
8.The launch of the UK's biggest online university venture has the potential to"revolutionise conventional models of formal education"and keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education,says universities minister David Willetts.
The FutureLearn project will see more than 20 institutions enter the global market to offer massive open online courses,or Moocs.Until now,the US has led the way in the creation of Moocs,catering to an estimated 3 million learners worldwide with hundreds of courses from a range of top institutions.
Bath,Exeter,Birmingham,Edinburgh and Warwick are among the 21 UK universities that have signed up.The British Library,British Museum and British Council will also make material available to students.The venture,set up by the Open University,is a response to the rise of Moocs and will offer students a new and innovative way to access courses,says Martin Bean vice-chancellor of the Open University.Bean said,"Time and again we have seen the impact the Internet can have on industries-driving innovation and enhancing the customer experience.I have no doubt Moocs will do the same for education-offering people new and exciting ways to learn."
A senior academic at University College London-which has chosen not to be involved in FutureLearn-has questioned whether the Mooc model is the best road for universities to go down.Although free for students,online courses have some downsides.Stephen Caddick,professor at the university,says students want flexibility above all."Moocs are an online product of higher education currently experienced offline by a lot of students:inflexible",said Caddick."These courses are free to students,yet very expensive to develop for universities."
Simon Nelson,CEO of FutureLearn,said university partners see this opportunity as"money extremely well spent",helping them to boost their global profile and encourage experimentation and innovation within university departments.According to Nelson,FutureLearn will continue to expand its number of partners both in the UK and overseas,as well as develop its commercial model,which in the future could see students paying to take exams and purchase extra course material.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)
78.Besides revolutionizing traditional educational models,FutureLearn has the potential toto keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education.
79.How many learners all over the world have benefited from the online courses offered by American universities?an estimated 3 million learners
80.What are the two downsides of online courses mentioned by Stephen Caddic?These courses are inflexible and expensive to developfor unversities.
81.What is the plan for FutureLearn according to Nelson?to expand its number of partnersand develop its commercial model.

分析 英语最大的在线大学创业的启动带动了传统的教育模式的变革,在全球的教育中处于领先地位.

解答 78.to keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education 细节题.在第一段提到"The launch of the UK's biggest online university venture has the potential to"revolutionise conventional models of formal education"得出主要目的为"使英国在全球中处理领先地位".
79.an estimated 3 million learners 细节题.第二段提到"catering to an estimated 3 million learners worldwide with hundreds of courses from a range of top institutions."大概有3百万学习者获益.
80.These courses are inflexible and expensive to developfor unversities.概括题.第四段"online courses have some downsides"以及"flexibility""expensive".
81.to expand its number of partnersand develop its commercial model 细节题.根据最后一段提到了"to expand its number of partners both in the UK and overseas,as well as develop its commercial model".

点评 阅读表达主要考察学生在具体语境中处理分析和整合信息的能力,在答题时能抓住细节并注意字数的控制.

6.Job Chances in Top Schools
Throughout China
Interested in teaching in a foreign country?Schools all over China are looking for skilled teachers interested in teaching English.There are chances all over the country.Apply today!
Necessary conditions
Native speaker of English
BA Degree or higher (English and Education major preferred)
Teaching experience is preferred,but not required.
Must be a citizen of one of the following countries:Australia,Canada,Ireland,South Africa,New Zealand,the United States,or the United Kingdom.
Pay to be offered
From$1,800to$2,300a month depending on conditions and experience
Pays differ depending on schools.Benefits differ between employers,but the following benefits must be offered:
FREE apartment with furniture
Overtime pay
10---14days paid vacation
Medical insurance---generally half provided
Round-trip ticket
How to apply
To apply,only send us the following information:
Resume/Date of Birth/Recent picture
Once we receive your information,we will get you into our job matching lists,when a match is recorded,we will get in touch with you for an interview.Click on the following apply.
Now button to offer your resume and required documentation.
Any questions send us an e-mail at primejobs@teachers.com.

