
Because of my ______ English, I can't make myself ______.

A. broken; understand B. broken; understood

C. break; understood D. breaking; understanding


【解析】考查动词化形容词。句意:因为我的英语不好,所以我不能听懂。此处broken是形容词,不好的,薄弱的。make oneself加动词过去分词,是使某人…所以选B。




As every computer owner knows, when their machines run a complex program they get pretty hot. In fact, cooling the processors can be expensive, especially when you're dealing with huge banks of computer servers. But what if that energy could heat private homes? A Dutch energy firm aims to do just that.

Data centers of large Internet firms, such as Google, Apple, Microsoft and others, contain thousands of computer servers. As they process information they generate enormous amounts of heat requiring cooling towers that dissipate it into the atmosphere.

A Dutch firm thinks paying for electricity to run the servers and then paying again to cool them is a waste of energy.

Boaz Leupe, CEO of the start-up Nerdalize, says it’s actually quite simple.

"We don't actually have to build the data center, which saves a lot of costs in infrastructure and we don't have the cooling overhead, plus that you have the environmental benefit, that the kilowatt hour you are using is used twice, once to heat the home and once to compute the clients task without the cooling overhead," says Leupe.

The company developed what it calls an e-Radiator, a computer server that also works as an alternative heating source. Leupe says that five Dutch homeowners are experimentally using them in their homes.

“We reimburse the electricity the server uses, and that we can do because of the computer clients on the other side, and, in that way, home owners actually get heating for free, and computer users don't have to pay for the overhead of the data center,” says Leupe.

One of the participants in the year-long experiment, Jan Visser, says the amount of heat produced by e-Radiator depends on the work being done by the server’s processors so it cannot be used as the primary source. But he is ready to try it.

“If it gives good enough warmth, you can use less of your existing central heating, and there is the chance for a home owner to pay less bills.”

Nerdalize says e-Radiators generate temperature of up to 55 degrees Celsius and could save up to $440 in annual heating costs.

1.Which one is true according to the passage?

A. It is expensive to deal with huge banks of computer servers.

B. A Dutch energy firm attempted to heat private homes.

C. Computer servers generate large quantities of heat.

D. The cooling tower is a waste of energy.

2.The underlined phrase “overhead” in the third paragraph probably means______.

A. daily cost B. fixture

C. forehead D. method

3.What is NOT true about e-Radiator according to the passage?

A. It is a computer server used as an alternative heating source.

B. It has been launched onto the market.

C.It is environmentally friendly.

D. It can save users’ money.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage ?

A. A New Kind of Data Servers

B. Data Servers Could Heat Private Homes

C. How to Heat the Private Homes with Computers

D. An Alternative Heating Source

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked at me and said “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say. several seconds all I could do was to stand there and down at him. My first thought was he must need while doing his homework he was trying to prepare me for some . Finally, I asked, “What was that all about?” “ .” He said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s an . ”

The next day I his teacher at my office to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had responded . “ Basically , most of the fathers had the same reaction as you did.” The teacher said, “When I first we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. The point is,” the teacher explained, “feeling is an important part of . It’s something all human beings . What I’m trying to tell the children is that it’s too that we don’t express those feelings. A boy should be able to tell his dad that he loves him. ” The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how difficult it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say. When my son came to me , I held on to him for an extra second. And just he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you. ”

I didn’t know if saying that would make of us healthier, but we did feel pretty . Maybe time when one of my children says “I love you”, it would not take me a whole to think of the right answer.

1.A. down B. away C. out D. up

2.A. After B. For C. In D. On

3.A. glare B. get C. stare D. knock

4.A. money . B. time C. help D. paper

5.A. or B. but C. when D. while

6.A. money B. news C. test D. explanation

7.A. Anything B. Nothing C. Important D. Interesting

8.A. experiment B. experience C. excuse D. expert

9.A. advised B. told C. called D. informed

10.A. allowed B. agreed C. suggested D. planned

11.A. loved B. helpful C. interested D. trusted

12.A. body B. work C. study D. health

13.A. agree B. understand C. know D. require

14.A. bad B. good C. easy D. hard

15.A. that day B. that moment C. that evening D. that morning

16.A. before B. after C. because D. as

17.A. neither B. either C. most D. few

18.A. terrible B. disappointed C. bad D. good

19.A. next B. last C. each D. every

20.A. afternoon B. morning C. day D. week

One day, Amy is digging in the ground for a potato when along comes Tom. Seeing that there is no one in sight, Tom starts to scream. Tom’s angry mother rushes over and drives Amy away. Once his mum has gone, Tom helps himself to Amy’s potato.

We’ve all experienced similar annoying tricks when we were young—the brother who stole your ball and then got you into trouble by telling your parents you had hit him. But Amy and Tom are not humans. They’re African baboons(狒狒). __1.___

Tom’s scream and his mother’s attack on Amy could have been a matter of chance, but Tom was later seen playing the same tricks on others. __2.__

Studying behavior like this is complicated but scientists discovered apes(猿) clearly showed that they intended to cheat and knew when they themselves had been cheated. _3.___ An ape was annoying him, so he tricked her into going away by pretending he had seen something interesting. When she found nothing, she “walked back, hit me over the head with her hand and ignored me for the rest of the day.”

Another way to decide whether an animal’s behavior is deliberate is to look for actions that are not normal for that animal. A zoo worker describes how an ape dealt with an enemy. “He slowly stole up behind the other ape, walking on tiptoe. When he got close to his enemy, he pushed him violently in the back, then ran indoors.” Wild apes do not normally walk on tiptoe. ___4.___ But looking at the many cases of deliberate trickery in apes, it is impossible to explain them all as simple copying.

