

Christmas is no fun when you're poor. Twenty years ago I was a young, 1. (struggle), substitute(替补) teacher whose calls into work had been few.Money was tight, bills were due 2. my wife and I couldn't even afford to get Christmas gifts for each other.The only gifts we could get for our children were a few soft toys that I had found 3. (sell)at half price in the supermarket.I opened the door and brought in the gifts I 4. (hide) in our old car's trunk.Then I handed 5. to my son and daughter.I watched with a sad smile as they did their best to tear off the wrapping paper.As they pulled out their toys, though, I noticed their faces lit up and 6. jumped up and down.My daughter 7. (happy) hugged her toy and then hugged her Mom and me as well.I laughed as I watched my children play with their toys 8. _ hours, and thanked God for the 9. (great) happiness I had ever been given.Till today I still treasure 10. gift of pure love that my son and daughter gave me that day.


Everyone wants to achieve happiness and smile. 1. How do we find real happiness and smile? By getting rich'? In case you are scratching your head,looking for some reasons or ideas to be happy.here are a few.

1.Throw an impromptu(即兴的) party. 2. An impromptu one increases the.joy to a new level.And of course making other people happy is bound to have the same effect on you.

2.Treat yourself Sometimes all it takes to make one happy is a little indulgence(放纵).So,go ahead and grab a cup of coffee and sit inside a blanket with a good book! You will be surprised at how happy it makes you.

3. 3. Happiness is can be transformed! When we feel happy and excited,it can lift the spirits of others.Your simple gesture can transform a person’s day and get him or her prepared to take on any challenge.

4.Have a conversation with a parent.If you are like most kids,you possibly spend more time texting or surfing the Internet than talking to.your family. 4. You will be surprised at the feeling of joy that it brings to you.

5.Finally,don’t forget to be happy every day! While International Day of Happiness may come about only once a year,happiness is around you all day and night 5.

A.You just have to seek it out and grab it.

B.Most of your family members show no interest in texting or the Internet.

C.But life is hard,so it is very difficult to find real happiness and smile.

D.Be friendly to others and smile at a stranger.

E.Set aside your mobile phone for a few minutes and have a chat with a family member.

F.You should try to celebrate the Day of Happiness every day and everywhere.

G.Nothing makes people happier than being invited to a party.

I clearly remember the day when my little brother was born: January 1, 1994. One of my favorite family photos shows me lying with my mother in the hospital bed, happy but un-aware of the small, sleeping baby in the background.

I stayed with my grandparents for the weekend of my brother’s birth, excited about my new brother but not yet aware of what having a little brother would mean. I didn’t truly realize what was going on until we were in the hospital room at Duke University----

coincidentally (碰巧地), the same room in which I had been born two years earlier.

When I looked at my brother for the first time, I felt a mixture of fear and interest. Little did know that small, pink creature would grow up to be one of my favorite people in the world.

In reality, though I am two years older than my brother, I am more often than not the real baby in the family. I am very lacking when it comes to common sense. Instructions constantly confuse me and I frequently find myself totally puzzled by things like knowing how to start the washing machine or manage the storage settings on my iPhone.

That’s where Gibson comes in. The poor kid has had to guide me through more tasks than I would care to admit, but he never complains. Though I should probably be told to figure it out myself, he always comes through.

I’m envious of his ability to readily answer the ever-present, “What do you want to do with your life?” question at family gatherings. “Be a doctor,” he says----a solid answer, completely opposite to my shaky one, “Well, I’m an English major, so...”

My brother truly is my best friend. No one understands me better, and there isn’t anyone else I would want to be stuck with in our family. I may not have a clear idea of where I’m headed, but he is stuck with me.

1.How did the author feel when he saw his brother for the first time?

A. Angry and sad.

B. Excited and moved.

C. Curious and scared.

D. Happy and interested.

2.What does the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. My brother is the real baby in the family.

B. In fact, I seem to be less mature than my little brother.

C. My brother gets more love from the family than I do.

D. I am growing more slowly than my brother.

3.What does the brother often help the author do?

A. Help him deal with many daily tasks.

B. Help him with his studies.

C. Give him advice on how to choose a major.

D. Comfort him when he is in a bad mood.

4.What is the best title for this text?

A. My Strange Family Gatherings

B. The Real Baby in the Family

C. Stuck with Me----My Not-So-Little Little Brother

D. The Feeling of Having a Brother

We know that the earth has become warmer over the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program, reports that the average surface temperature of the earth has increased during the twentieth century by 0.6°+ 0.2°C.(The + 0.2°C means that the increase might be as small as 0.4°C or as great as 0.8°C). This may seem like a small shift, but although regional and short—term temperatures do fluctuate(变动) over a wide range, global temperatures are generally quite stable. In fact, the difference between today’s average global temperature and the average global temperature during the last Ice Age is only about 5 degrees C. Indeed, it’s warmer today around the world than at any time during the past 1,000years, and the warmest years of the previous century have occurred within the past decade.

