
假定你是李华,5月1日在某外国网站购买了一部手机(cell phone)。使用一段时间之后,你发现它存在缺陷(如电池不耐用等)。请你给网站的客服写一封投诉信反映问题并提出解决方案。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Sir or Madam,

Iam one of your customers._____________________________________________________________________








Yours sincerely

Li Hua


When I was walking through the forest, I heard someone weeping. I_______the sound of the soft cry until I saw a woman sitting on the snow. Her eyes were filled with tears for her heavy_______due to hard life. I sat on the cold snow with her and_______her my shoulder and my ears.

“What is your name?”, she asked. I smiled at her. _____, my name is Jane, but to comfort her, I said, “My first name is _____, my middle name is Hope and my last name is Compassion(同情) .” I saw a ______smile come upon her face as I asked her “what is your name?” “My name is Ann _____I had given up hope.” I read her a poem through which I_______the message of self-worth to her. Others will______us when we love ourselves. ______, it was important for one to have self- worth. After I shared the poem, we talked a while and then I picked a wild rose that was in the snow. It was _____that there was a wild rose in such weather. I placed the rose in her hand and a big ______appeared on her face. Then I felt kind of______at her change and handed her a piece of paper with my ____on it. I walked away. She called me cheerfully the next day and expressed her _____to me. She told me I truly ____my name. Obviously, she had found her faith, her hope and her compassion.

We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. _____is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you ____ it, don’t let it ever die. Life is too _____to thank all the people who have encouraged us. We should receive and give encouragement rather than let unimportant things stand _______our way.

1.A. heard B. followed C. reflected D. enjoyed

2.A. heart B. head C. body D. waist

3.A. shared B. brought C. fetched D. offered

4.A. Eventually B. Deliberately C. Actually D. Specially

5.A. Career B. Inspiration C. Motivation D. Faith

6.A. puzzled B. forced C. tired D. worried

7.A. but B. so C. because D. or

8.A. transformed B. left C. conveyed D. took

9.A. tolerate B. serve C. hate D. treasure

10.A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Moreover

11.A. usual B. rare C. frightful D. admirable

12.A. worry B. satisfaction C. smile D. shock

13.A. interest B. security C. disappointment D. relief

14.A. name B. number C. address D. photo

15.A. regret B. apology C. gratitude D. concern

16.A. lived up to B. looked up to C. came up to D. made up for

17.A. Pleasure B. Friendship C. Passion D. Encouragement

18.A. pas B. receive C. choose D. create

19.A. good B. slow C. short D. happy

20.A. in B. on C. by D. under

Eight-year-old Owen Howkins suffers from growth delays(迟缓) and poor eyesight. This means that Owen needs a wheelchair to get around. Not surprisingly, he felt people were staring (盯着看) at him, and that made him very uncomfortable, so he became lonely and even stopped going outside of his house. That, however, was all before Haatchi came into his life!

Haatchi had a very unlucky start to life too. Tied to a railway track when he was just five months old, the dog was hit by a train. The hit unjured his tail and a leg so badly that both had to be cut off. Taken to a rescue shelter(救助站), the dog would have probably been killed if his story posted on Facebook had not been seen by Owen’s dad Will. He fell in love with Haatchi and decided to keep him, thinking that they were helping him. It turns out that it was Haatchi who helped them. By always staying at young Owen’s side, he became the boy’s best friend. Slowly Owen liked to go outside. Wherever he goes, the dog follows and protects him. Owen now proudly walks around the neighborhood, showing off his dog and telling anyone willing to listen, Haatchi’s story.

Haatch’s positive influence on the young boy has not gone unnoticed. In October 2012, the International Fund of Animal Welfare presented him with a special award(奖). The amazing friendship between the two has also been shown in a touching short film called “A Boy and His Dog” by students from the filmmaking class at the University of Hertfordshire. It has won several awards and had almost 2 million views. British best-selling author Wendy Holden has also writtern about this touching friendship in a aheartwarming children’s book, which was released on February 13th and had made Owen and Haatchi better known!

1.Owen didn’t like go out of his house mainly because_______.

A. he couldn’t walk outside by himself

B. he felt very lonely without any friend

C. he was very unhappy with his disease

D. he disliked other people’s unfriendly stares.

2.The underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refers to “_____”.

A. Will’s family B. Facebook users

C. the rescue shelter workers D. the friends from the neighborhood

3.Since Haatchi came into his life, Owen ________.

A. has more friends

B. has more confidence

C. has been growing taller and taller

D. had become a best-selling author

4.What can we learn about “A Boy and His Dog” ?

A. It is very popular

B. It was filmed by Will

C. It was first shown on February 13th

D. It made Wendy Holden better known.

There is an English saying : “ Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to study laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found facts that laughter really can improve people’s health.[

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produce pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produce pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group which tolerated(忍受) the pain for the longest time was the groups which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins in the brain. These are natural chemicals which diminish both stress and pain.