21.One who gets the job will teachB.
22.We can learn from the passage that a JapaneseA.
A.can't apply the job
B.can apply the job at any time
C.can get more benefits from the job
D.can get more medical insurance from the job
23.If you get the job and take the vacation for ten days,you willC.
A.be fined            
B.not get paid
C.be paid as usual      
D.be paid with overtime pay
24.Where is the passage most probably taken from?D
A.A newspaper.
B.A magazine.
C.A dictionary.
D.The Internet.
7.A Language Programme for Teenagers
Welcome to Teenagers Abroad!We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning.
Our Courses
Regardless of your choice of course,you'll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively.
Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language,with focused teaching in all 4skill areas----speaking,listening,reading and writing.
Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course,with 10additional lessons per week,guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning (see table below).
Course TypeDaysNumber of Lesson Course Timetable
Standard CourseMon-Fri20 lessons9:00-12:30
Intensive CourseMon-Fri20 lessons9:00-12:30
10 lessons13:00-14:30
Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills.The majority of them take on online language test before starting their programme.However,if this is not available,students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course.
Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course,and there will never be more than 15participants in each class.
Arrivals and Transfer
Our programme offers the full package-students are take good care of from the start through to the very end.They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort.We require the student's full details at least 4weeks in advance.
Meals/Allergies(过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements
Students are provided with breakfast,dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(which consists of a sandwich,a drink and a dessert).Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually.
We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as well as information about any medicines you take.Depending on the type of allergies and/or dietary requirements,an extra charge may be made for providing special food.
21.How does Intensive Course differ from Standard Course?C
A.It is less effective.
B.It focuses on speaking.
C.It includes extra lessons.
D.It gives you confidence
22.When can a student attend Standard Course?B
23.Before starting their programme,students are expected toA.
A.take a language test
B.have an online interview
C.prepare learning materials
D.report their language levels
24.Which of the following may require an extra payment?D
A.Cooked dinner.
B.Mealtime dessert.
C.Packed lunch.
D.Special diet.
4.More People Are Leaving the Rat Race for the Simple Life
Time is more precious than money for an increasing number of people who are choosing to live more with less-and liking it.
Kay and Charles Giddens,two lawyers,sold their home to start a B&B hotel.Four years later,the couple dishes out banana pancake breakfast,cleans toilets and serves homemade chocolate chip cookies to guests in a B&B hotel surrounded by trees on a hill known for colorful sunsets.
"Do I miss the freeways?Do I miss the traffic?Do I miss the stress?No,"says Ms.Giddens,"This is a phenomenon that's fairly widespread.A lot of people are reevaluating their lives and figuring out what they want to do.If their base is being damaged,what's the payoff?"
Simple living ranges from cutting down on weeknight activities to sharing housing,living closer to work,avoiding shopping malls,borrowing books from the library instead of buying them,and taking a cut in pay to work at a more pleasurable job.
Vicki Robin,a writer,lives on a budget equal to a fifth of what she used to make."You become conscious about where your money is going and how valuable it is,"Ms.Robin says,"You tend not to use things up.You cook at home rather than eat out…"
Janet Luhrs,a lawyer,quit her job after giving birth and leaving her daughter with a nanny for two weeks."It was not the way I wanted to raise my kids,"she says,"Simplicity is not just about saving money; it's about me sitting down every night with my kids to a candlelit dinner with classical music."
Mrs.Luhrs now edits a magazine,Simple Living,which publishes tips on how to buy recycled furniture and shoes,organize potluck dinners instead of expensive receptions,and generally how to consume less.
"It's not about poverty,"Mrs.Luhrs explains,"It's about conscious living and creating the life you want.The less stuff you buy,the less money goes out of the door,and the less money you have to earn."
24.Kay and Charles Giddens sold their home toB.
A.pay off the debt      
B.start a private hotel
C.cut down expenses   
D.buy living necessities
25.Simple living includesD.
A.building a home library
B.living in the countryside
C.enjoying a colorful night life
D.sharing housing with others
26.It can be learned from the passage that now Janet LuhrsA.
A.spends more time with her kids
B.has an interest in classical music
C.works as a reporter of a magazine
D.helps people buy recycled clothes
27.How does the author develop the passage?C
A.By using figures.
B.By asking questions.
C.By giving examples.
D.By making comparisons.
3.Once school is out for the summer,students can begin their vacation trips in the great state of New Hampshire.Here are some low budget destinations.
Cannon Mountain
It is not only the well-known oldest ski area in the US,but a top summer destination.The site offers views of the attractions of NH's Old Man of the Mountain,and the nests of eagles from the surrounding mount.You can treat yourselves to not only the small train ride,but a walk through the US ski museum and a hike along the small road.Feel free to choose a picnic lunch,or eat in the hotel.To comfortably enjoy the Cannon Mountain trip,plan to bring﹩20per person in your group.
Mount Washington Auto Road
No trip to New Hampshire is complete without taking a drive up to the Mount Washington Auto Road.At﹩28per vehicle and driver,plus﹩8for each adult,you can arrive at the mountain top.You can start your trip to the highest top in the northeast,where you can spend a day climbing the rocks,exploring the weather station and the hiker rest area.
Cruising on Lake Winnipesaukee
Lake Winnipesaukee offers seasonal trips on the largest lake in New Hampshire.Summer cruises are designed for all the visitors,from plants tours and houses visiting to evening dinner cruises.Tickets change from 15to123depending on the number of visitors and the season.
Prescott Park Arts Festival
Since 1974,the Prescott Park Arts Festival in Portsmouth has been hosting a free theater experience in the lovely river side Prescott Park.Past performances have included Annie,Shrek the Musical,and other plays.These community theater programs are a delight.And they run from June to August,with both evening shows and afternoon concerts.

