

1.Their _________ (behave) towards me shows that they do not like me.

2.He had been under _________ (观察) by the police before he was caught.

3.We’d better take time and money into _________ (consider) when making the plan.

4.We have been told to show r_________ for our elders.

5._________ (inspire) by what the old man said, the boy decided to try again.

6.Look! There is a child _________ (挣扎) in the lake.

7. He made up his mind to r_________ himself of the bad habits.

8. The meeting last week was aimed at _________ (扩张) the company.

9.She r_________ her weight by 5 kilograms because she considered herself too fat.

10.The man, who is _________ (提到,涉及) to at the meeting, is my former classmate.

11.The scientist said that the rocks had changed in both _________ (chemistry) and physical ways.

12.The old man came in, with two young men _________ (支持,支撑) his body.

13.Whenever I come across computer problems, I will consult my uncle because he is a s_________ in that field.

14.More teaching _________ (设备) will be given to the school as a reward.

15.There were strong _________ (argue) for and against the new policy.

16.He felt a great sense of a_________ when he finally succeeded in entering that key university.

17.To my _________ (satisfy), he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.

18.90% of the products are _________ (出口) to Europe, which earns a lot of money for our country.

19.Researchers in this field have made several important new _________ (discover)

20.The girl is so gossip that she likes to make c_________ on others' clothes.

21.Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year _________ (be) from this hybrid strain.

22.Barbara is easy to recognize as she is the only one of the women who _________ (wear) evening dress.

23.Going to bed early and getting up early _________ (be) a good habit.

24.No one can avoid _________ (influence) by advertisements.

25. He attached great importance to _________ (build) up our country.


























24.being influenced





2.考查词组:be under observation被观察

3.考查词组:take sth into consideration把…考虑在内

4.考查词组:show respect for尊敬



7.考查词组:rid sb of sth使…摆脱…

8.考查动名词做宾语:上个星期的会议旨在扩大公司。Be aimed at doing sth,填expanding


10.考查动词的过去分词:会议上提到的那个人是我以前的同学:be referred to被提到


12.考查with符合结构:with +宾语+宾语补足语,two young men 和support是主动关系,用现在分词做宾语补足语:supporting




16.考查词组:a great sense of achievement 一种成就感

17.考查名词:To my satisfaction使我满意的是

18.考查动词:90%的产品被出口到欧洲,这给我们国家挣了很多钱:表示被动用:be exported


20.考查词组:make comments on对…做出评价

21.考查主谓一致:分数百分数修饰主语的时候,谓语和主语the rice 一致,用单数is

22.考查主谓一致:定语从句的谓语和先行词保持一致:这句话的先行词是the only one of the women 谓语是单数wears

23.考查主谓一致:动名词Going to bed early and getting up early做主语,谓语是单数 is

24.考查动名词做宾语:没有人可以避免被广告影响:avoid后面接动名词做宾语:No one 和influence是被动关系,用being influenced

25.考查动名词做宾语:他重视建设我们的国家。attached great importance to 后面接动名词做宾语building





【小题1】The survey shows that the spread of the disease has caused growing public ________(担忧).
【小题2】It was warm enough to be ________(户外) all afternoon.
【小题3】The ship will start its first ________(航行) next Monday.
【小题4】In order to get this job done well, you have to speak ________(流利) in at least two African languages.
【小题5】By the age of two a child will have a ________(词汇量) of about two hundred words.
【小题6】Building of the new library should begin in the ________(较后) part of next year.
【小题7】His ________(口音) suggested that he was not a native here.
【小题8】Although they are twins, they look ________(完全) different.
【小题9】Both parents and ________(青少年) must try to bridge the generation gap between them
【小题10】She had changed so much that I didn't r________ her until she began to talk.
【小题11】I am not from Netherlands; a________, I am from Denmark.
【小题12】I'm afraid I can't help you at p________; I'm too busy.
【小题13】This autumn the BBC will be showing a s________ of French films.
【小题14】Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a ________(settle).
【小题15】Facial ________(express) are important in communication.
The idea that he ________ ________ ________ when calmed down did work.
Friends ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ our lives, though we may take the fact of friendship for granted.
The teacher suggested that we ________ ________ our conclusions ________ facts rather than feelings.
He wanted to be famous -- he ________ ________ ________ being nobody.
It ________ the first time that I ________ ________ with a Spanish student face to face. It turned out that we got along quite well.
【小题21】I'm grateful that you helped me out.
= I'm grateful ________ ________ ________ ________ me out
【小题22】She was absent from school because she was ill.
=" She" was absent from school ________ ________ ________.
【小题23】We should ask the student to fully use the Internet resources.
=" We" should ask the student to _______ ________ ________ _______ the Internet resources.
【小题24】There are more than 3,000 students in our school.
=" ________" ________ _______ the students in our school _______ more than 3,000.
【小题25】I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. (对划线部分进行强调)
________ ________ ________ ________ I met Li Ming at the railway station.

