
Grant Wood’s American Gothic caused a stir(轰动)in 1930 when it was exhibited for the first time at the Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of 300 dollars. Newspapers across the country carried the story, and the painting of a farmer and a younger woman posed before a white house brought the artist instant fame.

In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in the small southern Iowa town of Eldon. Wood was so fascinated by it that he decided to paint the house along with the kind of people he thought should live in that house. In the painting, the farmer is modeled on his dentist. Dr. Byron McKeeby. His younger sister Nan served as a model for the woman (imagined to be the farmer’s wife or daughter). Wood wanted to give a description of the traditional roles of men and women as the man is holding a pitchfork (干草叉) symbolizing hard labor. Each element was painted separately; the models sat separately and never stood in front of the house. The Gothic style of the house inspired the painting’s title.

American Gothic remains one of the most famous paintings in the history of American art. The painting has become part of American popular culture. Some believe that Wood used it to satirize(讽刺) the narrow-mindedness that has been said to characterize Midwestern culture. The painting may also be read as a praise of the moral virtue or rural America or even as a mixture of praise and satire. American Gothic is one of the few images to reach the status of cultural symbol, along with Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

1.What can we learn about American Gothic?

A.It won a prize of £300.

B.The two characters in it posed before the White House.

C.It was the first painting by Grant Wood.

D.It was on show at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1930.

2.From the passage we can infer Iowa is in __________.

A.the southern town of Eldon

B.the Midwest of the United States

C.a European country

D.the city of Chicago

3.Grant Wood chose the two models __________.

A.to describe traditional roles of men and women

B.to praise the moral virtue of rural America

C.to make his dentist and his sister famous

D.to carry the story across the country

4.The title of the painting is based on __________.

A.the name of a small town

B.the man and the woman

C.the Gothic style of the house

D.the pitchfork symbolizing hard labor


If you experience great stress in your life on a frequent basis, you’re not alone. Nowadays, stress is almost a given fact of life. Actually, a certain degree of stress can have positive effects on us. But if stress continues over a long period of time, the effects on the body can be harmful, resulting in health problems and stress-related illness, including heart attack and stroke.

Stress is a normal reaction by the body to what it perceives (认为)as a threatening situation or environment. Short-term reactions may include an increase in heart rate as well as a rise in blood pressure. A person under short-term stress may feel nervous, anxious and even experience shortness of breath. Other reactions can include a dry mouth, quick heartbeat, sweating, stomach upset and diarrhea.

When stress is long-term and becomes more chronic (长期的) in nature, it can cause more serious health-related problems, including regular headaches, back pain, weight changes, sleep difficulties, changes in mood and so on. Chronic stress can also result in memory problems, including difficulty remembering new information and the inability to quickly deal with old information.

No matter how your body reacts to stress, ignoring the problem can have serious health results. Not surprisingly, more women than men openly seek the help of their family doctors or other health care experts when they are experiencing stress or stress-related illness. Men are more likely to refuse to admit the problem or attempt to self-treat it, which may contribute to higher rate of drug and alcohol addiction seen in men exposed to chronic stress.

There’s no doubt that stress is a fact of life and is likely to remain a part of our fast-paced society. Although stress can’t be completely eliminated, methods of dealing with stress-related issues, in my view, can be developed so that the effects of stress on the body are avoided, so people won’t be so easy to suffer stress-related illness.

1.Which of the following is not the reaction of short-term stress?

A. A dry mouth. B. Stomach upset.

C. Weight changes. D. A rise in blood pressure.

2.What does the author advise people to do when stress hits them?

A. They should ignore it.

B. They should learn to deal with it on their own.

C. They should turn to drugs and alcohol for relief.

D. They should seek more methods of dealing with it.

3.What does the word “eliminated” in the last paragraph mean?

A. reduced. B. removed.

C. appreciated. D. destroyed.

4.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To tell us how to solve the serious problems caused by stress.

B. To tell us how to behave well when we are faced with stress.

C. To tell us how to protect ourselves from the effects of stress.

D. To tell us how to tell short-term stress from long-term stress.

Students who say they never or hardly ever use dictionaries often speak English well but usually write poorly, because they make many mistakes.

The students who use dictionaries most do not learn especially well either. The ones who look up every new word do not read fast. Therefore they do not have time to read much. Those who use small two-language dictionaries have the worst problems. Their dictionaries often give only one or two words as translations of English. But one English word often has many translations in a foreign language and one foreign word has many translations in English.

