
11.The date of birth may affect one's chance to climb up to the topmost position in future career,a Canadian study shows.The study is based on (61)a sample of 375CEOs.
The study found that only 6.13percent and 5.87percent of the CEOs (62)were born (bear) in June and July.By comparison,people born in March and April represented 12.53percent and 10.67percent of the sample,it said.Professor Maurice Levi said their (63)findings (find) indicate that summer babies are (64)less likely (likely) to be CEOs due to a"birth-date effect".
In the United Sates,cut-off dates for school admission fall between September and January.Students born between June and July are the youngest in their class,(65)and/while those born in March and April are the oldest,(66)taking (take) into account that children with (67)birthdays (birthday) too close to the cut-off dates often start their school behind or ahead  (68)of schedule.
"With advantages on intellectual development,older children in the same grade tend(69)to perform (perform) better than the younger ones,"explained Levi."Early success is often rewarded with leadership and learning opportunities,leading to future advantages (70)that/which  are magnified (扩大)throughout life."

分析 本文首先介绍了Maurice Levi 教授的研究发现:一个人的出生日期可能会影响到他在未来的职业生涯中晋升到最重要位置的机会;其次文中论述了他的个人观点;在以375名首席执行官为样本进行的研究中,由于出生于6,7月份的首席执行官所占的比例明显要低于出生于3,4月份的首席执行官,所以Maurice Levi 教授认为根据"生日效应",夏天出生的孩子不太可能成为首席执行官;他还认为伴随着智力发展的优势,在同年级中就读的孩子往往年龄大的比年龄小的孩子表现得更好;早期获得成功的人经常会成为领导者的角色,可以得到更多的学习机会,并会对影响他终生的未来前途更加有利.

解答 答案:
61.a   考查不定冠词    此处表示泛指由375名首席执行官组成的一份样本;故填a;
62.were born    考查时态及语态   本句的意思是:该项研究发现只有6.13%和5.87%的首席执行官分别出生于6,7月份;由于动词bear与主语the CEOs 是被动关系,表示的是过去发生的动作;所以这里应使用一般过去时态的被动语态;由于本句的主语"6.13percent and 5.87percent of the CEOs"指6.13%和5.87%的首席执行官们,表示复数;故填were born;   
63.findings    考查词类转换以及名词    此处用在形容词性的物主代词之后,指Maurice Levi教授以及他的团队的一些发现;故用名词的复数形式findings;
64.less likely   考查句意理解以及形容词的比较级     根据上文"The study found that…in March and April represented 12.53percent and 10.67percent of the sample,"可知,出生于6,7月份的首席执行官所占的比例要明显低于出生于3,4月份的首席执行官,因此本句表达的应是通过比对出生月份不同的首席执行官们所得出的结论:由于"生日效应",(与3,4月份出生的孩子相比,)夏天出生的孩子就不太可能成为首席执行官;故用 less likely;  
65.and/while       考查连词    根据上一句"Students born between June and July are the youngest in their class生于6,7月份的学生是班上年龄最小的"以及"those born in March and April are the oldest那些生于3,4月份的学生是年龄最大的"的句意可知,此处表示并列或比对;故填连词and/while;      
66.taking      考查现在分词    此处在句中作状语,动词take与逻辑主语构成的是主谓关系;故用taking;
67.birthdays    考查名词的单复数    根据"that children with (67)(birthday)  too close to the cut-off dates那些生日过于接近截止日期的孩子们"可知,此处指的是那些孩子们的生日;故填名词的复数birthdays;
68.of      考查固定短语     固定短语ahead of 意为:提前;在…之前;故填of;
69.to perform     考查固定短语      固定短语 tend to 意为:易于,有…的倾向;本句的意思为:伴随着智力发展的优势,同年级中年龄较大的孩子往往比年龄小的孩子表现得更好;故填to perform; 
70.that/which       考查关系代词      根据句意可知,本句是定语从句;先行词future advantages(将来的优势)在从句中作主语;故填关系代词that/which.

