
17.He kept his eyes ________  and stayed where he was.(  )
A.shutB.to be shutC.shuttingD.to shut

分析 他闭着眼睛待在原地.

解答 答案选择A.本题考查过去分词做宾语补足语.题干中关键词keep后接非谓语动词做宾语补足语常见的两种形式:1))现在分词做宾语补足语,即keep sb./sth.doing 表示"使…保持某种状态;",分词和宾语之间是主动关系;2)过去分词做宾语补足语,即keep sb./sth.done表示"保持某事被…";分词和宾语之间是被动关系;本题中his eyes和shut之间是被动关系,所以答案选择A.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.要关注常见非谓语动词的搭配.

15.This is Tornado and Severe Weather (龙卷风与恶劣天气) Awareness Week.It's important to know what to do and where to go during severe weather.A Wisconsin couple says an early warning could have been the difference between life and deathwhen a tornado hit last summer.
Larry and Rita Krznarich were camping in northern Wisconsin last year.The day started off nice,but took a turn for the worse in the evening.So they turned on their weather radio.
"I turned the radio on and there was a specific warning:A storm is about to hit the Turtle-Flambeau.Take cover immediately,"says Larry Krznarich."I said to Rita,‘Head for the table.I'm going to warn the neighbors.'"
Larry joined Rita under the picnic table and within minutes a tornado hit.A falling tree hit Larry and broke his leg bone,but without the warning the couple says things could have been worse.
"The tent,where we may have been if not for the weather radio,was completely covered by trees; all of our things were completely covered,"says Rita Krznarich.
With spring here,people are being reminded to plan for severe weather.That includes buying a weather radio.
"The great thing about the weather radio is that it's instantaneous.It's directly from the weather service,so you're getting information at exactly the same time they're getting it,"says Tod Pritchard,Emergency Preparedness Coordinator.
Larry has recovered from his injuries and now the couple makes sure everyone they know has a weather radio.
"Ever since the storm,we've given weather radios as gifts to people.You can get them for $20so there's no excuse not to have one or a couple,"says Larry.
1.What happened to the Wisconsin couple?A
A.They survived a violent storm.
B.They were attacked while camping.
C.They got seriously injured in a tornado.
D.They were saved from danger by their neighbors.
2.The radio warned people toD.
A.stay at home in the evening     
B.aoid camping in the Turtle-Flambeau
C.watch out for falling trees      
D.protect themselves from bad weather
3.What does the underlined word"instantaneous"in the text mean?C
4.What's the main idea of the text?B
A.We should protect the environment to avoid natural disasters.
B.A weather radio should be part of severe weather preparations.
C.The Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week is necessary.
D.We should make safety plans for severe weather before we travel.
8.The launch of the UK's biggest online university venture has the potential to"revolutionise conventional models of formal education"and keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education,says universities minister David Willetts.
The FutureLearn project will see more than 20 institutions enter the global market to offer massive open online courses,or Moocs.Until now,the US has led the way in the creation of Moocs,catering to an estimated 3 million learners worldwide with hundreds of courses from a range of top institutions.
Bath,Exeter,Birmingham,Edinburgh and Warwick are among the 21 UK universities that have signed up.The British Library,British Museum and British Council will also make material available to students.The venture,set up by the Open University,is a response to the rise of Moocs and will offer students a new and innovative way to access courses,says Martin Bean vice-chancellor of the Open University.Bean said,"Time and again we have seen the impact the Internet can have on industries-driving innovation and enhancing the customer experience.I have no doubt Moocs will do the same for education-offering people new and exciting ways to learn."
A senior academic at University College London-which has chosen not to be involved in FutureLearn-has questioned whether the Mooc model is the best road for universities to go down.Although free for students,online courses have some downsides.Stephen Caddick,professor at the university,says students want flexibility above all."Moocs are an online product of higher education currently experienced offline by a lot of students:inflexible",said Caddick."These courses are free to students,yet very expensive to develop for universities."
Simon Nelson,CEO of FutureLearn,said university partners see this opportunity as"money extremely well spent",helping them to boost their global profile and encourage experimentation and innovation within university departments.According to Nelson,FutureLearn will continue to expand its number of partners both in the UK and overseas,as well as develop its commercial model,which in the future could see students paying to take exams and purchase extra course material.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)
78.Besides revolutionizing traditional educational models,FutureLearn has the potential toto keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education.
79.How many learners all over the world have benefited from the online courses offered by American universities?an estimated 3 million learners
80.What are the two downsides of online courses mentioned by Stephen Caddic?These courses are inflexible and expensive to developfor unversities.
81.What is the plan for FutureLearn according to Nelson?to expand its number of partnersand develop its commercial model.
5.It was 1:30 a.m.Monday at London's Savoy Hotel and,with autograph books and cameras,a group of brighteyed tennis fans of all ages were waiting for just a glimpse of Maria Sharapova(莎拉波娃).