We also know that human activities—primarily the burning of fossil fuels—have increased the greenhouse gas content of the earth’s atmosphere significantly over the same period. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases, which trap heat near the planet’s surface.

The vast majority of climate researchers agree with these overall findings. The scientific disagreements that do still exist primarily concern detailed aspects of the processes that make up these largely accepted general themes.

You can think of this website as a window into the world of scientific research. In this primer, you’ll find a general discussion of the physical processes underlying the earth’s climate, an outline of the kinds of data that may shed light on how the climate is changing—and the role of human activity in these changes—and a description a some of the questions and uncertainties that researchers continue to explore. This primer is organized into four interconnected sections: the Atmosphere; the Hydrosphere(水圈); the Cryosphere(低温层); and the Biosphere(生物层).

1.We know from the text that “IPCC”___.

A. engages in the climate and changes about the earth.

B. is a group by scientists who like to walk around the moon

C. works in the World Meteorological Organization

D. often greets the passers-by from the outer space

2.We know from the text that carbon dioxide ___.

A. is one of the most important greenhouse gases

B. has fossil fuels

C. traps cold near the planet’s surface

D. exist in human activities

3.From the text, we know when we say the temperature of something has increased by about 0.7+ 0.2°C, the + 0.2°C means___.

A. the increase might by as small as 0.3°C or as great as 0.7°C

B. the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.8°C

C. the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.9°C

D. the increase might by as small as 0.4 C or as great as 0.8°C

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. What Are the Scientific Disagreements

B. You Can Think of This Website

C. What Do We Know about Global Climate Change?

D. The Vast Majority of Climate Researchers

Recently a study, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University, suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise. That rates of exercise have declined is hardly a new discovery. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have helped to create a world in which taking exercise is more and more an option rather than a necessity. But only recently have enough good data been collected from enough places to carry out the sort of analysis Dr Hallal and his colleagues have engaged in.

There are common themes in different places. Unsurprisingly, people in rich countries are less active than those in poor ones, and old people are less active than young ones. Less obviously, women tend to exercise less than men—34% are inactive, compared with 28% of men. But there are exceptions. The women of Croatia, Finland, Iraq and Luxembourg, for example, move more than their male countrymen.

Malta wins the race for most slothful country, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise, and Swaziland and Saudi Arabia are in close behind, with 69%. In Bangladesh, just 5% of adults fail to exercise enough. Surprisingly, six Americans in ten are active enough according to Dr Hallal’s study, compared with fewer than four in ten British.

These high rates of inactivity are worrying. Human beings seem to have evolved(进化) to benefit from exercise while deliberately avoiding it whenever they can. In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it. But that is no longer the case. Actually lack of enough activity these days has nearly the same effect on life span(寿命) as smoking.

1.We may learn from Paragraph 1 that_________.

A. the decline of exercise rates is newly discovered

B. the study suggests 31% of female adults get too little exercise

C. the good enough data has been collected from only one country

D. the industrial revolution has changed the way people live to some degree

2. According to the study, women of Luxembourg_________.

A. have little time to exercise

B. hate to get regular exercise

C. take more exercise to lose weight

D. exercise more than men in their country

3.The underlined word “slothful” in Paragraph 3 most probably means_________.

A. powerful B. rich C. lazy D. unpopular

4. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Worldwide Lack of Enough Exercise

B. New Health Discovery

C. Evolvement of Human Beings

D. Benefits of Taking Exercise

Dogs are known for a strong sense of smell. Their noses can be trained to identify different smells. Dogs are often used in search and rescue operations and to sniff for things like drugs and explosives. Some dogs have even been trained to sniff for cancer in people.

Researchers have been trying to reproduce the extraordinary sense of smell that real dogs are born with. Now, officials at the Glasgow airport in Scotland are testing a new security device called an “electronic sniffer dog”. The electronic sniffer dog represents one of the latest developments in the area of smell technology.

A Scottish company, Cascade Technologies, joined with the French security company Morpho to develop it. The device uses lasers to identify explosive materials in gases in the air. The purpose is to identify explosives that may be hidden on a person’s body.

The machine looks similar to the metal detectors now used at airports. Passengers walk through the machine as the lasers test the surrounding air. People are not required to take off their coats, belts or shoes as part of the security process. And, unlike full-body scanners, the new device does not show images of the passengers.

Officials at Cascade Technologies say the machine can process one person per second and produce almost immediate results. They say future development could cut security processing times at airports by screening all passengers at walking speed.

