation studio once called Miyazaki “one of the greatest filmmakers of our time”.

【1】What can we know about Miyazaki’s film The Wind Rises?

A.It was put on a long time ago.

B.Its hero is a soldier.

C.It describes horrors of war.

D.It is an Oscar-winning film.

【2】What does the underlined word “obsession” mean in paragraph 3? ?

A.Enthusiasm. B.Hate. C.Envy D.Sympathy.

【3】According to the article,Miyazake’s films _____.

A.are full of mystery and imaginative characters and landscapes

B.are likely to use hand-drawn technique and redrawn abstract frames

C.are full of new norms and clearly defined good and evil characters

D.are likely to demonstrate environmental protection and anti-war themes

【2】What is the main idea of this article ?

A.Miyazake’s impact on Japanese culture

B.the characteristics of Miyazake’s films

C.what inspired Miyazake to create his films

D.what made Miyazake succeed

【题目】Traveling in Viet Nam was like visiting a mysterious neighbor. You have lived next door to each other for years but knew very little about what happened on the other side of the fence.

I traveled there last August. A simple 180-kilometre trip from a Chinese border town to Hanoi, capital of Viet Nam, took an adventurous eight hours. That's because the country still doesn't have a modern expressway system. The major passage going through the peninsula(半岛)is only a two-way road. Also, many areas are mountainous.

Vietnamese drivers are impatient and fearless. They compete with each other at full speed no matter how scared the passengers feel. When the bus shook us violently many times, the driver made a joke to make us feel better. “See, this is just a gift Vietnamese people give you, a free passage service.”

It was midnight when I reached the hotel. Turning on the television, I was surprised by something All the characters in the TV dramas spoke in the same voice. At present, modern Korean dramas and historical Chinese dramas are popular with the Vietnamese. But it seemed they didn't have enough money to dub (配音)all these programmes. So, the same boring woman would appear behind every drama to speak for the roles.

The next morning when I opened the window, I found myself in a huge "garden". The buildings in the streets were dressed in all kinds of colors you can imagine. Vietnamese residents are allowed to paint their houses as they like. Each one is different and the colors bring the city alive.

1Before the author traveled in Viet Nam, he __________.

A. had known a lot about the neighboring country

B. knew little about the neighboring country

C. had thought he would have a chance to visit the country

D. thought the country was very rich

2On the way to Hanoi, the author __________.

A. was struck by the beautiful scenery in Viet Nam

B. was regretful for this travel

C. was in high spirits

D. was not pleased with Vietnamese drivers

3All the characters in the TV dramas spoke in the same voice be-cause __________.

A. they all had the same accent

B. few people show interest in dubbing

C. the persons who dub may be looked down upon

D. they had no ability to afford so much money

4Which of the following can be used to describe the buildings in Hanoi?

A. Very common. B. retraditional.

C. Very colorful. D. Rather dull.

【题目】Would you like to discover all the corners of the UK, or travel abroad? Maybe you have never tried the motorhome (旅宿车) lifestyle before. Well, read this article and you will know why a motorhome is a good choice.

Nothing is better than a motorhome. It has so many uses that it is considered the most versatile vehicle(交通工具)and it is also very comfortable. If you are thinking about hiring a motorhome this summer, then the best advice is to book it early, especially if you are considering the school holidays. The motorhome hire service is very seasonal and motorhome hire companies will never have extra vehicles available in the summer months.

There are a lot of companies throughout the UK, and some of the big ones have motorhomes spread all over the country. At present, the largest network for motorhome hire is provided by Motorhome which is based in Cambridge. If you are in the UK , you may phone 0800-612-8719 for details of its motorhome hire information. Motorhome has a network of over 500 vehicles all over England, Scotland and Wales.

Most people wishing to hire a motorhome are families that are looking for an alternative(替代品)to a European package holiday, especially as flying now has become more expensive, and is considered to be environmentally unfriendly. There is no doubt that the idea of no-fly holidays is going to become more popular as fewer people think it is safe to fly. This explains why more and more people are choosing to hire a motorhome for their holidays.

【1】This passage is written to explain why it is a good idea to_______

A. take an adventure B. travel to England

C. try a new lifestyle D. hire a motorhome

【2】What does the underlined word“versatile”in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Large and comfortable. B. Fast and exciting

C. Having a lot of uses. D. Having a lot of fun.

【3】改编Why should you book a motohome early if you want to book one for this summer?

A. Because booking early is much cheaper than before

B. Because summer is usually a very busy season.

C. Because you can arrange your time better.

D. Because students usually book them to earn much money.

【3】You should book a motohome early if you want to book one for this summer.Because___

A. booking early is much cheaper.

B. summer is usually a very busy season.

C. you can arrange your time better.

D. students usually book them to earn money.

【4】The last paragraph tells us the advantages of hiring a motorhome by_______.

A. telling us a story

B. giving detailed data

C. comparing it with flying

D. showing the results of a study

【题目】Do dogs understand us?

Be careful what you say around your dog. It might understand more than you think.

A border collie named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany. The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child. Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee(黑猩猩).

In one experiment, the researchers took all 200 items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects. Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back. In four tests, Rico got 37 out of 40 commands right. As the dog couldn't see anyone to get clues, the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.

In another experiment, the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew. The owner then told Rico to fetch the object, using a word the dog had never heard before.

The correct object was chosen in seven out of l0 tests, suggesting that the dog had worked out the answer by process of elimination(排除法). A month later, Rico remembered half of the new names, which is even more impressive.

Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog. For one thing, Rico is a border collie, a breed (品种)known for its mental abilities. In addition, the 9-year-old dog has been trained to fetch toys by their names since the age of nine months.

It's hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say. Even if they do, they can't talk back. Still, it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk your dog every now and then. You might just get a big, wet kiss in return!

【1From paragraph 2 we know that _______ .

A. animals are as clever as human beings

B. dogs are smarter than parrots and chimpanzees

C. chimpanzees have very good word-learning skills

D. dogs have similar learning abilities as 3-year-old children

【2Both experiments show that_______ .

A. Rico is smart enough to get all commands right

B. Rico can recognize different things including toys

C. Rico has developed the ability of learning mathematics

D. Rico won't forget the names of objects once recognizing them

【3Which of the following statements is true?

A. The purpose of the experiments is to show the border collie's mental abilities.

B. Rico has a better memory partly because of its proper early training.

C. The border collie is world-famous for recognizing objects.

D. Rico is born to understand its owner's commands.

【4What does the writer want to tell us?

A. To train your dog.

B. To talk to your dog.

C. To be friendly to your dog.

D. To be careful with your dog.

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