
5.Easter was always my favorite holiday.Three years ago,Easter Sunday,as usual,(41)Bwith giving our seventeen-year-old son his basket in the morning and seeing the (42)Aon his face as he looked through it.We then went to church and had our Easter dinner.
But that was the last(43)Dmoment in my life.I lost my son to a terrible (44)Con the way home that very day.He was taken to the nearby hospital.(45)Cdid all they could,but my son(46)Ano brain activity and I was told he would not(47)B.They asked if we would (48)Bdonating his organs to Gift of Life.
I never thought(49)D  about being an organ donor myself.But when asked to donate my seventeen-year-old son's organs,my emotions(情感) went(50)A.Finally,I was able to pull it together and(51)Cto donate his organs.Gift of Life had a lot of work ahead of them in(52)Amatches for my son's organs.But almost immediately they came back with a perfect(53)Afor his heart-a sixteen-year-old girl who lived in another state.
The following afternoon,a close friend of my family told my sister she believed she knew where my son's heart was going.A phone call to the aunt of this child pretty much (54)Dher niece was the one receiving my son's heart.Now I understood that (55)BI lost my son,he was saving a girl who had been sick since she was eight years old.(56)Cthat,I had no(57)Dthat I had made the right decision to donate my son's organs.
Gift of Life (58)Bbroke their confidentiality agreement(保密协议) but since we had all figured it out ourselves,I was able to meet this(59)A,along with her family,a year after my son's death.Since then,we have grown(60)D.It is surprising how much our families have in common.Every time I saw the girl's smiling face,it felt as if my son had never left us.
45.A.TeachersB.PolicemenC.DoctorsD.My family
47.A.pull backB.pull throughC.pull upD.pull over
55.A.unlessB.even thoughC.becauseD.since

分析 本文为记叙文.在复活节这一天,"我"带着儿子去教堂参加复活节晚宴.不幸的是,回家的路上儿子遭遇不测.儿子去世后,"我"决定捐赠器官.每当看到因儿子的器官而获新生的孩子,"我"就觉得这是上天的另一种馈赠.

解答 41----45 BADCC      46---50 ABBDA       51----55 CAADB      56----60 CDBAD
41.B 根据后两句中的关键词in the morning和then可知,早晨起来首先把篮子递给儿子.A项意为"通过";B项意为"开始";C项意为"结束";D项意为"使满意".故B项正确.
42.A 由本段第一句"Easter was always my favorite holiday."可知,复活节是"我"开心的节日,由此可知,在这一天她看到的是儿子高兴的表情.A项意为"高兴";B项意为"担忧";C项意为"冷静";D项意为"决心".故A项正确.
43.D 由后文可知,"我"儿子发生车祸去世了,所以那是在其生命中最后一次拥有和往年复活节一样的正常的美好时光.A项意为"舒适的";B项意为"重要的";C项意为"最喜爱的";D项意为"正常的".故D项正确.
44.C 根据此空后的"on the way home that very day"以及下一句"He was taken to the nearby hospital."可推知,儿子在回家的路上发生了交通事故.A项意为"手术";B项意为"事件";C项意为"事故";D项意为"挑战".故C项正确.
54.C 由常理可知,儿子送到医院之后,当然是医生竭尽全力挽救他.故C项正确.
46.A 由句意可知,虽然医生尽力了,但是他仍然没有显示有任何大脑活动的迹象.故A项正确.
47.B 由后一句中的"…donating his organs to Gift of Life."可知,"我"的儿子没有渡过这次难关,最终去世了.A项意为"退出,反悔";B项意为"渡过难关";C项意为"停下,责备";D项意为"靠边停车".故B项正确.
48.B 由句意可知,他们问"我"是否考虑把儿子的器官捐给"生命之礼"这个组织.A项意为"承认";B项意为"考虑";C项意为"建议";D项意为"禁止".故B项正确.
49.D think twice about为固定短语,意为"仔细考虑".故D项正确.
50.A 根据后一句中"Finally,I was able to pull it together"可知,一开始"我"无法接受这件事情,无法控制自己的情感.故A项正确.
51.C 由下文可知,"我"最终还是同意将儿子的器官捐赠给这个组织.A项意为"假装";B项意为"拒绝";C项意为"同意";D项意为"买得起".故C项正确.
52.A 由常识可知,这个组织首先得找到与她儿子器官相匹配的患者.A项意为"找到";B项意为"计算";C项意为"运送";D项意为"讨论".故A项正确.
53.A 根据前一句中的"…matches for my son's organs"可知A项正确.
54.D 根据"A phone call to the aunt of this child"可知,之后打电话给接受器官的家属证实了朋友所说的是真实的.A项意为"告知";B项意为"决定";C项意为"期待";D项意为"证实".故D项正确.
55.B 分析句意可知,前后句之间是转折关系.尽管"我"失去了儿子,但是却挽救了一个八岁就患病的女孩.故B项正确.
56.C 分析句意可知,在那之后,"我"就再也没有怀疑"我"所做出的这个决定的正确性.故C项正确.
57.D 由上一题解析可知D项正确.A项意为"选择";B项意为"想知道";C项意为"注意";D项意为"怀疑".
58.B 根据"but since we had all figure it out ourselves"可知,这个组织从来没有违反保密协议,而是我们自己发现的.故B项正确.
59.A 由后文可知,"我"见到了接受儿子器官移植的女孩以及其家人.故A项正确.
60.D 根据最后一句"Every time I saw the girl's smiling face,it felt as if my son had never left us."可知,"我"与这个女孩的关系变得非常亲密.故D项正确.

点评 考察学生的推理判断能力和联系上下文的能力,在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.此类的填空题一定要联系上下文,根据上下文的内容加上自己的理解,再作出正确的判断.

