
【题目】 When I was a kid, I used to spend hours listening to Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew Pinsky on their Sunday night radio show Loveline. I listened so often that I began to use one of their well-known phrases — “good times” — in my daily conversations. Scientists have a name for this phenomenon: behavioral mimicry.

You’ve probably experienced this before: after spending enough time with another person, you might start to pick up on his or her behavior or speech habits. You might even start to develop your friend’s habits without realizing it. There is a large body of literature concerning this sort of phenomenon, and it regularly happens for everything from body gesture to accents to drink patterns (模式). For example, one study found that young adults were more likely to drink their drink directly after their same-sex drinking partners, than for the two individuals to drink at their own paces.

And the effect isn’t limited to real-life face-to-face activities. Another study found that the same you-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie! In other words, people were more likely to take a drink of their drinks in a theater after watching the actors on the screen enjoy a drink. At least I don’t feel so strange anymore, having picked up on Adam Carolla’s “good times”.

New research published today in the journal PLOS ONE indicates that the same sort of behavioral mimicry is responsible for social eating, at least among university-age women of normal weight. That’s right: the young women were more likely to adjust their eating according to the eating pace of their same-sex dining companion.

As with most experiments, these results raise a whole new set of questions. However, the finding that behavioral mimicry may at least partly explain eating behavior is important, and has real effects on health. The researchers note that “as long as people don’t fully recognize such important influences on intake (eating), it will be difficult to make healthy food choices and keep a healthy diet, especially when people are exposed to the eating behavior of others”.

1The author takes his own example of using “good times” to_______.

A.show the influence of the hosts’ wordsB.express his love for radio shows

C.prove the popularity of the showD.introduce the topic of the passage

2It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _______.

A.behavioral mimicry is beneficial to our health

B.behavioral mimicry decides our eating behavior

C.people have realized the effect of behavioral mimicry on our health

D.It’s impossible to keep a healthy diet without knowing behavioral mimicry

3What is probably the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A.To introduce behavioral mimicry and its influence.

B.To appeal to readers not to fall into others’ habits.

C.To advocate healthy food choices among readers.

D.To draw readers’ attention to popular radio shows.







1推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“I listened so often that I began to use one of their well-known phrases — “good times” — in my daily conversations. Scientists have a name for this phenomenon: behavioral mimicry.”我听得太多了,以至于我开始在日常对话中使用他们的一句名言——“美好时光”。科学家给这种现象起了个名字:行为模仿;以及下文主要讲述了什么是行为模仿以及其影响可知,作者以自己为例,用“美好时光”来表示引出本文的主题——行为模仿。结合选项,故选D

2推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的However, the finding that behavioral mimicry may at least partly explain eating behavior is important, and has real effects on health. The researchers note that “as long as people don’t fully recognize such important influences on intake (eating), it will be difficult to make healthy food choices and keep a healthy diet, especially when people are exposed to the eating behavior of others”. 然而,研究发现,行为模仿至少可以部分解释饮食行为,这一发现很重要,而且对健康有实际影响。研究人员指出,“只要人们没有充分认识到这些对摄入量(饮食)的重要影响,就很难做出健康的食物选择和保持健康的饮食习惯,尤其是当人们接触到其他人的饮食行为时。”由此可推断出,人们已经意识到行为模仿对健康的影响。结合选项,故选C

3推理判断题。根据文章第一段中I listened so often that I began to use one of their well-known phrases — “good times”— in my daily conversations. Scientists have a name for this phenomenon: behavioral mimicry.(我听得太多了,以至于我开始在日常对话中使用他们的一句名言——“美好时光”。科学家给这种现象起了个名字:行为模仿)以及文章第二段中You’ve probably experienced this before: after spending enough time with another person, you might start to pick up on his or her behavior or speech habits. You might even start to develop your friend’s habits without realizing it(你可能以前也有过这样的经历:在和另一个人相处了足够长的时间后,你可能会开始注意他或她的行为或说话习惯。你甚至可能在没有意识到的情况下开始养成你朋友的习惯)以及文章第三段中And the effect isn’t limited to real-life face-to-face activities(这种影响并不局限于现实生活中面对面的活动)由此可以推出,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍行为模仿这个概念以及告诉我们行为模仿的影响。结合选项,故选A