点评 语法填空主要考查了各种语法知识在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.

14.Teofilo Stevenson was born in 1952 and grew up in a small town in Cuba.He started boxing as a teenager and,when he was 13,went to Havana to train at the national sports complex."I lost 14 of my first 20 fights,"said Stevenson."I hated getting hit.What happened was that I decided I hated losing even more."
When he was just 20,Teofilo went to the Olympic Games in Germany and won a gold medal.He was tall and powerful with a long"reach".His long arms could hit opponents (对手) before they could hit him.At the Games in Canada in 1976 he won the gold again.In the ring,boxers were afraid of Teofilo,they tried to stay away from him and not get too close to his powerful punches (拳).He won another gold medal in Moscow in 1980.Only two of the fights he had at the Olympic Games lasted for the full three rounds.That means he either knocked his opponents to the floor and they were counted out or the referee stopped the fight because it was dangerous for the other boxer.
Stevenson was such a good boxer that people wanted him to turn professional.After he had won his first gold medal,managers and famous promoters started to offer him money to fight around the world.Teofilo turned them all down.He wanted to stay in Cuba and didn't want to fight for money or fame.
Lots of people think that Teofilo Stevenson was as good as the famous boxer Muhammad Ali,but the two fighters never fought each other.They did meet outside the ring and the two men are now friends.Teofilo thinks"it would have been a draw"if they had fought.
Teofilo now works for the Cuban Ministry of Sport and he is also the vice president of the Cuban Boxing Federation.He likes spending his time with his family and he is still regarded as a legend (传奇) around the world.
56.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that StevensonC.
    A.was an excellent boxer as a teenager
    B.hated boxing very much when he was young
    C.lost most of his fights when he started boxing
    D.refused to fight because of getting hit as a teenager
57.What does Paragraph 2 aim to tell us?B
    A.Stevenson's way of winning fights in the Olympic Games.
    B.Stevenson's great success in Olympic Games.
    C.The number of fights that Stevenson had in the Olympic Games.
    D.Stevenson never lost a fight after he was 20 years old.
58.Stevenson refused to turn professional becauseD.
    A.he was afraid of being defeated
    B.he hated the managers and promoters
    C.he was not short of money
    D.he didn't want to fight for money or fame
59.From Stevenson's words"it would have been a draw"in Paragraph 4 we can infer that StevensonA.
    A.was a boxer as great as Muhammad Ali
    B.was eager to have a fight with Muhammad Ali
    C.thought the fight with Muhammad Ali would be dull
    D.predict that he would lose the fight with Muhammad Ali
60.What can be a proper title for the text?B
    A.Teofilo Stevenson-the most successful boxer
    B.Teofilo Stevenson-Olympic boxing legend
    C.Teofilo Stevenson's way of Olympic successes
    D.A boxer star who failed to turn professional.
2.For years we have been dieting strictly after the year-end overeating,afraid that when summer.comes,the bigger size we have accumulated will betray how we ate.Now scientists say,it's a little bug that causes obesity(肥胖).
As the holiday season with its abundant feasting arrives,millions of food lovers are keeping an eye on their figures.But scientists have found that weight gain is not about too much Christmas turkey or hot chocolates,but some bacteria in your guts(肠).
Chinese scientists recently discovered a type ofbacteria in guts that may be to blame for obesity.
A research team led by Zhao Liping,a professor in Shanghai,has identified a precise link between a particular kind ofbacteria and unusual weight gain.
"The endotoxin(内毒素) released by the bacterium can activate(激活) a gene that helps produce fat.And it also deactivates a gene that consumes fat,"Zhao says.
Scientists have long believed that microscopic organisms in the gut,microbiota,may play a very important role in weight gain,but they had never been able to prove it.
In 2004,American microbiologist Jeffrey Gordon and his colleagues discovered a general link between obesity and gut microbiota in mice.
While a link was believed to exist,proving it was another matter.
"The list of diseases that they may play a role in is just growing and growing,"says Lita Proctor,director of the US National Institutes of Health."But the problem is that we're only able to look at associations and aren't yet able to conduct cause-and-effect studies."
In the clinical study,researchers found a growth of too much endotoxin-producing bacteria,leading t0 35percent ofthe gut bacteria,in an obese patient whose initial weight was 175kg.
Based on this information,researchers tried to cure the patient by feeding him a specialized nutritional liquid food to decrease the bacteria in his guts to ignorable amounts.
After 23 weeks,the patient lost 51.4kg,with his fatty liver disease having almost disappeared.

