

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C D )中,选出最佳选项。

A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first human embryo(胚胎) has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues(组织) and organs that could be used to save human lives. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind interferes with (干涉) nature in this way, they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein's monster.

Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly—the sheep. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003, at a much younger age than normal. When she was born, many people were angry because they thought cloning would create more diseases in the animal world. However, in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough.

The Scottish scientist who created Dolly, Ian Wilmut, is shocked that some scientists are now considering cloning human beings. Although he researches cloning, he has never thought of creating copies of humans. Instead, he thinks the scientists should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer. However, some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human lives.

While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with the research so as to deliver a cloned human baby. Severino Antinori, an Italian doctor, is one of the leaders in this field of research. He has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.

In China, scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals, as well as stem cells to be used in medical research. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.

【1】Which of the following statements about cloning is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cloning technology can only be applied to animals.

B. A cloned animal can live longer than a normal one.

C. People all over the world are happy about the birth of Dolly.

D. Cloning can produce valuable tissues and organs to cure human diseases.

【2】The reasons why some people disagree with cloning include the following EXCEPT that .

A. cloning may produce a real-life Frankenstein's monster

B. cloning might create more diseases in the animal world

C. cloning human embryos shows no respect for human lives

D. cloning can't help those who want to clone their dead children

【3】Who is in favor of cloning human beings?

A. Ian Wilmut.

B. Severino Antinori.

C. The author.

D. The Chinese scientists.






【1】D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues(组织) and organs that could be used to save human lives.可知,克隆可以产生有价值的人体组织和器官,继而拯救某些疾病。

【2】 D 细节理解题。根据第一、二、三段可知,该部分内容谈了ABC三项一些人之所以反对克隆人的原因。D项没有涉及。

【3】B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,Severino Antinori支持克隆人类。


【题目】阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

For many years,artists have flocked to Paris,France,to paint or to learn to paint.Perhaps artists first went there because of the city’s beauty.They went to paint pictures of the broad,treelined streets,the great churches,and the graceful river bridges.

The artists felt comfortable in Paris because the people of the city had always enjoyed art.Paris had great art museums,filled with famous paintings and statues from many countries.And the people of Paris had always welcomed new ideas.In this city,artists felt free to experiment with new ways of painting.

As soon as famous artists painted in Paris,students came to learn from them.People came to buy paintings.People called art dealers set up galleries where paintings were bought and sold.Others kept shops that sold artists’paints and supplies.

Students and artists who were not yet famous could live in Paris for very little money.They learned by studying great art in the museums,and they learned from one another.They held art fairs,hanging their paintings outdoors along the streets.

Today,New York City and Florence,Italy,are also famous art centers.But the world’s principal art exhibits are still held in Paris.Important judges of art live there.Most of the new ways of painting that have started in the last hundred years began in Paris.So artists and art dealers still go to Paris because it is the world’s leading art center.

【1】Art students learned by studying great art in Paris’________.

A.streets B.churches

C.museums D.schools

2The story does not say so,but it makes you think that________.

A.Paris is famous for its artists’paints and supplies

B.there is more than one way to paint

C.art fairs are held in galleries

D.Florence is the center of world art exhibits

3Important judges of art________.

A.live in Paris B.feel free to experiment

C.work in New York D.have no new ways of painting

4Students can learn from________.

A.their parents B.one another

C.the streets D.the trees

5On the whole,this story is about________.

A.the world’s most famous art center

B.how to buy a painting in Paris,France

C.the famous art centers of New York and Florence

【题目】As early as the mid-18th century, some people began raising doubts about Marco Polo’s travels. In 1995, historian Frances Wood argued in her book Did Marco Polo Go to China? that the famous explorer from Venice never made it to pass the Black Sea. She noted that his travel journal left out the Great Wall of China, chopsticks and tea drinking among other details. Furthermore, Chinese documents from Polo’s day made no mention of the explorer and his men.

Wood and other scholars have argued that Marco Polo based his tales of China on information collected from fellow trades who had actually been there. Last year, a team of Italian researchers became the latest to challenge Polo’s accounts(叙述). They said that evidence didn’t support his description of Kublai Khan’s Japanese invasions (侵略).

Now, however, research by Hans Ulrich Vogel of Germany’s Tubingen University might help prove Marco Polo was true. In a new book Marco Polo Was in Chinathe professor of Chinese history tries to prove that Marco Polo spoke the truth. He suggests, for example, that Polo didn’t include the Great Wall in his book because it only achieved its great importance in the Ming Dynasty several hundred years later. Vogel further explains that Chinese records from the 13th and 14th centuries avoided setting down visits from Westerners.

Historians before him have touched on these issues. But Vogel also relies on another evidence:the explorer’s very detailed descriptions of currency and salt production in the Yuan Dynasty. According to Vogel, Polo documented these aspects of Mongol Chinese culture in greater detail than any other of his time. This is a hint (暗示) that Polo relied on his own powers of observation.

Will we ever know whether Marco Polo traveled to China? Perhaps not, but the consequences of his real or fictional journey are still felt across the globe. One reader of The Travels of Marco Polo was Christopher Columbus, who stepped upon the New World while following his idols footsteps.