【小题1】I made an a_______ to him because I broke his bicycle.
【小题2】Dad gave us a lecture about our table m_______.
【小题3】Ancient people had different ways to explain how the world came into e_______.
【小题4】The journey took a_______ two weeks. Maybe longer, but I can’t be sure.
【小题5】The carpet m_______ 6 by 6 metres, so it has an area of 36 square metres.
【小题6】The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly _______(气氛).
【小题7】I’m sorry to bother you, but I have several questions to _______(咨询) you.
【小题8】Columbus discovered America but did not explore this _______(大陆).
【小题9】I'd like to _______(确认) our appointment at 3:30 p.m. Friday in your office.
【小题10】The author deals with the problem of _______(暴力) among teenagers in the first few chapters.
【小题11】Sir, you’re not allowed to enter the building if you don’t get our manager’s _______(permit).
【小题12】_______(forgive) does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
【小题13】A distant journey tests the _______(strong) of a horse and a long task proves the character of a man
【小题14】She was a quick learner and adapted to the new _______(surround) well.
【小题15】I found most of the characters in the play totally _______(believe), because they were not real..
John could not ______ ______ his absence from school.
Newton ______ ______ ______ what made the apple fall "downwards" instead of "upward".
People often talk about how to ______ ______ ______ ______ work and personal life.
Before she ______ ______ in Vancouver, she had run her own antiques shop in London.
Every photo taken in this studio will ______ ______ ______ the warm and sweet past.
【小题21】Undoubtedly, exercise like walking has benefited many patients.
=" Undoubtedly," many patients ______ ______ ______ exercise like walking.
【小题22】--Have you got any idea ______ the party is to be held?
-- This Friday night. Do you know ______ Sandy knows it?
【小题23】We should learn ______ before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious ______ the problem itself is.
【小题24】______ the town is no longer ______ it used to be is very obvious.
【小题25】What makes me puzzled is ______ told him the news ______ the sports meeting was put off.


1.I made an a_______ to him because I broke his bicycle.

2.Dad gave us a lecture about our table m_______.

3.Ancient people had different ways to explain how the world came into e_______.

4.The journey took a_______ two weeks. Maybe longer, but I can’t be sure.

5.The carpet m_______ 6 by 6 metres, so it has an area of 36 square metres.

6.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly _______(气氛).

7.I’m sorry to bother you, but I have several questions to _______(咨询) you.

8.Columbus discovered America but did not explore this _______(大陆).

9.I'd like to _______(确认) our appointment at 3:30 p.m. Friday in your office.

10.The author deals with the problem of _______(暴力) among teenagers in the first few chapters.

11.Sir, you’re not allowed to enter the building if you don’t get our manager’s _______(permit).

12._______(forgive) does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

13.A distant journey tests the _______(strong) of a horse and a long task proves the character of a man

14.She was a quick learner and adapted to the new _______(surround) well.

15.I found most of the characters in the play totally _______(believe), because they were not real..


John could not ______ ______ his absence from school.


Newton ______ ______ ______ what made the apple fall "downwards" instead of "upward".


People often talk about how to ______ ______ ______ ______ work and personal life.


Before she ______ ______ in Vancouver, she had run her own antiques shop in London.


Every photo taken in this studio will ______ ______ ______ the warm and sweet past.

21.Undoubtedly, exercise like walking has benefited many patients.

=" Undoubtedly," many patients ______ ______ ______ exercise like walking.

22.--Have you got any idea ______ the party is to be held?

-- This Friday night. Do you know ______ Sandy knows it?

23.We should learn ______ before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious ______ the problem itself is.

24.______ the town is no longer ______ it used to be is very obvious.

25.What makes me puzzled is ______ told him the news ______ the sports meeting was put off.



1.The survey shows that the spread of the disease has caused growing public ________(担忧).

2.It was warm enough to be ________(户外) all afternoon.

3.The ship will start its first ________(航行) next Monday.

4.In order to get this job done well, you have to speak ________(流利) in at least two African languages.

5.By the age of two a child will have a ________(词汇量) of about two hundred words.

6.Building of the new library should begin in the ________(较后) part of next year.

7.His ________(口音) suggested that he was not a native here.

8.Although they are twins, they look ________(完全) different.

9.Both parents and ________(青少年) must try to bridge the generation gap between them

10.She had changed so much that I didn't r________ her until she began to talk.

11.I am not from Netherlands; a________, I am from Denmark.

12.I'm afraid I can't help you at p________; I'm too busy.

13.This autumn the BBC will be showing a s________ of French films.

14.Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a ________(settle).

15.Facial ________(express) are important in communication.


The idea that he ________ ________ ________ when calmed down did work.


Friends ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ our lives, though we may take the fact of friendship for granted.


The teacher suggested that we ________ ________ our conclusions ________ facts rather than feelings.


He wanted to be famous -- he ________ ________ ________ being nobody.


It ________ the first time that I ________ ________ with a Spanish student face to face. It turned out that we got along quite well.

21.I'm grateful that you helped me out.

= I'm grateful ________ ________ ________ ________ me out

22.She was absent from school because she was ill.

=" She" was absent from school ________ ________ ________.

23.We should ask the student to fully use the Internet resources.

=" We" should ask the student to _______ ________ ________ _______ the Internet resources.

24.There are more than 3,000 students in our school.

=" ________" ________ _______ the students in our school _______ more than 3,000.

25.I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. (对划线部分进行强调)

________ ________ ________ ________ I met Li Ming at the railway station.


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