
18.Summer Surfing USA
15-Day Tour for Beach Lovers
Visit these beautiful Southern California surfing beaches
El Capitan in Santa Barbara,Surf Riders in Malibu,the Wedge at Newport Beach,Doheny at Dana Point.Accommodations (住宿):Single or double rooms in beachfront hotels
Price includes:Daily surfboard use,3-hour beginner's class
Nightlife activities:Beach meals,club dancing,moonlight trips
Additional activities:Visit Universal Studios and Disneyland
Tour Beverly Hills and see the movie stars'homes
Tour cost:Single room at﹩1,999
Doubleroom at﹩2,300
Hazel's Personal Services
Do you ever have questions like these?
●Where can I get my hair cut for a reasonable price?
●Do you know where I can have someone fix my bike?
●Where can I get someone to upgrade my computer?
●Do you know where I can have my jacket cleaned?
Do you know where you can have ALL these things done?Call Hazel!(646)555-2121
Hazel offers:
√Computer support√Repairs√Beauty services
If Hazel doesn't offer the service you need,she'll find someone who does!
Vote for Roberta Chang
Roberta Chang will clean up Cradville!
Have you noticed these problems in our city?
●The air is becoming dangerously dirty because of gases from cars and trucks.
●There is heavy traffic on the roads because of people's dependence on cars.
●Our city streets are being destroyed as a result of heavy traffic.
●Many parks have been lost through overbuilding.
●Our fresh water supply is being overused by people who don't save it.
If you vote Roberta Chang for city council (议会),you vote for solutions!

24.What can one get from Summer Surfing USA?A
A.Enjoy different interesting activities.
B.See movies with pop stars.
C.Have a 15-day free surfing class.
D.Surf across the USA.
25.The questions in Hazel's Personal Services are raised toB.
A.show common problems
B.attract readers
C.expect answers from readers
D.carry out a public opinion survey
26.We can infer from the text that Roberta ChangC.
A.has come up with new ideas to protect the environment
B.has helped clean people's houses in Cradville
C.is competing for a position
D.is a member of the government of Cradville
27.The text is likely to appear inD.
A.a report  B.a history textbook   C.a travel guide   D.a newspaper.

分析 本文向我们介绍了美国夏日冲浪,一个为期15天的沙滩爱好者游,主要介绍了这个旅游的基本情况以及黑兹尔的个人服务.

解答 24,.A;细节理解题.根据文中"El Capitan in Santa Barbara,Surf Riders in Malibu,the Wedge at Newport Beach,Doheny at Dana Point."以及"Additional activities:Visit Universal Studios and Disneyland",可知在这里你可以享受不同的有趣活动.故选A.
26.C;细节理解题.根据文中"If you vote Roberta Chang for city council (议会),you vote for solutions!"(如果你投票选举罗伯塔为市议会,你就投票解决问题),可知Roberta Chang正在竞争一个位置,故选C.

点评 尽管有些广告类阅读材料的内容难度很大,但试题设置并不难.因为广告类的文章主要要求考生读懂文中的关键信息.对此类题目的处理上,尽量不要在文章的阅读上花费太多时间.从题干出发,迅速到文章中找相应的答案.对照题目所含信息,找寻可作为解题依据的相应的段落或句子.

8.Are you running a restaurant but can't afford to hire waiters?Well,you could learn from this Japanese restaurant that hires monkeys for the job.In order to make them look more human,the restaurant owner even masks(用面具遮掩) their faces.
The restaurant is Kayabuki,which a traditional Japanese restaurant.They have hired a couple of monkeys named Yat-chan and Fuku-chan to work as waiters (or waitresses,we're not sure).16-year-old Yat-chan is the older of the two,but he moves quickly between tables as he takes the customers'drink orders.Fuku-chan gives customers a hot towel and helps them clean their hands before they order their drinks,as is the custom in Japan.Believe it or not,the pair is actually certified(授予执照) by local authorities to work at the restaurant.The customers like them as well,so they give them beans as tips.One customer,Takayoshi,said,"The monkeys are actually better waiters than some really bad human ones."
Yat-chan and Fuku-chan were once the household pets of the restaurant owner,Kaoru Otsuka.But the older one started imitating him in restaurant duties,and that was when he realized they were actually capable of working there."Yat-chan first learned by just watching me working in the restaurant,"he said."It all started when one day I gave him a hot towel and he brought the towel to the customer."
Some customers even feel that the little monkeys are just like children,or even better.62-year-old Shiochi Yano,a regular at Kayabuki,says,"Actually,they're better.My son doesn't listen to me,but Yat-chan will."Customers also say that Yat-chan is able to understand exact orders and remember them."We called out for more beer,"said one customer,"and he just brought us some beer.It's amazing how he seems to understand human words."

