
7.Once I complained to my husband that he wasn't helping enough with our daughter,and I gave him a long list of the parenting chores (家庭杂务) I was shouldering on my own."But you like doing all that stuff,"he said.I thought about that while reading a new study about the responsibilities of parenting.Researchers asked 191 college professors,both men and women,who had children 2 or younger,the pleasure they experienced from childcare.

 On 16 out of 25 childcare tasks-like taking a child to the doctor or buying clothes for a child-women reported statistically higher levels of enjoyment than men.The only parenting issue that gave women less pleasure than it gave men was having to manage who does what for the child.On the whole,women's scores were 10 percent higher than men's.
    Women are also far more likely to take advantage of family-leave benefits to care for children.In the study,all the universities offered paid family leave,and 69 percent of the women took it,while only 12 percent of the men did.In Sweden,where family leave for both parents is particularly generous,men use about 20 percent of the 480-day benefit.Women use nearly all of it.
    It's difficult to know how cultural and economic pressures or biological functions influence parenting.Plenty of men change diapers (尿布),and studies show that mothers and fathers alike spend more time with children than they used to.Men have more than doubled the time they spend on childcare since 1985.Yet women still spend twice as much time with the kids as men,says the University of Maryland sociologist John Robinson.
 Notably in the study,the parenting activity that gave men the most pleasure (and women,too) was playing and talking with their kids.But when men were asked to rate how often they actually did those things,their scores were about 10 and 40 percent lower than women's.In the end,perhaps the issue is not that mothers are doing too many childcare tasks-my husband was right when he said I liked being a mother-but that men,for all their progress as fathers,are still missing out.

42.The author mentioned the disagreement with her husband toC.
A.complain about his husband's irresponsibility
B.show the difference between men and women
C.bring up the topic of responsibility of parenting
D.describe the unpleasant experience of childcare
43.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.More men take family leave to care for children than before.
B.Women gain more pleasure in every childcare task than men.
C.Men play and talk with their children more than women.
D.Women spend more time with children than before.
44.What is the main idea of the passage?A
A.Fathers should take more responsibility in childcare.
B.Mothers gain more pleasure from childcare than men.
C.Fathers are playing a more important part in childcare.
D.Mothers should give fathers more chances to look after children.
45.What is the author's attitude towards men's performance on childcare?B

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了一项显示父母照顾孩子时间的研究,发现父亲应该在照看孩子方面承担更多的责任.

解答 42.C.推理判断题.根据第一段Researchers asked 191 college professors,both men and women,who had children 2 or younger,the pleasure they experienced from childcare可知,作者谈到他与妻子的不同意见,目的是为了引出话题.故该题应选C.
43.D.细节理解题.根据第四段Yet women still spend twice as much time with the kids as men,says the University of Maryland sociologist John Robinson可知,母亲花在孩子身上的时间比以前更多了.故该题要选D.
44.A.主旨大意题.根据最后一段perhaps the issue is not that mothers are doing too many childcare tasks-my husband was right when he said I liked being a mother-but that men,for all their progress as fathers,are still missing out可知,父亲应该在照看孩子方面承担更多的责任.故该题要选A.
45.B.态度观点题.根据最后一段perhaps the issue is not that mothers are doing too many childcare tasks-my husband was right when he said I liked being a mother-but that men,for all their progress as fathers,are still missing out可知,作者对父亲在照看孩子方面的表现不满意.故该题要选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

4.Hundreds of years ago,a Roman army came north from England to declare war on Scotland.The Scots,a brave people,love their country.They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland.But there were too many Romans.It looked as if the Romans would win.
One night,the leader of the Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill."We will rest here tonight,my men,"he said."Tomorrow we will fight one more battle.We must win,or we will die."
They were all very tired so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep.There were four guards on duty,but they were very tired,too,and one by one,they fell asleep.
The Romans were not asleep.Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill.Slowly they went up the hill.Closer they came to the sleeping Scots.They were almost at the top.A few minutes more the war would be over.Suddenly,one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟).He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots up.In a minute they were on their feet and ready for a battle.The fighting was hard,but it did not last long.The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved Scotland.
The thistle is not a beautiful plant.It has sharp needles all over it.Few people like it.But the people of Scotland like it so much that they made it their national flower.

