
【题目】 While we can’t control the COVID-19 0utbreak, we can control how we react to it while keeping ourselves safe as well. 1.

● Assess our personal risk for getting infected

We can take steps to figure out our own personal risk for developing corona virus: whether there are confirmed cases in our community; whether we’ve been exposed to them, and whether we have immune or breathing problems. 2.

● Try to limit our news consumption

3. However, there is such a thing as too much news, and constantly reading news updates isn’t going to help our anxiety levels. The more we expose ourselves to a scary topic over which we feel limited control, the more we will feel anxious.


Coronavirus seems scary and it’s OK to recognize that our anxiety is normal, while ignoring our stress will only make the anxiety worse. If someone asks us to stop feeling anxious, we can respond with, “Well, what are you doing to be prepared?” If they still insist on minimizing our fears, try to brush them off. Listen to our own voice and gain inner peace from it.

● Follow the correct preventive methods to protect against the virus

Try to avoid touching our eyes, nose, and mouth. 5. Wash our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Doing all of those things can help us feel more in control of the situation, which can help ease our anxiety.

If, despite trying these tips, you still feel anxious or that your fears are disturbing your daily life, it’s not a bad idea to talk to a mental health professional.

A.Those steps give us a sense of control over our health

B.Realize that it’s natural to be worried about the outbreak

C.Of course, the anxiety about the outbreak is understandable

D.Do medical cleaning frequently on touched objects and surfaces

E.Here is what we can do to manage our anxiety during the outbreak

F.This is because it’s new, making it appear more unknown and uncertain

G.It’s true that we should know more information about the deadly disease









1根据文章结构可知,本文自第二段开始逐段列举在疫情期间正确应对焦虑情绪的方法,与E选项的Here is what we can do to manage our anxiety during the outbreak(在疫情爆发期间,我们可以采取以下措施来控制自己的焦虑情绪)相呼应,因此选E

2根据本段主题Assess our personal risk for getting infected(评估我们个人感染的风险),本段介绍了评估自己染上新冠病毒的风险的一些步骤,首句中We can take steps to figure out our own personal risk for developing corona virus,对应A选项的Those steps,因此选项A. Those steps give us a sense of control over our health(这些步骤让我们有一种控制自己健康的感觉)符合语境,故选A

3划线处后面的However, ...too much news...isn’t going to help our anxiety levels.G选项中It’s true that we should know more information about the deadly disease(的确,我们应该对这种致命的疾病多了解一些)为转折关系,我们要有足够的了解,但过多的新闻报道对于缓解焦虑无济于事,因此选G

4根据第一句Coronavirus seems scary and it’s OK to recognize that our anxiety is normal, while ignoring our stress will only make the anxiety worse.(冠状病毒似乎很可怕,我们可以承认我们的焦虑是正常的,而忽视我们的压力只会让焦虑变得更糟)可知,本段在阐明作者的观点:新冠病毒的确很可怕,我们感到焦虑和压力是很正常的,与B选项Realize that it’s natural to be worried about the outbreak(要意识到,担心疫情爆发是很自然的)相呼应,因此选B

5本段介绍了正确的预防措施和卫生消毒方式,D选项Do medical cleaning frequently on touched objects and surfaces(要经常对被触摸的物体和表面进行医疗清洗)和本段小标题Follow the correct preventive methods to protect against the virus(遵循正确的预防方法来预防病毒)和段内的上下文一致,因此选D


【题目】 We’re drowning in plastic. If you want to reduce your own contribution to the plastic pollution problem, recycling might seem like an easy solution.

But what happens after you clean out those plastic containers and pour them into a recycling bin? Unfortunately, the outcome isn’t as rosy as many people think; recycling is unlikely to give plastic to-go containers new life. “Of all the waste produced in 2017, only 8.4% of it eventually got recycled. It’s not that consumers aren’t motivated to recycle or that they don’t have ready access to recycling programs; the United States simply doesn’t have the proper facilities (设施),” said John Hocevar, a marine biologist with Greenpeace USA.

A recent report surveyed the United States’ 367 materials recovery facilities—the facilities that sort our recycling—and found only plastic bottles were regularly recycled. The fate of most other types of plastic such as packaging usually ends up being buried or burnt.

Not all plastic is created equal. If you turn over a transparent plastic bottle, like those used to hold water, you’ll notice a number “1” inside a triangular recycling symbol. Non-transparent jugs, like the kind that hold milk, get a “2”. At materials recovery facilities, or MRF’s, plastics get sorted based on these numbers, which indicate how recyclable they are.

