
16.When asked about the canned fresh air,Chen Guangbiao said it didn't matter _______it sold well or not,just for friendly environment.(  )

分析 当被问及罐装的新鲜空气时,陈光标说是否畅销这并不重要,只要环保.

解答 答案:B.
分析句子结构可知,本题中 _______it sold well or not是主语从句,前面的主句it didn't matter中的it是形式主语,主语从句中不缺少成分,且句中有or not,whether…or not固定搭配,是否…,符合句意"陈光标说是否畅销这并不重要,只要环保.",if不可以引导主语从句,故选B.

点评 本题考查名词性从句.首先看从句是否在整个句子中起名词的作用(连接词后面即从句),然后要判断它是哪个名词性从句.名词性从句是主句的一部分,可以充当主语、宾语、表语、同位语.再根据从句中缺少何种成分(主语、宾语、定语、状语等)和所缺成分的属性(人或物)来决定连接词的应用.

2.For years we have been dieting strictly after the year-end overeating,afraid that when summer.comes,the bigger size we have accumulated will betray how we ate.Now scientists say,it's a little bug that causes obesity(肥胖).
As the holiday season with its abundant feasting arrives,millions of food lovers are keeping an eye on their figures.But scientists have found that weight gain is not about too much Christmas turkey or hot chocolates,but some bacteria in your guts(肠).
Chinese scientists recently discovered a type ofbacteria in guts that may be to blame for obesity.
A research team led by Zhao Liping,a professor in Shanghai,has identified a precise link between a particular kind ofbacteria and unusual weight gain.
"The endotoxin(内毒素) released by the bacterium can activate(激活) a gene that helps produce fat.And it also deactivates a gene that consumes fat,"Zhao says.
Scientists have long believed that microscopic organisms in the gut,microbiota,may play a very important role in weight gain,but they had never been able to prove it.
In 2004,American microbiologist Jeffrey Gordon and his colleagues discovered a general link between obesity and gut microbiota in mice.
While a link was believed to exist,proving it was another matter.
"The list of diseases that they may play a role in is just growing and growing,"says Lita Proctor,director of the US National Institutes of Health."But the problem is that we're only able to look at associations and aren't yet able to conduct cause-and-effect studies."
In the clinical study,researchers found a growth of too much endotoxin-producing bacteria,leading t0 35percent ofthe gut bacteria,in an obese patient whose initial weight was 175kg.
Based on this information,researchers tried to cure the patient by feeding him a specialized nutritional liquid food to decrease the bacteria in his guts to ignorable amounts.
After 23 weeks,the patient lost 51.4kg,with his fatty liver disease having almost disappeared.

36.We diet strictly after the year-end overeating becauseD.
A.we won't betray ourselves
B.we eat too much turkey
C.there are bacteria in our guts
D.we don't want to look fat
37.What can be learned from Zhao's research?A
A.Obesity is related to a kind of bacteria.
B.Healthy diet helps reduce your fat.
C.Chocolate doesn't cause weight gain.
D.Too much food leads to overweight.
38.Which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.Scientists didn't try to find out the cause of overweight.
B.There is a link between mice's overweight and human's.
C.Lita proved the link between bacteria and weight gain.
D.Scientists found bacteria may be related to many diseases.
39.The patient finally lost 51.4kg of his weight afterB.
A.35percent of his gut bacteria were killed
B.the amount of gut bacteria was decreased
C.he had a special kind ofoperation
D.his fatty liver had disappeared
40.What does the passage mainly talk about?C
A.People's eating habits.
B.Healthy lifestyles.
C.A medical discovery.
D.The consequence of obesity.
1.Lauren Singer has produced almost no waste in the past two years.It proves that a waste-free(41)B is possible.
Lauren studied environmental science at NYU,and it was during her student years that she began working towards a zero-waste(42)C.Today,she has learned to (43)B all of her own everyday eco-friendly products,such as toothpaste,shampoo,kitchen cleaner and the like.She also(44)D
her own eco-friendly company,"The Simply Co",through which she plans to(45)A her homemade products.
Lauren regularly writes about her(46)C of a zero-waste life on her blog.She(47)Athat the past two years haven't been(48)D."I stopped buying (49)A products and began(50)D my own bags and jars to fill with products at the(51)C."she explained."I stopped buying(52)B
clothes and shopped only second hand.I said no to plastic or paper bags at stores".Although the journey has been (53)C,her zero-waste life has been well worth the (54)A.She says that she now(55)
D a lot of money simply because she is (56)B when she goes shopping and does not buy things blindly.She also eats healthy food because she(57)B fresh organic(有机的) fruits and vegetables  instead of packaged foods.
The girl has become a(n)(58)D to many.She's giving(59)C in schools and colleges and also conducting more and more(60)A about her zero-waste lifestyle on TV and the radio worldwide.

18.John Wesley Powell(1834-1902)Was a famous explorer of the American West.When he Was young,his mother put him under the guidance of George Crookham,a self-taught scientist,from whom he received a wide,but informal,education.Young John learned many things about the natural sciences.But his father preferred him to study religion.The argument continued for three years.Then John decided to leave home to seek further education.He soon discovered that he knew more about science than any teacher he met.He realized that the only good scientific education in the country came from colleges in the east,like Harvard and Yale.But he Was too poor to go to them,SO he got work as a school teacher in Illinois.Whenever possible,he went on scientific trips of his own.  
In 1861,civil war broke out in the United States.John joined the Union forces of the North.At the battle of Shiloh Powell lost his right arm.Despite his disability,he began his famous exploration of the Colorado River on May 24 1869.
It Was one of the greatest trips of discovery in the history of America.Never before had any white men traveled to that area.The trip Was far more dangerous than expected.The rivers were filled with rocky areas and waterfalls.Sometimes,the boats overturned or broke into pieces against big rocks.All along the way,Powell measured distances,temperatures,heights,depths and currents.He examined soils,rocks and plant life.Powell'S explorations led to the creation of US Geological Survey,which became responsible for all mapping and scientific programs of American lands.
Powell's scientific studies of western lands shaped his ideas of how those lands should be used.He suggested programs to control both crop farming and cattle raising.He Was especially concerned about water supplies.Many of his ideas were rejected at first and were not signed into law until years after his death because they were far ahead of his time.
66.Who do you think had a major influence on John Wesley Powell'S life?B
A.His mother.   
B.George Crookham.
C.His father.    
D.The teachers in Harvard and Yale.
67.John argued with his father becauseC.
A.his father refused him to leave home   
B.he wanted to go to college
C.his father wanted him to study religion
D.he wanted to work instead of study
68.The author wrote about John's experience of the civil war in order to show his following  characters exceptC.
A.his courage          B.his determination
C.his bad fortune      D.his braveness
69.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?B
A.The great discovery Powell made for America.
B.The difficulties and importance of Powell's exploration.
C.The way Powell carried out his great exploration.
D.The cause of the creation of US Geological Survey.
70.From the text we can see thatD
A.Harvard University gave Powell much support for his exploration
B.John was the first American to travel to the Colorado River
C.most of Powell'S ideas were signed into law before he died
D.Powell'S explorations caused the creation of US Geological Survey.

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