1.At the shout of a Roman soldier,all the Scots who were asleep at the hillC.
A.began to fight the Romans hard
B.stood up without putting on their shoes and began to fight
C.woke and rose immediately,ready to fight
D.put their feet into their shoes at once and were ready to fight
2.The result of the war is thatD.
A.the Romans killed all the Scots
B.the Scots were defeated
C.the Scots were driven out of Scotland
D.the Scots defeated the Romans
3.The Scots made thistle their national flower because thistleD.
A.is lovely,though not beautiful
B.gives them happiness
C.is a kind of useful plant
D.helped the Scots in wiping out the Roma.
1.Summer camps for children of all ages are being offered in 2016by Extended Studies at the University of Nevada.Reno  (UNR).Registration for camp sessions (时间段) is available online and also by phone.
Kids University
June 16-August 1,2016.Kids University is a summer day camp for kids entering 2nd through 8th grades and features week-long camp sessions in the arts,writing,science,math,literature,history,web design,cultural exploration,sports and games,and many more.There are both full-day and half-day sessions.Fees (费用) are from 140-160per week.The phone numbers is (800)233-8926.Sessions are Monday through Friday,8a.m.to 5:30pm.
Wolf Pack Sports Camps
June-August,2016.Summer Wolf Pack Sports Camps are offered  for 9th  through  twelfth grade children.The camps are hosted by Nevada Wolf Pack coaching teachers and players.The sports offered include baseball,basketball,football,soccer,softball,track and field,and volleyball.Full-day,half-day,and overnight Wolf Pack camps are available.Time tables and fees vary with each camp.Visit Nevada Wolf Pack camps for details,session descriptions,and registration information,or call (775)784-4050.
Lake Tahoe Music Camp
July 6-12,2016.The 59th Lake Tahoe Music Camp invites middle school through high school student musicians to participate in a week of music-making,workshops,performances and fun,The camp is led by award-winning UNR teachers and local educators,professional jazz musicians and more.The fee is $550per camper.Information is available online or by calling (775)784-4046.
Learn more about other camp information like Girl Scout Camp,etc by calling (800)233-8928.Because of limited space,registrations are accepted on a first-come,first-served basis.
25.If a kid has many interests,he will probably participate inC
A.Wolf Pack Sports Camps       
B.Girl Scout Camp
C.Kids University              
D.Lake Tahoe Music Camp
26.It can be inferred from Wolf Pack Sports Camps thatC
A it lasts for a month    
B.it offers six kinds of sports
C.it is fit for kids who have time at night   
D.its fees are very high
27.The music camp will invite middle and high school studentsD
A.who only like to listen to music      
B.who have never learned music
C.whose dream is to become a musician   
D.who are expert in music
28.If you need the information about Girl Scout Camp,you'11callB.
2.Classified Ads SEEK is the trademark of Claseek.com,a site registered in Singapore.You can buy,sell,trade,rent,deal,find and advertise almost anything here.Common categories(种类) include house,parking,camera,computer,mobile phones,bags,shoes,clothing,jewelry,car,private teacher,car rental,hotels,business,pets,food,restaurants,sports,music and others.The site is also available in Hong Kong,India,Indonesia,Malaysia,Australia and Philippines plus a global site which is open to all countries worldwide.Here,you can advertise your things for free.Ads may contain video for better product presentation.
What are you waiting for?Explore the site and advertise for free!The following are some of the Ads in Australia.