36.We diet strictly after the year-end overeating becauseD.
A.we won't betray ourselves
B.we eat too much turkey
C.there are bacteria in our guts
D.we don't want to look fat
37.What can be learned from Zhao's research?A
A.Obesity is related to a kind of bacteria.
B.Healthy diet helps reduce your fat.
C.Chocolate doesn't cause weight gain.
D.Too much food leads to overweight.
38.Which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.Scientists didn't try to find out the cause of overweight.
B.There is a link between mice's overweight and human's.
C.Lita proved the link between bacteria and weight gain.
D.Scientists found bacteria may be related to many diseases.
39.The patient finally lost 51.4kg of his weight afterB.
A.35percent of his gut bacteria were killed
B.the amount of gut bacteria was decreased
C.he had a special kind ofoperation
D.his fatty liver had disappeared
40.What does the passage mainly talk about?C
A.People's eating habits.
B.Healthy lifestyles.
C.A medical discovery.
D.The consequence of obesity.
18.John Wesley Powell(1834-1902)Was a famous explorer of the American West.When he Was young,his mother put him under the guidance of George Crookham,a self-taught scientist,from whom he received a wide,but informal,education.Young John learned many things about the natural sciences.But his father preferred him to study religion.The argument continued for three years.Then John decided to leave home to seek further education.He soon discovered that he knew more about science than any teacher he met.He realized that the only good scientific education in the country came from colleges in the east,like Harvard and Yale.But he Was too poor to go to them,SO he got work as a school teacher in Illinois.Whenever possible,he went on scientific trips of his own.  
In 1861,civil war broke out in the United States.John joined the Union forces of the North.At the battle of Shiloh Powell lost his right arm.Despite his disability,he began his famous exploration of the Colorado River on May 24 1869.
It Was one of the greatest trips of discovery in the history of America.Never before had any white men traveled to that area.The trip Was far more dangerous than expected.The rivers were filled with rocky areas and waterfalls.Sometimes,the boats overturned or broke into pieces against big rocks.All along the way,Powell measured distances,temperatures,heights,depths and currents.He examined soils,rocks and plant life.Powell'S explorations led to the creation of US Geological Survey,which became responsible for all mapping and scientific programs of American lands.
Powell's scientific studies of western lands shaped his ideas of how those lands should be used.He suggested programs to control both crop farming and cattle raising.He Was especially concerned about water supplies.Many of his ideas were rejected at first and were not signed into law until years after his death because they were far ahead of his time.
66.Who do you think had a major influence on John Wesley Powell'S life?B
A.His mother.   
B.George Crookham.
C.His father.    
D.The teachers in Harvard and Yale.
67.John argued with his father becauseC.
A.his father refused him to leave home   
B.he wanted to go to college
C.his father wanted him to study religion
D.he wanted to work instead of study
68.The author wrote about John's experience of the civil war in order to show his following  characters exceptC.
A.his courage          B.his determination
C.his bad fortune      D.his braveness
69.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?B
A.The great discovery Powell made for America.
B.The difficulties and importance of Powell's exploration.
C.The way Powell carried out his great exploration.
D.The cause of the creation of US Geological Survey.
70.From the text we can see thatD
A.Harvard University gave Powell much support for his exploration
B.John was the first American to travel to the Colorado River
C.most of Powell'S ideas were signed into law before he died
D.Powell'S explorations caused the creation of US Geological Survey.

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