
Always Be Grateful
As is known to all,it is one of the Chinese traditional virtues to be grateful to 

分析 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文,根据提示信息以"感恩"为主题的英语短文比赛.请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确几个要点:感恩对象:如父母、老师;感恩理由:如父母养育之恩、老师培养之恩…;感恩方式:…2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象.要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写.本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写.3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态.4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点.
【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种表达:In my opinion以我的观点来看;not only…but also…不仅…而且;make every effort to不遗余力地去做;devote…to 致力于;live up to 达到,符合;In short总之
 In my opinion,our gratitude should first go to our parents because they not only provide us with food and clothing but also care for us in many ways.(高分句型一)
Second,we should thank the teachers who are making every effort to give us wisdom and knowledge and help us become useful persons.(高分句型二)
Therefore,we should devote ourselves to studying so that we can live up to their expectations.(高分句型三)

解答 Always Be Grateful
      As is known to all,it is one of the Chinese traditional virtues to be grateful to whoever has been kind and helpful to us.
      In my opinion,our gratitude should first go to our parents because they not only provide us with food and clothing but also care for us in many ways.(高分句型一)They are always willing to do whatever they can to ensure our happiness.Second,we should thank the teachers who are making every effort to give us wisdom and knowledge and help us become useful persons.(高分句型二)
      As the saying goes,actions speak louder than words.Therefore,we should devote ourselves to studying so that we can live up to their expectations.(高分句型三)It's also important to express our gratitude whenever we get help from them.
      In short,we should strengthen our sense of gratitude and take action to repay their love and kindness.
(129 words)

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

9.Legos (乐高玩具)
    Architecture lovers in Washington do not have to travel far to see some of the world's must famous building.Architect Adam Reed Tucker has rearrested fifteen of them using Lego bricks.The exhibit is called"LEGO Architecture:Towering Ambition."It is at the National Building Museum in Washington until early September.
  Lego bricks are small,colorful plastic blocks.They can be snapped together to make any number of objects.They are popular with children of all ages around the world.
  Adam Reed Tucker calls himself an"architectural artist."
  He was a professional architect for ten years.After the terrorist attacks against the United States in two thousand one he decided to do something different.He wanted to express his feelings for the form of the skyscraper while deepening his understanding of architecture,engineering and construction.He chose to use something that most people used as children and could relate to.
  The buildings in the exhibit include the World Trade Center in New York that was destroyed in the terrorist attacks; the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis,Missouri; the famous house called Fallingwater in Pennsylvania,designed by Frank Lloyd Wright; and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai,the tallest building in the world.Tucker used more than four hundred fifty thousand Legos to make his version which is more than five meters tall.
  Tucker does all his work by hand,using only pictures of the buildings.He does not use any computers or drawings to plan his buildings.While the exhibit is going on,Tucker will be working on his latest work,the White House where the American president lives.Visitors can watch him create the famous building brick by brick.
  Anne Bennett visited the Building Museum with her two grandchildren,Dylan and Daisy.She used the Lego exhibit to teach her grandchildren about famous buildings.
"My favorite is probably that tall building because it's made out of Legos.It's really cool because it looks like there's individual little rooms."Said Daisy.
What Daisy was talking about is the Willis Tower,formerly known as the Sears Tower in Chicago,Illinois.The real building is over four hundred forty meters tall.Tucker's model stands six meters tall.
  After walking through Tucker's models,visitors can create their own works at the building station.They can make houses,office buildings,stores or factories.They can then place their models on a large map of a city.As more visitors come,the Lego city will grow.
  To many people,Legos might seem like toys for kids.But Adam Reed Tucker proves that the only limit to what the toy can do is a person's imagination.
71.How many buildings had Tucker completed using Lego bricks by the time the architecture exhibit began?A
72.When can you see LECO Architecture Exhibit according it the text?A
A.August 28 th.B.September 23 rd.C.October 5 th.D.November 7 th.
73.Which of the following buildings can you see in the exhibit according to the text?B
A.The Empire State Building
B.The World Trade Center.
C.Statue of Liberty
D.UN Buikling.
74.Which of the following is the tallest building in the word?A
A.The Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
B.Falling water in Pennsylvania.
C.The Gateway Arch in Saint Lauis,Missouri.
D.The Tokyo Sky Tree in Japan.
75.What can we know about the Wills Tower according to the text?D
A.It was once known as Bank of America Tower.
B.It was destroyed in the terrorist attacks.
C.Tucker's model sounds sixteen meters tall.
D.The real billing is over four hundred fatty meters tall.
6.Walking with long steps on purpose,Barack Obama appears to have arrived to visit an elementary school he attended as a boy.But wait.It's not real Obama.The US president is back in Washington DC.
So who is this guy?He's Ilham Anas,34,a teen-magazine photographer who has taken advantage of his striking resemblance to Obama and turned it into his own brand of celebrity and wealth.
Since his sister told him in 2007that he looked like the then-presidential candidate,Ana's face and big smile have been seen on Southeast Asian TV and the Internet,appearing in the advertisements of medicine and other products.He has also shown up on his nation's television-talk show.Anas'resemblance to the president has turned his life around 180degrees.He's even written an autobiography Because of Obama.
Anas is the first to admit that he's an impostor(冒牌货).But he'll also tell you that he's in incredible demand."I've got so much work I can't handle it all,"he said.
But when his sister first mentioned the resemblance,he dismissed it.Then a colleague at the magazine asked him to pose as Obama in front of a US flag.He also refused."I'm a photographer,not an object for the camera,"he said.
As soon as he accepted the idea,his career took off.The married father of two children is rarely home these days.Recently a group of reporters followed him on a tour of the elementary school Obama once attended.Anas sat in the classroom where the president studied.He spoke a few lines in English.The moment he opened his mouth,however,the differences became apparent."Obama is a baritone(男中音),"Anas said."I'm not.I sound like a little boy."He is also shorter than the president.But he makes up for that by practising Obama's typical actions.Before public appearances,he spends hours in front of the mirror posing,gesturing,flashing that smile.
Anas said he hasn't changed his appearance much for the role.He wears his hair just like he did in high school.But he did shape his eyebrows to look more like those of the president.
He used to dislike looking into the mirror because of his average appearance.Now he no longer considers himself as an average guy,but a superstar.
Now,he hopes that Obama will win a second term in the White House.‘‘The longer he's in office,the longer my fame will last,"he said.