55.The reason for Dr.Johnson's giving the puppies out is that heC.
A.dislikes little puppiesB.wants to make more money
C.is busy and going abroaD.D.finds loving homes for the puppies
56.If you want to hire the bus for half a year,you will have to payD.
57.In the Ads we can learn thatC.
A.classified Ads SEEK is a site registered in Malaysia
B.you should pay some money for advertising your products.
C.you can add video to your ads to present your products better.
D.Dr.Johnson was too busy and poor to raise the three little dogs.
Exploring Caves-Suit up with a helmet and light,and take a Cave Crawl.Bring your own Kneepads.Learn about tools used by cavers and rules for safe cave exploration.Spend the morning viewing stalactites-rock formations that hang from the ceiling-and their opposites,stalagmites.
Caves-Learn how changes in underground rock formations cause openings and caves to develop.Find out how acidic water dissolves limestone to create caves.
Cave Alive-Take a look and learn about bats,salamanders,and other interesting animals that live in caves.See crickets,crayfish,and even beetles.Learn why raccoons like to live in caves.
Fossils (化石)-Learn how remains of ancient plant and animal life became embedded in rocks,and discover how they provide information about Earth's history.Examine fossils in the cave.
Cave Manners-Learn how to protect beautiful,interesting,and educational caves.Learn why bats should not be disturbed when they are sleeping; Understand and practice the rules.Never go caving alone.Take nothing but picture; leave nothing but footprints.
There are endless treasures to discover underground-treasures you can find nowhere else on Earth.Interesting cave formations in many colors and shades hang from cave ceilings.Their slow formation has resulted in fantastic,odd-shaped passages and beautiful calcite formations that seem to drip down the walls or grow from the cave floor.
●A membership card.
●A Caves and Caverns activity book.
●A monthly newsletter with games,activities and special offers.
●Free unlimited admission to Echo Cove Cave.
●One-week Eco Cove Youth Camp at half price.
●Ten tickets for you and your friends to a private"off-the-beaten-track"tour of the cave.
●Two free admission tickets to Echo Cove Cave for friends or family members.
●Admission to"Caves Around the World"speeches given by world famous cavers every month.

48.The passage is written toC.
A.provide us the knowledge about caves
B.show us why we should go into a cave
C.encourage us to join Eco Cove Cave club
D.tell us how we take a trip to Eco Cove Cave
49.What will you experience if you take a trip to Eco Cove Cave?C
A.See special plants.
B.Find a fossil and keep it.
C.View beautiful stalactites.
D.Learn from world famous cavers.
50.What does the underlined sentence mean?D
A.Don't walk fast in the cave.
B.Don't take pictures in the cave.
C.Don't leave cameras in the cave.
D.Don't take anything in the cave.
19.Preparations are underway around the world for Chinese New Year (Feb 19)and celebrations in China will be mirrored across the planet wherever the Chinese Diaspora (华侨) calls home.Here are some Chinatowns for those outside of China wishing to mark the day.
Although it may not be as large or as long-built as others,having only become a center for the Chinese community during the 1950s,London's Chinatown is a perfectly formed little firework that knows how to see in the year with a bang.Decorated with red lanterns (灯笼),previous years have seen shows with acrobatics (杂技),martial arts (武术),dance and opera nearby.
San Francisco
San Francisco's Chinatown is perhaps the most famous in the United States.The city was the main entry-point for Chinese who had crossed the Pacific to the USA during the early 19th century.Between the Grant Avenue and the Stockton Street,this historic area is a local treasure,attracting more visitors per year than the Golden Gate Bridge.
With a more than 100-year-old history,the Thai capital's Chinatown contains complex streets offering all kinds of tasty treats,clothes,toys and antiques.Sunday market days are such a good time to get the full atmosphere of the neighborhood.The area is also known for its gold dealers,whose shops line the road.
Found in Port Louis,this Mauritian Chinatown shows the island nation's rich multicultural diversity.Established in the early years of the 20th century by settlers from China,its tiny shops and restaurants serve locals and visitors.During the Chinese Spring Festival,the most exciting sight is the Dragon Dances on Rue Royale when Chinese musicians and dancers perform the traditional Lion dances through the streets.

