

1 Beijing Opera is our national play, You can learn the music, dance and art when you enjoy Beijing Opera. 2 它拥有着悠久的历史并且全世界闻名。

In order to make Beijing Opera wider and make the middle school students love and develop(发展) our Chinese culture, our country makes a project. That is to take Beijing Opera into students’ music classes. 3 现在很多的学生可以在课堂上欣赏京剧。

4 However, only a few people think it important and useful for middle school students. Most people think that students are very busy with their lessons and it's a waste of time to learn Beijing Opera. Most people are afraid that some music teachers know little about Beijing Opera and its history. Most parents always ask “Is it useful for children's future to lean Beijing Opera?"

5 We need a long way to go to make Beijing Opera come into classes.



2It has a long history and is very famous around the world.

3Now many students can enjoy Beijing Opera in class.






此处是英译汉。分析句子结构可知句子是主系表结构,Beijing Opera是主语,is是系动词, our national play是表语。故答案为:京剧是我们的国剧。


此处是汉译英。分析汉语可知句子是并列句,由and连接。前句是主谓宾结构,后句是主系表结构。“悠久的历史”是a long history,“全世界闻名”是be famous around the world。故答案为:It has a long history and is very famous around the world.


此处是汉译英。分析汉语可知句子是主谓宾结构, “可以”用情态动词can,“欣赏”是enjoy,“在课堂上”是in class。故答案为:Now many students can enjoy Beijing Opera in class.


此处是英译汉。分析句子结构可知句子是主谓宾宾补结构。However表转折,only a few people 是主语,think是谓语,it 是宾语,important and useful 是宾补。故答案为:但是,只有一些人认为它对中学生重要和有用。


此处是英译汉。分析句子结构可知句子是主谓宾宾补结构。We 是主语,need是谓语, a long way 是宾语,to go to make Beijing Opera come into classes是后置定语。a long way to go译为“有很长一段路要走”,故答案为:把京剧带入课堂,我们还有一段很长的路要走。



The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up and knocked into the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. 'How embarrassing! I am getting so clumsy(笨拙的) in my old age. '

Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. It came around to Frank, who sat quietly listening to the others. Someone said, 'Come on, Frank. Tell us your most embarrassing moment. '

Frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. 'I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed a big family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home. '

He looked at us and said, 'I wish you could have met my Dad. He was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. No matter how much my mother washed his clothes, they would still smell of the sea and of fish. '

Frank's voice dropped a bit. 'When the weather was bad, he would drive me to school. He had this old truck that he used in his fishing business. That truck was older than he was. Half the time, he would slam to a stop and the old truck would belch(喷出) a cloud of smoke. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over and give me a goodbye kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. Here, I was twelve years old. I was a big boy and my Dad would lean over and kiss me goodbye! '

He paused and then went on, 'I remember the day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my hand up and said, 'No, Dad. ' '


注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this surprised look on his face.


Paragraph 2:

Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes.


【题目】 Many people don’t have a home because of an illness or because they lost their jobs. They have bad health and can’t start working, and because of that, they can’t pay for a doctor, so it’s a never-ending circle. Homeless people don’t have anywhere to go, so they have to sleep on the streets, covering themselves with newspapers and looking through the rubbish cans to find some food or warmer clothes.

Seeing these horrible living conditions, the Australian charity Beddown decided to help these people in need. They came up with an amazing idea to make shelters in places that are vacant at night-like parking lots! The organization asked one of the largest car park-opera tors, Secure Parking, and they agreed upon it.

“It was great to start with a group of our volunteers to help us and set up some beds. Although as expected we had a few challenges to overcome, it was good to start bringing Bed down to life. Beddown will provide an immediate response for those who can not sleep well to access safe, find shelter-and access to a real bed and a great night’s sleep. We will work with our other partners to provide long-term solutions to providing our guests with accommoda-tion, education and employment opportunities.” The founders of Beddown said in one of their Instagram posts.

The charity also provided other services to the guests, like doctors, nurses, dentists, hairdressers. They gave them new clothing, a place to clean themselves and helped provide social services. “After spending the week here, having a good sleep at night, it reminded me of life and I want to begin my life again,” one homeless man said.

1What can we learn about the homeless in Australia

A.They live a hard life.B.They lost their families.

C.They don’t want to work.D.They like to live on the street.

2What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to

A.Making beds for the homeless.B.Using the parking lot to get money.

C.Using the parking lot to help the homeless.D.Inviting the car park operators to organize the activity.

3What did the founders of Beddown say about setting up beds for the homeless

A.It is only a part of their help.B.It helps the volunteers greatly.

C.It makes the Beddown get more reputation.D.It gives the homeless a chance to return to real life.

4What can be the best title for the text

A.The Homeless Get Good Diet Now.

B.Beddown Shelters the Homeless in Car Parks.

C.Beddown Helps the Homeless Find Jobs in Car Parks.

D.Australian Charity Beddown and the Homeless in Australian.

【题目】 Knowing what not to do at checkout and properly preparing for it can turn a potentially heated situation into a quick thank you and goodbye. Below we compiled a list of things you should remember at hotel checkout.

1. Don’t be late to checkout

Hotels may add an outrageously high price for being just a half-hour late. If you know you won’t make the cutoff time, it never hurts to call ahead and try to negotiate a potential charge.

2. Don’t forget to double check the room and safe

Make sure you don’t leave anything behind. If you have an early flight or checkout time, pack up as much as you can the night before so that last-minute rush isn’t too hurried. Also, be sure to take out anything in the room safe.

