
【题目】I hadn't seen him for 10 years but I __________ him at first sight.

A. realized

B. spotted

C. watched

D. observed




【题目】Energy independence. It has a nice ring to it. Doesn’t it? If you think so, you’re not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.

“Energy independence” and its rhetorical (修辞的) companion “energy security” are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely through, though. What is it that we want independence from, exactly?

Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil. But there are reasons that we buy all that oil from elsewhere.

The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. Yes, there is a trickle(涓涓细流)of biofuel(生物燃料)available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.

Second, Americans have basically decided that they don’t really want to produce all their own oil. They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. Vast areas of the United States are off-limits to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection. To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?

Third, there are benefits to trade. It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit. And although you don’t read about this much, the United States is also a large exporter of oil products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.

There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, at the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.

1What does the author think of biofuels?

A. They keep America’s economy running healthily.

B. They prove to be a good alternative to petroleum.

C. They do not provide a sustainable energy supply.

D. They cause serious damage to the environment.

2Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?

A. It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.

B. Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.

C. It wants to keep its own environment intact.

D. Its own oil production falls short of demand.

3What does the author say about oil trade?

A. It proves profitable to both sides.

B. It improves economic efficiency.

C. It makes for economic prosperity.

D. It saves the cost of oil exploration.

【题目】[1] When we were children, it seemed that father knew everything. When we grew up and father became older, sometimes we quarreled about our own views. So I try to get on well with father.

[2] Remember the age of father. Being aware of father's age will help us to understand him better. He has lived in the years when attitudes towards matters, such as poverty, unemployment, higher education, were quite different from those in our time. Thus it is impossible for him to change mind totally.

[3] Listen to father. As we grew up, what our father has told us often sounds not sophisticated (圆滑的)enough from the world we live in today. Yet I have found that sometimes the words that my father told me long time ago are remarkably useful. If father knows we respect his point of view, even if we do not share it, it will help him feel close to us.

[4] Remember that father has a past. When he was young, he lived a hard life. He came from remote village. How to stay in a strange city and how to earn money are problems he met first. He must work hard and face all kinds of difficulties. Full of wisdom, courage and hope,__________ at last. It is a part of his life that must have affected him deeply.

[5] Accept personality from father. Most of us have mixed feelings about taking after our father. We might feel fine about it when we are considering his admirable qualities. But we have realized that /span>we and our fathers share those characteristics we do not admire. Accepting what we have inherited(继承)is important.

[6] Adopting any approach to get on well with our father is the issue of how we manage ourselves. We should keep a sense of humor with our father. Remember we will have our own child and surely we will be parents. Accepting and understanding our father is a part of our life.

【1】 What is the best title of this passage? (within 8 words)


【2】 Choose one way of getting on well with father you prefer and explain the reason (within 30 words)


【3】 Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words. (within 10 words)


【4】 Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one?

But we have known we both have the same features, even if we do not like them.


【5】 Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


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