
I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked at me and said “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say. several seconds all I could do was to stand there and down at him. My first thought was he must need while doing his homework he was trying to prepare me for some . Finally, I asked, “What was that all about?” “ .” He said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s an . ”

The next day I his teacher at my office to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had responded . “ Basically , most of the fathers had the same reaction as you did.” The teacher said, “When I first we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. The point is,” the teacher explained, “feeling is an important part of . It’s something all human beings . What I’m trying to tell the children is that it’s too that we don’t express those feelings. A boy should be able to tell his dad that he loves him. ” The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how difficult it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say. When my son came to me , I held on to him for an extra second. And just he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you. ”

I didn’t know if saying that would make of us healthier, but we did feel pretty . Maybe time when one of my children says “I love you”, it would not take me a whole to think of the right answer.

1.A. down B. away C. out D. up

2.A. After B. For C. In D. On

3.A. glare B. get C. stare D. knock

4.A. money . B. time C. help D. paper

5.A. or B. but C. when D. while

6.A. money B. news C. test D. explanation

7.A. Anything B. Nothing C. Important D. Interesting

8.A. experiment B. experience C. excuse D. expert

9.A. advised B. told C. called D. informed

10.A. allowed B. agreed C. suggested D. planned

11.A. loved B. helpful C. interested D. trusted

12.A. body B. work C. study D. health

13.A. agree B. understand C. know D. require

14.A. bad B. good C. easy D. hard

15.A. that day B. that moment C. that evening D. that morning

16.A. before B. after C. because D. as

17.A. neither B. either C. most D. few

18.A. terrible B. disappointed C. bad D. good

19.A. next B. last C. each D. every

20.A. afternoon B. morning C. day D. week























1.D考查副词。A. look down向下看,B.look away看其他地方,C.look out当心, D. look up抬头看,根据下文:and ____ down at him . 可知12岁的儿子抬头看爸爸。选D。

2.B考查介词。A. After在…后面,B. For为了,C. At在…地方,D. On在…上面,12-year-old son looked at me and said “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say. several 有几秒钟的时间,我就站在那里。for+一段时间:several seconds。选B。

3.C考查动词辨析。A. glare瞥,B. get得到,C. Stare凝视,D. knock敲打,all I could do was to stand there and down at him.我能做的就是站在那里低头凝视他。选C。

4.C考查名词辨析。 A.money钱,B. time时间,C. help帮助,D. paper纸, My first thought was he must need while doing his homework 我认为他是想我帮他做作业或让我为消息做准备才说爱我。Help和with搭配。选C。

5.A考查连词。A.or或者,B.but但是,C.when当……时候,D.while当……时候,此处seconds he was trying to prepare me是我或者我们。选A。

6.B考查名词。A钱;B新闻;C测试;D解释。for some . Finally,此处的意思是儿子准备从我这儿获得一些信息。选B。

7.B考查形容词。A anything 一切;B nothing没有;C important 重要的;D interesting有趣的,I asked, “What was that all about?” “ .” He said, “上句说那这些是关于什么的呢,后文说是一个实验,说明不是关于什么的。选B。

8.A考查名词辨析。A. an experiment一个实验,B.experience不能直接用an修饰,C. an excuse一个借口,D. an expert一个专家,My teacher said we should tell our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s an . ” 根据下一行this “experiment”说明这是一个实验。选A。

9.A考查动词。A建议;B告诉;C打电话;D提醒,The next day I his teacher at my office to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had responded . 此句的意思是当我第一次建议我们这样做的时候。选A。

10.C考查动词辨析。A. allowed允许,B. agreed同意,C. suggested建议 allowed允许,D. planned计划,根据下文:My teacher said we should____ our parents that we love them and see what they say. 可知当我第一次建议学生这样做的时候。选C。

11.A考查形容词。A被爱的;B乐于助人的;C有意思的;D信任的。 I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. The point is,” the teacher explained, “feeling is an important part of 感觉被爱是健康很重要的部分。选A。

12.D考查名词。A. body身体,B.work工作,C.study学习,D. health健康,最后一段第一行made either of us healthier说明感觉被爱是健康很重要的部分。选D。


