
When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as "a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb". Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.

Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City, Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine(脊柱)became bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recove?ring, Kahlo taught herself to paint.

In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera's strong influence on Kahlo's style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.

Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953. For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo's works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

1.    What does the underlined phrase "a much bigger name" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?

A.    A far better artist.

B.    A far more gifted artist.

C.    A much stronger person.

D.    A much more famous person.

2.    The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by

A.    polio

B.    her bent spine

C.    back injuries

D.    the operations she had

3.    Kahlo's style had become increasingly independent since the .

A. 1930s B. 1940s

C.   1950s    D. 1970s

4.    What is author's attitude towards Kahlo?

A. Devotion.   B. Sympathy.

C.  Worry.     D. Encouragement.


D词义猜测题。通读全文可知,弗里达•卡罗现在的名气远比她那个时代时的名气大。a far better artist 一个更好的艺术家;a far more gifted artist 一个更有天赋的艺术家;a much stronger person 一个更强大的人;a much more famous person 一个更出名的人。


B 细节理解题。根据第三段中"…but her later works from the 1940s- show less influence from her husband."可知B项正确。

B推理判断题。本文描述Frida Kahlo从小患病,之后出车祸,作品在早期未受到足够的重视等一系列故事,从中我们可以体会到作者始终对Frida Kahlo抱有极大的同情。devotion忠诚,奉献;sympathy同情;worry担忧,担心;en?couragement 鼓舞。


Experience the newly opened Grand Canyon (大峡谷)West Skywalk in Colorado. Departing from Grand Canyon's South Rim by airplane to Grand Canyon's West Rim, you will land and take a ground tour to the Skywalk ! Walk on air for 70 feet over the edge of Grand Canyon West.

This Skywalk has been open since March 28, 2007. Daily visitors to the Skywalk have been over 4, 000 peo?ple. Please be patient to enjoy your moment on the Sky?walk.

After you have experienced the one and only Grand Canyon Skywalk Glass Bridge, you will return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and take your airplane for a flight back to the South Rim of the Canyon. This is a tour never to be forgotten as you will have walked on air

over the Grand Canyon. 

Tour Itinerary (行程)

Tour duration

5. 7 hours

The Grand    Canyon Adven?ture Skywalk



Experience       a bird's-eye

Grand Canyons South Rim to Grand    Canyon's West Rim



view of the Grand Canyon as you   make your way    to    Grand Canyon   West.

Light  lunch at Guano Point at  Grand Can?yon West



You'll be taken by bus to Guano Point with breath?taking   views of the western part of the Grand Canyon where the Colorado River makes   its way into Lake    Mood. Every table for   lunch has a view.



Finally you'll board your bus to Eagle Point, home of

Walk    on the




the   Grand   Canyon Sky?walk.   Now   it is time for you to walk on air for 70 feet     over    the Grand Canyon.



After time on the Skywalk,

Flight   back to Grand Canyon's South Rim

CM ^

you'll   return to the Grand Canyon West Airport   and return to Grand Canyon's South Rim in   time for din?ner and sunset.

5.    This advertisement is for       .

A. Grand Canyon West    B.  the Skywalk

C.  Grand Canyon D,  Grand Canyon South

6. The package fee does NOT cover the cost of .

7. The Grand Canyon Skywalk Bridge is made of glass because .

A.    it looks stranger

B.    it is cheaper to build

C.    it gives you a better view

D.    it looks more beautiful

8.  According to the Tour Itinerary, the route is  .

A.    South Rim— West Airport— Guano Point— Ea?gle Point— West Airport— South Rim

B.    South Rim— Guano Point— West Airport— Ea?gle Point— West Airport— South Rim

C.    South Rim ― West Airport ― Eagle Point ― Guano Point— West Airport— South Rim

D.    South Rim ― West Airport ― Eagle Point West Airport— Guano Point— South Rim



"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ,,一Lao Tzu If you are in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you don't have to be like everyone else. You can be different. You can walk instead of driving in rush-hour traffic. You can be on your iPhone or Blackberry less, and discon?nected sometimes. Your environment doesn't control your life―you do. I'm not going to tell you how to give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower.1

1. Do less.

Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day. Focus not on quantity but on quality. 2Save smaller, routine tasks for later in the day, but give yourself time to focus.

2. Have fewer meetings.

 And they eat into your day, forcing you to squeeze the things you really need to do into small windows, and making you rush.

3. 4

When you do the important things with focus, without rush, there will be things that get pushed back, and that don't get done. And you need to ask yourself: How necessary are these things? What would happen if I stopped doing them?

4.Practise mindfulness.

Simply learn to live in the present, rather than things so much about fu?ture or the past. When you eat, fully appreciate your food. When you are with someone, be with them fully. When you are walking, appreciate your sur?roundings, no matter where you are.

Try these things out. Life is better when unrushed. 5 .

A. Start to put off or cancel the unnecessary.

B. Meetings are usually a "big waste of time".

C. The world likely won't end if you don't pass one of the exams.

D.But here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt(采纳),if they work for your life.

E. Remember the quote : if nature can get everything done without rus?hing, so can you.

F. Pick 2〜3 important things―or even just one important thing―and work on those first.

     G. Give yourself more time to get ready and get there,

Cooking food over a smoky fire is found everywhere in the world. It is often difficult to find wood for the fire. People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel. However, there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun. Solar cookers , or ovens , have been used for centuries. A Swiss scientist made the first solar oven in 1767. Today, people are using solar cookers in many countries around the world. People use solar ovens to cook food and to heat drinking water to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms.

There are three kinds of solar ovens. The first is a box cooker. It is designed with a special wall that shines or reflects sunlight into the box. Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker. A box oven is effective for slow cooking of large amounts of food.

The second kind of solar oven is a panel (嵌板式) cooker. It includes several flat walls, or panels, which directly reflect the sun's light onto the food. The food is inside a separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy. People can build panel cookers quickly and with very few supplies. They do not cost much. In Kenya, for example, panel cookers are being manufactured for just two dollars.

The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic (抛物线的)cooker. It has rounded walls that aim sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven. Food cooks quickly in parabolic ovens. However, these cookers are hard to make. They must be re-aimed often to follow the sun. Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.

You can make solar ovens from boxes or heavy-paper. They will not catch fire. Paper burns at 232 degrees Celsius. A solar cooker never gets that hot. Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over long periods of time. This permits people to leave food to cook while they do other things.

To learn more about solar cooking, you can write to Solar Cookers International. The postal address is nineteen-nineteen Twenty- First Street , Sacramento , California, nine-five-eight-one-one, USA. Or you can visit the group's Internet website. The address is www. solarcooking. org.

1.    When was the first solar cooker invented?

A.    About 1767 years ago.

B.    More than 300 years ago.

C.    More than 250 years ago.

D.    Less than 250 years ago.

2.    In which of the following columns could we find the passage?

A. Development Report.   B.  Agricultural Report.

C.  Health Report. D.  Education Report.

3.    Which of the following is TRUE?

A.    The first solar-cooker was made by a Swiss soldier.

B.    Parabolic cookers can be dangerous sometimes.

C.    Solar-cookers often get hotter than 232°C.

D.    It is more expensive to cook with a solar-cooker than on fire.

4.    Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

A.    Different ways of cooking

B.    The history of the solar cookers

C.    How to choose solar cookers

D.    Cooking meals with the sun for fuel

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