    The 17-year-old girl defeated champion Serena Williams(威廉姆斯) 6-1 6-4 in the Wimbledon(温网)final on Saturday in London to become the first Russian to win a single title at the championships.
    A silver lining to a depressing,rain-hit Wimbledon,she has raised heated passion.
    Nobody was complaining,though,for the 1.83-metre Sharapova has created a welcome wave of interest in tennis,something missing in recent years.
    Not even Anna Kournikova(库尔尼科娃)evoked(唤起) such passion when she broke on to the scene.To look good on court is one thing,but Sharapova can actually play the game too.Extremely well.
    She proved it over 13 days at the world's most prestigious tournament.Playing tennis of the highest quality throughout,the Russian's triumph not only lifted the tournament from fits of rain-induced depression but also salvaged(拯救;挽回) the season for the woman's tour.
    Sharapova was given no easy ride in the tournament,having to beat 1999 champion Lindsay Davenport(达文波特)in the semifinals and twice-champion Serena Williams for the title.Neither caused her much concern.
"I don't remember too much about the final,"Sharapova giggled."I was in my own place."
    She will find it increasingly hard to find any place to call her own from now on after advertisers identified her as the most marketable woman in sport.
    In Russia she is sensational news.She headlined the news bulletins and was telephoned by former Russian President Boris Yeltsin after her triumph.
   Sharapova will return to her adoptive Florida home knowing life will never be the same again.
    But the girl who arrived in the US aged seven with her father and just US$700 is determined not to let fame and riches detract from her number one love,tennis.
"I know things will start coming up and that many more things will want to get involved,but I want to keep my head cool and play tennis,"she said.
61.Why is Savoy Hotel mentioned in the passage?C
A.Because the good-looking Kournikova would break on to the scene.
B.Because the fans wanted to take a picture of Sharapova.
C.Because Sharapova was expected to appear there.
D.Because it gave the fanatics shelter from the rain.
62.Who has won the most times in Wimbledon?C
A.Sharapova.B.Kournikova.C.Serena Williams.D.Davenport
63.Before Sharapova,there was(were)DRussian(s) who had won the title.
64.Which of the following statements about this year's Wimbledon is RIGHT?A
A.The rain caused depression in the tournament.
B.Sharapova beat the 17-year-old Serena Williams with a silver lining.
C.Sharapova won the title without effort.
D.Lindsay Davenport met Sharapova in the final and lost the title.
65.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin will phone Sharapova for her success.
B.It's not easy for Sharapova to keep herself away from the advertisers.
C.Sharapova doesn't like fame or riches.
D.Sharapova will continue to live a quiet life in her second homeland-Florida.
6.In Antarctica(南极),when spring comes,ice begins to melt,and the sun stays in the sky all night long.
In the brightly world,the large gray head of a Weddell seal (威德尔海豹) appears through a crack (裂缝) in the ice.The seal takes several deep breaths,and then she opens her mouth,turning her head from side to side.With her teeth,she gets rid of bits of ice.Seals are mammalOs(哺乳动物),and they need to breathe air,for which Weddell seals use their teeth to make sure their breathing holes stay open.
The seal makes the hole bigger,and when she can fit her large body through it,she jumps out onto the ice-she is getting ready to have a baby.On the ice shelf,the seal gives birth to a baby.The baby is about three feet long and is covered with thick fur that protects it from the cold wind.The baby drinks its mother's milk and grows quickly.With a few weeks,it is more than six feet long.Under the seal's skin is thick layer of fat called blubber,which keeps the seal warm in its frozen world.
When the baby seal is about two weeks old,it begins to dive with its mother.They slide through the breathing hole into the water below the ice,where the baby seal learns to swim,diving deeper and deeper.In order to stay underwater,it must learn to hold its breath and control its heart rate.
Below the ice,the sun shines brightly through the hole.Finding the opening to breathe is easy,but getting back onto the slippery ice can be difficult for a young seal.With practice and its mother's help,the baby seal soon feels at home both on the ice and under it.
The young seal spends more and more time below the ice,where it learns to hunt for food.When the young seal is about two months old,it will have to feed itself independently.When it becomes an adult,it will swim farther out in search of food,but it will always live on or under the ice.

71.Paragraph 2is mainly aboutD.
A.the function of Weddell seals'teeth
B.the living conditions of Weddlel seals
C.how Weddell seals move under the ice
D.how Weddell seals keep their breathing holes open
72.According to Paragraph 3,the baby sealD.
A.grows slowly    
B.is still short after a few weeks
C.is born under the ice     
D.is covered with thick fur
73.The baby seal begins learning to swim and dive when it is aboutB.
A.two days old                   B.two weeks old
C.two months old                 D.two years old
74.For a young Weddell seal,C.
A.its father's help is important
B.getting onto the ice shelf is easy
C.finding the breathing hole is easy
D.learning to hunt for food is unnecessary
75.The text is mainly aboutA.
A.Weddell seals'life
B.animals on and under the ice
C.how Weddell seals keep warm
D.what the winter in Antarctica is like.

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