【1】France Wood doubted Marco Polo’s travel’s to China because his description ________.

A. missed some important culture of China

B. covered so much about traders’ life

C. was full of obvious mistakes

D. seemed less detailed

2Vogel’s trust on Marco Polo is based on the argument that ________.

a. The Great Wall didnt gain its importance then

b. Records in the Yuan Dynasty mentioned Polo

c. Polo mentioned the currency and salt

d. Polo’s other works are believable

e. Polo recorded what he saw in great detail

A. a, b, dB. a, c, dC. a, e D. b, c

3Which of the following shows the structure of the text?(P1为第一段,以此类推)



Actually, long-distance bicycle camping is one of the most pleasurable activities I have ever experienced.

I generally sleep poorly at night, but in the woods on a tour, I sleep like a baby, falling asleep with the music of insects. In the morning, I am awakened by the cheeps of birds. I eat a snack before getting up, and then I quickly pack my sleeping bag, air mattress (垫), tent, and other things and get on with my road. I'm slower in the morning, having less speed but a greater desire to stop at pleasant spots and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Traveling by bike allows me to stop anywhere, such as grasslands, lakes, woods, and scenic spots. Near lunch, I find a small grocery and buy some bread, sandwiches and fruit. Then I will find a town park or other shady spots to wait out the high mid-day sun. In the afternoon, my speeds are higher, and I spend less time on stops. In the late afternoon, I start riding more slowly, and I start thinking about where I will stop. I finally find a place in the early evening, cook a simple meal and have a rest. As it starts to get dark, I put up my tent, crawl in and fall asleep.

There are exciting times and difficult times as well. Visiting strange or famous places and accomplishing goals are always exciting to me. I meet and talk with interesting people along the way, sometimes other traveling cyclists. Appreciating beautiful views, meeting wild animals, and traveling up and down hills also. On the other hand, I may run into a rainy or hot spell(一段时间), have to repair my bike, or just find myself in a bad mood. The problems are infrequent and are easy to deal with. The pleasures remain in my mind for years.

【1】We can learn from the passage that the author can have a good sleep ______.

A. in a hotel

B. at home

C. in the shade

D. in the woods

【2】 In the first paragraph, the author tells us that ________.

A. how he sleeps during his travel

B. the route of his bicycle travel

C. why he rides slowly all the time

D. one day’s activities of his bicycle travel

【3】It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the author ________.

A. enjoys a free and pleasant journey

B. likes riding in the woods

C. rides fast in the morning

D. cooks a simple lunch

【4】 According to the passage, a cycle tourist may prefer ________.

A. a beautiful view

B. a rainy day

C. a hot day

D. a strong wind



For 80 years, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has kicked off the holiday season with glorious bands, balloons and floats (花车),and for one day, it has transformed New York City into a living comic book.

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is an annual parade presented by Macy's Department Store. It was first held in 1924. It was organized by Macy's employees, most of whom were first generation immigrants(移民),who wanted to celebrate holidays like they did in Europe. The employees dressed in costumes(盛装)and marched on the streets with floats, bands and live animals borrowed from a zoo.

With an audience of over a quarter of a million people, the parade was such a success that Macy's declared it would become an annual event.

In 1927 Felix, the Cat became the first parade balloon to float over the city. Large animal shaped balloons replaced the live animals from then on. These giant signature(特有的)balloons are by far the biggest attraction of the parade. Each year sees parade balloons adding new characters from comic strip characters to timeless toys.

One tradition long gone is the releasing of the balloons after the parade. They would float for days and the lucky finder or finders could claim a cash reward if he or she returned the balloon or its remains to Macy's.

The parade has gone on every year except during World War when, aside from not having much to cheer about, the helium(氦气)air and rubber used for the balloons were needed for the war effort.

When the parade returned in 1945,it was televised in New York for the first time and also traveled its current route for the first time.

Nowadays, more than 10,000 people participate in the parade and the National Broadcasting Company(NBC) will nationwide broadcast it live from 9 a.m. to noon. The NBC has even earned several Emmy Awards for this program.

As always, the parade will end with a visit from Santa Claus. The joyful old man will get settled in Macy's Department Store after the parade to start a month long search for who's been naughty and who's been nice.

【1】The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade originated from the fact________.

A.the first European immigrants showed thanks to the Indians for their help

B.Macy's Department Store hoped to thank its employees for their devotion

C.the first European immigrants showed their traditional celebration of holidays

D.the employees of Macy's Department Store showed thanks to the store

【2】The parade wasn't held once. The reason is that________.

A.people had to do other more important things that time

B.it was forbidden by the government that time

C.people couldn't afford the expensive parade that time

D.a great misfortune prevented it from going on that time

【3】According to the text, the following are true EXCEPT that________.

A.about two hundred and fifty thousand people participated in the first parade

B.large animal shaped balloons are one of the attractions in the parade

C.the visit from Santa Claus marks the end of the parade

D.the television's live broadcast makes the parade more popular

【4】The underlined word “kicked off” in the first paragraph means“________”.

A.put off B.opened up

C.dropped out D.turned into

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