33.what can we learn about Cannon Mountain?B
A.It is the oldest ski area in the world.
B.A small train ride is available there.
C.Tourists have to take their food there.
D.There are nests of eagles on the mount.
34.How much should you pay if you drive to Mount Washington Auto Road together with your parents?C
A.﹩28   B.﹩36   C.﹩44   D.﹩52
35.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A
A.Summer cruises are more expensive in the busy season.
B.The Prescott Park Arts Festival lasts for a month every year.
C.Tourists can dine in the hotel for free in the Cannon Mountain.
D.Tourists can explore the weather station in the Cannon Mountain.
20.UNITED NATIONS,December 19,2013 (Xinhua)--The United Nations held a special meeting to honor great Nelson Mandela,the former South African president who passed away on December 19,2013 at the age of 95,because Nelson Mandela is respected across the world.And to South Africans he is a superstar.He is a hero who shocked the world by fighting for peace between races,although he spent 27 years in prison.
     Nelson Mandela,winning the nation's first all-race elections in 1994,stopped working completely in 1999.But he remains as popular as ever.His being popular has promoted the whole national industry.His picture has appeared at many places,including on some goods.His face has appeared on a South African coin,a business area was named in his honour and some business leaders hope to build a great statue in his honour---the Statue of Freedom.It would stand taller than New York's Statue of Liberty.
    His being popular is similar to that of John F.Kennedy in US or Winston Churchill in Britain,but few politicians in this times have achieved his level of being popular.Sometimes it isn't completely appreciated what a skilled performer Mandela has been throughout his political career.He's a very,very clever man.However,he is far from perfect.
     Most articles for his birthday,which appeared in every major South African newspaper on the day,mainly mentioned that Mandela did have his shortcomings.Then they returned to their flowing praises.
"Through the ages,the human race has had its icons (偶像)---men and women who rose above ordinary people to encourage their generations,"The Mail and Guardian Weekly said."In our generation,the gods presented us Nelson Mandela."
56.Nelson Mandela is loved by all the people of South Africa becauseC.
A.he's as popular as Kennedy and Churchill
B.he spent 27 years in prison
C.he's a great fighter against the racialism
D.he's the first all-race elections president
57.Which of the following statements about Mandela's picture is true?A
A.It helps develop business.
B.It appears on the Statue of Freedom.
C.It is used to raise money for the Statue of Freedom.
D.It is similar to that of John F.Kennedy or Winston Churchill.
58.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means"B."
A.Mandela is as great as a god 
B.We are proud to live in Mandela's time
C.Mandela lives together with us all
D.We are proud to know Mandela
59.What can we infer from the text?A
A.He contributed a lot to the development of peace between races.
B.Most articles specially stressed Mandela's shortcomings.
C.The Statue of Freedom is a present for Mandela's birthday.
D.The article may have appeared in a newspaper on Mandela's birthday.
18.Imagine sailing through the sky,high above buildings and trees,in perfect peace and quiet.No noisy engines.No window with dirty marks in your way.No strong wind blowing in your face.You can't feel or hear the wind because you're traveling in the exact same direction and at the exact same speed it is.
A hot-air balloon has three main parts:the balloon,called an envelope; a basket,where passengers ride; and a burner system,which supplies the hot air.
Most balloon envelopes are made of strong,lightweight nylon.(尼龙) They vary in size and shape,but they have to be really,really big to lift even a single person.Most weigh more than an adult man and use more fabric(框架)than you'd need to cover a baseball diamond(棒球场).
The basket is usually made of wicker(柳条),which is strong but not too stiff(僵硬).It needs to bend a bit for a soft landing,just like a good jumper bends her legs instead of keeping them stiff and straight when she lands.
When the burner system blasts(喷出) flames,it makes a noisy sound,but once the balloon is flying,the burner can be turned off.The air in the envelope will then slowly cool,and the balloon will gradually sink unless the pilot starts the burner again.
To operate,a pilot adds hot air to the balloon to go up or deflates it to go down,until he finds a breeze blowing in the direction he wants to fly.But no matter which way the wind blows them,balloonists have an amazing bird's-eye view of the world.
56.The envelope of a hot-air balloon is used toB.
A.supply the hot air         B.hold the hot air
C.change the height         D.control the direction
57.The soft landing of a hot-air balloon requires that the basketC.
A.should be made of nylon
B.should be controlled by a good jumper
C.should be a little soft
D.should be big enough to lift one person
58.The following steps are involved in flying a hot-air balloon.In what order should these steps happen?A
①Hot air enters the balloon.②The balloon sinks.
③The burner is turned on.   ④The burner is turned off.
⑤The balloon rises.
59.The underlined word"deflates"in the last paragraph meansA.
A.releases   B.charges      C.flattens      D.separates
60.The text is probably fromD.
A.a story about hot-air balloon adventures
B.a newspaper article about hot-air balloon facts
C.a brochure advertising hot-air balloon rides
D.an article on hot-air balloons in an airplane magazine.

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