

Anthony Ant had hundreds of friends, but sometimes he still felt alone. Anthony lived in an anthill in the crack of a sidewalk. All of his friends looked just like Anthony: small, and brown, with six legs and two wiggling antennas (触角). Every day, Anthony and his ant friends lined up to march out of the anthill and across the sidewalk to the tall grass. There they looked for crumbs and seeds to bring back to the anthill for supper.

“Why do we always have to stay in line?”Anthony asked. “I want to go into the grass on my own and see what there is to see.”

“I don’t know,” said Abby, a friend of Anthony. “This is the way we’ve always done it.”

“That doesn’t seem like a very good reason,” Anthony said. “I’m going to turn left up here at the maple root.”

And he did.

None of the other ants came with Anthony, because they always did what they were told.

On his own, Anthony had a much nicer view of the maple root. He could see all the way to a distant flower bed, where colorful blossoms towered over the grassy space.

Anthony decided to walk to the flowers, but after an hour of walking, they seemed just as far away as ever. He had never been so tired. He decided to turn around.

When he did, Anthony couldn’t see the path home. The grass had closed in around himand he was lost. Usually he just followed the ant line in front of him to find the way, but now he was all alone.

Anthony walked in the direction he thought was home, but he was starting to feel scared. A bird flew overhead. Should he ask the bird for help, or should he hide? Anthony knew that some birds ate ants, but he couldn’t remember which ones were nice and which ones were hungry.


Para 1: He hesitated, wondering what to do.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Para 2: He walked on and on.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

【答案】Para 1: He hesitated, wondering what to do. He remembered that he should turn left at the ample root. However, on the hillside stood a forest of ample trees. At which point should he turn left? He was completely at a loss. Never did he feel so lonely.

Para 2: He walked on and on, without thinking whether it was the right direction home. So tired was he that he lay down under the tree to have a rest. He was about to give up when he heard noises. Some ants were walking in a line, four of them carrying a large cookie on their shoulders. When they approached him, he could tell that they were his nest-mates, which could be judged from the familiar smell they gave out. One of them touched him with his antennas, asking, “Why are you here alone?” Anthony told him what had happened. Finally, Anthony followed his nest-mates and arrived home. Then he was aware why they had to stay in line when searching for food outside.


本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,蚂蚁Anthony 对于大家为什么总是要一起排队觉得很奇怪。一天,他决定自己单独出去转转。出发的时候他记得回来时要在枫树那里左转。他在外面走了一个多小时之后,感到很疲惫,决定转身回家,这时发现自己迷路了。

续写部分分为两段,第1段开头是:他犹豫着,不知道该怎么办。接下来应该写他想起来了应该在枫树那里向左转,但是山上是一片枫树林,他不知道是哪棵树那里左转。他感到很茫然无措。第2段开头是:他继续往前走,这时听到有声音。他看到一群蚂蚁向他这里走来,从他们身上散发出的气味, 他能够判断出他们是他同巢的伙伴,于是高兴地跟着他们回家了。他终于理解了为什么外出觅食要排队。续写时要先仔细阅读文章时,然后根据文章内容展开合理的想象。


【题目】 Towner Art Gallerythe contemporary art museumpresents a unique programme of major exhibitions of contemporary and historic visual art. Towner’s new home in the heart of the Cultural Quarter has repositioned its exhibitions and activities where they can be enjoyed by all. Wheelchairs can be provided for visitors with mobility difficulties. Assistance dogs are welcome.

OpeningFrom 1 0 a. m. to 5 P. m.

PricesOne paying exhibition per yearall other exhibitions are free

Location10-minute walk from Eastbourne Railway Station

Here is something you’re likely to enjoy at Towner Art Gallery.

Towner Tours

Enjoy a tour of the exhibitions with the help of your guide. You may also book a group tour for 10 or more people at a time convenient for youfor2 per person.

OpeningDaily except weekends

Towner Cafe Bar

Urban Ground is the perfect spot to enjoy a delicious Direct Trade coffee made from Union Hand Roasted beans. Treat yourself to one of their freshly prepared light lunches.

OpeningDaily except Saturdays and Sundays

Coastal Culture Trail

The De La Wart Pavilion in BexhillJerwood Galleryand Towner—three of the most exciting visual art galleries in the UK—share a 20-mile stretch of East Sussex coastline which—less than 90 minutes from London—is the perfect destination for a weekend getaway. You can start from the Jerwood Gallery in Hastings and follow it to Towner Art Gallery or in reverse(相反).


Tiny Towner Drop-in

This is a welcoming space for under-5s and their parents and caregivers to play and explore together.

OpeningEvery Tuesday

1Where is Towner Art Gallery?

A.In Bexhill.B.In Hastings.

C.In London.D.In Eastbourne.

2Which will be a wonderful choice for a weekend tour?

A.Towner Tours.B.Coastal Culture Trail.

C.Tiny Towner Drop-in.D.Towner Cafe Bar.

3What do we know about Towner Art Gallery?

A.Its exhibitions are all charged.B.It is open every day.

C.It favors the disabled.D.It offers free group service.

【题目】Where the streets smell like cheese: Milwaukee tries dairy waste as de-icer

In response to the winter storm striking the area last weekend, street crews of Milwaukee, a city in Wisconsin, will be spreading cheese brine(卤水)along its ice-covered streets this winter as an alternative of normally used rock salt, which serves as an essential road de-icer despite its damaging impact on the environment.

The trial was inspired by a successful experiment in rural Polk County. In addition to being a more effective de-icer due to a lower freezing point, the cheesy liquid prevents rock salt from bouncing and scattering off roadways, which means less has to be used and less of it ends up entering the surrounding environment.