61.Ilham Anas becomes well-known because heB.
A.wrote a biography for President Obama
B.looks like President Obama
C.attended the same school as President Obama used to attend
D.played many roles in films
62.Which of the following can't be used to describe Ilham Anas?C
A.Famous.  B.Wealthy.  C.Handsome.  D.Busy.
63.The underlined sentence"he's in incredible demand"meansA.
A.his advertisement business is very booming
B.he demands better pay from his boss
C.he is planning to increase the production
D.he asks for higher prices for his advertisements
64.Ilham Anas differs from President Obama in that AnasD
A.is taller than President Obama
B.is older than President Obama
C.is a baritone
D.sounds like a little boy
65.We can infer that Anas nowA.
A is proud of his appearance
B is not satisfied with his appearance
C often keeps in touch with President Obama
D intends to become a politician.
13.London taxis,with their friendly drivers who actually know where they are going,are ranked best in the world,according to an annual taxi poll (民意调查).
The survey by travel website hotels.com found London taxis,despite being the most expensive,beat others across the globe to head the list for the third consecutive (连续的) years,scoring a total of 59 percent in votes on several categories by travelers.
London taxi drivers were voted both friendly and most knowledgeable,Drivers in the English capital must pass an examination called The Knowledge to earn their taxi license.
New York's yellow taxis came second in the list,scoring 27 percent which was up 10 percentage points from last year even though Manhattan's cab drivers were tied with Parisian taxi drivers as the rudest.Travelers said New York had the most available taxis.
Cabbies in Rome were voted the worst drivers in the world with almost one in 10 travelers thinking the Italian capital had the world's worst taxi drivers when it came to the quality of driving.
"Traveling by taxi is one of the first experiences that many travelers have upon arrival in a new city.In fact,the research found that cabs are by far the most popular method of traveling from the airport to their hotel."a spokesman for hotels.com said in a statement.
The global poll scored city taxis for their levels of cleanliness,value,quality of driving,knowledge of the area,friendliness,safety and availability.
Rounding out the top five were Tokyo with total score of 26 percent,Berlin with 17 percent,and Bangkok famed for its scoring 14 percent.
68.Why were London taxi drivers voted the best in the world?BecauseA.
A.they were the friendliest                                
B.taxi'fares were the lowest there
C.London had the most available taxis          
D.they were the most hardworking
69.What was the score of New York's yellow taxis last year?A
A.17 percent                
B.26 percent        
C.27 percent         
D.59 percent
70.The worst drivers in the world were from Rome because ofC.
A.being dirty                                         
B.irregular charges
C.the poor quality of driving                       
D.lacking knowledge of the area.
71.What are the top five in the annual taxi poll?B
A.London--New York--Rome--Tokyo--Berlin
B.London--New York-Tokyo--Berlin--Bangkok
C.London--New York--Tokyo--Paris--Bangkok
D.London--New York--Tokyo--Bangkok--Berlin.
10.Two boys were walking down a road.They noticed a man (31)A in the field.The younger boy looked at his friend and said,"Let's hide his shoes (32)D he won't be able to find them.It must be funny!"The (33)C boy thought for a moment and said,"The (34)B looks poor.Have you seen his(35)A?Let's do this instead:Let's hide a silver coin in each shoe and (36)D how he deals with them.
The younger boy (37)C.They placed a silver coin in each shoe and hid nearby.Soon the farmer finished his work and came out.He put on a shoe and immediately felt the money(38)B his foot.He held the coin in his hand,looked at it in(39)C and wanted to know who had put it in his shoe.Then he (40)A to see who had done it,but no one was there.He then put on the(41)A shoe and felt the second coin.The man was so (42)B when he found one more coin in his shoe.
He then (43)D to his knees and said something.The boys could (44)C hear it as they were very close.The poor farmer (45)B in gratitude (感激).He spoke of his (46)A wife and his boys in need of food.He was thankful for the (47)D from an unknown person.
After the farmer (48)C,the boys came out from their hiding place and slowly started their long walk home.They felt (49)B inside.They learnt how wonderful it was to (50)D others.

40.A.looked aroundB.took offC.walked awayD.joined in

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