Numbers 1 and 2 are relatively recyclable. Recycling gets more difficult with higher numbers, called “mixed plastic”. This waste makes up around 69% of all the plastic we use. It’s much more expensive to process than numbers 1 and 2.

So what the United States needs is facilities equipped to process other kinds of plastic. But Hocevar came up with a different solution: “The really simple answer is that we have to stop making so much throwaway plastic.”

That said, is recycling worth it? For bottles labeled (贴标签) “1” or “2”, the answer is “yes”. There’s also a growing market for plastics labeled “5”. For other numbers, Hocevar’s answer was simple: a resounding (响亮的) “no” on numbers 3, 4, 6 and 7.

1Which problem is the USA facing according to the text?

A.People don’t know the best way to recycle.

B.Ready recycling programs are not accessible.

C.People lack awareness about plastic recycling.

D.There isn’t suitable equipment for plastic recycling.

2What may John Hocevar think of plastic recycling in the USA?



3What information can the numbers on plastic bottles convey?

A.Whether it is easy to recycle them.

B.The recycling technology they need.

C.They places where they were produced.

D.Which dustbin we should put them into.

4What should we do with plastic according to Hocevar?

A.Give up the use of plastic.

B.Develop more cheaper facilities.

C.Only recycle plastics labeled 1 to 5.

D.Reduce the production of mixed plastic.

【题目】Reasons to Take Part in Student Clubs and Organizations

Many college students don't know what they're missing by not taking part in the student clubs and organizations that are offered at most colleges and universities. Taking part in one can be a rich and rewarding experience.1Check them out and see what's available. Here are a few reasons why you should take part in student clubs and organizations.

Meet new people.

It can be hard to meet new people in college, especially in your first year.2However, in a club, you'll find yourself in a smaller group of people who likely share your interest.

Help your major.

There are many student clubs and organizations for different majors and departments. Such clubs can be a lot of fun as well as a great academic resource for you. By joining an academic club you will probably have an easier time to know professors in your departments.3

Learn important leadership skills.

Student clubs and organizations can be a good way to learn important leadership skills that would look great on job applications.4These skills could be event planning, finance management, and so on. Find a club that you love being a part of and if you work hard you might be able to gain such a position.


Lastly, student clubs and organizations can simply be a lot of fun. Make sure to take advantage of student clubs and organizations to make the most of your time in college!

A.Have fun.

B.Class sizes can be big.

C.Never waste energy.

D.Take advantage of your major.

E.In a club, you will be able to gain other important skills.

F.So don't just walk past those tables during clubs week.

G.And you might even get access to study skills and other academic advice.

【题目】 It has been four years since Grandma Joy told her grandson that she had never seen the most beautiful views of America. Since then, they have gone on many cross-country trips.

Brad Ryan had been feeling tired of studying in a vet school when he visited his 85-year-old grandma in 2015. He hoped that spending some quality family time would help lift his spirits.

As he was telling his grandma stories of his travels, however, he was heartbroken to hear that she had never seen the ocean or mountains. Ryan then asked his grandmother if she would like to go hiking with him. Needless to say, she was more than happy to agree.

They have since visited 29 different national parks across America---from the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado to the Acadia National Park in Maine. Over the four years, Ryan and his grandma have driven 25,000 miles through 38 states. And it has greatly affected his quality of life. “Seeing it through my grandmother’s eyes, who every morning wakes up and is thankful to be alive has taught me how to live,” Ryan said. “With her, I’ve had to slow down and see life in a different way, which has made it a lot richer.”

“I love my grandma so much, and it’s just really giving me a lot of peace when she passed away. I can go back to these places, feel her spirit, and feel connected to her,” he added.

Ryan posted all of their trips on Facebook. He hopes more young people will spare time to be with their elders. “I want young people to know that hanging out with your grandparents is cool. And there’s so much we can learn from our elders,” Ryan said.

1Why did Brad Ryan visit his grandma in 2015?

A.To cheer himself up.

B.To please his grandma.

C.To take his grandma to travel.

D.To share his travelling experiences.

2How did Brad Ryan feel when he heard his grandma had never seen the ocean or mountains?



3What influence did Brad Ryan’s grandma have on him?

A.She made him live a better life.

B.She helped him find his life goal.

C.She told him to have peace of mind.

D.She gave him a lot of encouragement.

4What is Brad Ryan’s purpose of posting their trips online?

A.To advise young people to take a trip.

B.To share his joy of travelling with his grandma.

C.To encourage the young to keep their elders company.

D.To show young people what they can learn from their elders.

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