There is also some fact to suggest that laughter helps the body’s immune system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group of students served as the control group ---- in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watch the video had an increase in the activity of their white blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh.

They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

1.It can be learnt from the passage that laughter can_______.

A. make people feel younger

B. change people’s habits

C. improve peoples health

D. make people love their lives

2.Smiling can produce____.

A. more effects than laughter

B. the same effects as laughter

C. less effects on the human body

D. no effects on the human body

3.The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A. there are several ways of studying the benefits of laughter

B. laughter and physical exercise have the same effects on human body

C. the doctors should learn how to make people laugh

D. tests show that laughter can produce beneficial effects on human body

When I was 10, I was diagnosed with cancer. During treatment, I understood everything but the ______ of my case. It was not until recently that I realized how sick I was then.

This November of 2015 will ______ my five years off chemotherapy(化疗) and I will be finally _____of cancer.

I know sick children often felt blue. In order to help brighten their ______, I created a program through which I brought celebrities(名人) children ______ and respected to visit them in hospitals. The ______ I received from being able to ______ up the children’s day was indescribable.

This fall, I will ______ my junior year of high school. I love learning and I truly ______ the time spent in school because during chemotherapy treatments I was often too ______ to attend. Another big part of my life is______ activity. During my treatment it was very hard for me to walk — let alone ______. After finishing chemotherapy my main ______ was being able to run and play ______ again. I’m overjoyed to say I’ve been able to ______ that aim. Being able to stand on the court and play sports again is a(n) ______ feeling.

To me it’s important to convey(传达) a ______ of positivity and hope that anyone can make the most of any situation in life. Many don’t _____ and think it’s strange when I say this, but I’m truly grateful that I had cancer. Having experienced that, I have become brave ______ have also gained appreciation for life. I know with determination everyone can follow their _____.

1.A. development B. name C. seriousness D. cause

2.A. mark B. end C. begin D. reward

3.A. warned B. informed C. suspected D. cured

4.A. future B. spirits C. rooms D. way

5.A. attracted B. impressed C. admired D. missed

6.A. respect B. joy C. gift D. education

7.A. make B. clear C. clean D. light

8.A. enter B. leave C. visit D. drop

9.A. kill B. save C. treasure D. waste

10.A. weak B. young C. lazy D. busy

11.A. mental B. indoor C. physical D. social

12.A. swim B. run C. jump D. lie

13.A. goal B. task C. problem D. idea

14.A. cards B. chess C. sports D. music

15.A. further B. kick C. set D. achieve

16.A. puzzling B. amazing C. satisfying D. touching

17.A. message B. note C. word D. wish

18.A. speak B. apologize C. understand D. remember

19.A. and B. but C. or D. so

20.A. steps B. examples C. suggestions D. dreams

Take a look at the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 7, 9, 6. Read them loud. Now look away and spend 20 seconds memorizing them in order before saying them out loud again. If you speak English, you have about a 50% chance of remembering those perfectly. If you are Chinese, though, you’re almost certain to get it right every time. Why is that? Because we most easily memorize whatever we can say or read within a two-second period. And unlike English, the Chinese language allows them to fit all those seven numbers into two seconds.

That example comes from Stanislas Dahaene’s book The Number Sense. As Dahaene explains: Chinese number words are remarkably brief. Most of them can be spoken out in less than one-quarter of a second (for instance, 4 is “si” and 7 “qi”). Their English pronunciations are longer. The memory gap between English and Chinese apparently is entirely due to this difference in length.

It turns out that there is also a big difference in how number-naming systems in Western and Asian languages are constructed. In English, we say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen, so one might expect that we would also say oneteen, twoteen, threeteen, and fiveteen. But we don’t. We use a different form: eleven, twelve, thirteen and fifteen. For numbers above 20, we put the “decade” first and the unit number second (twenty-one, twenty-two), while for the teens, we do it the other way around (fourteen, seventeen, eighteen). The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan, and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten-one. Twelve is ten-two. Twenty-four is two-tens-four and so on.

That difference means that Asian children learn to count much faster than American children. Four-year-old Chinese children can count, on average, to 40. American children at that age can count only to 15. By the age of five, in other words, American children are already a year behind their Asian friends in the most fundamental of math skills.

The regularity of their number system also means that Asian children can perform basic functions, such as addition, far more easily. Ask an English-speaking seven-year-old to add thirty-seven plus twenty-two in her head, and she has to change the words to numbers (37+22). Only then can she do the math: 2 plus 7 is 9 and 30 and 20 is 50, which makes 59. Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two-tens-two, and then the necessary equation(等式) is right there, in the sentence. No number translation is necessary: it’s five-tens-nine.

