If you have decided to lose the extra pounds, then you surely know that the only way to do that is by combining workouts with a healthy, balanced and nutri?tious diet. However, there are some types of drinks that will speed up the fat burning and help you lose weight quicker than you normally would, and here you will find

2 of the most efficient ones :

Green tea has been used for hundreds of years due to its numerous benefits, and weight loss is just one of them―although green tea alone will only help you lose a few pounds? it will certainly serve as a great addition to your diet in the long run. Drinking one cup of tea per day will deliver all the antioxidants(抗氧化剂)you need and it will also help you burn fat at a faster pace by promoting the metabolism (新陈代谢).These teas are perfect for burning more calories as well as for increas?ing your overall energy levels and for suppressing your desire to eat. These teas help you remove the extra pounds by suppressing your desire to eat, thus decrea?sing the amount of food you would normally consume every day. Green tea is said to also help you reduce stress and relax better.

Fruit juices are delicious, easy to prepare and very rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals―besides this, there are literally hundreds of different fruits you can choose from, and pears and cranberries(越橘)are only two of the most delicious, most efficient and most popular ones given the fact that they contain high amounts of vitamin C. Not only will the cranberry and pear juices help you lose weight by promoting your me?tabolism ,but they will also increase your overall energy levels and deliver your body all the essential vitamins and proteins that it so much needs. Meanwhile, it is known that the cranberry juice is essential for preven?ting various infection of the bladder (膀腕).What's more, pears contain mineral substances and are essential for a healthy lifestyle, not to mention that they are rich in vitamin C and calcium, the latter being particularly important for keeping your bones healthy and strong.

5.    This passage is written to       .

A.    introduce two weight-reducing drinks

B.    introduce two ways fittest for slimming

C.    teach how to combine exercise with diet

D.    teach you how to prepare diet soft drinks

6.    The underlined word " suppressing" in Paragraph 2 means " ,,•

A. stopping     B. upsetting

C.  improving       D. affecting

7.    Which is NOT the real reason why green tea can help reduce weight?

A.    Delivering all the antioxidants.

B.    Accelerating the metabolism.

C.    Reducing stress and relaxing better.

D.    Suppressing your desire to eat.

8.    The last paragraph is mainly about       .

A.    the reason why fruit juices are delicious

B.    the role fruit juices can play in weight loss

C.    the way to prepare pear and cranberry juices

D.    the benefits of the pear and cranberry juices to us

A young girl is calling a neighbour a superhero because of what he did when she was trapped beneath a car. Nick Harris said he didn't know where he found the strength, but somehow he managed to lift a car off the 6-year-old girl last week, earning himself the title of su?perman. "I just think it's a Christmas miracle," Harris said.

Harris said he had tried several times and again to recreate (再现)the surprising show of strength because instinct (本能)sent him running to the 6-year-old girl's aid. "I just ran over there, saw the tire on her, and lif?ted the car up to get her out from underneath the car,w Harris said. "I don't know how I did it. I've tried three or four times since then.,,

Harris was dropping off his daughter at Eugene Field Elementary Friday morning when he saw a car back out of a driveway, pinning (使不能动弹)the girl under its tire. That girl turned out to be his daughter's best friend.

"I was expecting her to have bad injuries," Harris said. "I've had broken toes, because a car just backed over my foot. And here this whole car was on top of her. I wasn't expecting it to turn out as wonderful as it did. ,, The first grader was flown to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City by an air ambulance (救护车), but didn't have to stay long.

"They all call me superman now," Harris said. "I'm just a dad. I'm just a dad that was in the right place at the right time. And I was finally able to help and I did something good.

1,  Why was Harris called a superhero?

A.    He saved a girl by lifting a car.

B.    He won in a Christmas competition.

C.    He pushed off the car on his daughter.

D.    He was always ready to help his neighbours.

2.   Harris tried many times to repeat his action in order to    .

A.    prove he had great strength

B.    find out how he had done it

C.    show his daughter he was a hero

D.    make people believe what happened

3.    Where did the accident happen?

A.    Near Children's Mercy Hospital.

B.    Around his neighbour's home.

C.    Outside a supermarket.

D.    At a school gate.

4.    What can we learn about Harris?

A.    He was fond of the movie Superman.

B.    He had the accident while backing his car.

C.    He drove the injured girl to the nearby hospital.

D.    He was once run over on the foot by a car.

When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as "a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb". Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.

Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City, Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine(脊柱)became bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recove?ring, Kahlo taught herself to paint.

In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera's strong influence on Kahlo's style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.

Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953. For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo's works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

1.    What does the underlined phrase "a much bigger name" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?

A.    A far better artist.

B.    A far more gifted artist.

C.    A much stronger person.

D.    A much more famous person.

2.    The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by

A.    polio

B.    her bent spine

C.    back injuries

D.    the operations she had

3.    Kahlo's style had become increasingly independent since the .

A. 1930s B. 1940s

C.   1950s    D. 1970s

4.    What is author's attitude towards Kahlo?

A. Devotion.   B. Sympathy.

C.  Worry.     D. Encouragement.

Owning a smart phone may not be as smart as you think. It may let you surf the Internet, listen to music and snap photos wherever you are... but it also turns you into a workaholic, it seems.

A study suggests that, by giving you access to e-mails at all times, the all-singing, all-dancing mobile phone adds as much as two hours to your working day. Researchers find that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to e-mails on their mobiles.

The study by technology retailer Pixmania reveals the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours, but the further two hours is spent responding to or send?ing work e-mails, or making work calls. More than 90 per cent of office workers have e-mail-enabled phones, with a third accessing them more than 20 times a day. Almost one in ten workers admit spending up to three hours outside their normal working day checking work e-mails. Some workers confess they are on call almost 24 hours a day, with nine out of ten saying they make work e-mails and calls outside their normal working hours. The average time for first checking e-mails is be?tween 6 am and 7 am, with more than a third checking their first e-mails in this period, and a quarter checking them between 11 pm and midnight.

Ghadi Hobeika, marketing director of Pixmania, says, "The ability to access literally millions of apps, keep in contact via social networks and take photos and videos as well as texts and calls has made smart phones invaluable for many people. However, there are draw?backs. Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and smart phones mean that people literally cannot get away from work. The more constantly in contact we become* the more is expected of us in a work capacity (容量).,,

1.    What can we conclude from the text?

A.    All that glitters is not gold.

B.    It never rains but pours.

C.    Every coin has two sides.

D.    It's no good crying over spilt milk.

2.    The underlined word "accessing" in the third paragraph can be replaced by 

A. calling       B. reaching

C.  getting     D. using

3.    Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.    The average UK working time is between nine and twelve hours.

B.    Nine tenths spent over three hours checking work e-mails.

C.    One fourth check their first e-mails between 11 pm and midnight.

D.    The average time for first checking e-mails is be?tween 6 am and 8 am.

4.    What's the main idea of the text?

A.    Workaholics like smart phones.

B.    Smart phones bring about extra work.

C.    Smart phones make our life easier.

D.    Employers don't like smart phones.


A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, my dad was fascinated with this new?comer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to welcome me into the world a few months later.

As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. He was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.

If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future ! He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking? but my dad didn't seem to mind.

My dad was a non-smoker and he didn't permit alcohol at home, even for cooking. But the stranger encouraged us to try them on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool. His comments were sometimes unpleasant and sometimes suggestive.

I now know that my early concepts(观念)about relationships were influ?enced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked(指责)and NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. Still, if you were to walk into my parents' house today, you would still find him sitting over in the corner, waiting for someone to listen to him and watch him draw his pictures. His name? We just call him "TV".

1.________________________ It can be inferred from the passage that   .

A.the stranger was popular with the family

B. the stranger was not very kind to the family at first

C. the stranger arrived soon after the author was born

D. the author's dad was kind and liked to make friends

2. The word "'spellbound" in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to

A.hopeless                       B. upset

C.tired                         D. interested

3. The third paragraph aims to show that the stranger is______ .

A.very curious                      B. knowledgeable

C.very generous                     D. troublesome

4.  How is the passage mainly developed?

A. By time.                      B.  By space.

C. By examples.                     D.  By comparison.

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