The most successful students are those who use large college edition dictionaries with about 100,000 words but do not use them too often. When they are reading, these students first try to get the general idea and understand new words from the context. Then they reread and use the dictionary to look up only key words that they still do not understand. They use dictionaries more for writing. If they are not sure how to spell a word, or divide it into syllables (音节), they always use a dictionary. Also, if they think a noun might have an unusual plural form, they check these in a dictionary.

1.The writer thinks that ____.

A. choose a good dictionary, and you’ll be successful in learning English

B. dictionaries are not necessary to the students who learn English

C. it is very important for students to use good dictionaries properly

D. using dictionaries very often can’t help to improve writing

2.According to the passage, which of the following is wrong?

A. Dictionaries have little effect on learning to speak English.

B. Whatever new words you meet while reading, never use dictionaries.

C. Small two-language dictionaries have serious defects (缺陷).

D. Reading something for the first time, you’d better not use dictionaries.

3.When in the reading does the writer advise students to use a good dictionary?

A. At the beginning of the reading

B. At the end of the reading

C. During the first reading

D. After the first reading

4.This passage mainly tells us ____.

A. students shouldn’t use small two-language dictionaries

B. what were the defects of small two-language dictionaries

C. why students should use large college edition dictionaries

D. what dictionary students should choose and how to use


It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold.I have always been an early bird and my morning walks have been the _________ for the last 7 years, so I put on my shoes to __________ for my first walk of the New Year.

There was complete __________ outside.Litter could be seen everywhere.It seemed that everyone had an all-night_ _________ .It was too cold to_ _________ anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the morning.I was__________ to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.

I was about to leave__________ I saw Sam cleaning the garden.He is an employee of our society association and is_________ to take care of the walkways and the garden.I walked up to Sam as it was a(an) _ _________ to see him there cleaning at this time.He saw me and politely__________ me, "Happy New Year!"

“How come you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a new year?” I asked. Sam answered_ _________,“It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and special. For me, today is like any other__________ day and my job starts with the _________ .”

It was good to see someone so__________ at heart. Like other staff members, Sam could have taken a day_ _________ , but he woke up early and came for all of us. I suddenly realized life does not _________ when the clock strikes twelve at midnight and a New Year begins. We__________ all night, the surround is dirty.Life goes on and others need to__________up early and clear the garbage.Isn't the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbage? Why can't we also keep our_ _________ clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day? It is true that small things can make a big_________ in our lives.

1.A.manner B.trend C.routine D.procedure

2.A.look B.send C.long D.head

3.A.waste B.freedom C.silence D.absence

4.A.celebration B.tradition C.decoration D.pollution

5.A.order B.expect C.trust D.catch

6.A.tired B.scared C.puzzled D.annoyed

7.A.because B.though C.unless D.when

8.A.advised B.promoted C.supposed D.determined

9.A.pleasure B.success C.surprise D.honour

10.A.suggested B.wished C.asked. D.congratulated

11.A.coldly B.hopefully C.casually D.calmly

12.A.dirty B.narrow C.busy D.cold

13.A.beginning B.same C.special D.new

14.A.devoted B.cautious C.honest D.polite

15.A.over B.out C.up D.off

16.A.change B.improve C.return D.happen

17.A.sleep B.party C.work D.clean

18.A.put B.stay C.wake D.pick

19.A.surroundings B.conditions C.background D.location

20.A.decision' B.difference C.promise D.suggestion

Books, Films and Plays

The novelist’s medium is the written word, one might almost say the printed word. Typically the novel is consumed by a silent, individual reader, who may be anywhere at the time. The paperback novel is still the cheapest, most portable and adaptable form of narrative entertainment. It is limited to a single channel of information---writing. The narrative can go, effortlessly, anywhere: into space, people’s head, palaces, prisons and pyramids, without any consideration of cost or practical possibility. In determining the shape and content of his narrative, the writer is restricted by nothing except purely artistic criteria. The novelist keeps absolute control over his text until it is published and received by the audience. He may be advised by his editor to revise his text, but if the writer refused to meet this condition no one would be surprised. It is not unknown for a well-established novelist to deliver his or her manuscript(手稿) and expect the publisher to print it exactly as written.

However, not even the most well-established playwright or screenplay writer would submit a script and expect it to be performed without any rewriting. This is because plays and motion pictures are cooperative forms of narrative, using more than one channel of communication.