When it comes to math, in other words, Asians have a built-in advantage. For years, students from China, South Korea, and Japan --- outperformed their Western classmates at mathematics, and the typical assumption is that it has something to do with a kind of Asian talent for math. The differences between the number systems in the East and the West suggest something very different --- that being good at math may also be rooted in a group’s culture.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The Asian number-naming system helps grasp advanced math skills better.

B. Western culture fail to provide their children with adequate number knowledge.

C. Children in Western countries have to learn by heart the learning things.

D. Asian children’s advantage in math may be sourced from their culture.

2.What makes a Chinese easier to remember a list of numbers than an American?

A. Their understanding of numbers. B. Their mother tongue.

C. Their math education. D. Their different IQ.

3.Asian children can reach answers in basic math functions more quickly because ____________.

A. they pronounce the numbers in a shorter period

B. they practice math from an early age

C. they don’t have to translate language into numbers first

D. American children can only count to 15 at the age of four

Climate change will increase US wildfires,and the smoky air will cause terrible problems in areas far beyond those burned,reports an environmental group Thursday.

Two-thirds of Americans,or nearly 212 million,lived in states suffering from wildfire smoke three years ago,according to the report by the Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC).These areas,which had smoke for at least a week,were nearly 50 times greater than those burned directly by fire.

“It affects a much wide area of the United States than people have realized.” says author Kim Knowlton,a Columbia University health professor,adding the smoke can move up to hundreds of miles.She says the smoke contains air pollution and can cause several kinds of diseases.

Texas was hit hardest in 2011,when smoke stayed for at least a week in areas that are home to 25 million people,according to NRDC’s report.Illinois,which recorded no wildfires within its borders,came second with

nearly 12 million people affected by smoke that moved in from elsewhere.The other eight states with the most people in touch with smoky air were,in descending order: Florida,Missouri,Georgia,Louisiana,Michigan,Alabama,Oklahoma and Iowa.

Nearly two dozen states had no wildfires within their borders in 2011,but eight of them still had at least one week of smoky air: Illinois,Missouri,Iowa,Kansas,Nebraska,Indiana,Wisconsin and Ohio.

Only 18 states and the District of Columbia had no people in touch with at least a week of smoke that year,although five of them—Alaska,California,Hawaii,Nevada and Utah—had a large area burned by wildfires.

The problem will only get worse.Knowlton says.Scientific research shows climate is causing higher temperatures and health problems.

1.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that_______.

A. climate change killed many Americans

B. there are fewer states burned by wildfires

C. every state had wildfire smoke for at least a week

D. most Americans suffered from wildfire smoke 3 year ago

2.Which of the following states had wildfires within its borders in 2011?

A. Iowa. B. Kansas.

C. Ohio. D. California.

3.The underlined word “descending” in the fourth paragraph probably means _______.

A. going down B. coming true

C. looking practical D. turning back

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Climate change causes more wildfires.

B. Wildfire smoke becomes a serious health problem.

C. More wildfires cause climate changes.

D. Air pollution becomes a terrible problem.

Foreign drivers will have a pay on-the-spot fines of up to £900 for breaking the traffic law to be carried out next month.

If they do not have enough cash or a working credit card, their vehicles will clamped(扣留) until they pay—and they will face an additional fee of £80 for getting back their vehicles.

The law will also apply to British citizens. The fines will be described officially as “deposits” when the traffic law takes effect, because the money would be returned if the driver went to court and was found not guilty. In practice, very few foreign drivers are likely to return to Britain to deal with their cases.

Foreign drivers are rarely charged because police cannot take action against them if they fail to appear in court. Instead, officers often merely give warnings.

Three million foreign-registered vehicles enter Britain each year. Polish vehicles make up 36 percent, French vehicles 10 percent and German vehicles 9 percent.

Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more likely to be in a crash than British-registered vehicles. The number of crashes caused by foreign vehicles rose by 47 percent between 2003 and 2008. There were almost 400 deaths and serious injuries and 3,000 slight injuries from accidents caused by foreign vehicles in 2008.

The new law is partly intended to settle the problem of foreign lorry drivers ignoring limits on weight and hours at the wheel. Foreign lorries are three times more likely to be in a crash than British lorries. Recent spot checks found that three quarters of lorries that failed safety tests were registered overseas.

The standard deposit for a careless driving offence —such as driving too close to the vehicle in front or reading a map at the wheel—will be £300. Deposits for speeding offences and using mobile phones will be £60. Foreign drivers will not get points as punishment added to their licenses, while British drivers will.

1.The first paragraph serves as a(n) ________.

A. explanation B. introduction

C. comment D. background

2.The foreign drivers who break the traffic law and do not pay on the spot are likely to be fined up to ________.

A. £60 B. £300

C. £900 D. £980

3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain police

B. 300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every year

C. 25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests

D. British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law

4.The new traffic law is mainly intended to ________.

A. limit the number of foreign vehicles entering Britain

B. increase the Britain government’s additional income

C. reduce the rate of traffic accidents and injuries

D. get foreign drivers to appear in court

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