推理判断题属于主观题,是层次较高的题目。它包括判断和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了作出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。该题要求在理解表面文字的基础上,作出判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含的意思和深层的意思,也就是通过文章中的文字信息,上下逻辑关系及事物的发展变化等已知的信息,推断出作者没有直接表达的态度和观点。如本题第1小题,根据文章第一段中“I listened so often that I began to use one of their well-known phrases — “good times” — in my daily conversations. Scientists have a name for this phenomenon: behavioral mimicry.”我听得太多了,以至于我开始在日常对话中使用他们的一句名言——“美好时光”。科学家给这种现象起了个名字:行为模仿;以及下文主要讲述了什么是行为模仿以及其影响可知,作者以自己为例,用“美好时光”来表示引出本文的主题——行为模仿。结合选项,故选D


【题目】 How to Prepare for a Hike Hiking is a very unique way of traveling. It lets a person find unexpected sides of their own personality.1 Here are several important steps to ensure your hiking experience.

Buy the equipment

Although proper equipment can be expensive to buy all at the same time, it can serve for years. 2

They should be light so it is easier to carry them. You will also need a large backpack to store all the things you will need during a hike. As for the clothes, you should be comfortable in them as you will spend a lot of time walking.

Prepare a route

3 As for beginners, we would recommend starting with no more than a 2-dayhike. You need to determine the starting point as well as a destination. Moreover, it is better to calculate how many kilometers you will walk a day and where the stopping points will be.

Improve leg strength

Hiking usually takes a lot of walking with the weight of your backpack, and it is better to work on your leg strength before going hiking. 4 If you come unprepared, your legs will hurt and be swollen after hours of walking daily.

Go with a group of friends

An experienced hiker usually does individual adventures. However, for the first couple of times, we suggest gathering a group of friends and share this incredible experience with them. It will be a lot more fun doing it. Moreover, if a difficult situation occurs, it will be easier to deal with it with some friends. 5.

A.Be prepared mentally.

B. The route should be fairly easy.

C. However, it is not an easy task for beginners.

D. The first thing you need to consider is a tent and a sleeping bag.

E. You are supposed to practice working out with weight regularly.

F. You can also save money on the equipment as several people can sleep in one tent.

G. Spending a couple of days getting close to nature without social network can be difficult.

【题目】 It was the middle of third grade and I was not sure what had got into me. I lied about many things ---I lied that I had eaten all my dinner, when in fact I buried it in the trash can, I lied that I had made my bed, when clearly I had not. My lies were not hurting anyone, but for some reason I felt the need to tell lies on an impulse (冲动 )that didn't feel like my own. I was labeled a liar.

One day my sisters and I were invited to spend the weekend with my aunt we all loved it. She spoiled us with her time. And she was an amazing artist. She had cool pencilserasers and other supplies that any young girl would love to get her hands on. Then it happened ... someone took one of Aunt Kim's good art erasers and rubbed it across the entire top of the TV. The eraser ruined the shiny finish on the TV’s casing. All the three of us were called into the TV room and asked to admit. Nobody did! Aunt Kim told us how disappointed she was.

The next thing I knew was that she was on the phone with my parents and they were on their way to picking me up. It had to be me! I was the liar. I argued, but no one listened. And then before dinner there was a knock at the front door! Aunt Kim was standing there. It turned out my younger sister finally felt guilty! She admitted that she was the one who rubbed the eraser on the TV. I was invited back!

A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future. No matter how big or small your lies are, once you are labeled a liar, earning trust takes a lot of work and time.

1Why does the author tell lies?

A.She just does that out of a strong desire.

B.She can find pleasure in telling a lie.

C.She is afraid to admit her mistakes.

D.She likes to play tricks on others.

2What may make Aunt Kim disappointed most?

A.The TV’s finish was ruined.B.The author told a lie again.

C.Nobody admitted the mistake.D.The erasers were totally useless.

3What’s the reaction of the author’s parents and aunt to the accident?

A.They felt puzzled about who did it.

B.None of them blamed the three girls.

C.They gave the author a chance to admit.

D.They believed it was done by the author.

4What lesson did the author learn?

A.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

B.A liar pays a lot to win trust again.

C.Lies can never change the fact.

D.An honest man will speak out.

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