
【题目】The Wolf at the Door

Russ Fee was asleep inside his tent last summer when a series of screams shocked him awake. Throwing on his shoes, he ran out to investigate. Fee and his wife were travelling through Canada's Banff National Park to enjoy its breathtaking beauty and awesome wildlife. It was the latter he now experienced. Although it was dark, Fee could see a neighboring tent was in a mess. Backing out was a wolf, dragging something in his teeth. That thing was a man J

Moments earlier, Elisa and Matt Rispoli, from New Jersey, were asleep with their two young children when the wolf broke into their tent. "It was like something out of a horror movie'‘ Elisa posted on Facebook. "For three minutes, Matt threw his body in front of me and the boys and fought against the wolf. At one point, Matt got the upper hand, pinning (压住) the wolf to the ground. But the wolf held its jaw onto Matt's arm tightly, set its powerful legs, and began dragging Matt outside while I was pulling on his legs trying to get him back'‘ Elisa wrote.

It was then that Fee entered the picture. He ran at the wolf, kicking it “like I was kicking in a door,” he told ABC New York. The wolf dropped Matt and emerged from the tent. "Wolves are large'‘ Fee told the radio show Calgary Eyeopener. " I felt like I had hit someone that was way out of my weight class."

Before the wolf could turn its anger on Fee, Matt, his arms bloodied, flew out of the tent to continue the battle. The men threw rocks at the wolf, forcing it back, then the Fees and the Rispolis escaped to the shelter of the Fees’ minivan(厢式旅行车). An ambulance was called, and Matt was taken to a local hospital suffering from open wounds. Luckily he has fully recovered. The wolf was tracked down by park officials and killed in a painless way.

As for Fee, whom Elisa called their lifesaver, he does admit to a fleeting(闪现的),if less- than-heroic, thought during the heat of battle. The moment the wolf locked eyes with him, Fee says, "I immediately regretted kicking it."

1What happened to the Rispolis one night last summer?

A.They were scared by a horror movie.

B.They were suddenly woken up by screams.

C.They got injured and taken to the hospital.

D.They suffered a surprise attack from a wolf

2Russ Fee joined Matt Rispoli when _______.

A.Matt was dropped down by the wolf

B.Matt gained the advantage over the wolf

C.the wolf was dragging Matt out of the tent

D.the wolf broke into the tent of the Rispolis

3Matt Rispoli survived because _______.

A.the wolf was killed by park officialsB.he took shelter in a neighboring tent

C.he got great help and timely treatmentD.the wolf was driven away by Russ Fee

4What can we learn about Russ Fee from the last paragraph?

A.He feels regretful for what he did.B.He enjoys being called a lifesaver.

C.He feels quite heroic about himselfD.He admits his fear during the fight.







本文为记叙文。本文讲述了Russ Fee在加拿大国家公园露营时英勇救人与狼搏斗的故事。

1细节理解题。由第一段Russ Fee was asleep inside his tent last summer when a series of screams shocked him awake. (去年夏天,Russ Fee在他的帐篷里睡觉时,一连串的尖叫声把他惊醒了。) Backing out was a wolf, dragging something in his teeth(一只狼在后退,用牙齿拖着什么东西。).可知,他们在公园度假时,一连串的叫声把他惊醒,原来是有人遭到狼的突然袭击,故选D

2细节理解题。根据第二、三段… the wolf held its jaw onto Matt's arm tightly, set its powerful legs, and began dragging Matt outside while I was pulling on his legs trying to get him back(那只狼用下巴紧紧咬住马特的手臂,抬起有力的双腿,开始把马特拖到外面,而我则拉着他的腿想把他拽回来)It was then that Fee entered the picture(就在那时,Russ Fee出现了)可知,在狼把Matt Rispoli拖出了帐篷后,Russ Fee加入了抢救过程,故选C

3推理判断题。根据第四段The men threw rocks at the wolf, forcing it back, then the Fees and the Rispolis escaped to the shelter of the Fees’ minivan(厢式旅行车).An ambulance was called, and Matt was taken to a local hospital suffering from open wounds. Luckily he has fully recovered(这些人向狼扔石头,把它逼回去,然后FeesRispolis一家跑到Fee厢式旅行车躲避。救护车来了,马特被送到了当地的医院).可知,因为得到了巨大的帮助和及时的治疗,Matt活了下来,故选C

4推理判断题。从最后一段he does admit to a fleeting(闪现的), if less-than-heroic, thought during the heat of battle. The moment the wolf locked eyes with him, Fee says, "I immediately regretted kicking it."(他承认在激烈的战斗中有一丝闪现的不那么英勇的想法。当那只狼与费目光相遇的那一刻,Fee:“我立刻后悔不该踢它。”)可知,他在战斗中承认了自己的恐惧。故选D


【题目】 Life affects (影响) friendships. As we grow, marry, fight in wars, move across the country or change jobs, old friendships fall away and new ones form. As long as we live, the things around us change, and as long as things change, friendships are affected.