It seems that trickery does play an important part in ape societies. _5.___ Studying the intelligence of our closest relative could be the way to understand the development of human intelligence.

A. An amusing example of this comes from a psychologist working in Tanzania.

B. And playing tricks is as much a part of monkey behavior as it is of human behavior.

C. So the psychologists asked his colleagues if they had noticed this kind of trickery.

D. Of course it’s possible that it could have learnt from humans that such behavior works, without understanding why.

E. This use of a third individual to achieve a goal is only one of the many tricks commonly

used by baboons.

F. The ability of animals to cheat may be a better measure of their intelligence than their use

of tools.

G. In most cases the animal probably doesn’t know it is cheating.

A painting by Chinese artist Qi Baishi set a record for modern art and calligraphy (书法) on the mainland when it sold for 425.5 million yuan at an auction (拍卖) on May 22. The sale was a milestone (里程碑) in the auction of modern and contemporary artworks.

The price meant its value had risen more than 2,000 per cent in six years. The work , Eagle standing on pine tree with four-character coupleti(对联), measures about 2.6 metres by 1 metre . It was the second highest price paid for an artwork on the mainland . A Song dynasty work by Huang Tingjian was sold for 436.8 million yuan in 2010. Qi’s painting was finished in 1946 when Qi was 86, and was his largest work . With a starting price of 88 million yuan, it attracted nearly 50 bids(出价)in half an hour. Shanghai businessman Liu Yiqian said that the work had belonged to him and had cost less than 20 million yuan in 2005. The auction company said the work was brought back to the mainland after being bought from a private owner in San Francisco six years ago.

China ranked first in global art sales last year, ahead of the United States and Britain . Four Chinese artists were among the top 10 in worldwide sales: Qi Baishi , Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi. Qi’s works ranked second in sales to Pablo Picasso’s last year . Qi was born into a peasant family in Hunan in 1864. He taught himself to paint and focused on nature including plants, insects, birds and fish. He is mostly well-known for his paintings of shrimps. In 1953, he was elected president of the Association of Chinese Artists. He died in Beijing in 1957.

1.What’s the best title of the text ?

A. Qi Baishi’s Painting Was Discovered .

B. Qi Baishi’ s Painting Was Brought Back .

C. Qi Baishi’s Painting Sets an Auction Record .

D. The Value of Qi Baishi’s Paintings Is on the Increase .

2. Whose artwork sold for the highest price on the mainland ?

A. Qi Baishi’s . B. Huang Tingjian’s

C. Xu Beihong’s . D. Zhang Daqian’s .

3.The auction price of Qi’s painting was _____ million yuan higher than the starting price in the auction .

A. 337.5 . B. 348.8 . C. 50 . D. 11.3 .

4.Which of the following is TRUE ?

A. Qi finished the painting when he was young .

B. The painting was once stolen by an American .

C. The owner of this painting Liu Yiqian gained a lot of money .

D. Pablo Picasso’s works ranked second in sales to Qi’s last year .

5. The text is most probably taken from a _____.

A. computer book B. library guide

C. technology magazine D. newspaper report

Dear daughter,

As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.

I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are. Your academic, artistic, and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years. You have become a talented and accomplished young woman.

College will be the most important years in your life. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. You often question "what good is this course". I encourage you to be inquisitive, but I also want to tell you: "Education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten." What I mean by that is the materials taught isn't as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject, and the ability to analyze a new problem. That is really what learning in college is about – this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-learner. So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isn't critical for your life, the skills of learning will be something you cherish forever.

Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. Don't be trapped in what others think or say. Steve Jobs says when you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them. In his great speech given at Stanford commencement, he gave the great example where he took calligraphy, and a decade later, it became the basis of the beautiful Macintosh fonts, which later ignited desktop publishing, and brought wonderful tools like Microsoft Word to our lives. His expedition into calligraphy was a dot, and the Macintosh became the connecting line. Enjoy picking your dots, and be assured one day you will find your calling, and connect a beautiful curve through the dots of yourself .

Most importantly, make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. Also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding experience.

So please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, evolve yourself into a bi-cultural talent, be bold to experiment, learn and grow through your successes and challenges.

When I faced the greatest challenge and opportunity in my life in 2005, you gave me a big hug and said "bonne chance", which means "good luck" and "good courage". Now I do the same for you. Bonne chance, my angel and princess. May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.


Dad (& Mom)

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The daughter is a well-rounded college student.

B. The father faced the greatest challenge in 2006.

C. The daughter is a freshman in college.

D. Steve Jobs gave the great example where he took calligraphy at Columbia commencement.

2.The father may agree that _____.

A. you will be well-educated if you forget all is taught

B. there are only master-inspired students in college

C. the daughter will be thinner if she goes on a diet

D. the skills of learning is very important for his daughter’s life

3.The example of Steve Jobs in Paragraph 4 is to show _____.

A. how Steve Jobs invented the basis of the Macintosh fonts

B. it is important for the daughter to follow her passion in college

C. Steve Jobs made great contributions to Microsoft Word

D. the father wishes his daughter to be as successful as Steve Jobs

4.College friends are often the best to you because_____.

A. your family are far away while college friends are around you within an easy reach

B. they are closer to you psychologically than to your family

C. they are better than your family

D. going through independence and adulthood is unusual bonding experience

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