3. Don’t freak out

Spitting venom (毒液) at the assistant manager standing behind the front desk probably won’t help when dealing with an unexpected item on the bill. Being empathetic about how difficult it can be to deal with annoyed customers will likely go much further.

4. Don’t pay with cash or debit card (借记卡)

Disputing your bill after paying with cash is a lot harder than working with a credit card company to get a charge back. If you pay with a debit card, you may not have the protection to challenge a charge.

5. Don’t have the hotel call you a cab

If you want to save a few dollars, plan ahead and check if a ride-sharing service is going to be cheaper than a cab to the airport.

1What may the hotel do if you are late for the checkout?

A.Negotiate a potential price.

B.Call ahead and cancel the reservation.

C.Charge extra money.

D.Give the room to other customers.

2What should you do when the receptionist meets angry customers?

A.Spit at the assistant manager.B.Argue with the front desk.

C.Show understanding to the situation.D.Go much further away from it.

3Why is it a good idea to use a ride-sharing service to get to the airport?

A.It helps the cab save dollars.

B.It reduces the burden of the hotel.

C.It is easy to get a charge back.

D.It costs the customers less money.

【题目】 Your student ID card identifies you as a student at the University of Bolton. It will provide you with access to University facilities such as University Libraries, Sports Centre, and Computing Services. Please carry your card with you at all times. Do not lose your card or lend it to others. Your card is valid during the whole time of your studies. It remains the property(财产)of the University of Bolton at all times.

New students—photographs

You will be requested to upload a passport sized photograph as part of the online registration process. This should be a jpg file with a size of no more than 1 MB. Your photograph should be a portrait image in proportion(比例)to a 6"×4" portrait photograph. It should be taken in colour and must not have been beautified with image filters(滤光镜).

Your student ID card will be provided to you by your department during Welcome Week. Please be aware that you will not receive this smart card during Welcome Week if you do not upload your image online by 4 September 2020.

Replacement cards

If your student ID card no longer works or has been damaged, or if you have changed your personal or programme details, you should call into the Student Administration Centre SAC to request a new one. Please ensure that you bring your existing card with you. Your replacement card will be produced free of charge.

If your card has been reported to the Police as stolen, please also call into the SAC to request a replacement, bringing with you a copy of your Police Crime Report paperwork. Your card will be produced free of charge.

If your card has been lost, a fee of 5 is charged for the production of a replacement card. You are requested to use our online payment service.

Note: Replacement cards will be available for you to collect seven working days after making the request. As a security measure, you are requested to collect your card in person at the SAC.

1Which of the following is a function of the student ID card?

A.To remind students to protect public property.

B.To enable students to use resources in the library.

C.To help students demonstrate their computer skills.

D.To provide information about campus facilities.

2To meet the requirements of the photograph on the student ID card, a new student should upload__________.

A.an image saved as a PDF file.

B.a colour picture of their passport.

C.a photo beautified by a photographer.

D.a portrait photograph of proper proportion.

3In which case does a student have to pay for the replacement of the student ID card?

A.The theft of the card has been officially proved.

B.The card holder has changed his or her major.

C.The card dropped off into a lake by accident.

D.The card fails to work properly.

4To collect your replacement card, you should___________.

A.fetch it at the SAC personally

B.go through a security check first

C.call the police station in advance

D.wait for seven days before getting it.

【题目】Enter The Guardian young critics competition 2019

Review one of The guardian children’s fiction prize 2019 longlisted books as an individual or a school book group and be in with a chance of winning books, gift cards and an invitation to the award ceremony in November!

If you are aged 18 or under on 18 November 2019, attend a school in the UK or are home educated in the UK and love reading, then you should enter The Guardian’s young critics competition — and here’s how?

All you need to do is submit a review (no more than 500 words) on one of the books (click here for more information) longlisted for The Guardian children’s fiction prize 2019. Make sure your review reaches us by 30 October 2019. 10 winning individual entries and one winning school entry will be selected. When picking the winners, the judges will be looking for the most interesting, entertaining and thought-provoking (发人深省的) book reviews.

There are two ways to enter:

1.You can enter on your own by filling out the form (click here to download the form) including your review of a longlisted book.

2. You can enter as part of a school group if you and at least three other students from your school all submit reviews.

The prizes:

The 10 individual winners will each receive a complete set of eight longlisted books, plus a20 gift card and an invitation to attend the award ceremony at The Guardian on 19 November 2019.

The winning school will be invited to spend a day at The Guardian Education Centre: up to 30 students from the winning school will have the chance to edit and print the day’s news at The Guardian Education Centre in London. In addition, the winning school will receive 10 complete sets of the eight longlisted books, a 150 gift card as well as an invitation for up to 20 pupils to attend the ceremony in London on 19 November.

Good luck!

If you have any questions about the competition or how to enter, please email childrensfictionprize@theguardian.com.

1Which requirement should one meet if he or she wants to take part in the competition?

A.Being under 18 years old.B.Being educated in the UK.

C.Being part of a school book group.D.Being a winner of the fiction prize.

2What’s the deadline for the entries?

A.30 October 2019.B.31 October 2019.

C.18 November 2019.D.19 November 2019.

3What prize will group winners get?

A.A 150 card for each student.

B.Eight copies of the longlisted books.

C.The chance to produce the newspaper.

D.An invitation for 30 students to attend the ceremony.

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