Professor Yushan Yan, the head of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, points out that unlike real dogs, electronic devices do not get tired or need to be walked or require food and water. Professor Yan says real dogs also have other needs. “They also need very extensive training that could be expensive. And when they work they have to have a very skilled handler around them.”

But Professor Yan says there is an important area where man’s best friend still wins compared to technology. “In terms of sensitivity and selectivity, the current technology out there is still inferior. The real dog has amazing capability of identifying some really minor amount of explosives.”

1. The electronic sniffer dogs will be used to____

A. replace real dogs to be as pets for people

B. search for and rescue people who are in trouble

C. help people look after patients in the hospital

D. identify drugs and explosives in places like the airport

2.Which of the following is true of the electronic sniffer dog?

A. The device uses lasers to examine for explosive materials.

B. People have to take off their clothes when walking through the device.

C. The device will show images of the passengers.

D. The device can process all passengers at walking speed.

3. The advantages of the electronic sniffer dog over the real dog include the following EXCEPT______

A. its convenience B. its high efficiency

C. its sensitivity D. its low consumption

4.The underlined word “inferior” in the last paragraph most probably has the meaning of_____.

A. concentrating all one’s effort on a specific area

B. not as good as sb. / sth. else

C. that cannot be clearly understood

D. necessary for completeness

The other morning on the subway I sat next to an attractive young blonde woman who was reading something on her iPad. She was very well-dressed, carrying a Prada bag with tastefully applied make-up indeed, she had an unmistakable air of wealth, material success and even authority. I suspected she worked as a highly-paid Wall Street lawyer or stockbroker or something of that sort. So, I was curious to see what she was so focused on. The Wall Street Journal perhaps? The Economist?

Quite the contrary; rather, she was concentrating on a romance novel. Then I realized that I have known many women who love romance novels—smart, attractive, successful, “liberated,” modem females who nonetheless find some kind of deep satisfaction and thrill from those hyper-romantic, artificial and extremely unrealistic tales of handsome, manly heroes falling in love with virginal women, enduring a series of adventures, then no doubt having a happy ending.

These romance stories are to literature what hot dogs are to fine food. Yet, the genre(体裁) remains enormously popular. Consider some of these surprising statistics from the good folks at the Romance Writers of America (RWA):

*More than 9,000 romance titles were released last year, with sales of about $1.44 billion (more than triple the revenues generated by classic literary fiction).

*More than 90 percent of the market are women (okay, that’s not at all surprising).

* Readers are typically women between the ages 30 and 54 who are themselves involved in a romantic relationship (betraying the stereotype that only lonely women long for these tales of love and adventure).

*Almost 40 percent of romance book consumers have an annual income of between $50,000 and $99,900 (placing them firmly in the middle class).

I had thought that romance novels accounted for a very small share of the literary market, so I was quite surprised that this part has such enormous popularity. But I must wonder why so many women—forty years after the women’s liberation movement continue to indulge in the fanciful tales?

I’m not sure if it represents a kind of “rejection” of the women’s liberation movement, but clearly something is missing in the lives of contemporary ladies. A romance author named Donna Hatch who focuses on the Regency period (early 19th century Britain) explained the appeal of such books this way: “Regency men were civilized and treated women with courtesy. When a lady entered the room, gentlemen stood, doffed their hats, offered an arm, bowed, and a hundred other little things I wish men still did today. But they were also very athletic; they hunted, raced, boxed, rode horses. They were manly. Strong. Noble. Honorable. And that is why I love them!”

Mrs. Hatch may have expressed the secret desires and attitudes of untold millions of her peers---that is, in the early 21st century, have women grown tired of the burdens and expectations that the “freedoms” they have gained give them? Is this a rejection of modem feminism? Do women long for days of old when men were masculine gentlemen and women were feminine and protected as precious treasures and regarded as possessions?

Perhaps most women (even the ones who get lost in romance novels) do not want to go all the way back but it is obvious, .

1.What is the function of the opening paragraph?

A. To summarize the whole passage.

B. To prove the author’s argument.

C. To lead in the main topic of the passage.

D. To raise problems that will be solved later.

2.What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph imply?

A. Romance novels are satisfying and thrilling.

B. Romance novels are not of much “nutrition”.

C. Romance novels are as popular as hot dogs.

D. Romance novels are an essential part of contemporary life.

3.In the author’s opinion, what is missing in the lives of contemporary women?

A. Authority. B. Dignity.

C. Liberty. D. Care.

4.Which sentence can be put in the blank in the last paragraph?

A. they prefer tales of innocent romance to classics

B. they are unhappy with how the world has turned out

C. true love described in romance novels does exist in reality

D. romance novels provide them with an access to society

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