Milwaukee can make good use of the difficult-to-dispose type of organic waste found in great abundance across the state: salty leftover cheese-making juice. Sometimes you just have to get creative and work with the type of waste byproduct and turn it into something beneficial. When the first cheese brine salt trucks of the city appeared in the street last week, Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee, compared the act to “thinking outside of the cheese box”.

To be clear, Milwaukee won’t completely replace rock salt with thousands of gallons of salty cheese juice. The project, which will first be tested in Bay View neighborhood, will involve a mixture of rock salt and cheese brine. The brine will be sourced from a production plant owned by F&A Dairy in Polk County. Milwaukee will save in rock salt costs while F&A Dairy, which transforms 900, 000 pounds of milk into cheese every day, will save cash in the brine disposal.

While it is noted that the cheese brine solution has a “distinctive odor.” Emil Norby, the gentleman who originally thought of using cheese brine to treat ice-covered roads, explains that Milwaukee residents can expect to experience the slight bad milk smell once the cheese brine is applied to streets. He smiles, “I don’t really mind it. Our roads smell like Wisconsin!”

1Why does the cheese brine become an option as a road de-icer?

A.It increases the consumption of cheese.B.It decreases milk byproducts.

C.It is from experiences of Polk County.D.It’s more effective and eco-friendly.

2What can the underlined idiom in the 3rd paragraph be used to describe?

A.A test with an expected result.B.A trial made creatively.

C.A company benefiting the locals.D.A volunteer who protects environments.

3What do people think of the project of the city and F&A Dairy?

A.It will make a fortune for the city.B.It will change the life of local people.

C.It will attract more investment.D.It will be a win-win co-operation.

4How do the locals respond to the smell of cheese brine according to Norby?

A.It will lead to bad appetite.B.It may make them sick.

C.It is still acceptable.D.It cannot be noticed.

【题目】 Towner Art Gallery, the contemporary art museum, presents a unique programme of major exhibitions of contemporary and historic visual art. Towner's new home in the heart of the Cultural Quarter has repositioned its exhibitions and activities where they can be enjoyed by all. Wheelchairs can be provided for visitors with mobility difficulties. Assistance dogs are welcome.

Opening: From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Prices: One paying exhibition per year; all other exhibitions are free

Location: 10-minute walk from Eastbourne Railway Station

Here is something you're likely to enjoy at Towner Art Gallery.

Towner Tours

Enjoy a tour of the exhibitions with the help of your guide. You may also book a group tour for 10 or more people at a time convenient for you, for 2 per person.

Opening: Daily except weekends

Towner Cafe Bar

Urban Ground is the perfect spot to enjoy a delicious Direct Trade coffee made from Union Hand Roasted beans. Treat yourself to one of their freshly prepared light lunches.

Opening: Daily except Saturdays and Sundays

Coastal Culture Trail

The De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill, Jerwood Gallery, and Towner- -three of the most exciting visual art galleries in the UK- share a 20-mile stretch of East Sussex coastline, which- -less than 90 minutes from London- is the perfect destination for a weekend getaway. You can start from the Jerwood Gallery in Hastings and follow it to Towner Art Gallery or in reverse(相反).

Opening: Daily

Tiny Towner Drop-in

This is a welcoming space for under-5s and their parents and caregivers to play and explore together.

Opening: Every Tuesday

1Where is Towner Art Gallery?

A.In Bexhill.B.In Hastings.

C.In London.D.In Eastbourne.

2Which will be a wonderful choice for a weekend tour?

A.Towner Tours.B.Coastal Culture Trail.

C.Tiny Towner Drop-in.D.Towner Cafe Bar.

3What do we know about Towner Art Gallery?

A.Its exhibitions are all charged.B.It is open every day.

C.It favors the disabled.D.It offers free group service.

【题目】Most Visited European Destinations for Chinese Tourists

Bicester Village

According to a 2019 Visit Britain report, over 275,000 Chinese tourists visit the UK every year. And where do they go? It claimed that “they are mostly interested in symbolic elements: the Royal Family, Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and Downton Abbey”.

Then there’s the shopping. Bicester Village, a vast retail estate on the outskirts of the Oxfordshire town, is the second most visited UK attraction for Chinese tourists after Buckingham Palace, and three in four Chinese visitors head there.

King’s College, Cambridge

A famous tree, for Chinese people at least, can be found in King’s College, Cambridge. The willow(柳树), regarded to be a holy thing to lost youth, is mentioned in a much-loved poem by Xu Zhimo, who spent a year studying at King’s College - Taking Leave of Cambridge Again.


The former West German capital is another popular port of call. Chinese love classical music, particularly Beethoven, making his birthplace an obvious highlight of any trip to Europe. The city’s tourist board offers maps in three foreign languages: English, Chinese and Japanese.


Both British and Chinese travelers flock to Venice, Rome and Florence, but Verona typically appears higher on the wish lists of China’s tourists. That’s because of the country’s adoration of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The play is popular on UK shores, of course, but the love is doubled in China as it was among the first of the Shakespeare’s works to be translated into Chinese Mandarin. Its plot bears a striking resemblance(相似之处) to a famous Chinese folk tale, The Butterfly Lovers. Expect to see queues at the popular House of Juliet on Via Cappello (a statue of the character stands beneath her balcony).

1Which is most visited destination for Chinese tourists?

A.Bicester Village.B.Buckingham Palace.

C.King’s College.D.Cambridge.

2Which place are the Chinese music fans likely to go?

A.Bicester Village.B.King’s College, Cambridge.


3Which are adored by Chinese tourists who love literature?

A.Bicester Village and Bonn.B.Bicester Village and King’s College, Cambridge.

C.Verona and Bonn.D.King’s College, Cambridge and Verona.

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