14.A考查形容词。A.bad坏的,B. good好的,C. Easy容易的,D. Hard困难的,根据下文:we don't all express those feeling.可知指如果我们不表达我们的感情那真是太糟糕了。选A。

15.C考查名词。A那天;B那时;C那晚;D那个早上。 When my son came to me , I held on to him for an extra second.从第一句知道我工作一天回到家,说明已经是晚上了。选C。

16.A考查连词。A. before在…之前,B. after在…以后,C. because因为,D. as 因为,And just he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you. ” 在儿子从我的怀抱里挣扎着走开之前,我深深地说:“Hey , I love you , too . ”选A。

17.B考查代词。A.neither两者都不;B.either两者之中的任何一个;C.most大多数;D few一些;I didn’t know if saying that would make of us healthier,句子意思“我不知道说这是否会让我两人任何一个更健康”。选B。


19.A考查形容词。A下一个;B上一个;C每一个;D每一个 but we did feel pretty . Maybe time when one of my children says “I love you”, it would not take me a whole to think of the right answer. 。句子的意思“也许当下一次我们的孩子说我爱你,。B、C、D与语境不符,选A。




“Don't worry if you have problems!” It is easy to say until you are in the midst of a really big one. The only people who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods. Most communities have at least one. We call them cemeteries. If you're breathing, you have difficulties. It's the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you! Let me explain.

Maybe you have heard the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to view the reef.

On one tour, a traveler asked the guide an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon (泻湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful," the traveler observed. Why is this?

The guide gave an interesting answer, "The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves and storms. It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged and tested, it changes and adapts. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces."

Then he added, “That's the way it is with every living organism.”

That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive! Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow. Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency. Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness. So, you have problems? No problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"

Remember: A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

1.Who has no problems according to the passage?

A. The persons who are very famous.

B. The persons who have much money.

C. The persons who have been born.

D. The persons who are living in the cemeteries.

2.In the writer's opinion, ________.

A. problems bring us much trouble

B. problems have two sides, good or bad

C. we should try to stay away from any trouble

D. the fewer things we do, the less trouble we'll meet

3.The reason why lagoon side of the reef has no life is _______.

A. it hasn't got any sunlight

B. it has less energy than others

C. it never faces any challenge and tests

D. it has no work to do every day

4.After reading this passage, we should ________.

A. regard any problem as challenge

B. learn from the lagoon side

C. worry your problem

D. enter into cemeteries

The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina

For the first time ever, two little fairy tale (童话) characters meet in one fun-filled, action-packed musical adventure. Trying to find their way in a great big world, Tom Thumb and Thumbelina join forces and face difficulties in a great journey to find their true home.

Starring: Elijah Wood, Peter Gallagher

Runtime: 1 hour 16 minutes

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Uptown Girls

Carefree Molly Gunn loses her inheritance (遗产) and must do something she’s never done before---to get a job. She ends up as babysitter to an 8-year-old girl who teaches Molly to be a grownup, while Molly teaches her to be a kid.

Starring: Brittany Murphy, Dakota Fanning

Runtime: 1 hour 33 minutes

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Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Based on a true story, the movie Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story is about the British author’s rise to fame, from poor single mother to author of the popular Harry Potter books, and one of the wealthiest woman in the world.

Starring: Poppy Montgomery, Emily Holmes

Runtime: 1 hour 26 minutes

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The Book Thief

To everyone’s excitement, Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson star in this moving film based on the bestseller about a girl who changes the lives of those around her in World War II Germany.

Starring: Emily Watson, Geoffrey Rush

Runtime: 2 hours 11 minutes

Buy with 1 click

1. Where can the passage be found?

A. On the website. B. In a newspaper.

C. In a magazine. D. On a poster.

2._______ will be interested in the passage.

A. People who love books

B. People who enjoy films

C. People who are fond of stories

D. People who are crazy about music

3.Which of the following will help you know about the writer of Harry Potter?

A. The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina.

B. Uptown Girls.

C. Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story.

D. The Book Thief.

4. According to the passage, which actor or actress may be the most popular?

A. Poppy Montgomery B. Emily Holmes

C. Brittany Murphy D. Geoffrey Rush

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