When we were children, we had best friends. No matter what happened we were still friends. We live our lives, however, and do what life calls for us to do, and as we got older, memories fade, faces blur, and even friend’s names from childhood are forgotten.

Do you have a question about friendship? Do you wonder what to do with a friend who is no longer friendly? Perhaps you will see that you can’t control others. If someone wants to be your friend, it is their choice. All you can do is treat them well and do the best for them when you are with them. Then you wish them well when they leave.

You can talk to old timers (老前辈) and they will tell you that life is full of joy and sorrow, and that what bothers you today will one day becomes a memory and the pain will be gone. Seniors might tell you that you will learn more as you get older. They will tell you that friendships come and friendships go. Sometimes when they go, it will hurt, but you will be okay with it. It’s the way life works, after all.

1What doe the text tell us about friendship?

A.It may change with time.

B.It affects our life deeply.

C.It is easy to build a friendship.

D.It is wrong to forget a friend.

2What does the underlined word “blur” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Get recognized more easily.

B.Become less clear.

C.Turn less attractive.

D.Grow more beautiful.

3What may be the author’s advice on friendship?

A.Make good choices about friends.

B.Stop old friends from leaving.

C.Learn to accept new friends.

D.Take good care of friends.

4What do old timers and seniors have in common?

A.They have a positive attitude to life.

B.They believe friends hurt each other.

C.They regard friendship as a treasure.

D.They stress the importance of memory.

【题目】The Buy Nothing Movement

Social media, magazines and shop windows bombard(猛轰)people daily with things to buy, and British consumers are buying more clothes than ever before. The average person spends more than 1,000 on new clothes a year, which might not sound like much. 1 A lot of consumer spending is by means of credit cards. British people currently owe about 670 per adult to credit card companies. Also, people are spending money they haven't earned to buy things they don't need. Britain throws away 300,000 tons of clothing a year, most of which goes into landfill(垃圾填 埋地)sites.

2But charity shops can't sell all those unwanted clothes. A lot of clothes that charities can't sell are sent abroad, causing even more economic and environmental problems.

3The idea originated in Canada in the early 1990s and then moved to the US. On Buy Nothing Day people organise various types of protests and cut up their credit cards. Throughout the year, Buy Nothing groups organise the exchange and repair of items they already own.

The trend has now reached influencers on social media who now encourage their viewers not to buy anything at all for periods as long as a year. Two friends in Canada spent a year working towards buying only food. For the first three months they learned how to live without buying electrical goods, clothes or things for the house. For the next stage, they gave up services, for example, haircuts, eating out or buying petrol for their cars. 4

The changes they made meant two fewer cars on the roads, a reduction in plastic and paper packaging and a positive impact on the environment from all the energy saved. 5But even if you can't manage a full year without going shopping, you can participate in the anti-consumerist movement by refusing to buy things you don't need.

A.In one year, they'd saved $55,000.

B.If everyone followed a similar plan, the results would be impressive.

C.Online shopping means it is easy for customers to buy without thinking.

D.Second-hand clothes are often of too poor quality to recycle in charity shops.

E.But that figure hides two far more worrying trends for society and for the environment

F.However, a different trend arises in opposition to consumerism—the ' buy nothing' trend.

G.People might not realise the problems because they donate their unwanted clothes to charities.

【题目】 Why do you run? Different people have different reasons. Whatever your reason is, there’s one thing we can be sure of: Running is much better injury-free. In his book, Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Running Strong, Metzl has the perfect suggestions for enjoying your running without losing your well-being (健康). Here are five must-follow rules for injury-free running:

Train for your level of fitness and your goals.

Don’t run more miles than your body can deal with. If you run for fitness and your goal is about 30 minutes a day, that’s cool. But if you are just starting out, 1

Wear the right shoes for your feet.

You will hear lots of opinions about whether running shoes really help prevent injury and whether you should even wear them. 2 And some of you may need a little added assistance from inserts (鞋垫).


Be honest about how much sleep you need and stick to it. The cool runner is the one who wins the race. Sleep will get you there.

Fuel (提供能量) your body right for running and recovery.

4 And after a workout or race, you need to deliver nutrients to all the body rebuilders in your muscles, so they can do their job and get you back into tip-top shape for your run tomorrow.

Pay attention to pain.

When pain changes the way you run, stop running. 5 And use dynamic rest (动态休息) to stay in shape until you are back on your running feet.

A. Get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

B. Try to find out what is going on and treat the pain.

C. you need to get there slowly.

D. Running should be seen as fun rather than pain.

E. It is because of the health benefits, including lowering your risk of disease.

F. The right running shoes can help correct foot-movement problems that lead to injury.

G. A good pre-run meal plan is one that keeps you stepping strong.

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