29.According to the text,which of the following has the longest history?D
A.London's Chinatown.
B.Bangkok's Chinatown.
C.Mauritius's Chinatown.
D.San Francisco's Chinatown.
30.What's special about Bangkok's Chinatown?B
A.It is crowded with Chinese restaurants.
B.It is well-known for its gold business.
C.It was the major entrance for the Chinese.
D.It is where you can enjoy fireworks.
31.If you want to enjoy the Dragon Dances,you can go toA.
A.Rue Royale in Port Louis,Mauritius     B.the Sunday market in Bangkok
C.the Grant Avenue in San Francisco       D.the Chinese community in London.
16.Welcome to Oyster
Oyster is a smart card which can hold Pay as you go credit,Travelcard and Bus & Tram(有轨电车) Pass season tickets.It is the cheapest way for you to pay for single journeys on bus,Tube,tram,DLR,London Overground and most National Rail services in London.
Pay as you go on your Oyster card
Using Pay as you go is cheaper than paying cash for most journeys.
Daily limit
If you're unsure of the number of journeys you're going to make,Oyster pay is easy for you to use.Make as many journeys as you like and you'll never pay more than the daily limit for the zones you've travelled in.Daily limits are calculated over a 24-hour period,covering all the journeys starting between 4:30and 4:29the next day.There are different limits for different types of transport and times of day.
The system calculates the daily limit based on when and how you travel.Money will be taken away from your card each time you travel,until you reach a daily limit.This includes Pay as you go travel on bus,Tube,tram,London Overground and most National Rail services in London.River services and the Emirates Air Line do not contribute to your daily limit.For more information,visit tfl.gov.uk/oyster.
Season tickets on your Oyster card
You can buy Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes on Oyster.With a Travelcard,you can travel as many times as you like on bus,Tube,London Overground and National Rail services on the dates,and across the travel zones you've paid for.Please ensure your Travelcard covers all the zones you travel through.If your Travelcard includes zone 3,4,5or 6,you can also use it on tram services.Bus & Tram Passes can be used on trams and London buses displaying the red roundel bus symbol on the dates you've paid for.The red roundel
When you first get an Oyster card,you will need to pay a£5refundable (可退款的) deposit.If you no longer need your Oyster card,we'll refund any remaining pay.Find out more at tfl.gov.uk/refunds.
56.What do we know about the daily limit?A
A.You'll stop paying once you reach the daily limit.
B.River services help contribute to your daily limit.
C.The daily limit is fixed no matter when you travel.
D.You'll pay more than the daily limit for your travel.
57.Season tickets includeC.
A.Oyster card and Travelcards.
B.Pay as you go and Travelcards
C.Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes
D.Pay as you go and Bus & Tram Passes
58.Where is the text probably taken from?A
A.A brochure.B.A report.C.A novel.D.An essay.
17.Since 1989University of Phoenix Online offered online degree programs to working adults around the country.You attend classes whenever and wherever you want via the Internet for complete flexibility(机动性) and convenience.
Earn your degree via the Internet for more career opportunities and higher income potential(潜在的) with University of Phoenix Online.
Many of our students complete their degree in about 2to 3years.With over 99000online students,University of Phoenix Online has one of the most successful online degree programs in the country.
There is no need for residency(居住) in the United States,since 100% of the coursework is done online.
Bachelor's Degree Admission Requirements:
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●Student must be 21years of age or older.
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Master's Degree Admission Requirements:
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For further information,please click www.Uophx.edu.

28.The passage isB.
A.a story        B.an ad         C.a piece of news       D.a fable
29.Which of the following conditions is a must if you want to earn either of the two online degrees?C
A.You have to rent an apartment in the United States.
B.You must be at least 21years old.
C.You must take part in an exam of English language if you are a non-native English speaker.
D.You must be employed and have a few years'working experience.
30.Who will not apply for the program?D
A.Those who are not English native speakers.
B.Those who want better income.
C.Those who are adults.
D.Those who will go to the States to study.
31.What's the main advantage of the program?A
A.Courses online.   B.It costs little.
C.It's free.       D.No entrance exams.

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