25.What can we learn about Yat-chan and Fuku-chan?A
A.They both get beans as tips.
B.Fuku-chan is older than Yat-chan.
C.Yat-chan helps customers clean their hands.
D.Fuku-chan takes the customers'drink orders.
26.According to Takayoshi,the two monkey waitersD.
A.can understand exact orders
B.listen to him very carefully
C.can remember the regular customers
D.behave better than some human waiters
27.What does the underlined word,"imitating"in the 3rd paragraph mean?B
28.Why did Kaoru Otsuka let the monkeys work in the restaurant?C
A.He couldn't afford to hire waiters.
B.He thought monkeys worked better than humans.
C.He found his monkeys were able to work like waiters.
D.The officials encouraged him to hire the monkeys.
3.If a stranger offered you money to keep a suitcase in your spare room,would you accept?How about the other way round:if you had too many belongings,would you consider trusting someone you met online with their safekeeping?Anthony Paine believed enough of us would answer"yes"to these questions to launch his own startup(新兴公司),Stashbee.His business links people with space to those who need it.
And it's just one player in the booming"sharing economy",an industry that relies on people renting out things like their beds,bikes and even parking spaces.Airbnb,a company valued at﹩20bn,provides a platform for those renting property short-term.DogVacay pairs holidaymaking pet owners with pet-friendly hosts,and aims to be profitable by 2017.
All their business models are running well based on one simple word:trust.So,how does Stashbee measure up?BBC journalist Dougal Shaw decided to try it out for himself.He had some odds and ends(零碎东西)to store while repairing his house,and met a host through the site who could keep them for﹩285 for two months.All relatively smooth and easy!
Heavyweights(行业巨头)in the traditional storage industry,such as Big Yellow and Access,aren't convinced.A representative from Access told Shaw he was skeptical about storing with"amateurs".He considered 24/7(全天候)access to the items and better security as the main advantages of his service.
Stashbee agree that dealing with security concerns is important,but say business success depends more on people overcoming a distrust of strangers we've been taught since childhood.They aren't alone.Companies such as Costockage,Roost and Spacer all run similar storage businesses,and are all relying on a change in consumer attitudes.
The concept of social storage won't stop there.Then would you try it out?It's question of trust.

29.The author asked two questions at the beginning of the text toD.
A.show readers some data
B.carry out a survey among readers
C.start a debate among readers
D.draw readers'attention to the topic.
30.What does the underlined phrase"measure up"probably mean?C
A.Tell the truth.B.Find the size.C.Achieve success.D.Make a change.
31.What do Stashbee consider to be the biggest barrier to business success?A
A.The distrust of strangers.
B.The cost of starting the business.
C.The lack of space for storage.
D.Disapproval from traditional industry.
32.What is the best title for the text?B
A.Ways to start new business.
B.New business models of storage.
C.The change in service attitudes.
D.The concept of house renting.
7.This day marks the rising of a new food startup,the first company to be financed entirely by the crowd,and of it every business thus relies on thousands of customers to grow.Lisa,25,its main founder and CEO,believes it will be a path that will become increasingly popular,and ultimately will produce more thriving(繁荣的)businesses from the scratch.
"In the food industry,no venture capital (VC,风险投资) will even look at you until you've hit a million in sales.As a fresh hand in business,unless you're independently wealthy,you will likely need to raise some money before then,"Lisa complained.So few businesses approached VC firms at the beginning.It was no exception with her.Thus,she turned to a new financing tool at hand,crowdfunding,to raise money from the crowd who'd like to take a bet on her company.
But for a company,it didn't make sense to seek investments when all they had was an idea and a few months of consumer testing data.The food market is extremely competitive.No investor would put money behind a totally unproven new superfood product founded by a bunch of twenty-somethings."But we had a story.And crowds love stories."Lisa said delightedly.So she put together an online crowdfunding campaign,explaining how she began working with this amazingly nutritious plant in the Peace Corps and then started selling it in the U.S.to support the poor in the West Africa.
On the online platform where they were to raise the money,a friend convinced them to change their goal from﹩20,000 to﹩50,000.Lisa stayed up all night worrying they wouldn't hit it.But they reached﹩24,000 in 24 hours and ended their funding with﹩53,000.Seeing the number,Lisa said,"Thank you!To my crowd and for your belief!"
24.Why couldn't Lisa get investments in a traditional way?C
A.She lacked confidence in business.
B.Her food company was in poor condition.
C.VC demanded too much in choosing partners.
D.Consumers were not satisfied with her new products.
25.According to the passage,crowdfundingD.
A.ensures the investors a good return
B.aims to help badly managed companies
C.attracts more people to become investors
D.helps startups deal with money shortages
26.The underlined word"twenty-somethings"refers toB.
A.twenty impractical ideas
B.young people over twenty
C.twenty inexperienced partners
D.a company with twenty branches
27.Which of the following best explains Lisa's success?C
A.Great minds think alike.
B.Honesty is the best policy.
C.Many hands make light work.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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