10.The Great Barrier Reef is home to brightly colored fish,eye-catching coral,and swaying seaweed.What else is hiding in the world's largest coral reef?Scientists recently dived into the water to find out.A team of scientists explored the reef,located along Australia's northeastern coast.They also checked out Ningaloo Reef on the country's western coast.The searches turned up hundreds of animal species,including some that may be new to science.Scientists spied worms shaped like trees,big-clawed shrimp and jellyfish.
"It is awe-inspiring to know that so much of what we see has not yet been described,"says Patricia Hendricks,who took part in the expedition.That is a trip with a specific goal."The reef is truly a beautiful place with so many mysteries."
Scientists wanted to get a closer look at some of the underwater cities'lesser-known residents-soft coral.Using netted bags and their hands,the scientists searched the reefs.They found about 130types of soft coral that may be new species.A lot is known about hard coral,but soft coral is more of a mystery.The creatures are very diverse,or varied.Some are shaped like bushes or fans.Others are whips that twist with the currents.They grow in rainbow of colors.Despite the variety,some types of soft coral look very similar to one another,"This makes them a challenge to study,and so very little is known about them."Hendricks told ER News.She and other researchers took samples of the soft coral.The scientists also zeroed in on what was living in and around the coral.They hope to identify the new species.
The reef research isn't done yet.The scientists plan to return to same three spots annually for the next six years.They left 36plastic"houses"stuck to the ocean floor.The scientists hope some of the coral reefs'residents will move into the houses over time.That will make it easier for scientists to study the creatures on future trips.
The scientists'findings could give humans a hand.Some marine life is used in medicine.Researchers can also study how the creatures deal with pollution and climate change.That mightgive scientists ideas on how people could better adapt or change.Knowing what creatures live in oceans is important,scientists say,because on-third of the world's coral reefs are endangered."If we don't know what is present in the first place,how are we ever going to protect it properly?"asks Hendricks."Learning about new species is an important step."

53.What's the main idea of the passage?A
A.Scientists find surprises in the Great barrier Reef.
B.Soft Coral no longer remains a mystery.
C.Scientists left 36plastic houses to the ocean floor.
D.Scientists made explorations to deal with ocean pollution.
54.According to the passage,what makes the study of the soft coral a big challenge?C
A.The diversity of the soft coral. B.Many unknown species.
C.The similar appearance.          D.Various shapes and colors.
55.What does the writer mean by"That might give scientists ideas on how people could better adapt,or change."(Para.5)?B
A.Ocean species may be of great medical value in the future.
B.A study of ocean creatures'adaptation may assist scientists in their research.
C.Research on ocean creatures will help solve the pollution problem.
D.Studying new ocean species will help improve people's living environment.
56.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.the scientists discovered many ocean species by accident
B.coral reefs in the world are endangered because of climate change
C.the Great Barrier Reef has been attracting more scientists'attention
D.the samples of the soft coral enables scientists to further explore the ocean.
17.According to its label (标签),a pint of H?agen-Dazs ice cream contains four servings (份).But when was the last time you measured out a fourth of a container of Cookies & Cream,then put the rest away for another day?
For many people,the reality is that much of a pint can easily disappear in one sitting.A large package of Cool Ranch Doritos lists a single serving as roughly 12 chips,but it's hard to imagine keeping count of every last chip as you dig into a bag.
Canned soup may be one of the more obvious examples.According to its label,a single serving of Campbell's Chunky Classic Chicken Noodle soup is one cup-just under half a can-and contains about 790milligrams of sodium (钠).But in a national survey of 1,000consumers,only 10 percent of people said they would eat a one-cup portion.Most,about 64percent,said they would eat an entire can at one time,taking in 1,840milligrams of sodium in a sitting.That is roughly 80percent of the 2,300milligrams recommended as the upper limit for daily salt intake.
In the face of increasing criticism,the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) has been under pressure for years to force food makers to include more realistic serving-size information on their labels.The agency regulates the serving sizes that can be listed on packages by providing food makers with detailed instructions to follow,which list the amounts of a specific food that a person would"customarily consume"in a typical sitting.But critics say these so-called reference amounts are often laughably small because they're based in part on surveys of eating behavior that were carried out in the 1970s,when Americans ate less food and portions had not been supersized.
Now,in an effort to emphasize the problems with some labels,the Center for Science in the Public Interest,a consumer advocacy group,has picked out what it says are some of the worst offenders.At the top of its list are labels for canned soups,ice cream,coffee creamers and nonstick cooking sprays-all of which grossly understate (少报) the calories,sodium and saturated fat the average person typically consumes when eating these foods.
The F.D.A.has been in the process of revising existing food labels since 2005.But the agency has been somewhat tight-lipped about where it is in the process and any changes it plans to make,like whether labels should include details on added sugars or just total sugar,for example,and whether calories should be emphasized less or more than they are now.
This fall,the Institute of Medicine is expected to release its own report on food packaging and labeling as well.

63.According to the passage,when eating canned soup,C.
A.people are aware of the amount they take in
B.people are worried about the amount they take in
C.many people take in too big an amount unconsciously
D.most people follow the instructions on the label closely
64.The writer tries to convince us thatB.
A.food consumers are to blame for eating so carelessly
B.food makers show little consideration for consumers
C.most labels on food packages give false information
D.the amount of food in one package is often too large
65.What does the writer seem to think of the F.D.A's efforts?B
A.Considerable.  B.Unsatisfying.  C.Unreasonable.  D.Effective.
66.Which might be the proper title for the passage?A
A.Problem with serving sizes              B.Trend of packaging and labeling
C.Relationship between diet and health    D.Efforts to reduce criticism.

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