The production of a stage play involves, as well as the words of the author, the physical presence of the actors, their voices and gestures, the “set” and possibly music. Although the script is the essential basis of both stage play and film, it is a basis for subsequent revision negotiated between the writer and the other creative people involved. They are given “approval” of the choice of director and actors and have the right to attend rehearsals(排演), during which period they may undertake more rewriting work. In the case of the screenplay, the writer may have little or no control over the final form of his work. Contracts for the production of plays protect the rights of authors in this respect.

In film or television work, on the other hand, the screenplay writer has no contractual right to this degree of consultation. While the script is going through its various drafts, the writer is in the driver’s seat, although sometimes receiving criticism from the producer and the director. But once the production is under way, artistic control over the project tends to pass to the director. This is a fact overlooked by most journalistic critics of television drama, who tend(unlike film critics) to give all the credit or blame for success or failure of a production to the writer and actors, ignoring the contribution, for good or ill, of the director.

1.Where might you find the passage?

A. In a textbook.

B. In a movie magazine.

C. In a travelling brochure.

D. In a shopping guide.

2.Which of these subtitles would be most appropriate?

A. Why does the future look good for writers of books, plays and films?

B. What do audiences want from these three forms of entertainment?

C. How do these forms of media compare for their producers?

D. What benefit can we get from these forms of media?

3.Why can the novelist expect the publisher to print the manuscript exactly as written?

A. Because the novelist keeps absolute control over his text.

B. Because the paperback novel is most portable and adaptable.

C. Because the novel is limited to a single channel of information---writing.

D. Because the novelist is seldom advised by editors to revise the text.

4.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?

A. Playwrights envy the simplicity of the novelist’s work.

B. Experience in the theatre improves the work of screenplay writers.

C. Screenplay writers usually have the final say in how a TV drama will turn out.

D. Playwrights are frequently involved in revising their work.

5.What can be implied from the last sentence of the passage?

A. TV critics often blame the wrong people for the failure of a program.

B. The director is a determining factor in the future of a television drama.

C. Few people know that the screenplay writer is often criticized by the director.

D. It is urgent for the film critics to realize their mistakes.

Scientists have discovered thirteen kinds of vitamins. They say vitamins help to carry out chemical changes within cells. If we do not get enough of the vitamins we need in our food, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. Which foods should be eaten to keep us healthy? Let us look at some important vitamins.

Vitamin A helps prevent skin and other tissues from becoming dry. People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot see well in darkness. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil and the yellow part of eggs.

Vitamin B-1 is also called thiamine. Thiamine changes starchy(含淀粉的)foods into energy. Thiamine is found not just in whole grains like brown rice, but also in beans and peas, nuts, and meat and fish.

Vitamin B-12 is needed so folic acid can do its work. Together, they help produce red blood cells. Folic acid has been shown to prevent physical problems in babies when taken by their mothers during pregnancy. Vitamin B-12 is found naturally in foods like eggs, meat, fish and milk products. Vitamin B-12 is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, like legumes and citrus fruits (柑橘类水果).

Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth. The body stores little vitamin C. So we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.

Vitamin D prevents the children’s bone disease rickets (佝偻病). Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substance in the skin into vitamin D. Fish liver oil also contains vitamin D.

Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood. It thickens the blood around a cut to stop bleeding. It can also be found in pork products, liver and in vegetables like cabbage, kale and spinach (菠菜).

Vitamins are important to our health. A lack of required vitamins can lead to health problems.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. There are thirteen kinds of vitamins in total.

B. One can not live without enough vitamins.

C. Vitamins can carry out chemical changes within cells.

D. Enough vitamins are vital to keep healthy.

2.Women who wish to become mothers should take in ________.

A. vitamin A B. vitamin B-1

C. vitamin B-12 D. vitamin C

3.What can change a substance in the skin into vitamin D?

A. Fish liver oil.

B. Ultraviolet light from the sun.

C. Fresh milk drunk by people.

D. Doing a certain amount of exercise.

4.According to the passage, taking in enough vitamin C can ________.

A. make our eyesight better

B. help to stop bleeding

C. make our bones and teeth strong

D. help produce red blood cells


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1.The Smiths,a retired couple,would probably call ________ for several quiet starry nights.

A.762?3473 B.1?877?344?7117

C.(866) 388?2877 D.1?800?760?6934

2.The Johnsons (aged 9—68),adventure lovers,are more likely to check ________ for more






3.What kind of activities do the five tours all provide?

A.Outdoor activities.

B.Adventurous activities.

C.Educational activities.

D.Free activities.

4.Where can the passage be probably found?

A.In a tour brochure. B.In science fiction.

C.In a textbook. D.In a TV guide.

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