The art of creating pictures using colors, shapes and lines is called painting. Museums and galleries show the paintings of professional (专业的) artists. But painting is also a popular form of entertainment and creative expression.
【1】. Experienced painters usually use a brush to apply oil paints to a canvas cloth surface. Young painters usually use watercolors on pieces of paper. Very young children may use finger paints to create paintings.
Painters can use their art to express devotion to a religion, to tell a story, to express feelings and ideas, or simply to present a pleasing picture. Religious paintings often show a god or a scene from a sacred text (圣典). Other common subjects have been famous legends and events in history, as well as scenes from daily life. Artists also paint portraits (画像), or pictures of people.【2】. All of these types of paintings show the human figure in some way.
Some kinds of paintings do not focus on people. In landscape (风景) painting the focus is on scenes from nature. Artists also paint still objects such as fruits and vegetables.【3】. Some artists communicate their ideas through pictures that do not represent any object.
【4】. Paintings dating back 15,000 years have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.【5】 Samples of painted pottery (陶器) from at least 5,000 years ago have been found in China and Iran. The ancient Egyptians decorated their temples with beautiful paintings. People in ancient Greece painted decorative objects such as vases in addition to the walls of temples.
A. These works are called still-life paintings.
B. These works can communicate a special feeling.
C. Humans have been making paintings for thousands of years.
D. People of all ages create pictures using a variety of materials.
E. Cave paintings generally show animals that early humans hunted.
F. The design of a painting is the plan of its lines, shapes and colors.
G. Sometimes artists make portraits of themselves, which are called self-portraits.
【1】语义理解题。Experienced painters usually use a brush to apply oil paints to a canvas cloth surface. Young painters usually use watercolors on pieces of paper. Very young children may use finger paints to create paintings.这里讲了不同绘画水平的人使用不同的绘画工具画画,故选D,D正是对下文内容的总结。
【2】语义理解题。上文内容Religious paintings often show a god or a scene from a sacred text (圣典). Other common subjects have been famous legends and events in history, as well as scenes from daily life. Artists also paint portraits (画像), or pictures of people.介绍了各种风格的绘画,下文内容All of these types of paintings show the human figure in some way.抓住关键词All of these types of paintings,可知这里应该填一种绘画风格,故选G。(有时候艺术家画自己的肖像,这被称为自画像。)
【3】语义理解题。在上句Artists also paint still objects such as fruits and vegetables.捕捉到关键词still objects静止的事物,与A选项中的still-life相呼应,故选A。
【4】语义理解题。下文内容Paintings dating back 15,000 years have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.提到绘画追溯到15,000年以前,所以上文会说人类绘画已经有几千年的历史,选C。
【5】语义理解题。在上文内容Paintings dating back 15,000 years have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.中捕捉到关键词caves,并且这句话的意思是绘画追溯到15,000年以前岩洞墙上的绘画,所以接下来会谈论洞穴绘画的绘画内容,故选E。